Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/12–539
Er was een tijd dat een raket één, hooguit twee satellieten lanceerde. Maar als je naar de vier lanceringen van afgelopen week kijkt, dan lijkt die tijd voorbij. Een Soyuz met 38 satellieten, Electron met 7 satellieten, Falcon 9 met 60 en nog een Soyuz met 36 exemplaren. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Drie “gemaskerde” ruimtevaarders bij hun aankomst in Baikonur. Met van links naar rechts NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei en de twee Roscosmos-kosmonauten Oleg Novitskiy en Pyotr Dubrov. Twee van deze drie zouden wel eens een jaar in de ruimte kunnen blijven. Afhankelijk of de Russische filmopnames in het najaar zullen doorgaan of niet. Foto: NASA/GCTC/Irina Spector.
Russische Soyuz-raket lanceert Koreaanse satelliet en 37 andere.
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket delivers South Korea’s satellite into orbit.
TASS: Russian Soyuz carrier rocket delivers 38 satellites from 18 countries into orbit.
Space News: Soyuz launch marks first full-commercial mission of Russia’s GK Launch Services.
Space News: With CAS500, South Korea launches journey toward private-led satellite development.
NasaSpaceFlight: Russia launches multi-satellite rideshare mission on commercial Soyuz flight.
SpaceQ: Commercial Soyuz Launches with Kepler Communications Satellites.
Kepler: Kepler Communications Announces Successful Launch of 2 New GEN1 Satellites Creating the Largest Constellation by a Canadian Company.
Arabian Aerospace: Double satellite joy for Saudi Arabia.
Spaceflight Now: Privately-funded mission takes off to begin space debris cleanup trials.
Astroscale: t's time to launch ELSA-d! (filmpje).
Astroscale: Astroscale Celebrates Successful Launch of ELSA-d.
Roscosmos TV: Live verslag lancering (in het Russisch).
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1a launches CAS500-1 and 37 small satellites.
Je kan de lancering ook in het Arabisch volgen.
Meer info over DMSat-1 van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten krijg je hier te zien.
Of gaat je voorkeur uit naar het Japans? Dan kijk je hier.
Astroscale: Meet our Mission Operations team at Astroscale <Japanese subtitles>.
“Ze stijgen toch zo snel” bij Rocket Lab.
Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab Successfully Launches 19th Electron, Deploys 100th Satellite.
Spaceflight: RL-6 is ready to fly.
Space News: Rocket Lab launches smallsat rideshare mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab launches Photon pathfinder on They Go Up So Fast.
SpaceCom: Rocket Lab launches 7 satellites to orbit.
C4ISRnet: Rocket Lab launches Army satellite.
Spaceflight Now: Testbed for NASA moon mission rides to orbit with six other satellites.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab - They Go Up So Fast Launch 03/22/2021.
SciNews: Electron launches Photon Pathstone and six other satellites.
SpaceX lanceert Falcon 9 met (alweer) 60 Starlink-satellieten.
Teslarati: SpaceX aces ninth rocket launch, eighth landing this year.
Space News: SpaceX marks anniversary of first launch with Starlink mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: Falcon 9 Starlink v1.0 L22 launches from Cape Canaveral SLC-40.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches 25th mission for Starlink internet network.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 23 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 24 March 2021.
Rusland lanceert 36 OneWeb-satellieten.
OneWeb: Successful Launch Marks Key Milestone for OneWeb’s ‘Five to 50’ Ambition.
OneWeb: Launch#5 Media Kit.
TASS: Soyuz launches under OneWeb program due on March 25 and several weeks later.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1b rocket with OneWeb communication satellites launched from Vostochny cosmodrome.
TASS: Eight OneWeb satellites separate from Fregat booster.
Space News: Arianespace launches 36 more OneWeb satellites.
Spaceflight Now: Starlink and OneWeb satellites ready for launch on opposite sides of the world.
NasaSpaceFlight: Arianespace and Starsem to continue OneWeb constellation deployment with fifth launch.
Roscosmos: OneWeb satellieten arriveren op lanceerbasis.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering OneWeb.
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight ST30 - OneWeb (EN).
Roscosmos: Lancering gezien vanuit een quadcopter.
SciNews: OneWeb 5 launch (On-board camera view).
