Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/27–554
Er waren afgelopen week 4 lanceringen (alle vanuit China), de Russische ISS-uitbreiding NAUKA en de Europese robotarm zijn (eindelijk) klaar om gelanceerd te worden, twee Chinezen gingen op wandel buiten hun ruimtestation en er is weer heel wat interessant Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws. Maar het waren (vooral) Branson en (een beetje) Bezos die met alle aandacht gingen lopen. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Het moment waar we naar uitkijken nu zondag 11 juli, het moment dat SpaceShipTwo gedropt wordt en aan zijn weg naar de ruimte kan beginnen. Met sir Richard Branson, drie andere passagiers en twee piloten aan boord. Op 20 juli volgt Jeff Bezos aan boord van zijn New Shepard. Foto: Virgin Galactic
De vlucht van Branson is o.a. live te volgen via een livestream (met commentaar van ondergetekende) van Volkssterrenwacht Urania.
Aftellen naar … sir Richard Branson in space.
Spacepage: Richard Branson gaat op 11 juli de ruimte in.
Parabolic Arc: Stephen Colbert to Host Virgin Galactic Webcast of Richard Branson’s Flight to Space.
SpaceCom: Richard Branson says he isn't racing Jeff Bezos into space with Virgin Galactic launch.
SpaceCom: Will Richard Branson actually reach space on Virgin Galactic's 1st fully crewed launch?
SpaceCom: Space tourism, 20 years in the making, is finally ready for launch.
SpaceCom: Virgin Galactic: Richard Branson's space tourism company.
SpaceCom: Richard Branson: Music mogul & space tourism entrepreneur.
SpaceCom: As space billionaires take flight, 'the right stuff' for space travel enters a new era.
SpaceCom: Meet the crew launching on Virgin Galactic's 1st fully crewed flight Unity 22.
Collect Space: Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic crew to use special space pens.
PhysOrg: Billionaire Blastoff: Rich riding own rockets into space.
PhysOrg: Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin face off in space tourism market.
Astronomy: Virgin Galactic's SpaceShip III, a more durable spaceplane.
Branson vs Bezos:
NASA Watch: Let The Space Billionaire Trash Talking Begin!
Parabolic Arc: Blue Origin Says Richard Branson will Not Fly to Space, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo Neither Environmentally Friendly nor Particularly Safe.
SpaceCom: Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin throws shade at Virgin Galactic ahead of Richard Branson's launch.
TIME: The Jeff Bezos-Richard Branson Space Race Is About More Than Two Billionaires' Egos.
Geek Wire: Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin fuels feud with Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic over suborbital space trips.
Click Orlando: Space spat: Billionaires fight over where space starts, but does it really matter?
VideoFromSpace: Virgin Galactic's crewed spaceflight with Richard Branson! Here are the goals.
Today: Exclusive: Meet Richard Branson's Crew Going To Space This Weekend.
7NEWS Australia: Sir Richard Branson LIVE interview days before blasting off to SPACE with Virgin Galactic! | Sunrise.
En alvast twee livestreams:
Virgin Galactic: WATCH LIVE: Virgin Galactic Unity 22 Spaceflight Livestream.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: Branson In Space – met commentaar van mezelf :-)
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RuimtevaartBabbel 33 – Ruimtetoerisme.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RuimtevaartBabbel 34 – Bezos vs Branson – Wie gaat als eerste de ruimte in?
SciNews: The World’s First Space Tourist.
Nog dit: Spaceport America: 2021 Recent News at Spaceport America.
Nog wat achtergrondinfo
The Space Review: The revival of the suborbital market.
The Space Review: Is a billionaire space race good for the industry?
Mashable: Space tourism sounds fun. But it could be terrible for the planet.
Ruimtevaart uit België: Allerlei nieuwe satellieten.
QinetiQ: QinetiQ Satellite to Support European Union Horizon 2020 Programme.
Via Satellite: QinetiQ to Supply Satellite Platform for ESA Program.
ESA: Altius solar panel deployment test (filmpje).
ESA: Artemis introducing ERSA – European experiment to monitor radiation in deep space.
De ontwikkeling van ERSA wordt geleid door het Belgische Space Applications Services. Zie dit Linkedin-bericht.
In verband met de recentelijk gelanceerde Arthur.
Spaceflight: Customer Profile – Aerospacelab.
Nog dit:
QinetiQ: Postcards from Space: Welcome (plus download).
Chinese LM-4C lanceert weersatelliet Fengyun-3E.
ECNS: China launches Fengyun-3E meteorological satellite.
ECNS: China launches Fengyun-3E meteorological satellite (foto’s).
Global Times: China sends world’s first meteorological satellite into dawn-dusk orbit, fills gap in global observation data.
NasaSpaceFlight: China lofts Fengyun 3E polar weather satellite.
Spaceflight Now: China launches Fengyun weather satellite into polar orbit.
CCTV: China Launches New Meteorological Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-4C launches FengYun-3E.
SciNews: The FengYun 3E meteorological satellite.
