Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/33–506
Dan toch een beetje vakantiegevoel deze week wat ruimtevaart betreft, een ruimtevaartweek dus zonder echte uitschieters. SpaceX doet rustig verder in Boca Chica, NASA kondigde de volgende Crew Dragon aan, En Arianespace lanceerde na een lange periode zonder lanceringen eindelijk nog eens een Ariane-V.
Het enige echt opwindende had plaats op een klein rotsblok met de naam Bennu. Daar werd met OSIRIS-REx een laatste keer de procedure gerepeteerd voor het ophalen van een bodemmonster. Een beetje zoals Apollo 10. Afdalen mag, maar aanraken, dat mag nog niet. Het leverde in elk geval weer mooie beelden op en het wordt uitkijken naar 20 oktober wanneer het bodemmonster dan echt moet opgehaald worden.
Bij de foto: Deze foto is genomen op iets meer dan 100 meter boven het oppervlak. OSIRIS-REx zou bij de laatste repetitie tot 40 meter zakken om dan weer op te stijgen. Op de foto zie je ook TAGSAM (Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism). Bij touchdown wordt er stikstof uitgestoten. Stof en steentjes waaien op en worden door TAGSAM opgevangen. Foto: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona.
Ariane lanceert twee comsats en Mission Extension Vehicle 2.
Arianespace: Triple mission success for Ariane 5.
ESA: Ariane 5’s third launch of 2020.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Spaceflight Now: Ariane 5 rocket returns to launch pad for liftoff with commercial satellites.
Spaceflight Now: Debuting upgrades, Ariane 5 rocket deploys three U.S.-built satellites in orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ariane 5 launches Mission Extension Vehicle, two communications satellites to orbit.
Space News: Arianespace lofts three spacecraft in first Ariane 5 launch since start of pandemic.
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight VA253 – Galaxy 30 / MEV-2 / BSAT-4b (EN) (de live uitzending).
Arianespace: Launch Sequence VA253 – Galaxy 30 / MEV-2 / BSAT-4b.
Arianespace: Successful Mission VA253 – Galaxy 30 / MEV-2 / BSAT-4b.
Arianespace: Official Speeches VA253 – Galaxy 30 / MEV-2 / BSAT-4b.
Eerste operationele Crew Dragon vertrekt (niet vroeger dan) 23 oktober.
NASA: NASA, SpaceX Targeting October for Next Astronaut Launch.
Space News: NASA sets late October launch date for first operational Crew Dragon mission.
Spaceflight Now: NASA sets Oct. 23 as target launch date for first operational Crew Dragon mission.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule Preps for Next Mission with NASA.
Crew Dragon Demo 2 – Endeavour terug op land.
Teslarati: SpaceX returns five-flight Falcon 9 booster to port as next reuse milestone nears.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s historic Crew Dragon spacecraft returned to dry land for reuse.
Spaceflight Now: Back at Cape Canaveral, SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule preps for next mission.
De naweeën van het NSSL-contract.
In vorige NUDR kon je lezen over de eigenlijke toekenning.
Business Insider: How SpaceX outmaneuvered Blue Origin and other rivals to clinch a prized Space Force launch agreement worth billions.
Space News: Tory Bruno on ULA’s big win: ‘We knew we were going to be competitive’.
CNBC: Elon Musk blasts SpaceX competitor ULA as ‘a complete waste of taxpayer money’.
Quarz: (met o.a. een overzicht van de rechtszaken die werden aangespannen en al dan nog niet lopende zijn na de uitreiking van het vorige contract).
Space News: Air Force to end agreements with Blue Origin and Northrop Grumman, prepares for launch contract protests.
Meer raketnieuws.
US Air Force: X-37B spaceplane wins Collier Trophy for advancing ‘the boundaries of flight and space exploration’.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Successfully Completes First Qualification Test of New Rocket Motor for United Launch Alliance.
Space News: Northrop Grumman completes ground test of solid booster for ULA’s Vulcan Centaur.
Beelden van de GEM 63XL Static Test vind je hier.
Parabolic Arc: Brazilian Space Agency Receives 14 Proposals for Use of Alcantara Spaceport.
Space News: Rocket Lab ready to attempt Electron booster recovery.
Via Satellite: SES CEO Steve Collar Talks ULA, SpaceX C-Band Launch Contracts.
Via Satellite: Will Launchers Survive 2020’s ‘Gloom and Doom’ Climate?
Space News: Space Force foresees need for fast response launch vehicles and in-space logistics.
Spacewatch Asia: The Rocket & Satellite Company (Pakistan) announce first launch date.
CSG: Le chantier Ariane 6 en 60 secondes (filmpje).
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Station Team Starts Workweek Researching Physics and Biotech.
NASA Space Station Blog: Japanese Resupply Ship Departs Next Week.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Packs Japanese Ship, Studies Space Physics and Earth.
NASA Space Station Blog: Diverse Space Research and Station Robotics Fill Crew Day.
NASA Space Station Blog: Japan’s Ship Nears Departure Before October Cargo, Crew Missions.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/07/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/10/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/11/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/012/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/013/2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of August 10, 2020.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
JAXA: H-II Transfer Vehicle “KOUNOTORI9” (HTV9) departure from the ISS and re-entry to the atmosphere.
Roscosmos: Nauka ISS module sent off to Baikonur.
Russian Space Web: Module “Science” was sent to Baikonur.
Rusland voorziet twee ruimtewandelingen voor zijn kosmonauten:
Russian Space News: Roscosmos announced the next exit of Russian cosmonauts from the ISS.
Collect Space: Space salsa' adds spicy kick to astronaut freeze-dried food.
