Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/49–576
Alweer zeven lanceringen afgelopen week. En er komt dit jaar nog meer. Alweer acht toeristen in de ruimte. Waarvan twee naar het ISS. En o ja, ‘t is nog tien dagen tot aan de lancering van de enige echte JWST. Dat en nog veel meer in deze Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: Opgeborgen in een container arriveert James Webb Space Telescope bij het gebouw waar eerder de Ariane V aangekomen was. Beide worden klaargestoomd voor de lancering op 22 december. Foto: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Optique Vidéo du CSG - P Piron
JWST – Nog 10 dagen tot de lancering op 22 december!
ESA: Webb fuelled for launch.
ESA: Webb moved for fueling #shorts.
Universe Today: After 10 Days of Dangerous, Careful Work, James Webb has Been Fully Fueled up.
ESA: Ariane 5 moved to meet Webb.
Filmpjes van enige tijd geleden:
JWST: The James Webb Space Telescope L-30 Briefings: Science Goals.
JWST: The James Webb Space Telescope L-30 Briefings: Science Instruments.
ESA: Webb moved for fuelling.
JWST: Webb Journey to Space Part 5: Spacecraft Fueling.
JWST: Elements of Webb: Beryllium Part 3, Ep 05.
ESA: Webb: A new view of the Universe.
ESA: Science with Webb: the nearby cosmos.
HST: The Webb Space Telescope: Launching a Legacy (voordracht).
Chinese CERES (Galactic Energy) brengt 5 satellieten in de ruimte.
ECNS: China's CERES-1 Y2 commercial rocket launches 5 satellites.
Pandaily: China Launches Five Satellites Aboard CERES-1 Y2 Commercial Rocket.
ECNS: China's CERES-1 Y2 commercial rocket sends 5 satellites into space (foto’s).
Space News: Chinese private firm Galactic Energy puts five satellites in orbit with second launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: China’s Galactic Energy launches second Ceres-1 rocket successfully.
CGTN: China's CERES-1 Y2 commercial rocket launches 5 satellites.
SciNews: Ceres-1 launches five satellites.
Atlas V lanceert met enig uitstel STP-3 en LCRD.
In oktober:
Space News: ULA sets new target launch date for Space Test Program STP-3 mission.
Maar dan:
Spaceflight Now: Fuel leak at launch pad delays Atlas 5 mission.
Spaceflight Now: ULA to set rocket endurance record on next launch.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: Atlas 5 rocket launches Space Force test mission.
ULA: United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Critical National Security Mission direct to GEO.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Makes Critical Contributions to STP-3 Mission for US Space Force.
Space News: ULA launches STP-3 mission with national security and NASA payloads.
NasaSpaceFlight: ULA launches Atlas V on long duration mission for Space Force.
NASA: Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Lifts Off!
NASA: NASA’s Laser Communications Tech, Science Experiment Safely in Space.
Breaking Defense: Space Force launches experimental sats to detect nukes, test laser communications.
NASA KSC Blog: Space Test Program 3 Launch Update.
NASA KSC Blog: Lift and Mate Operations Complete for Space Test Program 3, Now Targeted for Dec. 5.
NASA KSC Blog: Space Test Program 3 Launch Scrubbed, Now Targeted for Dec. 6.
NASA KSC Blog: Space Test Program 3 Launch Update, Now Targeted for Dec. 7.
NASA KSC Blog: Space Test Program 3 Launch Update, Now Targeted for Dec. 7.
NASA KSC Blog: Live Coverage Begins for STP-3.
NASA KSC Blog: A Look at What’s on Board.
NASA KSC Blog: New Launch Time.
NASA KSC Blog: Updated Launch Time.
NASA KSC Blog: Liftoff!
NASA KSC Blog: Solid Rocket Booster Separation.
NASA KSC Blog: First Main Engine Cutoff.
NASA KSC Blog: LCRD Is On Its Way!
NASA KSC Blog: NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Deploys.
De ULA Launch Blog vind je hier.
De ULA Mission Overview brochure vind je hier (PDF).