Tweede trap Falcon 9 keert ongecontroleerd maar spectaculair in dampkring terug.
SatTrackCaom Leiden: Apparent failed deorbit of the Starlink-18 Falcon 9 upper stage [UPDATED].
SatTrackCaom Leiden: [UPDATED] Reentry predictions for the Falcon 9 RB 2021-017BN.
Ars Technica: A Falcon 9 rocket making an uncontrolled re-entry looked like an alien armada.
Allerhande nieuws over raketten en lanceerbasissen.
Cosmos: Unpopular space launch fees.
Space Daily: Four Long March 11 launches by sea planned.
ECNS: Construction begins on Guangzhou rocket base.
Space News: China to construct commercial spaceport to support booming space industry.
Parabolic Arc: China to Construct Fifth Spaceport for Commercial Launches.
Construct Connect: Nova Scotia grants 18-month extension for work to begin on commercial spaceport.
Space News: Vega rocket passes readiness review for April return to flight.
ESA: Ariane 6 upper stage installed for tests | Timelapse (filmpje).
ESA: ESA defines elements of future European space transportation solutions (NESTS).
DLR: The DLR Institute of Space Propulsion – Engine tests and research for European space flight (filmpje).
Space News Feed: Arianespace signs long-term supply agreement with Avio for 10 additional Vega C launchers.
ESA: ESA boost for UK space transportation initiatives.
Space News: ESA awards €10.45 million to two UK launch startups.
TASS: Launch of 4 Angara rockets to Moon to cost less than two super-heavy carriers — Roscosmos.
Parabolic Arc: Russia’s Angara Rocket Prepares for Mass Production.
Space Daily: Soyuz launch campaign for 2 Galileo satellites postponed Until November.
Spaceflight Now: ULA, SpaceX split military launch contract awards (NSSL).
Space News: Space Force awards ULA, SpaceX contracts for four national security missions (NSSL).
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon 9 crushes next-gen ULA Vulcan rocket on cost in first competition (NSSL).
Space News: BlackSky strikes deal with Rocket Lab to launch eight more satellites in 2021.
Space News: Relativity Space wins U.S. military contract for 2023 launch.
C4ISRNet: Relativity Space wins responsive launch contract.
Spaceflight Now: Northrop Grumman’s Pegasus rocket selected for responsive launch demo (TacRL-2).
Spaceflicht: Spaceflicht Inc. Awarded NASA LLITED Launch Contract.
Ars Technica: Relativity Space printed its Terran 1 rocket’s second stage in a few week.
Space Daily: FAA streamlined launch and reentry rule takes effect.
Space News: ABL Space Systems raises $170 million.
Space News: Launcher opens California facility to develop small launch vehicle.
Space News: Georgia spaceport proponents upbeat despite latest delay.
Allerhande nieuws over satellietconstellaties e.d.
Space News: Space M&A boom appears right on time.
Florida Politics: Space Florida going after $300M spacecraft factory.
GeekWire: Florida space officials discuss satellite factory with ‘Project Kraken,’ but it’s not Project Kuiper.
Space News: DARPA orders six satellites from Blue Canyon Technologies for Blackjack program.
Space News: ClimaCell to launch dozens of radar satellites to improve forecasts.
Space News: Automaker Geely gains approval for satellites for self-driving constellation.
CNBC: Satellite start-up Capella Space aims to tap $60 billion intelligence market with new imagery.
Space News: Pixxel raises seed round for hyperspectral satellites.
Via Satellite: Lockheed Martin Signs On to Omnispace’s 5G Satellite Project.
ESA: Wi-Fi on planes boosted by satellite constellation.
Space News: Airbus nets first commercial GEO order of 2021 with Eutelsat replacement satellite.
Space News: Lawmaker warns remote sensing industry could be challenged by security and privacy issues.
Sputnik News: Russia to Test World's 1st Ultra-Light Optics for Nanosatellites in Space.
Via Satellite: How Software-Defined Satellites Will Shape Communications.
Space News: Italy’s Leaf Space to establish U.S. office.
ISS – Soyuz MS-18 – Te lanceren op 9 april.
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft scheduled to fly to orbital outpost in April named after Gagarin.
