Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/36–509
Een week met positief ruimtevaartnieuws. Er waren immers twee raketten die opnieuw aanknoopten met succes. “Return To Flight” was er voor Electron alsook voor Vega. Voor deze laatste was de onderbreking wel bijzonder groot, al had dat uiteindelijk meer te maken met corona en het weer dan door problemen met de raket. Ik had trouwens het genoegen een interview te doen met twee personen, gerelateerd aan de Belgische cubesats SIMBA en PICASSO. U vindt ze verderop in deze NUDR.
Het was ook een week met verrassend ruimtevaartnieuws. Dan gaat het niet zozeer over de (eigen) satelliet die RocketLab onaangekondigd met de Electron-raket had gelanceerd, dan wel over de lancering van een ruimtevliegtuigje door de Chinezen. Nog net voor de publicatie van deze NUDR kwam er trouwens het bericht dat het toestel al weer veilig en wel op aarde zou staan.
En verder vind je nog veel meer ruimtevaartnieuws in deze aflevering van het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: Vega knoopte met een geslaagde lancering opnieuw aan met succes. Foto: Arianespace.
SpaceX lanceert Argentijnse satelliet.
SpaceCom: SpaceX delays Starlink fleet launch due to weather, aims for another rocket flight tonight.
Teslarati: SpaceX to attempt first East Coast polar launch in half a century as storms loom.
Teslarati: SpaceX changes the game with 100th rocket launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Conducts First Polar Launch from Cape in over 50 Years.
Ars Technica: SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket Sunday that was historic for two reasons.
Space News: SpaceX launches Argentine radar satellite, rideshare smallsats on Falcon 9 rocket.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches first polar orbit mission from Florida in decades.
Spacepage: SpaceX brengt Argentijnse aardobservatiesatelliet in de ruimte.
SpaceX: SAOCOM 1B Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches SAOCOM 1B & Falcon 9 first stage landing.
Rocketlab knoopt terug aan met succes.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab Returns To Flight with Electron’s 14th mission.
Space News: Rocket Lab returns to flight with Capella Space launch.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab returns to service with successful launch for Capella.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Rocket Lab: I Can't Believe It's Not Optical Launch 08/31/2020.
SciNews: Electron “I Can't Believe It's Not Optical” launch.
Verrassing: RocketLab lanceert ook eigen satelliet.
Space News: Rocket Lab launches first Photon satellite.
Spacef Polic Online: Rocket Lab reveals second spacecraft on recent launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab Debuts Photon Satellite.
Meer info over Photon vind je uiteraard bij RocketLab.
RocketLab: Introducing First Light: Rocket Lab's first Photon satellite in orbit.
RocketLab krijgt licentie om te lanceren vanop Wallops.
Space Policy Online: FAA approves Rocket Lab’s operator license for Wallops Launch Complex.
Succesvolle SLS booster test.
NASA Artemis Blog: Space Launch System Booster Test for Artemis Missions.
NASA Artemis Blog: SLS Booster Test Update: Scheduled Hold of Countdown.
NASA Artemis Blog: SLS Booster Test Update: Final Systems Checks.
NASA Artemis Blog: SLS Booster Test Update: Successful Test Completed!
NASA: Booster Test for Future Space Launch System Flights.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Successfully Tests NASA’s Space Launch System Booster for Artemis Missions.
Space News: NASA and Northrop Grumman test SLS booster.
Spaceflight Now: SLS booster test-fired in Utah.
NASA: Watch Crews Install SLS Rocket Flight Support Booster into Test Stand.
NASA: NASA Conducts Space Launch System Rocket Full Scale Booster Test (live uitzending).
SciNews: SLS SRB full-scale test.
Dan toch – Vega VV16 lanceert 53 satellieten (waaronder 2 Belgische) in een rideshare mission.
Arianespace: Flight VV16: Vega – SSMS PoC Flight – Postponement due to storm track of Typhoon Maysak over the Jeju telemetry station (South Korea).
Arianespace: Flight VV16: Vega – SSMS PoC Flight – Resumption of launch operations.
Arianespace: With Vega, Arianespace successfully performs the first European mission to launch multiple small satellites.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Spaceflight Now: Long-delayed Vega rocket launch could happen Wednesday night.
ESA: Vega return to flight proves new rideshare service.
Space News: Arianespace launches Vega on return-to-flight mission with 53 smallsats.
