Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/50–577
Alweer 5 lanceringen de afgelopen week, waarvan één mislukte. Dat zou – als ik goed geteld heb – de 9de mislukte zijn van dit jaar. Dat is niet zo verwonderlijk gezien er vele raketten eigenlijk nog in ontwikkeling zijn. SpaceX blijft ondertussen de aandacht trekken met bijvoorbeeld de bouw van een lanceerplatform in Florida. Maar hoe dan ook, voorlopig blijft iedereen uitkijken naar de lancering van de James Webb Space Telescope. Nog enkele dagen geduld …
Bij de foto: We bevinden ons in het “Batiment d’Assemblage Final” op het Centre Spatial Guyanais. Bovenaan zie je de neuskegel welke langzaam naar beneden getakeld wordt over de JWST waarvan je de onderkant min of meer in het midden ziet. JWST staat op zijn beurt op de Launch Adapter. Ondertussen bevestigd: de lancering is nu voorzien voor 24 december. Foto: ESA-Manuel Pedoussaut.
JWST – Na een “pietluttig” probleempje is het nu officieel: Lancering op 24 december!
Spaceflight Now: NASA delays launch of Webb telescope to no earlier than Dec. 24.
Space Policy Online: JWST launch slips two days.
Space News: Communications problem delays JWST launch.
Spaceflight Now: Webb telescope testing on tap before setting target launch date.
Space News: JWST launch rescheduled for Dec. 24.
ESA: Webb launch confirmed for 24 December.
SpaceCom: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope officially set to launch Dec. 24.
Space Policy Online: December 24 confirmed as target launch date for JWST.
NY Times: Why the World’s Astronomers Are Very, Very Anxious Right Now.
ESA: Webb placed on top of Ariane 5.
ESA: Press briefing Webb Telescope.
EuroNews: James Webb: The most ambitious and powerful space observatory ever built is ready to launch.
JWST: Elements of Webb: Kapton, Ep06.
Ter herinnering: Een filmpje over het opplooien van de JWST bij Northrop Grumman.
En hier moet het allemaal gebeuren:
ESA (filmpje): Earth from Space: Kourou, French Guiana.
Alvast enkele links naar livestreams:
NASA: JWST Launch – Official NASA Broadcast.
ESA TV en Arianespace zullen ongetwijfeld de lancering ook streamen maar een specifieke link is (nog) niet beschikbaar.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: Lancering JWST (vanaf 12u30) – Met commentaar van ondergetekende.
Nieuws Uit Europa.
ESA: Europe opens up a new space to commercial services.
Zie ook de BSGN-website (Business in Space Growth Network) – Commercialization in Exploration.
EUSPA: #myEUspace competition deadline extended, take your chance!
EUSPA: Successful start-ups from EUSPA competitions ready to upscale!
ESA: ESA moves forward with your ideas for 11 pioneering missions.
ESA: Test tanks fuelled for ESA’s Themis reusable first stage.
Space News: Spanish startup PLD Space gears up for 2022 suborbital launch.
Ars Technica: Concerned about SpaceX, France to accelerate reusable rocket plans.
SSC: SSC has resumed rocket launches from Esrange.
ESA: First Vega-C rocket stages reach Europe’s Spaceport.
Een filmpje vind je hier.
ESA: ESA contract to advance Vega-C competitiveness.
ESA: ESA signs contract with Avio to increase Vega-C competitiveness.
EUSPA: EUSPA and EASA join hands to bring instrument flying to general aviation with EGNOS.
EUSPA: Let’s shape the future of EU satnav together!
Space News: Arianespace expands Galileo constellation to 28 satellites.
EUSPA: 5 Years of Galileo Services.
EUSPA: EUSPA makes first appearance at General Assembly of the Copernicus networks.
Ars Technica: ESA head says Europe needs to stop facilitating Elon Musk’s ambitions in space.
Space News: Europe awards study contract for disruptive satellite constellation ideas.