Chinese LM-2D lanceert 5 satellieten (4 Jilin en een Xingshidai).
ECNS: China sends 5 new satellites to space (foto’s).
Spaceflight Now: China launches five Earth observation satellites on Long March 2D rocket.
SciNews: Long March-2D launches five satellites
Chinese LM-3C lanceert Tianlian, een data relay satelliet.
ECNS: China launches new relay satellite (foto’s).
Space News: China conducts third orbital launch inside four days.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches fifth Tianlian-1 data relay and communication satellite.
CCTV: China Launches New Relay Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3C launches TianLian-1 05.
Chinese LM-6 brengt 5 Zhongzi-02-satellieten in een baan om de Aarde.
NasaSpaceFlight: China’s Long March 6 launches five satellites.
CCTV: China Launches New Satellite Group Zhongzi-02.
SciNews: Long March-6 launches Zhongzi-02 satellites.
ISS – Nauka dan toch klaar voor lancering.
TASS: Launch of Russia’s Nauka research module to orbital outpost rescheduled for July 21.
Inside Outer Space: New Russian Module Readied for Launch to International Space Station.
ISS – European Robot Arm ter assistentie van Russisch segment ruimtestation.
AstroBlogs: European Robotic Arm klaar voor lancering naar het ISS.
NOS: 'Nederlandse' robotarm gaat na 35 jaar toch nog de ruimte in.
NSO: ERA-arm klaar voor lancering: ‘Weer een mindblowing missie’
Airbus: Airbus-built European Robotic Arm ready for Space.
ESA: European Robotic Arm ready for space.
EuroNews: International Space Station gets new robotic arm to help with maintenance and transportation.
ISS – SpaceX Crew Dragon SpX22 vertrekt met een dag vertraging terug naar Aarde.
Florida Today: NASA delays SpaceX Dragon departure from ISS due to Elsa.
Florida Today: SpaceX Dragon departs ISS, targeting Gulf of Mexico splashdown near Florida.
Teslarati: SpaceX Cargo Dragon spacecraft heads home after a month in orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Cargo Dragon splashes down to complete SpaceX CRS-22 mission.
Spaceflight Now: Dragon cargo ship departs space station and heads for Earth.
NASA: Expedition 65 SpaceX CRS 22 Undocking - July 8, 2021.
SciNews: SpaceX CRS-22 Dragon undocking and departure.
ISS – Soyuz MS-19 – Een film in de ruimte.
Spacesleuth: Russian Movie in Space Part 8: Could the crew assignments be changed, after Krikalev crisis?
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Weather Pushes Dragon Undocking to No Earlier than July 7.
NASA Space Station Blog: Weather Delays Dragon Undocking, Crew Scans Veins for Health Checks.
NASA Space Station Blog: Dragon Undocking Planned Thursday, Crew Focuses on Space Research.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cargo Dragon Departs Station, Returns to Earth Friday.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/02/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/05/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/06/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/07/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/08/2021.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of July 5, 2021.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: Space Weather Focused ELaNa CubeSat Deploys from Cygnus Spacecraft.
Een wat ouder filmpje over ELANA vind je hier.
SpaceRef: Deploying Cubesats From The International Space Station.
Roscosmos: Russian monitoring means track space debris to approach ISS on Thursday.
Roscosmos: Unidentified space debris object poses no threat to ISS.
TASS: Space junk flies at 1.8 km distance from orbital outpost — Roscosmos.
SpaceCom: Russia says SpaceX Starlink satellite and space junk may narrowly miss Progress cargo ship in orbit.
ESA: International Space Station update: June in orbit.
RoomEU: Canadarm2 - 20 years of Canadian space robotics on the ISS.
NASA: Space to Ground: Healthy Eating: 07/09/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - July 9, 2021.
ESA: Spacewalk season timelapse, episode 3.
CSS – Eerste ruimtewandeling vanuit het Chinese ruimtestation (bis).
In vorige NUDR kwam deze ruimtewandeling aan bod. Bij deze nog enkele extra artikels en filmpjes.
Space News: Astronauts complete first Chinese space station spacewalk.
NasaSpaceFlight: Taikonauts complete second Chinese spacewalk, first in support of Space Station construction.
Spaceflight Now: Chinese astronauts complete first spacewalk outside new space station.
Collect Space: Astronauts install tools on spacewalk outside China's space station.
ECNS: Homemade spacesuits ensure safety of Chinese astronauts in space.
CGTN: Taikonauts conduct first spacewalk from China's space station.
CCTV: Shenzhou-12 Astronauts Conduct First-ever Extravehicular Activities.
CGTN: Footage: Stunning view from China's space station.
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Complete Lifting Panoramic Camera during 1st Extravehicular Activities.
CGTN: What equipment did the Chinese space station have for its first extravehicular activities?
SciNews: The first extravehicular activity on the China Space Station completed successfully.
SciNews: The robotic arm on the China Space Station.
CGTN: Space log: Taikonauts' break time in space.
CGTN: Space log: Take a look at the taikonauts' 'space gym'.
