Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/30–503
Mars. Mars. Mars. Mars. Mars. De voorbije week stond de Rode Planeet in de belangstelling en het is nog niet meteen gedaan. Na de geslaagde lanceringen van Al Amal (Verenigde Arabische Emiraten) en Tianwen-1 (China) is het donderdag de beurt aan Perseverance. En dan is het 7 maanden wachten tot februari 2021 wanneer dit trio bij zijn bestemming aankomt.
Spannend was het ook voor het International Space Station. Niet zozeer omwille van een zoveelste ruimtewandeling, dan wel een koppeling met een Progress die niet echt volgens het boekje verliep. En waarom deden de Russen geen abort van de koppeling, zoals de veiligheidsvoorschriften het zouden vereist hebben? Het komt de verstandhouding tussen de Amerikanen en de Russen wellicht niet ten goed, Zeker niet nu de Russen ook een anti-satelliettest uitgevoerd hebben waarbij vanuit de ene satelliet een projectiel op een andere satelliet werd afgevuurd.
Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Na Al Amal van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten vertrok donderdag als tweede de Chinese Tianwen-1 met een Lange Mars 5 naar de Rode Planeet. Foto: CNSA.
Mars – Al Amal op weg naar de Rode Planeet.
MHI: MHI Successfully Launches the Emirates Mars Mission, HOPE Spacecraft.
Voor heel wat details en korte filmpjes, zie de Twitter-account van de “Hope Mars Mission”.
Japan Today: Japanese rocket carrying UAE Mars probe blasts off.
Space News: UAE’s Hope mission on its way to Mars.
Spaceflight Now: United Arab Emirates successfully sends its first mission toward Mars.
NasaSpaceFlight: United Arab Emirates begins historic first interplanetary mission.
Collect Space: First UAE interplanetary mission launches 'Hope' to Mars.
PhysOrg: UAE's Amal spacecraft rockets toward Mars in Arab world 1st.
The New York Times: Mars Mission From United Arab Emirates Embarks on 7-Month Journey.
Spaceflight Now: H-2A launch timeline with the Emirates Mars Mission.
Spaceflight Now: Photos: H-2A rocket reaches launch pad with UAE’s Hope Mars probe.
RoomEU: Hope launch heralds ambitious future space plans.
Zie ook het dossier “Mission To Mars” in de Khaleej Times, of “UAE in Space” in de National.
De filmpjes:
Hope Mars Mission: Live streaming for the launch of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.42 (met een Engelstalige tolk).
Hope Mars Mission: Hope Mars Mission: Live Launch (met heel wat interviews en commentaren vanuit de studio, in het Engels).
Hope Mars Mission: Hope Mars Mission: Live Launch |Without Commentary| (interessant, wegens heel wat andere beelden dan in de studio uitzending).
SciNews: Hope Mars Mission Launch..
EuroNews: United Arab Emirates successfully launches historic first Mars mission.
EuroNews: The Hope Probe: the Arab world’s first interplanetary mission.
Lancering Zuidkoreaanse militaire satelliet en een record voor SpaceX.
Eerst nog eentje van begin juni:
Spaceflight Now: South Korean satellite shipped to Cape Canaveral for Falcon 9 launch next month.
En dan deze week:
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX going for rocket reuse record with South Korean satellite launch.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s next launch could still break rocket reuse record despite more delays.
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon 9 breaks NASA Shuttle reuse record, catches full rocket nosecone.
Teslarati: SpaceX rocket nosecone catch years in the making caught on camera.
Channel News Asia: South Korea's first military satellite launched.
Space News: SpaceX Falcon 9 launches South Korea’s Anasis-2 military satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Launches ANASIS-II Military Communications Satellite for South Korea.
Spaceflight Now: Falcon 9 launch timeline with Anasis 2.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX delivers South Korea’s first military satellite into on-target orbit.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX shares video of first double fairing catch.
SpaceX: ANASIS-II Mission.
SpaceX: ANASIS-II Mission Control Audio.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches ANASIS-II & Falcon 9 first stage landing.
US Launch Report: SpaceX - ANASIS-II - Launch - Fairing Deploy 07-20-2020.
America Space: 6K On-Site View: SpaceX Launches ANASIS-II.
