Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/33–560
Ruimtestations, de Maan en Mars … het zijn ook deze week weer de aandachttrekkers. Al was het vooral Blue Origin (of misschien beter Jeff Bezos) dat van zich liet horen door opnieuw verzet aan te tekenen tegen de beslissing van NASA om slechts één keuze te maken in kader van het Human Landing System. Op zich is daar niets mis mee. SpaceX vocht in het verleden ook talrijke beslissingen aan rond allerlei (lanceer)contracten. Het verschil is dat je in die tijd de vooruitgang van SpaceX kon zien. En bij Blue Origin zien we niets. Geen BE-4. Geen New Glenn. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: Het Chinese ruimtestation kende zijn tweede ruimtewandeling.
Vega lanceert aardobservatiesatelliet voor Airbus.
Arianespace: 19th Vega mission demonstrates Arianespace’s ability to deliver for the most innovative projects for the benefits of its clients.
ESA: Vega launches Pléiades Neo and CubeSats.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: Vega launches second Pléiades Neo imaging satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: Earth observation satellite and secondary payloads launched on Arianespace Vega.
Spaceflight Now: Arianespace launches second Pléiades Neo remote sensing satellite.
Arianespace: VV19 Lift-Off sequence.
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight VV19 – Pléiades Neo 4 / LEDSAT / RADCUBE / SUNSTORM / BRO-4 (EN).
SciNews: Vega launches Pléiades Neo 4.
Chinese LM-4B lanceert een nieuwe reeks Tianhui-satellieten.
ECNS: China launches new satellite group.
ECNS: China launches Tianhui II-02 satellite group (foto’s).
NasaSpaceFlight: Chang Zheng-4B launches with two Tianhui 2 satellites.
Spaceflight Now: China launches two radar mapping satellites.
CGTN: China launches new satellites for scientific experiments.
SciNews: Long March-4B launches TianHui-2 02.
Na enkele dagen uitstel Soyuz-raket met reeks nieuwe OneWeb-satellieten gelanceerd.
Roscosmos: Soyuz-2.1b/OneWeb rocket assembled at Baikonur.
Roscosmos: Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with 34 OneWeb satellites installed on launch pad at Baikonur.
Roscosmos: L-3 day works at Baikonur.
Spaceflight Now: Soyuz rocket rolls out to launch pad with next batch of OneWeb satellites.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with 34 OneWeb satellites launch rescheduled.
TASS: Soyuz launch with OneWeb satellites postponed to August 22 at client’s request.
TASS: Soyuz carrier rocket, OneWeb satellites in stable conditions - launch service provider.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1b rocket with 34 OneWeb satellites launched from Baikonur space port.
TASS: All 34 OneWeb satellites put to orbit - Russian space corporation.
TASS: Flight paths for OneWeb satellites launch to be revised - Russian state corporation.
Spaceflight Now: Soyuz rocket delivers in ninth launch for OneWeb.
NasaSpaceFlight: Europe, Russia launch 9th OneWeb mission.
Arianespace: Following VA254 and VV19, Flight ST34 marks Arianespace’s third successful launch in less than one month.
De Arianespace-persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Een filmpje over de laatste assemblage stappen vind je hier, eentje over het uitrollen van de raket hier.
Eerste poging:
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight ST34 - OneWeb - August 20 (EN).
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b aborted launch with OneWeb 9.
De lancering:
Roscosmos: Lancering Soyuz-2.1b met 34 OneWeb-satellieten.
Roscosmos: Live verslag lancering.
Arianespace: Live verslag lancering.
Firefly maakt zich klaar voor lancering, ten vroegste op 2 september.
SpaceCom: Firefly Aerospace's Alpha rocket aces static fire test on California launchpad.
Noozhawk: Firefly Aerospace Conducts Successful Static Fire Test, Reveals Launch Date.
Een filmpje van de test:
Firefly: Firefly Performs a Successful Static Fire Test on its Vandenberg Launch Pad.
Meer info over Alpha vind je op de Firefly-website.
Volgende New Shepard lancering is een onbemande.
Blue Origin: New Shepard Mission NS-17 Launch Updates.
Space News: Blue Origin to perform first New Shepard launch under updated license.