Het ULA Flickr foto-album vind je hier.
NASA STMD: Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD).
NASA: Laser Communications: Empowering More Data Than Ever Before.
NASA Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 62, Laser Communications Relay Demonstration.
NASA Podcast: NASA EDGE: Laser Communication Relay Demonstration.
NASA Podcast: Space Communications: 18. LCRD - The Launch | NASA's The Invisible Network Podcast.
PhysOrg: NASA's Laser Communications Relay Demonstration: 6 things you need to know.
ULA: Tory Talk // Atlas V STP-3 Mission Overview.
ULA: Atlas V STP-3 Mission Profile.
NASA: Launch of NASA's Laser Communications Relay Demonstration — LCRD Official Launch Coverage.
NASA: NASA's Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) Launch.
SciNews: Atlas V launches STP-3.
NASA Edge: Laser Communication Relay Demonstration (LCRD) Show.
ULA: Atlas V STP-3 Launch Highlights.
NASA Goddard: Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) Overview.
ISS – Soyuz MS-20 met twee Japanse toeristen naar het ruimtestation.
TASS: Russian troops to provide for Soyuz safe launch with TASS reporter, Japanese tourists.
TASS: TASS’ reporter-cosmonaut, two Japanese tourists approved for flight to orbital outpost.
TASS: Soyuz MS-20 crew leaves hotel in Baikonur.
TASS: Soyuz spacecraft carrying TASS reporter cosmonaut, Japanese tourists placed into orbit.
TASS: Soyuz MS-20 crew enters ISS.
SpaceCom: Japanese space tourist will join human health research effort in orbit.
Spaceflight Now: Japanese billionaire ready for launch to International Space Station.
Collect Space: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa lifts off for space station.
Space Policy Online: Two more space tourists for the ISS.
Space News: Soyuz launches Japanese private astronauts to ISS.
Space Com: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, two crewmates arrive at International Space Station.
NasaSpaceFlight: Soyuz MS-20 space tourism flight docks with ISS.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: Japanese space tourists launch aboard Russian rocket.
Space Daily: Yusaku Maezawa: irreverent billionaire fascinated by space.
Yuzhny Space Center: Assemblage raket Soyuz MS-20.
Yuzhny Space Center: Ruimtevaarders passen de capsule.
Yuzhny Space Center: Buitenrollen raket.
Roscosmos: Licht op groen voor de bemanning v/d Soyuz MS-20.
Roscosmos: Livestream lancering Soyuz MS-20.
De technische uitzending vind je hier.
Beelden van de lancering uit verschillende standpunten vind je hier.
Roscosmos: Livestream koppeling Soyuz MS-20.
De technische uitzending vind je hier.
Roscosmos: Livestream v/h openen van de luiken.
De technische uitzending vind je hier.
NASA: Expedition 66 Soyuz MS 20 Launch - December 8, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 Soyuz MS 20 Docking - December 8, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 Soyuz MS 20 Hatch Opening - December 8, 2021.
NASA: NASA Television Video File - Soyuz MS 20 Launch/Docking/Hatch Open - December 8, 2021.
En dan deze mooie reeks filmpjes over de voorbereiding van de 2 Japanners op deze vlucht.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - Weightlessness Training.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - Centrifuge Training.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - Seat Liner Molding.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - Wilderness Survival Training.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - ISS Emergency Preparedness Training.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - Sokol Spacesuit Pressurization Test.
The Space Adventurer: MZ Mission to Space - Spinning Chair.
The Space Adventurer: Private spaceflight is happening. The real question is ... do YOU want to be part of it?
The Space Adventurer: Dream fulfilled - next time it could be you.
The Space Adventurer: MZ - Arriving on the ISS.
RocketLab lanceert met Electron opnieuw twee BlackSky-satellieten.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Launches 109th Satellite to Orbit.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab to Launch Three Dedicated Electron Missions for Earth Imaging Company Synspective.
De persmap voor deze lancering vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: Rocket Lab launches two BlackSky satellites, wins Synspective contract.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: Rocket Lab launches final mission of the year.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab launches another pair of BlackSky satellites.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab 'A Data With Destiny' Launch.
