Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/24–604
Of het ooit eerder gebeurd is? Ik weet het niet. Hoe dan ook, drie lanceringen op rij van een zelfde type raket – in dit geval de Falcon 9 – is hoe dan ook een memorable prestatie. De recentste lancering van Astra was daarentegen er eentje om te vergeten. De nuttige lading ging verloren toen de tweede trap problemen vertoonde. Ondertussen is NASA opnieuw gestart met de Wet Dress Rehearsal van het Space Launch System. En heeft SpaceX zijn milieuvergunning gekregen (onder voorwaarden). Of dit leidt tot een memorabele zomer met twee spectaculaire lanceringen, dat moeten we afwachten. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: De lancering van twee NASA-satellieten door Astra verliep niet zoals dat moest.
ESA en NASA samen van de Aarde naar de Maan en richting Mars.
ESA: From the Earth to the Moon and on to Mars – ESA and NASA take decisions and plan for the future.
NASA: NASA, ESA Finalize Agreements on Climate, Artemis Cooperation.
Space News: ESA and NASA to cooperate on Earth science and lunar mission.
ESA: ESA sets out bold ambitions for space.
ESA: ESA pursues a shared European vision for the future of space transportation.
ESA: ESA centre to develop Europe’s space economy and promote commercialisation.
ESA: The road to CM22 - Europe’s space ambition.
Astra lancering mislukt. Twee TROPICS satellieten gaan verloren.
NASA KSC Blog: Welcome to Launch Day for TROPICS.
NASA KSC Blog: Weather 40% Favorable for Today’s Launch at Start of Launch Window.
NASA KSC Blog: Mission Timeline for Today’s TROPICS Launch.
NASA KSC Blog: Mission Facts About TROPICS.
NASA KSC Blog: Launch Countdown Paused.
NASA KSC Blog: New T-0 Time Established for Today’s TROPICS Launch.
NASA KSC Blog: TROPICS Mission Update.
NasaSpaceFlight: Astra launch fails on first TROPICS flight for NASA.
Space News: Astra launch of NASA TROPICS cubesats fails.
Ars Technica: Astra rocket’s second stage fails, NASA CubeSats lost.
Parabolic Arc: Astra Space Shares Plunge 24% After Latest Launch Failure.
Spacepage: Twee kleine satellieten gaan verloren tijdens mislukte lancering Astra raket.
Video From Space: See Astra test fire rocket that will launch NASA's TROPICS-1 mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: Astra Launch of TROPICS-1 for NASA (live).
SciNews: Astra Rocket 3.3 launches TROPICS-1.
Scott Manley: NASA TROPICS Satellites Destroyed as Astra Rocket Fails To Reach Orbit.
SpaceX lanceert nieuwe reeks Starlink-satellieten.
Teslarati: SpaceX to kick off launch triple-header with record-breaking Falcon reuse.
Tesmanian: Previously-flown SpaceX Falcon 9 lifts off a record-breaking 13th time to launch Starlink mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches Starlink satellites on booster’s 13th flight.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket goes upright for record-breaking 13th launch.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 48 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 17 June 2022.
SpaceX lanceert Duitse radarsatelliet SARah-1.
Spaceflight Now: German military radar satellite ready for SpaceX rocket ride.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches German military radar satellite from California.
NasaSpaceFlight: Falcon 9 launches Germany’s SARah-1 from Vandenberg.
Noozhawk: SpaceX Rocket Launch, Landing at Vandenberg SFB Help Central Coast Wake Up.
SpaceX: SARah-1 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches SARah-1 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
SpaceX lanceert een Globalstar-satelliet.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches Globalstar satellite on mysterious Falcon 9 mission.
Florida Today: In record pace, SpaceX launches three Falcon 9 missions in two days.
Spaceflight Now: Globalstar hush-hush ahead of launch with SpaceX.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: SpaceX launches Globalstar satellite from Florida.
SpaceX: Globalstar FM15 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches Globalstar-2 FM15 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
Stratolaunch – Zevende vlucht voor ROC.
Parabolic Arc: Stratolaunch Roc Aircraft Reaches New Heights in Seventh Flight.
SpaceCom: Stratolaunch's huge Roc carrier plane flies higher than ever on 7th test flight.
ISS – Bevoorradingsvlucht opnieuw SpX CRS-25 uitgesteld. Problemen met een klep.
Teslarati: SpaceX, NASA blame Cargo Dragon leak on faulty valve, delay launch further.
