Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/12–485
Corona. Je ontsnapt er ook in het “Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart” niet aan. Daarbovenop waren er nog dingen die fout liepen. China kende problemen met de eerste lancering van een LM 7A. Ook de lancering van een Falcon 9 liep niet van een leien dakje, al werden de Starlink-satellieten zonder problemen in hun baan uitgezet. De lancering van 34 OneWeb satellieten verliep dan weer vlekkeloos, maar er gaan geruchten de ronde dat OneWeb op weg is naar het faillissement. En het Space Launch System heeft al geen goeie naam, ook de eerste Mobile Launcher kost (veel) meer dan voorzien. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
En vergeet niet vrijwel dagdagelijkse aanvullende nieuwtjes op de Facebookpagina “Ruimtevaartnieuws”.
Bij de foto: Het Mobile Launcher 1 platform valt een “beetje” duurder uit dan was vooropgesteld. Foto: NASA/Kim Shiflett.
Eerste lancering Chinese Lange Mars 7A loopt fout.
Space News: Launch of China’s new Long March 7A ends in failure.
NasaSpaceFlight: Long March 7A fails during Xinjishu Yanzheng-6 mission.
Spaceflight Now: China announces failure in first launch of new Long March 7A rocket.
Spacepage: Eerste lancering Chinese Long March-7A raket mislukt.
RoomEU: Failure of China's Long March 7A launch could impact major missions.
Rusland lanceert navigatiesatelliet.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with Glonass-M satellite launched from Plesetsk spaceport.
TASS: Russia’s Glonass-M satellite put into designated orbit — defense ministry.
Roscosmos: Fregat booster injected Glonass-M satellite into orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Soyuz 2-1b launches latest GLONASS-M spacecraft.
Spaceflight Now: Soyuz rocket launches with Russian navigation satellite.
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b launches GLONASS-M navigation satellite.
SpaceX lanceert alweer 60 Starlink-satellieten, maar kent problemen bij de lancering.
Het begon met een afgebroken countdown wordt op 00:00:00.
Teslarati: SpaceX rocket performs first last-second launch abort in years, delaying Starlink mission.
Florida Today: SpaceX confirms new date for Starlink launch from Kennedy Space Center.
De lancering verliep enkele dagen later ogenschijnlijk perfect, maar één van de 9 motoren viel voortijdig uit. Wat later ging de eerste trap verloren.
Teslarati: SpaceX loses record-breaking rocket booster after sixth successful Starlink launch.
SpaceNews: SpaceX launches Starlink satellites, misses booster landing for second time.
Spaceflight Now: Falcon 9 rocket overcomes engine failure to deploy Starlink satellites.
SpaceCom: Elon Musk says SpaceX will investigate Falcon 9 rocket engine anomaly before launching again.
Teslarati: SpaceX may have missed a rocket booster landing but it snagged both nosecone halves.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch with Starlink-5, 15 March 2020.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 6 launch & Falcon 9 first stage attempted landing, 18 March 2020.
Video From Space: SpaceX deploys Starlink 5 mission's 60 satellites after launch.
Nog dit:
Teslarati: SpaceX talks results of ‘DarkSat’ coating aimed at reducing brightness of Starlink satellites.
Space News: SpaceX claims some success in darkening Starlink satellites.
En ook dit:
GeekWire: SpaceX wins FCC license for up to a million Starlink satellite broadband data terminals.
Soyuz lanceert OneWeb-satellieten.
Voorafgaand aan de lancering verscheen dit artikel:
Bloomberg Tech: SoftBank’s OneWeb to Consider Bankruptcy as Cash Dwindles.
Spaceflight Now: Soyuz launch preps in Kazakhstan proceed despite travel restrictions.
Collect Space: OneWeb dedicates satellite launch to first spacewalker Alexei Leonov.
Arianespace: Fourth successful launch in 2020 for Arianespace.
NasaSpacelight: Arianespace, Starsem launches new batch of OneWeb satellites.
Space News: Soyuz launches 34 OneWeb satellites.
GeekWire: 34 satellites go into orbit for OneWeb’s broadband constellation, amid questions about finances.
BBC: OneWeb increases mega-constellation to 74 satellites.
De persmap voor deze lancering vind je hier (PDF).
Roscosmos TV: Lancering Soyuz 2.1b (de live uitzending).
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight ST28 - Launch Sequence.
