Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/26–553
Neen, De Hubble Space Telescope is nog niet in orde. Maar de JWST kreeg het licht op groen gezet. Er waren nieuwe parachutetesten voor de Europese ExoMars 2022 en op Mars rijden en vliegen er nog steeds allerlei toestellen rond. Op het KSC vorderen de voorbereidingen op Artemis 1 gestaag. Nabij het International Space Station was er weer een komen en gaan. Er waren afgelopen week liefst 5 lanceringen van meer dan 100 satellieten. Op het einde van deze NUDR vind je trouwens nog een pak extra raketnieuwtjes. Maar er waren er twee die met alle aandacht gingen lopen. Richard Branson (Virgin Galactic) en Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin). Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: Wally Funk, een naam om nooit te vergeten. Ook al was ze één van de Mercury 17, ze is afgelopen week maar eerst echt wereldwijd beroemd geworden toen ze door Jeff Bezos werd uitgekozen om mee te vliegen met de eerste bemande New Shepard vlucht. Alleen pech voor Bezos is dat sir Richard Branson een weekje eerder de ruimte opzoekt.
Virgin Galactic – Sir Richard Branson gaat al op 11 juli de ruimte in.
Space News: Branson to be on next SpaceShipTwo flight July 11.
Ars Technica: Game on—Sir Richard Branson will attempt to go to space on July 11.
Collect Space: Richard Branson to join 'Unity 22' crew on Virgin Galactic test flight.
NPR: Jeff Bezos Is Headed To Space. Richard Branson Decided To Beat Him There.
VRT NWS: Race om als eerste burgers in de ruimte te brengen: Virgin-stichter wil 9 dagen vroeger vertrekken dan Amazon-baas.
Virgin Galactic: Introducing Virgin Galactic Unity 22 Crew.
Virgin Galactic: Science With Virgin Galactic | Flying a spaceship.
Blue Origin – Jeff Bezos volgt op 20 juli en (o.a.) de 82 jarige Wally Funk gaat mee.
Space News: Blue Origin to fly Mercury 13 woman on first crewed New Shepard flight.
SpaceCom: Blue Origin will fly female aviator Wally Funk, one of the Mercury 13, on 1st crewed launch.
Collect Space: 'Mercury 13' pilot Wally Funk to fly on Blue Origin's first crewed flight.
NPR: Wally Funk, Who Trained To Be An Astronaut 60 Years Ago, To Join Bezos In Space.
The Guradian: What’s next for Jeff Bezos? Space, climate and media may all figure.
Blue Origin: Wally Funk will fly to space on New Shepard’s first human flight.
ISS – Rusland lanceert onbemand bevoorradingsschip Progress MS-17.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket installed on Baikonur spaceport’s launch pad.
Roscosmos: Progress MS-17 spacecraft cleared for launch to ISS.
Roscosmos: Progress MS-17 cargo vehicle launched to ISS.
Roscosmos: Falcon 9 rocket fragment can approach Progress MS-17 spacecraft.
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz rocket with Progress MS-17 space freighter blasts off from Baikonur.
NasaSpaceFlight: Roscosmos Launches Progress MS-17 to ISS.
Spaceflight Now: Russia successfully launches space station resupply ship.
De koppeling met het ISS volgde later op de week (zie verder).
Yuzhny Space Center: Progress MS-17 installation on the transition ring.
Yuzhny Space Center: Assembly of the "package" of the Soyuz-2.1a rocket.
Yuzhny Space Center: General Assembly of Soyuz-2.1a with Progress MS-17.
Yuzhny Space Center: Progress MS-17 cargo spacecraft at the launch pad.
Roscosmos TV: Broadcast of launch of Progress MS-17 cargo spacecraft.
NASA: Expedition 65 Progress 78 Launch - June 29, 2021 (NASA livestream).
Roscosmos: Launch of Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle with Progress MS-17 cargo spacecraft.
SciNews: Progress MS-17 ready for launch.
SciNews: Progress MS-17 launch.
Virgin Orbit lanceert met Tubular Bells Part One 7 satellieten, waaronder Nederlandse Brik II.
Virgin Orbit: Totally Tubular: Update on our launch.
Virgin Orbit: Launch Timing for Tubular Bells (Part 1)
Virgin Orbit: Virgin Orbit’s Tubular Bells mission goes off without a hitch.
Spaceflight Now: Virgin Orbit planning to launch seven small satellites Wednesday.
