Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/35–615
Het mocht niet zijn. Tot tweemaal toe probeerde NASA het SLS richting Maan te sturen. Maar telkens doken er allerlei problemen op. Een volgende poging kan ten vroegste op 19 september, maar het zal wellicht later zijn. Ondertussen worden in Texas op de Starbase Super Heavy en Starship verder getest. Met het oog op een orbitale lancering. Misschien dat de Marsraket van Elon Musk dan toch nog sneller gelanceerd gaat worden dan de Maanraket van NASA. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Persaandacht was er meer dan genoeg voor wat de eerste lancering van het Space Launch System moest worden. Maar net zoals de honderdduizenden andere kijklustigen in de wijde omgeving van het Kennedy Space Center zagen ze niets. Twee keer werd de countdown stilgelegd. ‘t Zal voor een andere keer zijn. Foto: NASA/Joel Kowsky)
SLS – Artemis 1 – De eerste poging – NASA Artemis Blog.
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I Launch Countdown Commences, Briefing Set for 11 a.m. EDT.
NASA Artemis Blog: Team Assessing Lightning Strikes to Towers at Launch Pad.
NASA Artemis Blog: Countdown Continues, Teams Confirm No Impacts from Lightning Strikes.
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I Update: Rocket’s Upper Stage Powered Up, Countdown on Track.
NASA Artemis Blog: Mission Management Team “Go” to Proceed with Tanking for Artemis I Mission.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA TV coverage underway, Propellant loading on hold due to weather.
NASA Artemis Blog: Launch Director Gives “Go” to Begin Cryogenic Operations, NASA TV Coverage Underway.
NASA Artemis Blog: Core Stage Propellant Loading Underway.
NASA Artemis Blog: Engineers Troubleshoot Core Stage Liquid Hydrogen Leak in Mating Interface.
NASA Artemis Blog: Liquid Hydrogen Fast Fill Resumes, Monitoring Continues.
NASA Artemis Blog: Core Stage Propellant Loading Continues, Teams Go for Upper Stage Tanking.
NASA Artemis Blog: Core Stage Fueling in Replenish, Go for Upper Stage LOX Loading.
NASA Artemis Blog: Engineers Troubleshooting Engine Conditioning Issue.
NASA Artemis Blog: Teams Continue to Hold While Data Gathering Continues.
NASA Artemis Blog: Launch Attempt Scrubbed.
NASA Artemis Blog: Engineers Assess Data After Scrub, Mission Managers to Meet Tuesday Afternoon.
SLS – Artemis 1 – De eerste poging – Scrub op 29.08 – De artikels.
Space News: Countdown for first Artemis 1 launch attempt begins.
Space News: SLS ready for long-delayed first launch.
Space News: First Artemis 1 launch attempt scrubbed.
NasaSpaceFlight: Aiming for the Moon: Artemis I countdown begins for historic flight.
NasaSpaceFlight: SLS scrubs first Artemis I launch attempt.
Spaceflight Now: NASA’s most powerful rocket poised for launch on Artemis 1 moon mission.
Spaceflight Now: SLS launch scrubbed after weather delay, engine cooling issue.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: NASA scrubs Artemis 1 launch attempt due to engine conditioning issue.
SpaceCom: Artemis 1 moon mission ready for epic test flight on SLS megarocket, NASA says.
SpaceCom: Weather looks good for Artemis 1 moon mission launch, NASA says.
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 1 moon rocket faces stormy skies in incredible aerial photos.
SpaceCom: NASA calls off Artemis 1 moon rocket launch over engine cooling issue.
SpaceCom: VP Harris and NASA chief unconcerned by Artemis 1 launch delay.
Collect Space: NASA scrubs first Artemis I launch attempt due to rocket engine issue.
Space Policy Online: No-go for Artemis 1 today.
UPI: NASA scrubs launch of Artemis I after multiple issues; Friday launch still 'in play'.
En nog dit:
SpaceCom: Is SLS worth the cost? NASA's new megarocket comes with a mega price tag.
Meer achtergrondinformatie over Artemis 1 vind je in vorige NUDR.
Over de raket, de capsule en de passagiers vind je bij Spacepage meer informatie:
Spacepage: Leer hier alles over de SLS maanraket en de Orion ruimtecapsule.
Spacepage: Leer hier alles over de European Service Modules.
Spacepage: Leer alles over de drie mannequins aan boord van de Orion ruimtecapsule!
Spacepage: Deze satellieten reizen mee naar de maan tijdens de Artemis 1 missie.
SLS – Artemis 1 – De eerste poging – Scrub op 29.08 – De filmpjes.