US Launch Report: SpaceX Return To Port - ANASIS-II 07-24-2020.
En over de volgende vlucht:
Teslarati: SpaceX Starlink launch scheduled day before ULA NASA Mars mission.
Mars – China’s Tianwen op weg naar de Rode Planeet.
ECNS: China prepares two relay satellites for Mars mission.
CNA: China launches Mars probe in space race with US.
CNA: From the moon to Mars: China's long march in space.
SupChina: China’s first Mars mission launches.
ECNS: Chinese space tracking ships complete monitoring of Mars probe launch.
ECNS: China's deep space monitoring network is tracking Mars probe.
ECNS: China's Mars probe not to compete for space leadership: FM.
Global Times: China’s Mars mission delights space fans.
Spaceflight Now: China moves massive rocket into place for ambitious Mars shot.
Spaceflight Now: China launches robotic mission to orbit, land, and drive on Mars.
Space News: Tianwen-1 launches for Mars, marking dawn of Chinese interplanetary exploration.
Collect Space: China launches Tianwen-1 mission to orbit and land rover on Mars.
NasaSpaceFlight: China seeks “Heavenly Questions” with ambitious Tianwen-1 mission to Mars.
BBC: China's Tianwen-1 Mars rover rockets away from Earth.
Time: China Launches an Ambitious Attempt to Land a Rover on Mars.
Enkele foto’s:
ECNS: China launches first Mars mission.
CGTN: China: Tianwen-1 is ready for lift-off.
CGTN: China continues preparations for its first Mars exploration project.
CGTN: Models of China's Mars lander, rover make debut.
SciNews: Tianwen-1 Mars Rover and Lander.
CCTV: China's Mars Mission Tianwen-1 Takes off.
IRL: Long March 5 launches Tianwen-1 (Multi Camera Comparison).
SciNews: Long March-5 Y4 launches Tianwen-1.
New China TV: China successfully launches Tianwen-1 Mars mission.
New China TV: 360 Video: China launches first Mars mission.
CCTV: Successful Launch of Mars Probe to Advance China's Deep Space Exploration: Spokesman.
New China TV: China's Mars mission heralds new era in deep space probe.
CGTN: Chief designer of Long March-5 Rocket shares his feelings right after the launch.
CGTN: Detailed plans of Tianwen-1 mission to Mars.
CGTN: Chinese youth's perceptions of Mars.
CGTN: China's first mission to the Red Planet.
CGTN: Mars 101 with Beijing Planetarium director.
CGTN: The Point: What is Tianwen-1's mission?
CCTV: China's Space Endeavor Entirely for Peaceful Purposes: FM Spokesman.
Seeker: How China’s First Mission to Mars Could Be a Gamechanger.
ISS – Problematische Progress-koppeling 2 omlopen na lancering.
Roscosmos: Progress MS-15 sent to final assembly with the launch vehicle.
Roscosmos: Final assembly of launch vehicle with Progress MS-15 cargo spacecraft.
Roscosmos: Progress MS-15 rolled out to the launchpad.
Roscosmos: Progress MS-15 cleared for launch.
Roscosmos: Progress MS-15 cargo spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket delivers Progress MS-15 resupply ship into orbit.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with Progress MS-15 resupply ship blasts off from Baikonur.
TASS: Progress MS-15 cargo spacecraft docks to ISS.
Spaceflight Now: Soyuz rocket raised on Baikonur launch pad for space station resupply flight.
Spaceflight Now: Progress supply ship docks with space station after last-minute misalignment.
NasaSpaceFlight: Progress MS-15 arrives at Station with eventful automated docking.
Space Center Yuzhny: Progress MS-15 rolled out to the launchpad.
NASA: Expedition 63 Progress 76 Launch - July 23, 2020.
NASA: Expedition 63 Progress 76 Docking.
SciNews: Progress MS-15 launch (On-board camera view).
Video From Space: Soyuz's automated rendezvous system corrects misalignment prior to space station dock.
SciNews: Progress MS-15 docking.
China lanceert nieuwe remote sensing satelliet.
NasaSpaceFlight: Long March 4B lofts latest Ziyuan-3 satellite.
Space News: China launches Ziyuan Earth observation and lobster eye X-ray astronomy satellites.