Spaceflight Now: Vega rocket deploys 53 satellites on successful return to flight mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: Vega Returns to Flight with Rideshare Mission.
BIRA: Twee Belgische CubeSats met succes gelanceerd.
KMI: Lancering van twee Belgische satellieten (KMI en BIRA).
VRTNWS: Twee Belgische minisatellieten Picasso en Simba gaan de ozonlaag en klimaatverandering monitoren.
Spacepage: Europese Vega raket brengt succesvol 53 satellieten in de ruimte.
De Standaard: Vega-raket brengt Belgische satellieten in baan rond aarde.
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight VV16 / SSMS PoC (EN) (de live uitzending).
Arianespace: Successful Vega Mission VV16 – SSMS PoC.
SciNews: Vega launches SSMS PoC.
Ik had het genoegen om een uitgebreide babbel te hebben over de twee Belgische cubesats, SIMBA en PICASSO:
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RB17 – SIMBA, een Belgische cubesat van het KMI.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RB18 – PICASSO, een Belgische cubesat van het BIRA.
En nog eens 60 Starlink satellieten in de ruimte.
Space News: Falcon 9 launch adds 60 Starlink satellites to orbit as constellation beta testing continues.
Ars Technica: SpaceX launches 12th Starlink mission, says users getting 100Mbps downloads.
Ars Technica: SpaceX seeks FCC broadband funds, must prove it can deliver sub-100ms latency.
The Verge: With latest Starlink launch, SpaceX touts 100 Mbps download speeds and ‘space lasers’.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 12 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 3 September 2020.
China lanceert in alle stilte (wellicht) een herbruikbaar ruimtevliegtuig(je).
Space News: China carries out secretive launch of ‘reusable experimental spacecraft’.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches experimental spaceplane.
The Verge: China just launched a ‘reusable test spacecraft’ — possibly a spaceplane.
En nog op de valreep:
ECNS: China's reusable spacecraft makes successful landing back on Earth.
Enige achtergrondinfo:
The Chinese Aerospace Blog: China’s Spaceplane Projects: Past, Present and Future.
Testlancering van een Minuteman III.
VAFB: Unarmed Minuteman III test launch from Vandenberg.
ULA onderzoekt Delta IV Heavy abort.
Space News: ULA investigating cause of Delta 4 Heavy mission abort.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Studies Space Agriculture and Spacecraft Technology.
NASA Space Station Blog: Busy Day of Science Rack Swaps and Life Support Work.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Maintains Station Operations and Space Research.
NASA Space Station Blog: Heart Studies, AC and Plumbing Work Fill Orbital Schedule.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/27/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/28/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/31/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/01/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/02/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/03/2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of August 31, 2020.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Science Alert: The ISS Is Still Leaking Air, And The Hunt For a Hole Is Taking Longer Than Expected.
Roscosmos: ISS orbit correction scheduled for September 10.
Russian Space News: Russia offers space tourists to fly to the ISS for 30 days.
NASA: Space to Ground: Following Chris: 09/04/2020.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - September 4, 2020.
JAXA: KOUNOTORI9 Mission Digest.
Scott Manley: Every Spacecraft Which Has Visited The Space Station.
ARTEMIS – Naar de Maan in 2024 (?) en nadien naar Mars.
NASA Artemis Blog: Final Launch Abort System Motor Arrives for Artemis II Crewed Mission.
NASA Artemis Blog: Orion Program Completes Key Review for Artemis I.
NASA: NASA Seeks Next Class of Flight Directors for Human Spaceflight Missions.
SpaceCom: Meet 'Lunar Cruiser': Japan's big moon rover for astronauts gets a nickname.
Space News: Report sees ways Artemis supports sustainable human Mars exploration.
TASS: Russian satellite maker develops lunar navigation system with at least 24 satellites.
Space News: NASA to seek proposals for lunar nuclear power system.
NASA: Artemis: Inside the Latest Achievements – Episode 25.
NASA: Installation of Orion's Spacecraft Adapter Cone Complete.
Explore Mars: MARS MISSION ARCHITECTURE: Advancing Technology for Humans on Mars, #HumansToMars 2020 Series.
SpaceX – Starship SN6 doet eerste 150 meter hop.
Teslarati: SpaceX Super Heavy booster assembly to start “this week,” says Elon Musk.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship test plans solidify after bad weather delays hop.