Via Satellite: Two Consortiums to Explore Future European Satellite Constellation.
Mynaric: EC selects Mynaric-co-led UN:IO consortium for initial work on an independent European satellite communications constellation.
ESA: Eutelsat Quantum: European software-defined satellite ready to start service.
ESA: Micro-geostationary satellite wins ESA support – SWISSto12.
iSpace: ispace Europe and ArianeGroup and European Space Agency assess Commercial Partnership for Lunar Transportation Services.
Russische Proton lanceert twee Russische comsats.
TASS: Issues detected in Briz-M booster, Roscosmos CEO says.
TASS: Proton-M carrier rocket installed on launchpad at Baikonur spaceport.
TASS: Proton-M rocket ready for refueling and launch.
TASS: Russia’s Proton rocket to orbit Ekspress telecoms satellites on December 13.
TASS: Russia’s Proton-M rocket with two telecoms satellites blasts off from Baikonur spaceport.
TASS: Russian Briz booster successfully activates thrusters after separating from Proton rocket.
NasaSpaceFlight: Russia launches two Ekspress satellites via Proton-M.
Van een tweetal maanden geleden:
Space News: Enhanced Proton M Launch System – New Features.
Yuzhny Space Center: Proton-M" launch vehicle with "Express-AMU3/7" spacecraft to the launch platform.
Roscomos: Livestream lancering.
De technische livestream vind je hier.
SciNews: Proton-M launches Ekspress AMU3 and Ekspress AMU7.
CSS – Chinese LM-3B lanceert Tianlian, een data relay satelliet voor o.a. het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: China launches new Tianlian relay satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches second Tianlian II communication satellite.
SpaceCom: China launches new Tianlian data relay satellite for space station in 50th orbital launch of 2021.
Spaceflight Now: Data relay satellite deployed on China’s 50th orbital launch attempt of the year.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches TianLian-2 02.
Na drie geslaagde lanceringen loopt het voor de Chinese Kuaizhou weer mis.
Space News: Chinese Kuaizhou-1A rocket launch fails.
NasaSpaceFlight: Kuaizhou-1A experiences second launch failure.
SpaceCom: Chinese Kuaizhou-1A rocket fails after launch, 2 satellites lost.
SpaceX lanceert voor 11de maal een eerste trap. Starlink-satellieten in een 53° inclinatiebaan.
Space News: Falcon 9 sets reuse milestone with Starlink launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Falcon 9 completes rare 53 degree inclination launch from Vandenberg.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches Falcon 9 rocket on record 11th flight carrying 52 Starlink satellites.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 33 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 18 December 2021.
SpaceX lanceert Turkse communicatiesatelliet.
Space News: SpaceX launches Turkey’s Turksat 5B communications satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: Turksat-5B rides second of three Falcon 9 launches in three days.
Teslarati: SpaceX completes second Falcon 9 launch and landing in 15 hours.
SpaceX: Turksat 5B Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches Turksat-5B and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
SciNews: Turksat-5B deployment.
Iran – Nieuwe lancering op komst ?
Politico: Satellite images, expert suggest Iranian space launch coming.
FNN: Satellite images, expert suggest Iranian space launch coming.
Toerisme: Space Perspective.
Florida Today: Space tourism company Space Perspective to bring 240 jobs, and factory to Titusville.
Parabolic Arc: Space Perspective Selects Florida’s Space Coast Spaceport for Worldwide Campus and Manufacturing Complex.
Toerisme – Nog eens Shatner en zijn echte “Star Trek” (NS-18).
Parabolic Arc: Shatner in Space, a One-Hour Special Documenting William Shatner’s Life-Changing Flight to Space, Premieres on Prime Video.
TrekNews: Shatner In Space Review: An Intimate Look At A Landmark Event.
Toerisme – Nog eens de recentste New Shepard vlucht (NS-19).
SpaceCom: Shepard vs New Shepard: How astronaut daughter's Blue Origin launch stacks up.