Spaceflight Now: China launches high-resolution mapping satellite.
CCTV: China Launches New High-resolution Mapping Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-4B launches Ziyuan III 03.
Rusland test anti-satellietwapen.
Time: America Really Does Have a Space Force. We Went Inside to See What It Does.
SpaceCom: U.S. Space Command again condemns Russia for anti-satellite weapon test.
Spaceflight Now: U.S. officials say Russia tested a new anti-satellite weapon.
The Science Times: Did Russia Fire a Satellite Weapon in Space? US and UK Think So.
TASS: Russia says satellite tests created no threats in outer space.
TASS: Russia committed to full demilitarization of outer space, Kremlin says.
Een filmpje:
Sky News Australia: US and UK report Russia used an anti-satellite weapon in space.
CNN News Today: U.S. Space Force Accuses Russia Of In-Orbit Testing Of Anti-Satellite Weapon - Today News.
Astra bepaalt nieuwe lanceerdatum.
Space News: Astra sets early August for next launch attempt.
Spaceflight Now: Astra ships next small satellite launcher to Alaska spaceport.
Oorzaak mislukte lancering LauncherOne bekend.
Space News: Virgin Orbit identifies cause of engine shutdown on first LauncherOne flight.
Spaceflight Now: Virgin Orbit traces cause of LauncherOne engine failure to propellant line.
Commercial Crew – Starliner.
Space News: NASA safety panel has lingering doubts about Boeing Starliner quality control.
Nasa Watch: Apparently Space Is Too Hard For Boeing.
Aviation Week: CEO Interview: David Calhoun’s Mission To Fix Boeing.
Commercial Crew – Crew Dragon.
Florida Today: NASA and SpaceX set timeframe for Crew Dragon's first operational mission.
NASA: SpaceX Crew Dragon Flies Through Habitability Testing.
America Space: SpaceX Crew Dragon Habitability Testing (b-roll).
ISS – Cassidy en Behnken doen elk hun 10de ruimtewandeling.
Collect Space: NASA astronauts tie spacewalk record on EVA to prep ISS upgrades.
Spaceflight Now: Spacewalkers prep space station for future upgrades.
PhysOrg: Astronauts squeeze in last spacewalk before SpaceX departure.
NASA: Spacewalk to Upgrade Space Station's Power System (de ganse ruimtewandeling).
Nog dit:
Collect Space: NASA jettisons Apollo moon landing stats to reach 300th US EVA.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Ready for Spacewalk and Cargo Mission This Week.
NASA ISS Blog: NASA TV Broadcasts Spacewalk on Tuesday.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalk Coverage Live Now on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Astronauts Behnken and Cassidy Start Spacewalk.
NASA ISS Blog: Behnken and Cassidy Conclude Ten Spacewalks Each.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Awaits Cargo, Works Science and Departure Following Spacewalk.
NASA ISS Blog: NASA TV Broadcasts Russian Rocket Launch to Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Russian Cargo Ship Blasts Off on Express Delivery.
NASA ISS Blog: Resupply Ship Docks to Station After Two Orbits.
NASA ISS Blog: Two Astronauts Prep for Homecoming After Spacewalk and Cargo Mission.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/16/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/17/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/20/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/21/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/22/2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of July 20, 2020.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Executive Gov: NASA seeking info on liability approaches for private astronaut missions to ISS.
Tijdens de ruimtewandeling werd o.a. de komst van de Bishop Airlock voorbereid:
Nanoracks: Bishop Airlock.
NASA: Space to Ground: Same Day Delivery: 07/24/2020.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - July 24, 2020.
NASA: Fruit Punch and Foam: Managing Liquids in Space.
NASA: Expedition 63 Inflight interview with Yahoo Finance KPRC TV - July 24, 2020.
Deep Space Podcast: Entrepreneurs in Space: Episode 3 - Axiom Space, Mike Suffredini.
ESA: Matthias Maurer: training for a spacewalk (filmpje).
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Florida Today: NASA inspector targets awards as Orion / Artemis over budget and behind schedule.
Aerojet Rocketdyne: Aerojet Rocketdyne completes its propulsion for NASA’s Artemis II mission.
NASA: 6 Technologies NASA is Advancing to Send Humans to Mars.
Het bijbehorende filmpje vind je hier.