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b ready to launch OneWeb 3.
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b launches OneWeb 3.
Lanceert Astra zijn gloednieuwe raket volgende week?
Ze deden eerder een poging in kader van DARPA’s Launch Challenge. Maar de lancering werd uitgesteld.
Spaceflight Now: Astra readies for possible launch attempt next week.
Voor meer info over DARPA’s Launch Challenge en ASTRA zie NUDR 482 en NUDR 483
Commercial Crew – Crew Dragon vertrekt – met bemanning – in mei (van dit jaar).
Teslarati: SpaceX, NASA ready for first crewed launch from US soil in almost a decade.
Space News: NASA targets May for Crew Dragon test flight.
Gizmodo: NASA, SpaceX Still Aiming to Launch Manned Crew Dragon Demo-2 Test as Early as May.
Space Policy Online: NASA & SpaceX soldier on despite coronavirus, set may for launch of Demo 2.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Explores Heart Cells, Genetic Expression for Earth and Space Benefits.
NASA ISS Blog: Space Impacts on Heart and Bones May Provide Earth Therapies.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Science Promoting Earth, Space Therapies Ahead of Crew Swap.
NASA ISS Blog: Space Cardiac Research as Station Orbits Higher For Next Crew.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacesuit Work, Air Quality and Radiation Checks on Station Today.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/13/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/16/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/17/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/18/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/19/2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of March 16, 2020
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: Next Space Station Crew Takes a Break From Training.
TASS: ISS orbit raised ahead of Soyuz MS-16 manned spacecraft’s docking.
Space Policy Online: Chris Cassidy on track for 6-month ISS visit despite coronavirus.
Spaceflight Now: Astronaut’s family won’t attend launch next month due to coronavirus threat.
ESA (podcast): Beyond Series – Luca reflects on a mission E10.
ESA: Space Foam.
SciTechDaily: NASA’s Plans to Explore the Moon and Beyond Aided by Space Station Research.
NASA: Space to Ground: In Times of Adversity: 03/20/2020
Artemis – De SLS Mobile Launcher ML-1 kost een pak meer dan verwacht.
OIG: Audit of NASA’s development of its Mobile Launcher (PDF).
Een samenvatting vind je ook in deze video.
Space News: Report finds delays and cost overruns in SLS mobile launch platform development.
Space Policy Online: More SLS overruns – This time the ground segment.
NasaSpaceFlight: OIG leans on NASA to avoid the mistakes of ML-1 with SLS’s second Mobile Launcher.
Vorige week hadden we het ook over de problemen met de SLS zelf.
SpaceCom: Over budget, behind schedule: NASA's SLS megarocket faces congressional review
Artemis – SLS/Orion en Corona.
NASA: Test Version of Orion Capsule Recovered in the Pacific Ocean.
ESA: Tests complete for Orion.
Airbus: Orion spacecraft for Artemis I mission successfully completes major testing.
Space News: Coronavirus pandemic to halt SLS testing.
Space Policy Online: Work on SLS and Orion Suspended at Stennis and Michoud due to Coronavirus.
Spaceflight Now: Facing pandemic, NASA shutters rocket factory, halts SLS and Orion testing.
Artemis – Gateway.
Spaceflight Now: NASA no longer counting on Gateway for 2024 moon landing.
NasaSpaceFlight: NASA decides against using Gateway for 2024 lunar landing.
Popular Mechanics: NASA's Lunar Gateway Won't Help Put Boots on the Moon.
Artemis – Naar de Maan in 2024 (?)
IEEE Spectrum: Can Astronauts Use GPS to Navigate on the Moon? NASA Scientists Say Yes.
ESA: Growing stem cells for deep space exploration.
NASA OIG: NASA's Development of Ground and Flight Application Software for the Artemis Program (PDF).
NASA Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 31, Commercial Lunar Payload Services.
SpaceX – Starship.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship prototype speeding towards launch pad for first Raptor engine tests.
What About It ?: SpaceX Starship Updates – Starship Mass Production Update (19/03).
Marcus House: SpaceX Starship SN3 Rapid Stacking and News, Starlink 5 & missing Booster.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Universe Today: The Intense Heat from the Sun Helps Ice Form on Mercury. Wait… What?
Video From Space: Ice on Mercury - How does it form?
Via Satellite: Managing Wildfires With Assistance From Satellites.
PhysOrg: Observing phytoplankton via satellite.