SciNews: Electron launches “A Data With Destiny”.
SpaceX lanceert NASA’s IXPE, een x-stralen telescoop.
NasaSpaceFlight: IXPE nearing shipment to Florida for December 2021 launch (artikel van eind september).
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket rolls out to launch pad with NASA X-ray telescope.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX test-fires Falcon 9 rocket ahead of NASA science probe launch.
NASA KSC: IXPE Undergoing Final Processing in Preparation for Spacecraft Mate.
NASA: NASA Launches New Mission to Explore Universe’s Most Dramatic Objects.
NasaSpaceflight: NASA, SpaceX launch IXPE x-ray observatory atop Falcon 9.
Space News: Falcon 9 launches NASA X-ray astronomy satellite.
NASA Blog: NASA’s IXPE Rolls out to Launch Pad at Kennedy.
NASA Blog: Launch Readiness Review Concludes: IXPE a ‘Go’ for Thursday.
NASA Blog: Key Launch Day Milestones for NASA’s IXPE.
NASA Blog: Liftoff! IXPE Soars Into the Sky.
NASA Blog: IXPE Teams Communicating with NASA Spacecraft.
NASA Blog: NASA’s IXPE Journeys to Explore the Universe.
Voor meer nieuws over IXPE:
NASA Blog: Fun Facts About NASA’s IXPE Mission.
NASA Blog: What is NASA’s IXPE Mission All About?
Sky & Telescope: NASA launches new X-Ray Explorer.
NASA: IXPE Vibration Test.
NASA: IXPE Thermal Vacuum Test.
NASA: IXPE Boom Deployment Test at Ball Aerospace.
SpaceX: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Mission.
NASA: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Broadcast Begins.
NASA: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Launch.
SciNews: IXPE launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing (mission control audio).
NASA: NASA's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Fairing Separation.
NASA: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Spacecraft Separation.
NASA: Gravity Assist Podcast: A New Set of X-Ray Eyes is Launching, with Martin Weisskopf.
Scott Manley: NASA's New X-Ray Telescope Is A Revolution in Astronomy and Launch Profiles.
De 400ste Lange Mars (LM-4B) lanceert twee (?) Shijian 6 satellieten.
ECNS: China's Long March carrier rocket embarks on 400th mission.
ECNS: China's Long March carrier rocket completes its 400th launch mission (foto’s).
Space News: China sends classified Shijian satellites into orbit with milestone Long March launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: Long March 4B with Shijian-6 Group 5 satellites launches successfully from Jiuquan.
CGTN: China's 400th Long March rocket carries Shijian-6 05 satellites to space.
SciNews: Long March-4B launches Shijian-6 05.
Blue Origin lanceert New Shepard met 6 inzittenden.
Space News: Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic select astronauts for future flights.
Spaceflight Now: Astronaut Alan Shepard’s daughter and Michael Strahan named to spaceflight.
Collect Space: Astronaut's daughter packs dad's mementos for Blue Origin launch.
SpaceCom: Blue Origin launches necklace honoring 'Star Trek' actor Leonard Nimoy into space on New Shepard.
SpaceCom: Astronaut Alan Shepard's daughter says she's excited to follow him to space.
SpaceCom: Michael Strahan taking football to space on Blue Origin flight Saturday.
GeekWire: Blue Origin’s latest suborbital space shot explores the final frontier of merchandising.
SpaceCom: Blue Origin launch with GMA host Michael Strahan delayed to Saturday by high winds.
Geek Wire: Blue Origin delays its next suborbital space trip because of worries about Texas winds.
Spaceflight Now: High winds delay Blue Origin launch until weekend.
De vlucht:
Blue Origin: New Shepard NS-19 Mission Updates.
Space News: Blue Origin launches first six-person New Shepard suborbital flight.
NasaSpaceFlight: Blue Origin launches NS-19 with full passenger complement.
Collect Space: Shepard vs New Shepard: How astronaut daughter's launch stacks up.