Aviation Week: Lunar Exploration Missions To Preface U.S. Artemis Launch.
Space News: White House report outlines integrated strategy for space exploration and development.
Space Policy Online: Space Council’s Moon to Mars development strategy.
NASA Watch: National Space Council Report: Nice Words - But Where's The Budget?
Het rapport in kwestie vind je hier (PDF).
AL.COM: Democrats say they support Moon mission for NASA.
NASA Watch: Draft 2020 Democratic Party Platform Statement On Space.
Space News: Democratic platform calls for continuity in NASA programs.
NASA: NASA Building SLS Rocket Core Stage for Artemis II.
Mars – Perseverance en Inguinity.
NASA: NASA to Broadcast Mars 2020 Perseverance Launch, Prelaunch Activities.
NASA: NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover Passes Flight Readiness Review.
NASA: Excitement Builds as NASA’s Mars Perseverance Launch Nears.
Spaceflight Now: Plutonium power source installed on NASA’s next Mars rover.
Florida Today: NASA is prepared for the risks of launching nuclear-powered rover.
BBC: Nasa Mars rover: How Perseverance will hunt for signs of past life.
CNES: [MARS2020] SuperCam, l’innovation made in France.
The Planetary Society: Perseverance Microphones Fulfill Long Planetary Society Campaign to Hear Sounds from Mars.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Provides Navigation System for NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Mission.
Astronomy: Ingenuity: A man's decades-long quest to fly a helicopter on Mars.
NASA RocketSTEM plaatste een hele reeks artikels over Mars en Perseverance.
Je vindt ze hier.
NASA: NASA Leaders Discuss Mars Perseverance Mission.
NASA: Getting NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover to the Launch Pad.
ULA: Atlas V Mars 2020 Mission Profile.
Science At NASA: Perseverance Mars Rover & the Search for Ancient Life.
NASA: Perseverance Rover: How We Protect Mars From Earthly Germs.
NASA Podcast: Gravity Assist: She Protects Other Planets from Our Germs.
NASA: Houston We Have A Podcast: Perseverance.
NASA: NASA Space Crafts: Mars Perseverance Rover.
Nog dit:
Scott Manley: What do Porkchops and Mars Missions Have To Do With Each Other?
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
New China TV: Loon launches balloon internet service in Kenya (filmpje).
ESA: Sea-level charting satellite passes with flying colours.
ESA: Mapping the Oaxaca earthquake from space.
NASA: Landsat 9: Continuing the Legacy Promo (filmpje).
NASA: Sols 2831-2835: The One Where Curiosity Takes Mary Anning to Mars.
ESA: From Earth to Mars: Rosalind Franklin’s centenary of science.
ESA: Mars Rover Revival.
ESA: ESA explores Mars at virtual Farnborough Airshow.
Aviation Week: The Eight Spacecraft Currently Operating At Mars.
PhysOrg: NASA Juno takes first images of jovian moon Ganymede's north pole.
SpaceX – Starship.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship kicks off busy week of tests to prepare for flight debut.
Teslarati: SpaceX begins building upgraded Starship prototype.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship flight debut could happen this week, says Elon Musk.
What About It?: SpaceX Starship Updates – Why a hop will happen this time!
What About It?: What Will A SpaceX Starship Launch Pad Look Like?
EC bespaart op ruimtevaart.
Space News: European Commission agrees to reduced space budget.
GeoSpatial World: All about European Commission’s Space budget cut.
ScienceMag: EU leaders slash science spending in €1.8 trillion deal.
Agence Europe: Budget cuts proposed by European Commission worry European Parliament.
Agence Europe: Massimiliano Salini regrets budget cuts in EU 2021-2027 Space Programme.
EurActiv: Budget battle hampers EU in space.
SatNews: DRAG RACER Satellite Qualification Completed.
SpaceCom: Effects of Worst Satellite Breakups in History Still Felt Today.
The Iris Times: Space as a giant bin? The problem with orbital debris. Falling Russian space junk spotted in skies across West Texas.
SatNews: Spaceflight Inc. Sets Up 16 Smallsats & Their Own OTV for SpaceX’s Next Rideshare Mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: Mission Extension Vehicles Validate New Satellite Lifeline in Orbit.
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