NASA: Artemis I Mission Managers Briefing.
NASA: Artemis I Prelaunch News Conference with NASA Leadership.
NASA: Artemis I Prelaunch Countdown Status Briefing.
Spaceflight Now: Lightning strike hits NASA's moon rocket launch pad.
NASA: Artemis 1 - L-1 Day Countdown Briefing Update.
NASA: Artemis I Tanking Operations (vanaf het begin van het tanken tot aan de scrub).
NASA: NASA Administrator Bill Nelson Remarks on Artemis I Launch Attempt.
NASA: Artemis I Launch Attempt News Update.
SciNews: Artemis I aborted launch.
Lockheed Martin: 2 Days to Launch - Space Makers Artemis 1 Launch Coverage (vooral i.v.m. AstroRad vest).
Lockheed Martin: 1 Day to Launch: Artemis Launch Coverage - Part 1.
Lockheed Martin: 1 Day to Launch: Artemis Launch Coverage - Part 2.
SLS – Artemis 1 – De tweede poging – NASA Artemis Blog.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA Targets Sept. 3 for Next Artemis I Moon Mission Launch Attempt.
NASA Artemis Blog: Weather Favorable for Sept. 3 Launch, Teams Press Ahead with Plan to Address Issues.
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I Launch Update: Mission Management Team Gives “Go” for Sept. 3.
NASA Artemis Blog: Weather Remains 60% Favorable for Artemis I Launch, Sept 3.
NASA Artemis Blog: Mission Managers Give “Go” to Proceed Toward Tanking Operations for Artemis I.
NASA Artemis Blog: Launch Director Gives “Go” to Begin Cryogenic Operations.
NASA Artemis Blog: Core Stage Liquid Oxygen Slow Fill Underway.
NASA Artemis Blog: Core Stage Liquid Hydrogen in Slow Fill, Liquid Oxygen in Fast Fill.
NASA Artemis Blog: Engineers Troubleshooting Liquid Hydrogen Leak.
NASA Artemis Blog: Engineers Resume Flow of Liquid Hydrogen to Core Stage.
NASA Artemis Blog: Teams Troubleshoot Reoccurrence of Liquid Hydrogen Leak.
NASA Artemis Blog: Liquid Hydrogen Flow to Core Stage Resumes.
NASA Artemis Blog: Reoccurrence of Liquid Hydrogen Leak Detected.
NASA Artemis Blog: Engineers Warming Up Area of Leak to Attempt Resealing, Core Stage LOX in Replenish.
NASA Artemis Blog: Liquid Hydrogen Flows Again to Core Stage Tank.
NASA Artemis Blog: Liquid Hydrogen Leak Detected Once Again.
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I Launch Attempt Scrubbed.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA to Stand Down on Artemis I Launch Attempts in Early September, Reviewing Options.
SLS – Artemis 1 – De tweede poging – Scrub op 03.09.
ESA: New launch dates for Artemis 1.
ESA: Second try for the Artemis I Moon flight.
Space News: Next Artemis 1 launch attempt set for Sept. 3.
Collect Space: Artemis I try two: NASA sets Saturday for 2nd attempt at moon launch.
Gizmodo: Scrubbed Artemis 1 Launch Prompts Concerns About Unfinished Rehearsals.
Ars Technica: A faulty sensor may have scrubbed the launch of NASA’s massive SLS rocket.
Space News: Countdown begins for second Artemis 1 launch attempt.
Space Policy Online: NASA ready to try Artemis 1 again on Saturday and see what the day brings.
Space Policy Online: Artemis 1 still on track for tomorrow, september 3.
Space News: Second Artemis 1 launch attempt scrubbed.
Space Policy Online: Artemis 1 scrubs again.
SpaceCom: Fuel leak delays NASA's Artemis 1 moon mission launch.
Collect Space: NASA scrubs 2nd Artemis I launch attempt, stands down for repairs
Spaceflight Now: Fuel leak on Artemis 1 moon rocket may take weeks to repair, NASA says.
NASA: Media Briefing: Artemis I Launch Status.
NASA: Artemis I Prelaunch Briefing with Mission Managers.
NASA: Artemis I Countdown Status Briefing.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: Artemis 1 - Update 4 (nog van voor de tweede scrub).
NASA: Artemis I Tanking Operations.
SciNews: Artemis I aborted launch, 3 September 2022.
NASA: Artemis I Launch Attempt News Update (Sept. 3).
SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten.