ISS National Lab: Why the International Space Station Deserves Consideration for a Nobel Peace Prize.
NASA: Space to Ground: The Checklist: 08/14/2020.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - August 14, 2020.
NASA: NASA Astronaut Chris Cassidy Answers Recorded Questions from Girl Scouts of the USA.
NasaSpaceFlight: SLS Green Run test-firing to verify Core Stage design, analysis before first launch.
NASA: NASA Begins Installing Orion Adapter for First Artemis Moon Flight.
ARTEMIS – The Gateway.
NASA Houston We have a podcast: Gateway.
ARTEMIS – Naar de Maan en Mars.
America Space: Sierra Nevada Makes Progress on LIFE Inflatable Habitat for Lunar, Mars Missions.
The Asahi Shimbun: JAXA to develop spacecraft to resupply lunar orbiting station.
Maar ook dit:
Wall Street Journal: U.S. Criminal Probe Looks at Former NASA Official’s Contacts With Boeing Executive.
NASA Watch: NASA's Actions On Boeing's Lunar Landing Bid Under Increased Scrutiny.
STARSHIP – SN6 op het lanceerplatform.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s first flight-proven Starship could fly again, says Elon Musk.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship prototypes swap places for next hop test.
Teslarati: SpaceX rolls next Starship prototype to the launch pad.
Teslarati: SpaceX installs orbital Starship heat shield prototype with robots.
Teslarati: SpaceX is hiring a Spaceport resort developer for its Texas rocket factory.
TechCrunch: SpaceX reveals plans for a Texas spaceport resort in new job ad.
Veel filmpjes over de gebeurtenissen in Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - The first ever Starship Post Flight Processing Flow.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - The future of Boca Chica begins to take shape.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - TPS X on show as Starships position themselves for test series.
LabPadre: SN5 Transported Back To Shipyard.
LabPadre: SN6 Prep & Rollout Time Lapse.
LabPadre: SpaceX SN6 Launch Pad Time Lapse.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - SN6 Prepared for Cryo Proof Test.
LabPadre: Boca Chica Launch Area 24 Hr Time Lapse.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Introducing Starship SN9, while SN8 is flipped.
En een mooi overzicht van wat voorbij is en wat we in de (nabije) toekomst nog mogen verwachten.
What About It?: SpaceX Starship Updates - Starship Flight Phase Explained.
Bennu – Laatste repetitie voor OSIRIS-REx.
NASA: One Rehearsal Away from Touching Asteroid Bennu.
NASA: A Successful Second Rehearsal Puts NASA’s OSIRIS-REx on a Path to Sample Collection.
Meer over de sonde vind je hier.
NASA: How We Prepare: OSIRIS-REx and WNBA.
NASA: OSIRIS-REx Cruises Over Site Nightingale During Final Dress Rehearsal.
Ceres – Een wereld met een oceaan.
Sky & Telescope: Asteroid Ceres: An ocean world.
Universe Today: It’s Starting to Look Like Ceres is an Ocean World, Too.
Aviation Week: Dwarf Planet Ceres Sheds Light On Habitable Planets.
Werkgroep Maan en Planeten (NL): Ceres is een oceaanwereld.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Airbus: Sentinel-1C radar antenna has spread its wings for the first time.
ESA: Mauritius oil spill..
NASA: NASA Spacecraft Uncover Mystery Behind Auroral Beads (filmpje).
ECNS: China's Chang'e-4 probe resumes work for 21st lunar day.
CGTN: China's Chang'e-4 probe resumes work for 21st lunar day (filmpje).
Leonard David’s Inside Outer Space: China Readies Next Moon Mission.
Leonard David’s Inside Outer Space: India’s Failed Moon Lander: Evidence for Rover Survival?
Space Daily: India's Chandrayaan-2 images Sarabhai Crater.
JHUAPL: Simulations Show Lander Exhaust Could Cloud Studies of Lunar Ices.
DLR Blog: Mars InSight mission: The Mole is 'in' and the ‘finishing touches’ are ‘in sight’.
Universe Today: InSight’s Mole Is In!
NASA: NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Recharges Its Batteries in Flight.
NASA: Celebrate Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Views From Above.
SETI Institute: Will We Soon Have Proof of Martian Life? (filmpje).
NASA Podcast: Gravity Assist: ‘Oxygen is Tree Poop’ – Looking For Life in Ancient Lakes.
NASA: NASA Establishes Board to Initially Review Mars Sample Return Plans.
NASA: Sol 2849: ChemCam Does a Double Take.
NASA: Sol 2850: Wishing On ... Mars.
NASA: Sols: 2851-2852: Working Around the Wind.
NASA: Sols 2853-2855: Wrapping up at "Mary Anning".
TESS beëindigt “primary mission”.
NASA: NASA’s Planet Hunter Completes Its Primary Mission.
Een filmpje vind je hier.
SpaceX – Starlink / Amazon – Kuiper.
Ars Technica: SpaceX Starlink speeds revealed as beta users get downloads of 11 to 60Mbps.
NY Times: Amazon Satellites Add to Astronomers’ Worries About the Night Sky.
Galileo, Beidou en Glonass.
Space News: ESA sets stage for three-way competition to build next-generation Galileo constellation .
Inside GNSS: Now Operational, BeiDou Could Conceal Cybersecurity Threat.
Inside GNSS: Ready, Steady, Go — Here at Last Comes GLONASS-K.
Sputnik News: Launch of Russia’s Next-Generation Glonass-K Satellite Postponed Until October, Source Reveals.
Om af te ronden: Russische toekomstplannen.
Ars Technica: Russia’s space leader blusters about Mars in the face of stiff budget cuts.
Russian Space News: Rogozin spoke about plans for flights to the moon.
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