Teslarati: SpaceX soars with flawless Starship hop, Starlink launch five hours apart.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN6 maiden hop complete – Super Heavy is coming.
Ars Technica: SpaceX hops a full-scale Starship prototype for the second time.
Space News: Musk emphasizes progress in Starship production over testing.
Spaceflight Now: Elon Musk offers update on SpaceX’s Starship mega-rocket.
Filmpjes – Wat voorafging.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - SN7.1 Assembly amid SN6's aborted hop attempts.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Super Heavy High Bay prepares for a roof as SN6 awaits better weather.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - The steel rings line up for future vehicles.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship SN10 parts arriving as SN6 looks forward to hop.
Mooie beelden vanuit de lucht van het SpaceX complex in Boca Chica.
What About It?: RGV Aerial Report #1 - SN6 Ready For The Hop!
Filmpjes – De hop.
SpaceX: Starship SN6 150m Flight Test.
Everyday Astronaut: SpaceX Starship SN-6 Hop 4K in 4k Slow Motion!
Lab Padre: Starship SN6 150M Successful Hop!
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Hops Starship SN6 to 150 Meters (de live uitzending).
En deze moet je ook gezien hebben.
LabPadre: Starship SN5 & SN6 Side by Side Launches.
En nog een vergelijking (drie hops).
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship Prototype 150m Hop Comparison.
Filmpjes – Na de hop. Wat nog moet komen.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship SN9 preparations. SN7.1 readies for test.
Space Videos: SpaceX Starship Heavy Booster Production to Begin This Week Elon Says!!
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Astronomy: What will Solar Orbiter's mission accomplish?
Astronomy: Interplanetary probes from behind the Iron Curtain: The Soviet Venera program.
NASA: From Space and in the Air, NASA Tracks California's Wildfires.
NASA: NASA's Terra Satellite provides clear picture of wind shear battering Omar.
NASA: NASA Instrument Uses GPS to Improve Weather Forecasts (filmpje).
NASA: Tracking 3 Decades of Dramatic Glacial Lake Growth.
ESA: Next artificial intelligence mission selected.
ECNS: Chinese lunar probe's 600 days on Moon's far side.
The Register: Everything's falling apart. The Moon is slowly rusting up – and it's probably Earth's fault.
ECNS: China's Mars probe travels around 100 mln km.
NASA: NASA Readies Perseverance Mars Rover's Earthly Twin.
Het filmpje van de verhuis vind je hier.
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2856-2857: In Between Drill Holes.
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2858-2859: Ready for Round Two.
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2860-2863: The Dog Days of Summer.
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2864-2866: Spot the Difference!
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2867-2869: Final Dress Rehearsal.
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2870-2871: We Are ‘Go' for Drilling!
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2872-2873: A New Hole on Mars!
Mars Curiosity Updates: Sols 2874-2876: No Sample Dropoff to SAM.
Teslarati: NASA’s Insight Mars lander rescue operation makes progress saving ‘stuck’ probe.
SciTechDaily: Surprise on Mars – Unexpected Reaction to Solar Eclipses From Martian Moon Phobos.
Roscosmos: ExoMars-2022 project works continue.
SciShow Space: Mars's Surface Is Messed Up | The Martian Dichotomy (filmpje).
SpaceCom: Rocket limbo complicating NASA's Europa Clipper mission.
Na 56 jaar vergaat OGO in de Aardse atmosfeer.
The Register: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a 56-year-old satellite burning up in the sky spotted by sharp school kids (met video).
SpaceCom: Vintage NASA satellite falls to Earth, meets fiery doom after 56 years in space.
James Webb Space Telescope en de Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
NASA: NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: Broadening Our Cosmic Horizons (filmpje).
NASA: Ground system for NASA’s Roman space telescope completes major review.
NASA: Primary Mirror for NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Completed.
Meer info over de Roman Space Telescope (voorheen WFIRST) vind je hier.
NASA: Ground Segment Testing a Success for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.
The Planetary Society: Your Guide to NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.
Om af te ronden: Nieuwe Netflix-reeks over reizen naar Mars: “Away”.
Collect Space: Netflix Mars mission series 'Away' lifts off with nods to NASA history.
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– Een foutje gezien in deze (of andere) NUDR’s. Laat het ons weten via “nieuwsuitderuimtevaart @ gmail . Com”
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