Space News: Cargo Dragon launch rescheduled for July after identifying hydrazine leak.
Gizmodo: Cause of Leaky SpaceX Cargo Vehicle Sourced to Faulty Inlet Joint.
Iran zou een lancering aan het voorbereiden zijn.
Iran Front Page: Iran says preparing seven satellites for launch into orbit.
Iran Front Page: Iran says plans test-launches of satellite carrier for research purposes.
Iran Front Page: US says ‘closely’ monitoring Iran’s space program.
AP: Satellite images suggest Iran preparing for rocket launch.
CBC: Iran preparing space rocket launch, satellite images suggest.
The National News: Satellite images suggest Iran is preparing for rocket launch.
The Jerusalem Post: How Iran’s satellite program faced setbacks under Rouhani.
Zuid-Korea – Nuri-lancering uitgesteld.
The Korea Herald: Nuri rocket launch postponed to Thursday due to wind.
Yonhap News Agency: S. Korea's space rocket launch delayed as strong winds disrupt transportation.
Yonhap News Agency: S. Korea plans to launch space rocket on June 21 following cancellation over tech glitch.
Space News: South Korean rocket’s second launch rescheduled for June 21.
The Korea Herald: Repaired rocket Nuri to launch Tuesday.
Zuid-Korea – Hanbit-TLV gaat vanuit Brazilië gelanceerd worden.
Parabolic Arc: Innospace Unveils Korea’s First Private Test Launch Vehicle ‘Hanbit-TLV’.
RoomEU: Countdown to launch vehicle test for South Korea.
Today Online: South Korea's Innospace to launch.
Innospace: INNOSPACE Testing – New Portable Coalesced Launch System and HANBIT-TLV.
Eerste lancering Vega-C nog steeds op 7 juli. Ariane VI uitgesteld tot 2023.
ESA: Vega-C set for inaugural launch.
ESA: VV21 payload LARES-2 integration.
Space News: Ariane 6 launch debut pushed into 2023.
Ars Technica: Europe’s major new rocket, the Ariane 6, is delayed again.
ESA: Ariane 6 cryogenic disconnection systems pass key tests.
Sierra Space start Astronaut Training Academy.
Sierra Space: Q&A with Dr. Janet Kavandi on Sierra Space’s New Human Spaceflight Center and Astronaut Training Academy.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space to Open Human Spaceflight Center, Train the Future Astronaut Corps for the New Commercial Space Economy.
Space News: Sierra Space to start astronaut training program.
SpaceX – Polaris Down – Updates.
Polaris Program: Polaris Dawn Mission Updates.
NSS: Polaris Dawn: The Other Shoe Revisited.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Polaris Dawn crew are training to travel farther than any humans have since NASA's Apollo lunar missions in 1972.
SpaceCom: Polaris Dawn crew training for epic private SpaceX mission this fall.
Boeing – Starliner – Nieuwe bemanning voor eerste vlucht. En andere nieuwtjes.
NASA: NASA Updates Astronaut Assignments for Boeing Starliner Test Flight.
Space Policy Online: Another Crew Change For Boeing’s Starliner..
Collect Space: NASA assigns two astronauts to Boeing's Starliner crew flight test.
Human Spaceflight Blog: Boeing's OFT-2 Capsule Returns to Base at Cape Canaveral...
Collect Space: Boeing reveals new Starliner suit with replica made by Adam Savage.
Scott Manley (filmpje): Why Does Boeing's Starliner Not Look Burned After Reentry.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Observes Quiet Monday, Prepares for Upcoming Cargo Operations.
NASA ISS Blog: Advanced Space Biology, Tech Research Inform Mission Success.
NASA ISS Blog: Life Science, Debris Avoidance Maneuver Takes Place on Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Wraps Week with Research Hardware Work, Cygnus Packing.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/06/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 14/06/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 15/06/2022.
Space Station Science Highlights: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of June 13, 2022.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Russian cosmonaut will stay on ISS longer to arrange flight of representative of Belarus.
TASS: Engines of Russian cargo spacecraft Progress helped ISS to evade debris — Roscosmos.
Beelden van het maneuver door Progress MS-20 vind je hier.
The Planetary Society: Why can't the ISS operate forever?
NASA: Space to Ground: One Million Hours: 06/17/2022.
ESA: Inflight call with ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.
NASA: Expedition 67 Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti Answers European Student Questions - June 14, 2022.