Blue Origin: Recap: New Shepard Mission NS-19.
ISS – Soyuz MS-20 en de twee Japanse toeristen.
Business Insider: Billionaire who blasted into space defended spending tens of millions of dollars on the trip, saying his critics 'perhaps have never been to space'.
SpaceCom: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa delivers first Uber Eats in space.
ABC News: The AP Interview: Japanese tourist says space trip 'amazing'.
TASS: Military rescuers geared up for safe landing of Soyuz spacecraft carrying space tourists.
Een filmpje vind je hier.
ISS – Crew Dragon Crew 4.
TASS: Astronaut Cristoforetti: key task of ISS commander is to look out for crew safety.
TASS: Italian astronaut backs space tourism and outer space cinema production.
ISS – Crew Dragon Crew 5.
Roscosmos: Anna Kikina commented on the proposal to fly an American spaceship.
ISS – Crew Dragon Crew 6.
NASA: Two Astronauts Receive Assignments for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 Mission.
ISS – NASA kiest opnieuw voor Axiom Space voor tweede toeristenvlucht naar het ruimtestation.
NASA: NASA Selects Second Private Astronaut Mission to Space Station.
Universe Today: NASA Gives Axiom Space Another Opening to Fly Private Astronauts to Space Station.
SpaceCom: NASA greenlights Axiom Space's 2nd private mission to International Space Station.
Toerisme – Rusland wil meer Soyuz-capsules voor ISS-vluchten.
Roscosmos: Dmitry Rogozin ordered to develop a plan to ramp up Soyuz MS spacecraft production.
TASS: Russian space firm to elaborate plan of building up Soyuz manned spacecraft production.
Inside Outer Space: Russia to Boost Space Tourism Travel.
Russia Today: Russia joins space tourism race; plans for more Soyuz launches.
Meer ruimtetoerisme.
The Space Review: Private human spaceflight become more regular, but not routine.
TMRO (filmpje): The End of Astronaut Wings?
ISS / Commercial Crew: Eerste Starliner in mei 2022 (?).
SpaceCom: Boeing plans to launch its Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station in May 2022.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights, alsook het Russische “Report on the Russian Crew”.
NASA ISS Blog: Week Kicks Off with Space Physics, Biology Before Visitors Depart.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Studies Vision, Psychology and Services Soyuz Crew Ships.
NASA ISS Blog: Research Focusing on Muscles, Botany during Russian Spaceship Work.
NASA ISS Blog: Science and Exercise Hardware Work as Trio Nears Departure.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Ramps Up for Visitors’ Departure and U.S. Cargo Mission.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/10/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/13/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/14/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/15/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/16/2021.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of December 13, 2021.
Of dit blijft duren weet ik niet, maar bij deze:
Roscosmos: Report on the Russian crew December 14 work schedule.
Roscosmos: Report on the Russian crew December 15 work schedule.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
SpaceCom: NASA astronaut Christina Koch is breaking records and inspiring the next generation.
ESA: Artificial intelligence for eye health in space.
SpaceCom: NASA scientists consider the health risks of space travel.
TASS: Badminton in space: Cosmonauts promote active lifestyle aboard ISS.
NASA: Space to Ground: Dreams of New Science: 12/17/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - December 17, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 ESA In Flight Event with German FederaL President - December 11, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 PAO KCRG-TV and Kitsap Sun Newspaper - December 13, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 Inflight Interview with WRAL TV and Charlotte Observer - December 17, 2021.
ESA: Cupola in 360° | Cosmic Kiss.
JAXA: International Space Station "Kibo" utilization activities in the Asia-Pacific region (2021).
ISS en de opkomst zijnde commerciële ruimtestations.
The Space Review: Private space stations are coming. Will they be better than their predecessors?
IEEE Spectrum: The Race for the Next-Gen Space Station NASA hopes private companies will replace the ISS by 2030—but which one(s)?