CGTN: Why are Chinese astronauts called taikonauts?
Artemis – SLS/Orion.
NasaSpaceFlight: Stennis, SLS core stage teams reflect on Green Run campaign.
NASA: Artemis I Rocket Grows Closer to Launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ten years on, Northrop Grumman reflects on changes to Solid Rocket Motors from Shuttle to SLS era.
NasaSpaceFlight: Artemis 1 ICPS stage from ULA added to SLS stack.
Space News: Supply chain, Artemis program limit SLS use for science missions.
Popular Mechanics: The Space Shuttle Engines Will Rise Again.
Artemis – Gateway.
NASA: NASA, Northrop Grumman Finalize Moon Outpost Living Quarters Contract.
Artemis – Meer nieuws over NASA’ s maanprogramma.
Space News: Lunar Exploration as a Service: From landers to spacesuits, NASA is renting rather than owning.
spacegeneration: Lunar exploration synergies with non-space sectors (voordrachten).
NSR: The Bottom Line – Will the Moon Have to Wait?
SpaceX – Starship – Voorbereidend werk op een orbitale lancering.
Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk teases nine-engine Starship, Raptor upgrades.
Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk talks Starship space telescopes, artificial gravity.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship booster weathers thunderstorm ahead of first ‘cryo proof’.
Universe Today: After Just 6 Weeks of Construction, Super Heavy is Built and Ready to Move.
NasaSpaceFlight: Crews Work on Super Heavy Booster 3 Ahead of Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 3 Now Freestanding on Pad A | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: New Column for Launch Tower Arrives | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: More Raptor Engines for Super Heavy Booster Delivered | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Cryogenic Vaporizer for the Orbital Launch Site Delivered | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship with huge Raptor upgrades | ULA would be ‘dead as a doornail’- Elon Musk.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: Satellites and astronauts track Tropical Storm Elsa from space (photos).
Universe Today: Satellites can Track Microplastics From Space.
ESA: New satellite data techniques reveal coastal sea-level rise.
SpaceCom: China's Chang'e 5 moon landing site finally has a name.
SpaceCom: China's Chang'e 6 mission will collect lunar samples from the far side of the moon by 2024.
NASA: Lunar Hardware Delivered to NASA Goddard (PITMS / Peregrine / CLPS).
ESA: The heart of a lunar sensor (PITMS / Peregrine / CLPS).
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3170: Drilling… and Some Science on Top!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3171-3172: Bingo, Drill Hole #32 on Mars!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3173-3175: Cleaning CheMin.
NASA: NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Patches of Rock Record Erased, Revealing Clues.
Gizmodo: Ingenuity Helicopter Takes an Ambitious Shortcut on Mars in Record-Breaking Ninth Flight.
SpaceCom: NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity sails through 9th flight on the Red Planet.
SpaceCom: Mars helicopter Ingenuity spotted a 'heart' in Perseverance rover's tracks on 9th flight (video).
NASA: Meet the Open-Source Software Powering NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter.
CGTN: China's Zhurong rover sends back new footage from Mars (filmpje).
Universe Today: Unfortunately, There are Other Viable Explanations for the Subsurface Lakes on Mars.
Space News: ESA resumes ExoMars parachute tests.
ESA: The mystery of what causes Jupiter’s X-ray auroras is solved.
the maiking of JUICE: Episode 5 (filmpje).
EurekAlert: Methane in the plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus: Possible signs of life?
Forbes: Chinese Researchers Want To Fire Rockets Into Space To Deflect Potential Doomsday Asteroids.
De Hubble Space Telescope nog steeds in de problemen.
SpaceCom: The Hubble Space Telescope is facing its most serious glitch in a decade and NASA really wants to fix it.
NASA: Operations Underway to Restore Payload Computer on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
JWST klaar voor lancering.
Space News: JWST passes launch review.
SuperCluster: Webb, The Space Cathedral.
Satellietconstellaties: Over sterrenkunde, investeringen, e.a.
SWF: Are We Losing The Sky to Large Satellite Constellations?
Space News: Radio telescope faces “extremely concerning” threat from satellite constellations.
Financial Times: Space: the new frontier for investment trusts.
SpaceCom: Earth-observing satellite startup Planet is going public.
Financial Times: Planet Labs launches $2.8bn deal in latest space Spac.
Space News: Planet valued at $2.8 billion in SPAC deal.
SatNews: Satellogic Is SPAC’d.
SatNews: Four More Satellogic Satellites Now On 10th Mission.
Space News: Astrocast mulls going public to expand to 100 satellites.
Space News: NOAA to take first step toward a small satellite constellation.
Via Satellite: Mu Space Opens Satellite Factory in Thailand.
Space News: Shenzhen offers support to boost satellite sector in Chinese city.
Om over na te denken:
NSR: Satellite Evolution Group: NSR Report: 24.700 satellites to be ordered and launched by 2030.
Om af te ronden – Wie haalt 50 jaar oude Britse satelliet terug?
BBC News: Prospero: Quest to retrieve 50-year-old UK space debris.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,