Zie ook de website van Dylan Taylor.
Blue Origin: Meet the Crew of NS-19.
Blue Origin: New Shepard NS-19 Pre-Mission Interview: Steve Lanius.
Blue Origin: Replay: New Shepard Mission NS-19 Webcast.
SciNews: Blue Origin NS-19: New Shepard’s first six-astronaut crew.
Blue Origin: In Memoriam: Glen de Vries.
Nog dit:
TrekNews: “Shatner In Space” To Debut On Amazon Prime, Documenting William Shatner’s Historic Journey To The Edge.
SpaceCom: Tom Hanks said 'No thanks' to a space trip offer from Blue Origin's Jeff Bezos. Here's why.
Nog wat ruimtetoerisme.
Gizmodo: Jeff Bezos’ Space Joyride Emitted a Lifetime’s Worth of Carbon Pollution.
The Space Review: The normalization of space tourism.
The Space Review: How space tourism could affect older people.
The Space Review: For private space travelers, questions of vistas and titles.
Satellite Today: Sirisha Bandla: My Story of Going to Space (over haar vlucht met Virgin Galactic).
FAA stopt met het uitreiken van “Commercial Astronaut Wings”.
FAA: FAA Ends Commercial Space Astronaut Wings Program, Will Recognize Individuals Reaching Space on Website.
FAA: FAA Commercial Human Spaceflight Recognition.
Space News: FAA to end commercial astronaut wings program.
Volgende ASTRA lancering vanop KSC.
Astra Space: Astra announces launch for NASA from Cape Canaveral in January.
Space News: Astra to perform next launch from Cape Canaveral.
Florida Today: Launch startup Astra will fly its first Florida mission in January.
ISS – Meer kandidaat-toeristen voor Soyuz-vlucht.
TASS: Group of potential space tourists from Russia visiting training center — Roscosmos chief.
ISS – Vrouwelijke kosmonaut als eerste Russische mee met Crew Dragon in 2022.
TASS: Roscosmos: Anna Kikina may be Russia’s first cosmonaut on US Crew Dragon in 2022.
Tasmanian: Russian Cosmonaut Will Ride Aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon As Part Of A Planned NASA Mission To The Space Station.
Space News: Roscosmos selects first cosmonaut for commercial crew flights.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Visitors Near Launch as Crew Stays Busy with Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Keeps Up Research as Station Visitors Prep for Wednesday Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Three Visitors Prepare to Launch to Station Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Soyuz Trio Blasts off to Station for 11-Day Stay.
NASA ISS Blog: Soyuz Crew Ship Docks to Station with Three Visitors.
NASA ISS Blog: New Visitors Adapt to Station During Space Biology, Physics Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Ten Residents Aboard Station Wrap Up Week with Space Biology.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/02/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/03/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/06/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/07/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/08/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/09/2021.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of December 6, 2021.
ISS – Commercial Crew.
SpaceCom: NASA says SpaceX is only provider so far able to provide astronaut taxi rides.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
SpaceCom: Astronauts see only total solar eclipse of 2021 from space station (photos).
BBC News: Space sleeping bag to solve astronauts' squashed eyeball disorder.
NASA: Space to Ground: December Arrivals: 12/10/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - December 10, 2021.
ESA: Space vacuuming in 360º | Cosmic Kiss.
CSS – Bemanning Shenzhou 12 geeft persconferentie drie maanden na hun terugkeer.
ECNS: First crew of space station recovering well.
Global Times: Shenzhou-12 taikonauts make first public appearance after recovery meets expectation.
CGTN: Shenzhou-12 crew meets press after September return.
CCTV: Astronauts of China's Shenzhou-12 Mission Hold First Presser Since Returning Earth.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Chinese astronauts to give space lecture on Dec. 9.
ECNS: Astronauts in orbit to give space lessons to HK, Macao students.
CGTN: First science class from China's space station amazes students on Earth.
PhysOrg: Chinese astronauts give science lesson from space station.
ECNS: Chinese astronauts give lecture from space.