GeekWire: Blue Origin leaving humans behind as next mission will carry scientific and research payloads.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's 1st private astronaut mission, Inspiration4, is just one month from launching into history.
Spacepage: Inspiration4: 's werelds eerste gecharterde ruimtevlucht!
SpaceCom: Space beer, anyone? Hops flying on SpaceX's private astronaut mission Inspiration4 will be auctioned for charity.
Netflix mag van deze vlucht een serie documentaires maken.
Bij deze alvast de trailer.
Spaceflight Now: Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft returns to processing facility for valve work.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Week Kicks Off with Spacewalk Preps, Cygnus Cargo Transfers.
NASA Space Station Blog: Spacewalk Preps Intensify During Muscle Studies.
NASA Space Station Blog: Busy Day as U.S., Russian Crews Get Ready for Spacewalks.
NASA Space Station Blog: Robotics, Muscle Research During Ongoing Spacewalk Preps.
NASA Space Station Blog: Weekend Starts with Spacewalk Preps and Space Science.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/13/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/16/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/17/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/18/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/19/2021.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of August 16, 2021.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Roscosmos: ISS orbit altitude correction scheduled for August 19.
Roscosmos: ISS orbit altitude correction postponed to August 21.
Roscosmos: ISS orbit altitude correction postponed on US side request.
TASS: International Space Station’s orbital altitude adjusted for Soyuz launch
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz-2 carrier rocket sent to Baikonur for launch of Prichal module to ISS.
Gizmodo: NASA Weakly Defends Astronaut Following Russian State Media Accusations of ISS Sabotage.
Parabolic Arc: NASA Denies Accusation that Astronaut Suffered Mental Breakdown, Drilled Hole in Soyuz.
Space News: Spaceborne Computer-2 shows results on space station.
PhysOrg: International Space Station experiment expands DNA research toolkit using CRISPR.
Business Insider: Astronauts say they're saddened to watch the climate crisis from the space station: 'We can see all of those effects from up here'.
ExecutiveGov: NASA eyes commercial partnerships for next Space Station development.
Space To Ground: Space to Ground: Investigating Muscle Loss: 08/20/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - August 20, 2021.
ESA: Thomas tours the MLM module (in French with English subtitles available).
NASA: U.S. Spacewalk 77 Animation.
NASA: Expedition 65 Education Inflight with Arkansas School for Math Science and Arts - August 18, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 Mens Health Magazine - August 18, 2021.
NASA: Space Station Crew Answers Questions from Students in Orlando, Florida.
CSS – Tweede ruimtewandeling voor Chinese astronauten.
Global Times: Taikonauts to execute 2nd spacewalk to explore optimized ways for extravehicular missions.
PhysOrg: China's astronauts make spacewalk to upgrade robotic arm.
Inside Outer Space: China Space Station: 2nd EVA Success.
NasaSpaceFlight: Chinese Space Station taikonauts conduct second spacewalk.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-12 Crew Prepared for 2nd Extravehicular Activities.
CGTN: Live: Shenzhou-12 crew carry out second spacewalk.
CGTN: Chinese astronauts perform second round of spacewalk.
New China TV: GLOBALink | Chinese astronauts complete second time EVAs for space station construction.
CCTV: Chinese Taikonauts Complete Second EVAs for Space Station Construction.
SciNews: Shenzhou-12 crew prepares for second spacewalk.
SciNews: Second spacewalk on the China Space Station begins.
SciNews: Successful second spacewalk on the China Space Station.
SciNews: Shenzhou-12 mission’s second spacewalk.
CSS – Lancering bevoorradingsschip in voorbereiding.
Space News: Rocket arrives for second Chinese space station cargo mission.
ECNS: Chinese rocket for Tianzhou-3 mission arrives at launch site.
CGTN: Carrier rocket for Tianzhou-3 mission arrives at launch site.
New China TV: Chinese rocket for Tianzhou-3 mission arrives at launch site.
CSS – Commerciële bevoorradingopties voor het Chinese ruimtestation?
Space News: Startup wants to develop cargo services for Chinese space station.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CGTN: SpaceLog: Footage shows Chinese astronaut installing cooler for medical samples.
CGTN: SpaceLog: Taikonauts complete assembly of space centrifuge in China's space station.