SpaceCom: Virgin Orbit launches 7 satellites on third-ever space mission.
Virgin Orbit: Virgin Orbit selected to launch SatRevolution’s “Constellation of Constellations”.
Space News: Virgin Orbit looks to increase launch rates in 2022.
Ars Technica: Virgin Orbit suddenly has a viable rocket, so what comes next?
DefensieNL: 1e Nederlandse militaire nanosatelliet succesvol gelanceerd.
de Volkskrant: Nederland lanceert eerste militaire satelliet en zet voorzichtig stapje richting ruimtemacht.
AstroBlogs: Eerste Nederlandse militaire nanosatelliet gelanceerd door Virgin Orbit.
Virgin Orbit: Tubular Bells: Part One Livestream | Virgin Orbit.
Virgin Orbit: "Music to My Ears" — Mission Recap: Tubular Bells Pt. 1.
Virgin Orbit: Sir Richard Branson on the Success of Tubular Bells.
SciNews: LauncherOne launches “Tubular Bells: Part One”.
SpaceX lanceert 88 satellieten met Falcon 9 / Transporter-2. Met Arthur, een Belgische 6U cubesat.
Een eerste poging werd stilgelegd omwille van een vliegtuigje in de verboden zone.
Teslarati: SpaceX rideshare launch aborted by rare range violation.
Space News: Falcon 9 launch scrub highlights airspace integration problems.
SpaceCom: SpaceX rocket launch carrying 88 satellites delayed by a wayward plane.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX scrubs launch after helicopter ventures into restricted airspace.
De dag nadien ging alles naar wens.
Teslarati: SpaceX rocket lands on land after 88-satellite rideshare launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX successfully launches Transporter 2 mission with 88 satellites.
Ars Technica: SpaceX sends its Transporter-2 mission into orbit.
GeekWire: SpaceX launches 88 spacecraft into orbit — including two of Spaceflight’s orbital tugs.
Spaceflight Now: Space Development Agency’s first satellites to launch on SpaceX mission.
Aerospace America: Falcon 9 boosts dozens of sats, including two that will test a new way of conducting business in space.
Ars Technica: Here’s what a Falcon 9 looks like after 8 flights to space in a year. Space Development Agency Successfully Launches First Missions.
Spaceflight: SXRS-5: 100% mission succes.
AeroSpacelab: Aerospacelab launched the first Belgian private commercial satellite.
Eerst de launch scrub:
SpaceX: Transporter-2 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch with Transporter-2.
SpaceX: Transporter-2 Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Transporter-2 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
America Space: UP CLOSE! SpaceX Transporter-2 Launch and Booster Landing!
Soyuz-raket lanceert vanop Vostochny nieuwe reeks OneWeb satellieten.
OneWeb: OneWeb to Launch 36 Satellites to Deliver Connectivity Across the United Kingdom, Alaska, Canada and Arctic Region.
Arianespace: Flight ST33: Arianespace successfully deploys 36 OneWeb constellation satellites.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
TASS: Russian Soyuz-2.1b rocket with 36 British satellites blasts off from Vostochny spaceport.
TASS: All 36 OneWeb satellites successfully launched into orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Soyuz launches OneWeb mission to secure Northern latitude coverage.
Spaceflight Now: OneWeb on the verge of commercial service after another successful launch.
Space News: OneWeb hits coverage goal with latest launch, sets sights on southern regions.
Via Satellite: Bharti to Become OneWeb’s Largest Shareholder With Additional $500M Investment.
OneWeb: OneWeb fully-funded with new $500m investment. Secures $2.4bn in total funding.
Roscosmos: Twee Soyuz 2.16 raketten arriveren in Vostochny.
Roscosmos: Soyuz 2.16 raketten in Vostochny.
Roscosmos: Assembly of the Soyuz-2.1b space head module was completed at Vostochny.
Roscosmos: Assembly of Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with OneWeb spacecraft is completed.
Roscosmos: Uitrollen raket naar het lanceerplatform.
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight ST33 - OneWeb (EN) (live uitzending).
Roscosmos TV: Soyuz OneWeb lancering (live uitzending).
Arianespace: Soyuz ST33 Flight - Launch Sequence.
SciNews: OneWeb 8 launch.
Chinese Lange Mars 2D lanceert vijf Jilin-satellieten.
China Daily: China launches five new satellites.
NasaSpaceFlight: China Launches Five Satellites on a Chang Zheng 2D.