ECNS: China launches first space class from Tiangong space station (foto’s).
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Greet Students on Earth Before Giving Space Lecture.
New China TV: LIVE: Chinese astronauts give space lecture.
CGTN: Taikonauts show students how they study cell growth in zero gravity.
CGTN: Taikonauts show how to turn around in zero gravity.
CGTN: Chinese astronauts teach students about positive and negative images using water ball.
CGTN: China Space Class: What students say?
New China TV: GLOBALink | Space class ignites passion of students in Hong Kong, Macao.
New China TV: GLOBALink | Chinese astronaut illustrates how to drink water in space.
CGTN: Taikonauts show surface tension in microgravity environment.
CCTV: China Releases Videos of Stunning Sunrise, Sunset Scenes over Earth from Space Station.
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Hold First Live Class Aboard Space Station.
SciNews: Shenzhou-13 space lecture highlights.
SciNews: Astronaut Wang Yaping about UFOs.
ISS – Axiom Space en de (commerciële) uitbreiding van het ISS.
Space: Building a private space station: Q&A with Axiom Space CTO Matt Ondler.
De Indische bemande ruimtevaartplannen.
The Times of India: Eyeing space station by 2030, crewed Gaganyaan mission in 2023.
UAE-astronauten op training in de US.
National News: Nasa chief welcomes Emirati astronauts embarking on two-year training programme.
ESA sluit eerste selectieronde af in zoektocht naar nieuwe Europese astronauten.
ESA: ESA dankt alle kandidaat-astronauten.
NASA stelt nieuwe kandidaat-astronauten voor.
NASA: NASA to Announce America’s Next Class of Astronaut Candidates.
NASA: NASA Selects New Astronaut Recruits to Train for Future Missions.
Collect Space: NASA names 10 new astronaut candidates for future space missions.
Space News: NASA announces new astronauts as safety panel recommends strategic planning for space exploration.
Ars Technica: NASA has 10 new astronauts, and they could not have joined at a better time.
De Standaard: Opmerkelijke carrièreswitch: Amerikaanse wielerkampioene wil de ruimte in.
NASA: NASA Announces 2021 Class of Astronaut Candidates.
NASA: NASA Astronaut Candidate Class of 2021.
Artemis – Nieuws.
BBC: Upcoming Moon missions spur the search for new spacesuits.
SpaceCom: NASA just ordered megarocket boosters for moon missions through 2031.
NasaSpaceFlight: Artemis 1 launch attempt constraints, rocket readiness slips to mid-February 2022.
AutoEvolution: Here Is the Heart That Will Keep the Orion Spacecraft Alive.
Space News: Mexico joins Artemis Accords.
SpaceX – Starship.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship to stand on the shoulders of Saturn V and Shuttle at 39A.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX resumes work on Starship launch pad at Kennedy Space Center.
Teslarati: SpaceX stacking two Starships at once for the first time in ten months.
Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says “overdue” Starship update is coming soon.
Tasmanian: Federal Communications Commission Grants SpaceX A License To Communicate With Starship During Orbital Flight Test Set To Occur Early Next Year.
New Space: Mission Architecture Using the SpaceX Starship Vehicle to Enable a Sustained Human Presence on Mars.
De Standaard: Podcasttips | Naar welke wereld wil Elon Musk ons loodsen?
Yahoo!News: SpaceX offered $150,000 for a waterfront home next to its launch facilities, but its owner says that's one-third of the price of similar properties: report.
NasaSpaceFlight: B2.1 Test Tank Prepared for Move | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: B2.1 Test Tank Rolled Back To Production Site | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy Booster Quick Disconnect Hood Installed | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 5 Rolls Out of the High Bay | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Multi Stage Pump Lifted and Installed at the Orbital Tank Farm | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 6 Test Tank Now Inside the High Bay | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster Quick Disconnect Work Continues | SpaceX Boca Chica.
What About It: Not enough engines? Why SpaceX might be retiring unused Starship boosters!?
Primal Space: SpaceX’s Explosive Engine Problem.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
NASA: Solar Scientist Lisa Upton Makes Stellar Predictions About Our Sun.