Collect Space: Russia's next space station-bound Soyuz named for first cosmonaut.
NASA: Expedition 65 Crew News Conference - Mark Vande Hei - March 15, 2021.
NASA: NASA Television Video File Expedition65 Crew Qualification Exams - March 22, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 Vande Hei – Praat met de pers.
NASA: Expedition 65 Soyuz Crew GCTC Museum Visit & Red Square Visit.
NASA: Expedition 65 Soyuz Crew News Conference.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Relaxes Following Three Weeks of Spacewalks, Relocation.
NASA Space Station Blog: Science Speeds Up on Station, Next Crew Trains for Launch.
NASA Space Station Blog: Human Research on Station Informing Health in Space and on Earth.
NASA Space Station Blog: Vein, Eye Scans on Station as Next Crew Nears Launch.
NASA Space Station Blog: Station Ends Week with Biology; New Crew Arrives at Launch Site.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/19/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/23/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/24/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/25/2021.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of March 22, 2021.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
ISS National Lab: CASIS Releases Two ISS National Lab Research Announcements For In-Space Production Applications.
SpaceCom: Newly discovered bacteria on space station could help astronauts grow plants on Mars.
The Print: Bacteria found on International Space Station named after Indian scientist Seyed Ajmal Khan.
Space Sleuthing: Russian actresses who will compete for trip to ISS identified.
NASA Science Cast: Observing Lightning from the International Space Station.
SpaceCom: Paraguay's 1st satellite is in orbit after launch from space station.
ESA: Space vs. materials – orbital testing outside Space Station.
Aviation Week: Podcast: Nanoracks’ CEO On Commercializing Space.
NASA: Houston, We have a podcast: The View From Mission Control.
NASA: Space to Ground: Soyuz Shuffle: 03/26/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - March 26, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 64 Inflight Event with Discovery Channel - March 26, 2021.
JAXA: Asian Herb in Space experiment was completed.
JAXA: HTV-X (animatie).
Chinese Space Station.
SciNews: China plans four crewed missions to space (filmpje).
Parabolic Arc: Saudi Space Commission Signs Agreement for Science Mission on Chinese Space Station.
Global Times: Chinese private firm to build space lab by 2025.
En nog meer (commerciële) ruimtestations.
Politico: Now is the time to invest in private space stations.
Space News: NASA to offer funding for initial studies of commercial space stations.
ILRS – Wordt het rond de Maan of op de Maan.
Global Times: Chinese private firm to build space lab by 2025.
ECNS: China plans to build research station on moon's south pole: chief designer.
Roscosmos: Heads of Roscosmos and CNSA discussed International Lunar Research Station creation.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Moon Exploration Chief Details Lunar Research Station.
CNA: China eventually wants astronauts to stay on moon for long periods of time.
The Hill: Will a space hotel actually be open for business in 2027?
The Space Review: The enduring fantasy of space hotels.
Indische ruimtevaarders beëindigen training in Rusland.
Parabolic Arc: Indian Cosmonaut Candidates Complete Training Program in Russia.
The Hindu: Four Indian cosmonauts complete training in Russia for Gaganyaan mission.
Artemis – SLS/Orion.
NasaSpaceFlight: NASA, Boeing reviewing terabytes of SLS Core Stage data from full-duration Green Run static fire.
RoomEU: Building SLS – A contractual odyssey.
NASA: Artemis I Rocket Boosters Are Ready.
Artemis – Gateway.
Parabolic Arc: Maxar and Busek Thruster System for NASA Lunar Gateway Passes Critical Milestone.
Artemis – Naar de Maan.
NASA: NASA Announces Lunar Delivery Challenge Winners.
NASA: NASA, Blue Origin Partner to Bring Lunar Gravity Conditions Closer to Earth.
Space News: Blue Origin to simulate lunar gravity on suborbital flights for NASA.
SpaceQ Podcast: NASA’s plans to commercialize communications and navigation from the Earth to the Moon.
GeekWire: Lasers on the moon? Nuclear rockets? NASA awards millions for way-out tech.
RoomEU: Lunar levitation track system among new ideas funded by NASA.
Spacewatch: ArianeGroup studies European Moon missions for ESA.
SpaceCom: Arcs of 'lightning' on the moon could be the future of lunar mining.