CCTV: China Launches Five New Satellites.
SciNews: Long March-2D launches five satellites.
ISS – Cygnus vertrekt bij het ruimtestation.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman’s NG-15 Cygnus Spacecraft Departs International Space Station to Begin Secondary Mission.
Spaceflight Now: Cygnus supply ship departs space station after four-month mission.
SpaceCom: The Cygnus spacecraft: Northrop Grumman's cargo ship.
NASA: Expedition 65 Cygnus NG 15 Release - June 29, 2021.
SciNews: NG-15 S.S. Katherine Johnson Cygnus departure.
ISS – Progress komt aan bij het ruimtestation.
TASS: Progress MS-17 cargo vehicle docks with ISS.
Spaceflight Now: Progress supply ship docks with space station.
De Standaard: Russische vrachtruimteschip koppelt aan ruimtestation ISS.
NanoRacks: Nanoracks Ninth CubeSat Deployment Mission From the Cygnus.
Spaceflight: SEOPS-3/NG-15: Mission succes!
NASA: Expedition 65 Progress 78 Docking - July 1, 2021.
SciNews: Progress MS-17 docking.
ISS – Filmen in de ruimte (Progress MS-17 / Soyuz MS-19)
Sputnik News: Equipment for Shooting 1st Movie in Space Delivered to ISS by Russian Cargo Spacecraft.
PhysOrg: Russia races Tom Cruise and Musk for first movie in space.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: U.S., Russian Resupply Ships Depart and Launch on Tuesday.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cygnus Resupply Ship Leaving Station Today Live on NASA TV.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cygnus Departs Station After Four Month Mission.
NASA Space Station Blog: Russian Resupply Rocket Launching to Station Today.
NASA Space Station Blog: Russian Resupply Ship Blasts Off on Two-Day Trip to Station.
NASA Space Station Blog: Russian Resupply Ship Arriving Thursday, Cargo Dragon Leaves Next Week.
NASA Space Station Blog: Station Crew Busy with Cargo Ship Ops and Space Research.
NASA Space Station Blog: Russian Cargo Ship Docks to Station After Two-Day Trip.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/25/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/28/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/29/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/30/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/01/2021.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of June 28, 2021.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Ars Technica: Why is Russia launching a new module to the space station if it’s pulling out?
Maar de lancering van Nauka wordt wellicht een week uitgesteld. Sommige delen van de module bleken niet bedekt te zijn met isolerend materiaal.
Zie deze tweets van Anatoli Zak van RussianSpaceWeb: De aankondiging, een foto van de betrokken “star trackers”, nog een duidelijke foto van het probleem, meer foto’s.
Boeing: International Space Station Astronauts Install 2 Advanced Solar Arrays Provided by Boeing.
NASA aPPEL Knowledge Services: New solar arrays, batteries, prepare ISS for key role in Artemis, commercial applications.
ESA: Power on: new solar arrays installed over three spacewalks.
Science Daily: Astronauts demonstrate CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in space.
ESA: From atoms to planets, the longest-running Space Station experiment.
SpaceCom: NASA wants to change the way it protects astronauts from radiation.
ESA: Swimming in space – Station reboost.
Space News: Op-ed | Mind the gap in low Earth orbit.
NASA: Space to Ground: At the Midpoint: 07/02/2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 inflight with KTTV - July 1, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 Inflight Interview with CBS News and ABC News - July 2, 2021.
EuroNews: Squid in space: NASA's latest study could help humans survive deep space missions.
CSS – Eerste ruimtewandeling vanuit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Chinese astronauts out of spacecraft for extravehicular activities.
CNA: First astronauts at China's new space station conduct spacewalk.
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Make Preparations in Space Station ahead of Space Walk.
CGTN: Taikonauts conduct first spacewalk from China's space station.
CGTN: Watch: Taikonauts work to install relevant extravehicular equipment (met tolk).
CGTN: Watch: Taikonauts conduct first spacewalk after entering the Tianhe module (met Engelstalige commentaar).
CGTN: Redesigned spacesuits to facilitate astronauts' activity for Shenzhou-12 mission.
CGTN: Chinese taikonauts train underwater for Shenzhou-12 space mission.
SciNews: First spacewalk on the China Space Station.
Nog wat andere filmpjes:
New China TV: GLOBALink | Chinese astronauts send congratulations from space on CPC centenary.
CGTN: The upper body strength of astronauts is no less than athletes.