NASA: Strong Winds Power Electric Fields in the Upper Atmosphere, NASA’s ICON Finds.
The Science Times: NASA Satellite Data Tracks Microplastics With Nearly 8 Million Tons Flowing From Rivers to Oceans Annually.
SpaceCom: Will Smith explores planet Earth in new 'Welcome to Earth' series from Disney Plus, Nat Geo (exclusive clip).
GPS World: Spire to develop flexible geolocation signal-processing tools for ESA.
NOAA: GOES-T Overview and Upcoming Launch (filmpje).
The Register: China's Yutu rover spots 'mysterious hut' on far side of the Moon.
ECNS: China's lunar rover spots cube-like object on Moon, sparking curiosity.
CCTV: China Sends Lunar Rover to Probe Object on Far Side of Moon (filmpje).
Global Times: China’s Yutu II spots ‘mystery hut’ on far side of the moon.
SpaceCom: 'Mystery hut' on the moon just the latest weird lunar find by China's Yutu 2 rover.
Space Daily: Chinese Yutu-2 rover embarks on weeks-long 80-metre journey to reach Moon Cube.
ESA: Mirror, mirror, on the Moon.
The Space Review: A new era of planetary exploration: what we discovered on the far side of the Moon.
Via Satellite: European Scientists Bounce Long-Range Message to the Moon.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3316-3318: "Gifts From Above".
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3319: Shoot the Gap.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3320: Flexibility is Key!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3321-3322: Old Martian in the Mountain.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3323-3325: In the Shadow of Maria Gordon Notch.
NASA Ingenuity: Flight 17 – Discovering Limits.
Space Daily: Mars helicopter to sit dormant until radio contact restored.
UPI: NASA's eventual farewell to tiny Mars helicopter could be emotional.
The Planetary Society: Mangalyaan, India’s first Mars mission.
Science Daily: Mars seismic deployment lays groundwork for future planetary missions.
NASA: NASA Zeroing in on Path Forward for Lucy Solar Array.
Didymos (filmpjes):
JHU APL: Behind the DART Mission: Inside the DART MOC with Ray Harvey.
JHU APL: Behind the DART Mission: Behind-the-Scenes of the DART Launch Broadcast with Sami Aziz.
JHU APL: Behind the DART Mission: The Science Behind Impacts with Angela Stickle.
JHU APL: Behind the DART Mission: Building a Spacecraft with Joshua Ramirez.
Meer planetoïden:
SpaceCom: 'Potentially hazardous' asteroid Nereus worth nearly $5 billion will pass by Earth this week, NASA says.
NASA: NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Impact Monitoring System Goes Online.
Universe Today: Asteroid Apophis’ 2029 Flyby Will Provide a Bonanza of Asteroid Science.
Raketnieuws uit Noord-Amerika.
Space News: Falcon Heavy could launch three U.S. Space Force missions in 2022.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket is scheduled to launch five times next year.
Virgin Orbit: New agreement between Virgin Orbit and ANA Holdings sets the stage for 20 LauncherOne flights from Japan.
Virgin Orbit: Virgin Orbit bullish on national security launch.
Virgin Orbit: Spire Global, Inc. selects Virgin Orbit for late-load addition to next flight in record time.
Space News: Virgin Orbit adds Spire satellite to next launch.
Parabolic Arc: NetGen Acquisition Corp. II Sets Vote on Virgin Orbit Merger.
Space News: Rocket engine supplier Ursa Major raises $85 million in new funding round.
SpaceRef: Evolution Space Launches Rocket to 188K ft Nearby Mojave to Validate Nano-sat Delivery Flight.
Parabolic Arc: Not Everyone Buys SpinLaunch’s Claims.
Stratolaunch: Stratolaunch Announces Research Contract with Missile Defense Agency.
Spaceport America: 2021 at Spaceport America (filmpje).
SpaceQ: Dreams of Canadian satellite launcher from company's support for Launch Canada.
Raketnieuws uit Azië.