Spacewatch: ESA invites companies to build Europe's Post-ISS era.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
SpaceCom: China's Shenzhou 13 astronauts stream live science lecture from space station.
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Show Space Station Routine Cleaning Between Duties.
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Work Out in Space Station.
Chinezen naar de Maan.
Space News: China’s new rocket for crewed moon missions to launch around 2026.
ECNS: Preparations underway for moon landing.
Artemis – Nieuws.
Spaceflight Insider: Artemis I SLS rollout delayed to January.
NASA: Artemis I Integrated Testing Update.
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis II Rocket Hardware Ready for Final Outfitting.
NASA (filmpje): Watch NASA Build Upper Portion of Artemis II Rocket Stage.
NASA (filmpje): Artemis Spacecraft Launch Abort Simulated by NASA Supercomputers.
NASA Podcast: Episode 75 – Artemis Progress.
NASA: Stennis Space Center Team Completes RS-25 Remove-and-Replace Training Procedure.
NASA: NASA 'Fires Up' Artemis RS-25 Rocket Engines with New Components.
De beelden van de test vind je hier.
SpaceX – Starship.
Teslarati: SpaceX rolls Super Heavy booster to orbital launch mount..
Teslarati: SpaceX installs Starship booster on orbital launch mount for the third time.
Teslarati: SpaceX VP says Starship is already winning commercial launch contracts.
NASA: NASA Conducts Environmental Assessment, Practices Responsible Growth.
Teslarati: SpaceX to replicate Starbase, build multiple Starship launch pads in Florida.
NasaSpaceFlight: NASA promotes East Coast Starship option at LC-49 following SpaceX interest.
Tesmanian: Elon Musk Suggests SpaceX Plans To Land A Starship On Mars Within 5 Years.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Performs First Cryogenic Proof Test Of Super Heavy Rocket That Will Propel A Starship To Orbit.
Tesmanian: Elon Musk Shares Video Of SpaceX Super Heavy Engine Steering Test, Says Each Raptor Is Capable Of Producing 185 Metric Tons Of Force.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Will Start A Program To Extract Carbon Dioxide Out Of The Atmosphere To Turn It Into Starship Fuel.
De Morgen: Elon Musk wil koolstofdioxide uit atmosfeer halen en gebruiken als raketbrandstof.
Space News: SpaceX vs. the world.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 4 Moved Next to the Orbital Launch Mount | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 4 Lifted Onto the Orbital Launch Mount | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 21 Nosecone Prepared for Stacking | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starhopper Gets a New Antenna | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: The Wide Bay Grows Taller | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 21 Rolled Out of the Mid Bay | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Drill Rig Used at the Orbital Tank Farm | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Parker Solar Probe “raakt de zon aan”.
NASA: NASA Enters the Solar Atmosphere for the First Time, Bringing New Discoveries.
Sky & Telescope: “Humanity has ‘touched’ the sun”.
NASA: NASA's Parker Solar Probe Touches The Sun For The First Time.
AGU: Press conference: Major discoveries as NASA’s Parker Solar Probe closes in on the Sun.
JHU APL: Parker Solar Probe Touches the Sun.
Scott Manley (filmpje): NASA's Spacecraft "Touched The Sun" - What Does That Mean?
Europese Solar Orbiter levert een rijkdom aan wetenschappelijke resultaten tijdens de tocht naar de zon.
ESA: Solar Orbiter publishes a wealth of science results from its cruise phase.
ESA: Solar corona in detail.
ESA: Magnetic Sun.
Goed nieuw voor Europese ExoMars-lander.
ESA: Double drop test success for ExoMars parachutes.
Roscosmos: Double drop test success for ExoMars parachutes.
Beelden van de test vind je hier.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
PhysOrg: NASA selects 4 CubeSats for space weather tech development.
CSL: PROBA-3 ASPIICS leaves CSL (België).
Breakthrough Initiatives: Venus Life Finder Mission Study (pdf).