En de eerste Chinese ruimtevaarder aan het woord:
CGTN: China's first taikonaut Yang Liwei recalls the 26-second deadly moment: It feels like dying.
En nog dit:
CGTN: Alena and her 'astronaut' friends: Can vodka be taken to the space station?
ESA – Na astronautselectie ook een eigen bemande capsule?
Space News: Europe considering concepts for human spaceflight.
Parabolic Arc: Roscosmos Eyes Crewed Flights from French Guiana, Seeks Partners for Lunar Base with China.
Artemis – SLS/Orion.
NasaSpaceFlight: Artemis 1 SLS stacking work running long, preps for integrated tests continue in parallel.
NASA: Public Names ‘Moonikin’ Flying Around Moon on NASA’s Artemis I Mission.
Collect Space: 'Moonikin' flying on NASA's Artemis I named for Apollo 13 engineer.
NASA: A 360 Look at the Artemis I launch vehicle stage adapter lift.
Artemis – Human Lander System.
Space News: NASA seeking proposals for next phase of Artemis lunar lander services despite industry protests
Marcus House: SpaceX's Human Landing System - What mission options are possible?
Space Force en de Maan.
SpaceCom: US Space Force has new guidelines for working at and around the moon
Het raport “ A Primer on Cislunar Space” vind je hier (PDF).
SpaceX – Starship – Voorbereidend werk op een orbitale lancering.
Teslarati: SpaceX Super Heavy booster reaches full height as Elon Musk talks orbit.
Teslarati: SpaceX says Starship can beat ‘plasma blackout’ with Starlink antennas.
Teslarati: SpaceX rolls largest rocket booster ever built to the launch pad.
Teslarati: SpaceX sends Starship’s first vacuum Raptor engine to Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 3 opens Super Heavy test campaign as orbital vehicles prepare to stack.
NasaSpaceFlight: Vacuum Raptor Engine Delivered to Starbase | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: 7th Launch Tower Section Rolled Out | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy Booster 3 Stacked | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Stage Separation Mechanism Tested Between Booster & Ship Sections | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy Booster 3 Prepared for Testing on Pad A | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Raptor Boost Engines for Super Heavy Booster Delivered | SpaceX Boca Chica.
What About It?: SpaceX Starship design changed? Super Heavy booster precision landing thrusters!
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship can beat ‘Plasma Blackout’ with Starlink | Super Heavy booster rolls to launch pad.
Parachuteproblemen voor ESA’s ExoMars 2022 (nog niet) opgelost.
ESA: First high-altitude drop test success for ExoMars parachute.
Roscosmos: First high-altitude drop test success for ExoMars 2022 parachute.
GovUK: Landing on Mars is one step closer for British-built rover.
SpaceCom: Europe's ExoMars parachute still experiencing problems in drop test.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Univ. Of Maryland: Study: Proximity to Sun’s Magnetic Field Influenced Mercury’s Hefty Iron Core.
NASA: How a Squad of Small Satellites Will Help NASA Study Storms (filmpje).
NASA: SWOT: Water-Monitoring Satellite Moves Closer to Launch.
SpaceCom: Hurricane Elsa, 1st of season, could hit Florida next week.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3163-3164: Preparing for Our Next Drill Campaign.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3165-3166: This Rover is BUMPIN'!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3167-3169: Holiday, Soliday, and Preparing To Drill!
NY Times: Mars Has Auroras and a U.A.E. Spacecraft Captured New Pictures of Them.
SpaceCom: UAE's Hope Mars orbiter spots elusive aurora on Red Planet.
Space News: China’s Zhurong rover returns landing footage and sounds from Mars.
CCTV: China Releases New Images Captured by Tianwen-1 Mars Probe (filmpje).
Science Alert: Methane Keeps Showing Up on Mars. NASA Just Got Closer to Solving The Mystery.
SpaceCom: Mars methane mystery may be starting to clear up.
SpaceCom: Why is there so little water left on Mars?
Universe Today: Bad News, Life Probably can’t Exist on Venus. Good News, it Could be in Jupiter’s Clouds.
International Asteroid Day.
NASA: NASA Science Live: International Asteroid Day (filmpje).
SETI Institute: Asteroid Day: Bennu and OSIRIS-REx (filmpje).
NASA Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps – Episode 63 – OSIRIS-REX Asteroid Mission.
ESA: ESA joins Asteroid Day for rocky live broadcast.