Global Times: China to deliver first rocket launching vessel by 2022 (LM-11).
SpaceCom: China is building a new ship for sea launches to space.
Space News: New Chinese launch firm Rocket Pi (Darwin 1) signs deal for reusable rocket engines.
CCTV: China Completes Testing of Its Largest Solid-Propellant Carrier Rocket in Terms of Liftoff Weight.
SciNews: Lijian-1 (ZK-1A) - China’s largest solid-propellant launch vehicle (filmpje).
Global Times: Chinese private rocket firm iSpace completes investigation into latest unsuccessful launch.
Space News: Chinese rocket firms make new moves toward launch.
The Economic Times: Skyroot test fires India's first privately built cryogenic rocket engine.
RoomEU: Skyroot successfully test fires India's first privately developed cryogenic rocket engine.
The Times of India: Agnikul Cosmos showcases its Made In India rocket engine in Dubai.
The Science Times: Japan's Space Agency Join Forces With 30 Companies to Develop Reusable Rockets to Slash Costs By Over 70%.
Space News: South Korea to develop reusable rocket with 100-ton thrust engines.
Raketnieuws uit Rusland.
TASS: Russia to launch new Angara light carrier rocket in first half of 2022.
TASS: Russia to launch new Angara heavy carrier rocket from Plesetsk spaceport on Dec. 23.
TASS: Conceptual design of future Soyuz-5 rocket finished in Russia.
Everyday Astronaut: The Entire Soviet Rocket Engine Family Tree (filmpje).
Raketnieuws uit Afrika.
DefenseWeb: UKZN fires up rocket engine aimed at satellite launch vehicles.
ASAT, Hypersonische wapens, FOBS, Space Force en andere militaire ruimtevaarttoestanden.
De artikels werden gewoon in chronologische volgorde geplaatst, teruggaande tot half oktober.
Global Times: China’s routine space vehicle test ‘a transparent act for peaceful use, not militarization’.
US Military Times: US Air Force Secretly Tests Its New Hypersonic Missile Weapon Shocked the World (filmpje).
Space Thoughts: Episode 50 - Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems FOBS (filmpje).
Newsweek: China's Hypersonic Weapon Capabilities Raising Global Tensions: Pentagon.
Dongfang Hour: China, FOBS, and Hypersonic Glide Missiles: Impressive Tech, But Not a Major Shift in the Balance of Power.
Space News: One way to help prevent wars in space? Military hotlines with Russia and China.
Space Thoughts: Episode 51 - FOBS, Nuclear Weapons and Article IV.
Space News: Space Force wants a more detailed picture of what other nations are doing in space.
Breaking Defense: An easy fix to Space Force’s most glaring vulnerability.
Breaking Defense: Chinese orbital bombardment? Don’t panic!
Space News: Space Force satellite jammers would shut down enemy communications temporarily.
Space News: Japan to launch 2nd space defense unit to protect satellites from electromagnetic attack.
Space News: Space Force official: Satellites in orbit have become pawns in geopolitical chess games.
Defense One: Space Force Has a Plan for Training Its Troops. Now It Must Figure Out What They Need to Learn.
Russia Today: Russia set to unveil new hypersonic weapons – Putin.
Wayne Hale's Blog: Everything I Know About Orbital Debris – Almost.
TASS: 'We had to': Putin emphasizes Russia was compelled to develop hypersonic weapons.
Space News: Mike Griffin critical of U.S. response to China’s advances in hypersonic weapons.
Space Daily: US Space Force raises alarm over China's orbital hypersonic weapons.
Space News: U.S. was not blindsided by Russia’s anti-satellite test, say officials.
Politico: U.S. Space Force general warns of China's growing military space potential.
SpaceCom: Military interest in the moon is ramping up.
De Standaard: Wapenwedloop verplaatst zich naar de ruimte.
AGI: 2021 Russian satellite intercept (updated) (filmpje).
Space News: Space Force official: U.S. has a broad range of options to respond to space aggression.
TASS: Debris of destroyed Soviet satellite poses no threat to space objects, says military chief.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,