De Standaard: Voor en na: satellietbeelden tonen impact tornado’s (VS).
Gizmodo: 7 Satellite Images Reveal the Shocking Toll of the Quad State Tornado Outbreak.
NASA: NASA Satellite Data Used to Assess Tornado Damage, Understand Storms.
Space News: BlackSky to begin transition to higher-resolution imaging satellites in 2023.
Geek Wire: Thanks to new satellites, BlackSky picks up the pace for updating space imagery.
Spacewatch: Australia’s GTFA using German satellite to detect bushfires.
Space News: Pléiades Neo 4 satellite enters service without a hitch.
ECNS: China offers meteorological satellite services to 121 countries, regions.
SETI (filmpje): Earth at the Crossroads: Can the Study of Other Worlds Help Us Save This One?
Space News: Malaysia outlines national space blueprint with focus on remote-sensing satellite development.
NASA (filmpje): NASA/NOAA Tech Will Aid Marine Oil Spill Response.
Space News: Albedo wins license to sell 10-centimeter imagery.
SpaceCom: Why will it take China's Yutu 2 moon rover so long to reach lunar 'mystery hut'?
ESA: Opening a 50-year-old Christmas present from the Moon.
SciNews (filmpje): Chang’e-5 sample has high-titanium content and rare earth elements.
NasaSpaceFlight: MDA discusses status, mission objectives of Canada’s LEAP lunar rover.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3326-3327: Backing Away From the Cliff.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3328-3329: Out of the Shadows.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3330-3332: Cliff Back…
NASA: NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Makes Surprising Discoveries.
Het bijbehorende filmpje (Spanning the Delta of Mars’ Jezero Crater) vind je hier.
SpaceCom: Mars helicopter Ingenuity flies for 17th time on Red Planet.
NASA: NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Reaches a Total of 30 Minutes Aloft.
UPI: Mars helicopter Ingenuity ready to fly again as radio link is restored.
The Register: Mars helicopter mission (which Apache says is powered byLog4j) overcomes separate network glitch to confirm new flight record.
ESA: ExoMars discovers hidden water in Mars’ Grand Canyon.
Roscosmos: ExoMars discovers hidden water in Mars’ Grand Canyon.
VRT NWS: Ruimtesonde ontdekt water in Grand Canyon van Mars: "Gebied zo groot als Nederland".
AGU (filmpje): #AGU21 Press conference: Ten months of Perseverance: Jezero science.
NASA: NASA Begins Testing Robotics to Bring First Samples Back From Mars.
NASA: NASA’s Juno Spacecraft ‘Hears’ Jupiter’s Moon
The Science Times: Did NASA Juno Spacecraft Just Hear Jupiter 's Moon? Here's What Happened!
JAXA (filmpje): How do you analyse a sample from space? A year following the Hayabusa2 sample from asteroid Ryugu.
Didymos en Dart:
SETI (filmpje): SETI Live: DART: Mission to Move a (Didy)moon.
Astronomy: How DART will help NASA combat doomsday asteroids.
SpaceCom: UAE looks to build on Mars mission success with tour of the asteroid belt.
New Horizons: The PI’s Perspective: Looking Back, Looking Forward.
Nieuws uit de UK.
GPS World: First UK-generated satnav signal coming in test project.
GovUK: New rocket test facility under construction in Scotland.
Parabolic Arc: Orbex Begins Construction of New Rocket Launchpad in the UK.
Space News: Third consortium gets UK funds to study potential deorbit mission.
The Guardian: UK space firm secures £7.6m to fund trial of factory satellites.
Komt er een EurAsian Space Agency?
Roscosmos: Dmitry Rogozin proposed to create Eurasian Space Agency.
Ook dat nog: Heeft SpaceX een cultuur van “sexual harassment”?
The Verge: Five former SpaceX employees speak out about harassment at the company.
Ars Technica: Concerns about sexism in the aerospace industry land at SpaceX.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,