VideoFromSpace: Chinese astronauts do some 'spring cleaning' aboard Tiangong space station.
Artemis – HLS – Blue Origin spant rechtzaak tegen NASA aan.
Dit was vorige week:
Space News: GAO report details rejection of HLS protests.
Maar dan kwam dit:
Space News: Blue Origin sues NASA over Human Landing System contract.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s Starship Moon lander under fire yet again as Blue Origin sues NASA.
Ars Technica: Here’s why Blue Origin thinks it is justified in continuing to protest NASA.
The Verge: Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin sues NASA, escalating its fight for a Moon lander contract.
Ars Technica: Blue Origin lawsuit forces SpaceX, NASA to stop joint work on Starship Moon lander.
Parabolic Arc: NASA Statement on Blue Origin Lawsuit with the United States Court of Federal Claims.
SpaceX – Starship.
Teslarati: Elon Musk says SpaceX’s orbital Starship debut headed for FAA faceoff in a few weeks.
Teslarati: SpaceX receives first major Starship Moon lander funding from NASA (HLS).
Florida Today: 'Dream come true:’ SpaceX's Starbase in Texas is a flashback to 1960s Florida.
Live Science: The story behind black-and-white photo of SpaceX's Starship.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s first orbital Starship prototype prepares for proof tests.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's Starship could be ready for 1st orbital test flight 'in a few weeks,' Elon Musk says.
Parabolic Arc: Report: Government Documents Allege SpaceX has Violated FAA Permit, Encroached on Boca Chica National Wildlife Refuge.
Universe Today: Musk Says That Refueling Starship for Lunar Landings Will Take 8 Launches (Maybe 4).
Teslarati: SpaceX to shrink, tweak Starship’s forward flap design, says Elon Musk.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's giant Super Heavy rocket spotted from space in satellite photo.
Universe Today: Musk Confirms how “Mechazilla” Will Catch and Assemble Starship and Super Heavy for Rapid Reuse.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 3 Cut into Multiple Pieces | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 20 Testing Preparations Continue | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 20 Lifted Onto Pad B for Proof Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Vacuum Raptor Engines Loaded to Leave Starbase | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 21's Aft Dome Sleeved | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Smooth Nosecone Seen Again in the Tents | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Innovative Perspective: Inside SpaceX's STARSHIP FACTORY.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Orbital Starship will face the FAA in a few weeks: Elon Musk.
What About It?: SpaceX Starship & Super Heavy Orbital Timeline Update!
Chinese Marsrover Zhurong beëindigt geplande verkenningsmissie.
ECNS: Mars mission outcomes to advance space research.
Parabolic: China’s Zhurong Mars Rover Continues Past 3 Month Nominal Mission.
CCTV: China's Mars Rover Accomplishes Planned Exploration Tasks.
CCTV: China's Mars Rover Plays Crucial Roles in Advancing Space Research.
CCTV: China’s Zhurong rover finishes planned exploration tasks| CCTV English.
SciNews: Zhurong completes its designed mission.
SciNews: Zhurong's first weather report from Mars.
Gewijzigde plannen voor Tianwen 1.
PhysOrg: China's Mars rover soldiers on after completing program.
SpaceCom: China's Mars rover Zhurong completes primary mission, gets life extension.
SciNews: Tianwen-1 orbiter delays move into science orbit.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: BepiColombo spacecraft records the sound of solar wind at Venus.
Video From Space: Sounds of a Venus flyby! BepiColombo 'listens' to solar wind & more (filmpje).
SpaceCom: Scientists locate likely origin for the dinosaur-killing asteroid.
SpaceCom: Mount Etna is 100 feet taller than it was 6 months ago.
NASA: NASA Unveils New Interactive Website Ahead of Landsat 9 Launch.
De website vind je hier.
NASA: SAGE III Water Vapor Visualization (filmpje).
Space News: South Korea’s Satrec Initiative to build constellation of high-resolution Earth observation satellites.
Video From Space: Caldor wildfire in California seen from space (filmpje).
Spaceflight Now: Maxar satellite images show thousands of people at Kabul airport.
Ruptly: Afghanistan: Satellite images show massive traffic jam outside Kabul's airport (filmpje).
Roscosmos: Luna-25 station launch scheduled for May 2022.