ESA Belgium: COVID-19: stikstofdioxide boven China.
Het bijbehorend filmpje vind je hier.
PROBA-VGT: Need for more freshwater in the Aral Sea.
CGTN: China's Chang'e-4 probe resumes work for 16th lunar day (filmpje).
SpaceCom: China's Chang'e 4 lander and rover awake one more on far side of the moon.
Sputnik News: Launch of 1st Lunar Mission in Russia's Modern History Set for October 2021 – Scientist.
Curiosity Mission Updates: Sol 2710-2712: Full Drill Ahead!
NASA JPL: How NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover Takes a Selfie (filmpje).
Space News: “Overstressed” NASA Mars exploration budget threatens missions.
Space Policy Online: So Far So Good for Mars 2020.
NASA: NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover Gets Its Sample Handling System.
Spacewatch: UAE’s Hope Mars Missio on Schedule for July Launch Despite Pandemic.
EuroNews: UAE Mars probe could help battle climate change on Earth (filmpje).
DLR: Asteroid Ryugu likely link in planetary formation.
SpaceCom: Rocky asteroid Ryugu got its rubble from a porous parent, study finds.
EurekAlert: Hayabusa2's big 'impact' on understanding asteroid Ryugu's age and surface cohesion.
New Scientist: Bombing asteroid Ryugu reveals it is a spritely 9 million years old.
Science News: The asteroid Ryugu has a texture like freeze-dried coffee.
NASA: Powerful Thruster Is Prepared for Demonstration Mission to Asteroid.
Het corona-virus en de ruimtevaart.
Spaceflight Now: Launches from French Guiana suspended due to coronavirus.
Space News: Arianespace suspends French Guiana launches amid coronavirus response.
ESA: Coronavirus and ESA’s duty of care.
ESA: Mission Control adjusts to coronavirus conditions.
NASA: NASA Administrator March 17 Statement on Agency Response to Coronavirus.
NasaWatch: Tomorrow All NASA Centers Will Be At Stage 3 - Ames at Stage 4.
NASA: March 19 Administrator Statement on Agency Response to Coronavirus.
NASA: NASA Leadership Assessing Mission Impacts of Coronavirus.
Space News: All NASA centers shift to mandatory telework.
Spaceflight Now: NASA institutes mandatory agency-wide telework policy.
Space News: Coronavirus pauses work on JWST.
Space Policy Online: Coronavirus suspends work on the James Webb Space Telescope.
SpaceCom: Coronavirus precautions are changing life for NASA astronaut's launch to space station.
Flight Global: Satellite airport images show coronavirus impact.
Space News: OHB says coronavirus may delay satellite projects but won’t cost revenu.
SpaceWatch: Afghanistan seeks use of Indian Satellite for distance learning during COVID-19 crisis.
Space News: Rocket Lab launch preparations continue despite coronavirus travel restrictions.
Space News: Blue Origin pressing on with rocket and engine development as industry copes with coronavirus.
Space News: Gogo pursuing satellite contract changes as coronavirus dampens demand.
Space News: Space should fare better against coronavirus than other industries, report says.
The Verge: How NASA is preparing to launch humans to space as coronavirus pandemic worsens.
SpaceCom: What quarantine is like for an astronaut.
Vintage Space: How Apollo Astronauts Passed Time in Quarantine (filmpje).
SpaceRef: The Parallels Between Space Missions And COVID-19 Isolation.
Ars Technica: Buzz Aldrin has some advice for Americans in quarantine.
En nog dit, goed om weten:
SpaceCom: No, the coronavirus didn't come from outer space.
Nog dit: Al Worden – maanreiziger – sterft op 88 jarige leeftijd, weduwe Gagarin op 84 jarige leeftijd.
NASA: NASA Remembers Apollo 15 Astronaut Al Worden.
NASA’s webpagina over Al Worden vind je hier.
Collect Space: Apollo astronaut Al Worden, who orbited the moon, dies at 88.
GeekWire: Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden dies at 88, leaving 11 living moon travelers.
NPR: Retired Apollo 15 Astronaut Al Worden Dies At 88.
Air&Space Mag: Al Worden, the Poet of Apollo 15.
Nog dit filmpje:
NASA: NASA Remembers Apollo Astronaut Al Worden.
TASS: Valentina Gagarina, widow of world’s first man is space, dies at age 84.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,