Science At NASA: NASA Asteroid Missions.
ESA: CubeSat will sift asteroid secrets from reflected sunshine.
ESA: Eye of ESA’s asteroid mission.
NASA: Meet NASA’s Psyche Team Who Will Measure the Asteroid’s Magnetic Field (filmpje).
De Hubble Space Telescope nog steeds in de problemen.
NASA: NASA preparing for procedures to turn on backup hardware on the Hubble Space Telescope.
Space News: NASA taking “careful and deliberate” approach to repairing Hubble computer.
The Register: Former NASA astronaut and Shuttle boss weigh in on fixing Hubble Space Telescope.
JWST klaar voor lancering.
ESA: Webb passes key launch clearance review.
Raketnieuws uit Afrika.
Garowe Online: Turkey seeks to develop Spaceport in Somalia.
Raketnieuws uit Amerika.
CNBC: Relativity Space’s massive 3D printers are reinventing rockets, and manufacturing.
Via Satellite: Relativity to Move Into Massive New Long Beach Facility in January.
Virgin Orbit: Exoterra, Virgin Orbit win NASA Phase II SBIR award for solar electric propulsion upper stage.
Parabolic Arc: Sierra Space Provides Integration Services for New Nuclear Propulsion System as Part of DARPA’s DRACO Program.
Space News: Launcher raises $11.7 million Series A round.
Space News: Phase Four raises $26 million (satellite electric propulsion).
Space News: Phase Four announces new electric thrusters, subscription program.
NasaSpaceFlight: NSF Live: The future of Astra with Founder and CEO Chris Kemp (filmpje).
NasaSpaceFlight: Astra CEO Chris Kemp previews Rocket 4.0, daily launches, and a smarter planet.
Space News: Astra to acquire spacecraft propulsion company Apollo Fusion.
YahooFinance: Astra to acquire electric in-space propulsion company Apollo Fusion.
GeekWire: After getting a boost from Craig McCaw, Astra rocket venture gets set to go public on July 1.
GeekWire: Astra Space launches its first day of public trading with backing from Craig McCaw and Bill Gates.
Via Satellite: Astra Becomes First Launch Company to Trade on Nasdaq.
Space News: Astra completes first day as a public company ahead of launch ramp-up.
SpaceCom: Small-rocket startup bluShift announces 1st signed purchase order.
SciTech Daily: A New Era of Spaceflight? Exciting Advances in Rocket Propulsion (nuclear fission thermal rockets).
Space News: New Virginia spaceport head seeks to increase launch activity.
Parabolic Arc: Spaceport America Bond Refinancing to Save $8.2 Million.
US Air Force: FAA, Department of the Air Force sign commercial space agreement.
C4ISRnet: FAA and Air Force sign agreement on commercial launches from Space Force bases.
Via Satellite: FAA and US Air Force Streamline Commercial Space Launch Regulations.
Een overzicht:
SpaceDotBiz: The Launch Landscape: Small Rockets.
SpaceDotBiz: The Launch Landscape: Medium/Heavy Lift Vehicles.
Raketnieuws uit Azië.
On Demand News: Iran's Space Ambitions Grow Despite ANOTHER Failed Rocket Launch (filmpje).
Interfax: Russia and China tentatively agree to adapt their crewed spacecraft to each other's super heavy-lift LVs.
ECNS: China CAS Space: Launch of powerful new carrier rocket expected in 2022.
ECNS: China tests new parachute system for rocket boosters.
IEEE Spectrum: China Tries To Solve Its Rocket Debris Problem.
Korea BizWire: S. Korea Unveils Homegrown Space Rocket for First Time.
Parabolic Arc: Japan to Test Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine.
Raketnieuws uit Europa.
GovUK: Boost for UK space sector as new facility offers cheaper and greener rocket testing.
ESA: ESA-led space propulsion test facility passed to UK owner.
Ars Technica: The Ariane 6 debut is slipping again as Europe hopes for a late 2022 launch.
CNES: Ariane 6: Un nouveau système d'intégration pour la coiffe.
ARCA Space: EcoRocket: Episode 10 - EcoRocket Loaded on Navy Ship (filmpje).
Space News: Europe proposes launcher alliance.
Raketnieuws uit Oceanië. Green Party wants to change space legislation to stop 'military hardware' rocket launches.
Space Daily: Gilmour Space rockets ahead with new funding round.
Space News: Gilmour Space raises $46 million for small launch vehicle.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,