Over het nieuwe Russische ruimtestation.
CCTV (filmpje): Russia to End Cooperation on ISS, Work with China on Future Lunar Station: Roscosmos Head.
Parabolic Arc: Rogozin Lays Out Options for Roscosmos Post ISS; Russia Agrees to Seat Swap with NASA.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-14 Crew Adapts to Microgravity in Space Station Core Module.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-14 Crew Busy with Various Tasks After 13 Days in Space Station.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-14 Crew Sets Up Water Supply System in Space Station Core Module.
CGTN: Shenzhou-14 crew's life: Space water is hard to come by
New China TV: GLOBALink | China's Shenzhou-14 mission another major step in int'l space cooperation.
CGTN: Tech Breakdown: What technical upgrades have been made to the Shenzhou-14 spaceship?
China test motor uit voor derde trap toekomstige bemande lanceerder.
PanDaily: China Begins Prototype Development for New Manned-Carrier Three-Stage Engine Rocket.
CCTV: Three-Stage Engine of China's New Manned Carrier Rocket to Enter Prototype Development.
SciNews: New rocket engine for China’s next human-rated launch vehicle.
Artemis – CAPSTONE.
NASA: NASA's CAPSTONE: Flying a New Path to the Moon.
Artemis 1 – Wet Dress Rehearsal is begonnen.
Space News: Fourth SLS countdown test set for June 20.
Space Policy Online: Artemis 1 launch slips to late august or september at the earliest.
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 1 megarocket faces huge test this weekend for launch around the moon.
NASA Artemis Blog: Teams on Track for Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal Test (met het volledige scenario van de test).
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I WDR Update: Countdown is Underway for Wet Dress Rehearsal.
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 1 moon mission: Live updates.
Mashable: NASA prefers this nickname for America's new lunar rocket.
NASA: Media Briefing: Artemis I Wet Dress Rehearsal.
Artemis – Meer nieuws.
The Hill: Will space suits delay NASA’s return to the moon until 2026?
Space News: France joins Artemis Accords.
Astronomy: The many methods to get to the Moon.
Astronomy: Scientists have grown plants in genuine lunar soil.
GPS World: NASA moon mission set to break record in navigation signal test (LuGRE).
NasaSpaceFlight: Lockheed Martin powers up Artemis 2 Orion, updates status on other capsules.
SpaceQ: The Canadian Space Agency provides $1,75m for 7 Moon infrastructure ideas.
SpaceX/Starship – Milieu vergunning is ok onder voorwaarden. Wachten op lanceerlicentie.
FAA: FAA Requires SpaceX to Take Over 75 Actions to Mitigate Environmental Impact of Planned Starship/Super Heavy Launches.
FAA: SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Project at the Boca Chica Launch Site.
Op vermelde pagina vind je ook alle documenten, met o.a. alle appendixen voor de volgende documenten:
FAA: Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) Executive Summary for Starship/Super Heavy.
FAA: SpaceX Starship Super Heavy at Boca Chica FONSI ROD.
De FAA Commercial Space Transportation Licenses vind je hier. SpaceX heeft voorlopig enkel eentje voor suborbitale Starship vluchten.
Space News: FAA environmental review to allow Starship orbital launches after changes.
SpaceFlightNow: FAA moves SpaceX a step closer to receiving Starship launch license.
Teslarati: SpaceX a big step closer to orbital Starship launches after passing FAA environmental review.
Ars Technica: SpaceX’s Starship launch plan gets an environmental OK from the feds.
Marcus House: SpaceX Starship Victory at Last! Breaking FAA update!
Scott Manley: SpaceX's Starbase Gets Green Light From FAA.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship is GO - FAA Review of Starbase is Complete!
SpaceX – Meer nieuws over Starship.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's Starship will be ready for 1st orbital flight in July, Elon Musk says.
Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk claims Starship will be ready for first orbital launch in July.
Spaceflight Now: First tower segment for SpaceX’s Starship launch site moves to pad 39A.
Reuters: SpaceX faces NASA hurdle for Starship backup launch pad.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Prepares to Hear the Fate of Starbase | Starship Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Launch Site Prepared for Booster 7 Roll Out | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: First Upgraded Sections of Booster 9 Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Crews Prepare Chopsticks to Lift Booster 7 | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Can Crusher Cap Moved To The Launch Site | SpaceX Starbase.
NasaSpaceFlight: The Orbital Launch Pad Prepped for Testing | SpaceX Starbase.