SpaceCom: Intuitive Machines picks SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to launch its moon lander for NASA.
UAE: Lunar landing site of UAE’s Rashid rover revealed.
MBRSC: Assembly of the Prototype of the First Arab Lunar Rover (filmpje).
Parabolic Arc: IM-2 South Pole Mission Adds Secondary Rideshare Opportunity via Spaceflight Inc.
Parabolic Arc: NASA Awards $500,000 in Break the Ice Lunar Challenge.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3207-3209: Martian Superstition.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3210: Finding the Balance!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3211: Popcorn Mars.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3212-3213: Marching Towards the Pediment.
SpaceCom: Mars rover Curiosity reaches intriguing transition zone on Red Planet (video).
NASA: NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Finds A Changing Landscape (filmpje).
NASA: Global Trio of Orbiters Shows Small Dust Storms Help Dry Out Mars.
The Verge: NASA’s Perseverance to attempt second Mars soil scoop, hoping rocks don’t ‘crumble’.
NASA: Better By the Dozen – Ingenuity Takes on Flight 12.
Video From Space: Ingenuity's 12th Mars flight is scouting mission for Perseverance rover, 1st pics! (filmpje).
c|net: NASA Mars helicopter nails 12th flight, scouts ahead for Perseverance rover.
SpaceCom: Martian crust could sustain life through radiation.
Universe Today: Japan’s Mission to Phobos Will Also Bring a Sample Home by 2029.
JAXA: MMX - Martian Moons Exploration mission movie (filmpje).
The Register: Cassini data from last decade reveals insights into 'diffuse' nature of Saturn's core.
Via Satellite: Satellite Technology of the Year: Northrop Grumman and the Future of In-Orbit Satellite Servicing.
Space News: Starfish Space testing software for constellation-managing Otter space tugs.
Parabolic Arc: Spaceflight Inc.’s Next-Gen Sherpa OTV Program Showcases Innovative Modular Design of its Flight-Proven Subsystems.
Space News: Space Tugs as a Service: In-orbit service providers are bracing for consolidation.
Space News: Lockheed Martin takes aim at satellite servicing market.
Satelliet (bijna) botsingen – Space Traffic Management.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Starlink satellites responsible for over half of close encounters in orbit, scientist says.
SpaceCom: Space collision: Chinese satellite got whacked by hunk of Russian rocket in March.
Gizmodo: Russian Space Junk Hit a Chinese Satellite in March, Evidence Suggests.
Space News: Satellite operators to test a new collaboration tool designed to help prevent collisions.
Space News: Senators push for action on space traffic management.
SETI Institute: Keeping Track of Satellites in Space (filmpje).
SpaceX neemt Swarm Technologies over.
Space News: SpaceX to acquire Swarm Technologies.
CNBC: SpaceX is buying satellite data start-up Swarm, in a rare acquisition by Elon Musk’s space company.
SpaceX – Starlink en Starship.
Teslarati: SpaceX says Starship will launch the next generation of Starlink satellites.
Space News: SpaceX wants to give Starship lead role in revised second-gen Starlink plan.
SpaceX – Starlink nieuwtjes.
The Verge: SpaceX’s Starlink app gets big update to help find clear sky.
Teslarati: Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet service now has about 90k users worldwide.
Ars Technica: SpaceX previews ruggedized Starlink dish for vehicles, ships, and aircraft.
Scott Manley: How Do Starlink Satellites Navigate To Their Final Operational Orbits (filmpje).
De turbulente start van Momentus.
The Verge: Space startup Momentus charged by SEC with misleading investors.
Space News: Stable Road and Momentus reach SEC settlement over false claims.
Space News: Investors drop out of Momentus SPAC deal.
Space News: Momentus looks ahead under new chief executive.
CNBC: Space company Momentus, after settling SEC charges, gets SPAC approved and will go public.
Via Satellite: Shareholders Approve Momentus SPAC Merger After Rocky Start.
Space News: Shareholders approve Momentus SPAC deal.
Space News: Former Momentus CTO reveals competing space logistics venture (TransAstra).
Om af te ronden: Een 3D geprinte raket – Relativity Space.
Veritasium: The Genius of 3D Printed Rockets (filmpje).
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,