Digital Reporter: Moon Wars: Legal Trouble in Space and Moon Law (PDF).
Nog dit:
NSS: NSS Space Forum - New Rides to the Moon, presented by Dale Skran (voordracht).
SpaceX – Starship SN11 – Wachten op de lancering.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN11 returns to pre-launch testing – Super Heavy BN1 rollout to follow.
SpaceCom: SpaceX fires up Starship SN11 prototype to prep for test flight this week.
Teslarati: SpaceX aces Starship static fire days after NASA astronaut visit.
SpaceCom: SpaceX test fires Starship SN11 rocket ahead of possible launch today.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship to attempt same-day static fire and launch after engine swap.
Ars Technica: After a static fire test Friday, SpaceX is preparing SN11 for a same-day launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN11 Fires its RCS Thrusters | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN11 Static Fire Test | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Aerocovers for New Starship Delivered - SN11 in Good Shape after Static Fire | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy BN1 Moved in the High Bay | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: New GSE Tank Dome Sleeved - SN16 Aft Section Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN11 Prepared for Static Fire & First Flight | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN11 Single Engine Static Fire (Raptor SN46) | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Vehicle Transporters Have Weights Installed for Upcoming Move | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Mars – Ingenuity wordt voorbereid op zijn eerste vlucht.
NASA: NASA Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Prepares for First Flight.
Space News: Ingenuity helicopter prepares for first flight on Mars.
Space Policy Online: Ingenuity’s first flight targeted for April 8.
SpaceCom: Mars helicopter Ingenuity carries piece of Wright brothers' famous plane.
NASA: NASA Previews First Flight of Mars Helicopter (Media Briefing).
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
The Planetary Society: NASA Mission to Venus in 1978 May Have Detected Phosphine, a Gas Related to Life.
ESA: Water mission takes on space weather.
ESA: How ESA technology contributes to worldwide water security.
ESA: How ESA helps South Africa share water fairly.
NASA Goddard: Landsat Helps Warn of Algae in Lakes, Rivers (filmpje).
TASS: Russia’s Arctic monitoring satellite launched in February transmits first images to Earth.
TASS: Russia may need new stations to process data from Arktika satellites.
ESA: Satellites map record floods in Australia.
ESA: Suez Canal traffic jam seen from space.
NASA: NASA looking for earlier launch of lunar orbiter smallsat mission (Lunar Trailblazer).
ESA: Lunar cave explorer.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Farside Moon Mission: Switch to Sleep Mode.
Ondertussen al aan aflevering 29 :-)
CGTN: Live: Rice seeds brought back by Chang'e-5 spacecraft grow on Earth – Ep. 29.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3064-3066: Exhaustion? Only the Portion(s).
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3067: Super-Resolution and Another SAM Analysis.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3068: Time to Re-Gift.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3069-3070: Smile!
CCTV: China Releases New Images of Mars From Tianwen-1 Probe (filmpje).
SciNews: New images of Mars from Tianwen-1 (filmpje).
ESA: Mars water loss shaped by seasons and storms.
ESA: Where did Mars’ water go?
SciShow: Maybe Mars's Ocean Never Left | SciShow News (filmpje).
NasaSpaceFlight: Mars Sample Return mission is underway with Perseverance.
Universe Today: Perseverance Begins its Science on Mars With a Laser zap.
SETI Institute: The Search for Life on Mars with Perseverance.
JHU APL: Preparing NASA's DART Spacecraft for Space.
Astrum: What did NASA's New Horizons discover on Arrokoth?
Nog dit:
CGTN: China's new space mission: Boldly go in deep space (filmpje).
Over JWST en de Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
Space News: JWST moving towards October launch.
NASA: New ‘Eyewear’ to Deepen the View of NASA’s Roman Space Telescope.
Het bijbehorende filmpje vind je hier.
Universe Today: Nancy Grace Roman Telescope is Getting an Upgraded new Infrared Filter.
Nog dit – Wijn “uit” de ruimte.
De Morgen: Deze fles wijn bracht meer dan een jaar door in de ruimte: ‘Prachtig smaakpalet’.
Astroblogs: Château Pétrus wijn jaar lang gerijpt in de ruimte, wijnexperts proeven ‘rozenblaadjes met warme tonen’.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,