NasaSpaceFlight: Upgraded Load Spreader Delivered to Starbase | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Reply: SpaceX moves first Starship tower segment for Florida launch pad.
LabPadre: Starship One Step Closer To Launch - Weekly Update #14.
Everyday Astronaut: Elon Musk Explains SpaceX's Merlin Engine!
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Universe Today: High Altitude Life Can’t Explain the Trace Gases in Venus’ Atmosphere
Popular Mechanics: Earth’s Core Is ‘Moving Under Our Feet,’ Switching Direction Every 6 Years, Scientists Say.
Directions Mag: Build Your Satellite Imagery Library with New Access to 30cm Pléiades Neo Data
SpaceCom: Arizona wildfire reaches some of famed Kitt Peak's telescopes.
Maan: Lunar Pathfinder.
Inside Outer Space: Russia’s Return to the Moon: Luna-25 Testing Underway.
ESA: Mining lunar minerals with terrestrial fungi.
Satellite Pro Me: President of UAE reviews details of Emirates Lunar Mission.
En dit overzicht, met o.a. een boel CLPS missies:
Blog.Jatan.Space: Moon Monday #81: Lunar missions on the verge of launching and future hardware coming to life.
Spaceflight Now: NASA agrees to provide launcher for UK-built lunar communications satellite.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3503-3504: And We're Back.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3505-3506: Summer Science Smorgasbord.
SpaceCom: Perseverance Mars rover spots weird snake-head rock and balancing boulder (photo).
SpaceExplored: Ingenuity makes flight 29 after fixing a dead sensor.
NASA: NASA, Partner Establish New Research Group for Mars Sample Return Program.
National: UAE's Mars mission chief on stopping the next Cold War in space.
Universe Today: Japan’s Upcoming Mission Will Use a Vacuum to Get its Sample From Phobos.
Astronomy: MAVEN returns to operations after three-month pause.
SciShow Space (filmpje): Fun in the Summer Sun… on Saturn.
SpaceCom: NASA's Lucy asteroid spacecraft solar array rescue efforts continuing.
SpaceFlightNow: Ninth asteroid added to Lucy mission; optimism grows on solar array issue.
JAXA: Ryugu may have originated from a comet nucleus that contained amino acids needed for life on Earth.
NASA: NASA Spacecraft Observes Asteroid Bennu’s Boulder 'Body Armor'.
Bennu en Apophis:
NasaSpaceFlight: Lockheed talks OSIRIS-REx success, readiness for APEX mission to Apophis.
ESA: Hera asteroid mission’s first step.
PysOrg: New maps of asteroid Psyche reveal an ancient world of metal and rock.
NSS: Prominent Space Organizations Join in Support of NASA’s NEO Surveyor Asteroid-Finder.
SpaceCom: With Voyager 1 data mystery, NASA relies on slow, long-distance conversation .
Scientific American: Record-Breaking Voyager Spacecraft Begin to Power Down.
Gaia presenteert derde data release.
ESA: Gaia sees strange stars in most detailed Milky Way survey to date.
ESA: Gaia data release 3 – press event.
ESA: Gaia data release 3: exploring our multi-dimensional Milky Way.
ESA: The chemistry of our Milky Way.
ESA: The asymmetric Milky Way in motion.
ESA: Asteroid populations in Gaia data release 3.
ESA: Chemistry of asteroids as seen by Gaia.
ESA: How Gaia detects binary stars.
ESA: Gaia sees starquakes.
Weldra in België fabriek voor 500 satellieten per jaar.
Space News: Aerospacelab to build “megafactory” in Belgium.
VRT NWS: Grootste satellietfabriek van Europa komt in Charleroi: 500 satellieten per jaar en 500 extra jobs tegen 2025.
Meer Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Space Applications Services: AI-Box for AI/ML on ISS.
arcesc: “In-Flight Experience of the ARCSEC ADCS in the Simba and Radcube cubesat missons.” vind je hier (PDF).
Ook dat nog – Hommeles bij SpaceX.
SpaceCom: SpaceX employees decry Elon Musk's 'embarrassing' behavior: report.
The Verge: SpaceX employees draft open letter to company executives denouncing Elon Musk’s behavior.
The Verge: SpaceX fires employees who wrote open letter complaining about Elon Musk.
SpaceCom: SpaceX fires some employees behind letter denouncing Elon Musk's behavior: reports.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,