NasaSpaceFlight: Repaired SpaceX booster returns to action on Starlink Group 4-23.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launch sets record for Falcon 9 payload mass.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Starlink mission marks 'the highest-ever payload mass to orbit on a recoverable Falcon 9 at 16.7 metric tons'.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 57 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 28 August 2022.
SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten (bis).
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX nails 150th Falcon recovery attempt on Starlink Group 3-4.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 46 Starlink satellites, lands rocket at sea.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Falcon 9 lifts off a seventh time to deploy a fleet of 46 Starlink satellites.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 58 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 31 August 2022.
Chinese LM-4C lanceert Yaogan-satelliet.
English.News.CN: China launches new remote sensing satellite.
CGTN: China launches Yaogan-33 02 satellite.
CCTV: China Launches New Remote Sensing Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-4C launches Yaogan-33-02.
Blue Origin – NS 23 – Lancering onbemande New Shepard uitgesteld.
Blue Origin: NS-23 to Fly 36 Payloads and Tens of Thousands of Club for the Future Postcards to Space.
De lancering werd een dag uitgesteld omwille van de weersomstandigheden.
Blue Origin: New Shepard Mission NS-23 Updates.
En nog eens. En nog eens.
SpaceCom: Blue Origin delays New Shepard rocket launch again due to weather (update).
Meer nieuws van Blue Origin over de NewGlenn, en over ULA en Vulcan.
Een aantal berichten zijn al van eerder dit jaar.
Space Explored: Blue Origin shows off BE-4 engine progress from NASA’s historic MSFC Test Stand 4670 in Huntsville.
Space News: Space Force acquisition chief to meet with ULA and Blue Origin, expects Vulcan to launch in December.
Spaceflight Insider: Transporter Erector for Blu Origin New Glenn goes vertical.
Teslarati: Blue Origin scraps New Glenn recovery ship, finishes first ‘test tank’.
Space News: Blue Origin scraps original recovery ship for New Glenn boosters.
NasaSpaceFlight (fimpje): Blue Origin's Ship Jacklyn Arrives in Brownsville for Scrapping | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Space Explored: Vulcan: When will ULA launch its next generation rocket?
Ars Technica: The large Vulcan rocket is unlikely to make its debut in 2022.
SpaceCom: Vulcan Centaur rocket: The space workhorse of tomorrow.
Een filmpje:
Video From Space: Watch Blue Origin’s BE-4 engine gimble at full power during hotfire test.
ISS – SpaceX krijgt contract voor bijkomende Crew Dragon.
NASA: NASA Awards SpaceX More Crew Flights to Space Station.
Space News: NASA and SpaceX finalize extension of commercial crew contract
Tesmanian: NASA awards SpaceX $1.4 billion for five additional Crew Dragon Astronaut flights to the Space Station.
Ars Technica: NASA will pay Boeing more than twice as much as SpaceX for crew seats.
NASA: CCP Mission Highlights.
ISS – Axiom Space gaat tweede vlucht met “privé-astronauten” uitvoeren.
NASA: NASA, Axiom Sign Second Private Astronaut Mission to Space Station Order.
SpaceCom: NASA completes agreement with Axiom Space for second private astronaut mission.
ISS – Soyuz MS-22.
Roscosmos: Interview met de bemanning (voor de vlucht).
NASA: Expedition 68 Space Station Crew Undergoes Final Training (Soyuz MS-22 en Crew 5).
ISS – Crew 5.
Tesmanian: The Only Woman In Russia’s Cosmonaut Corps Will Launch Aboard SpaceX’s Crew-5 Mission.
Russian Space News: Pre-flight press conference: Anna Kikina spoke about preparations for the flight on the CrewDragon spacecraft and the ISS-68 expedition.
Parabolic Ac: First Cosmonaut to Fly on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon: Everything You Wanted to Know About Anna Kikina.
ISS – Russische ruimtewandeling.
NASA: NASA Sets TV Coverage for Russian Spacewalk.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts to make 6-hour spacewalk Fri — Roscosmos.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts commence spacewalk for operations with ERA robotic arm.
TASS: Cosmonauts delay disposal of ISS junk ahead of NASA rocket launch.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts extend GStM-2 boom from Zarya to Poisk module of ISS.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts complete spacewalk after almost eight hours in space.
NasaSpaceFlight: Russian cosmonaut pair perform follow-on EVA to outfit robotic arm.
SpaceCom: Russian spacewalkers test European robotic arm on the space station Friday.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Studies Muscles, Skin Healing During Spacewalk Preps.
NASA ISS Blog: Vein Scans, Blood Tests on Station Prolong Astronaut Health.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Supports Skin and Plant Studies During Spacewalk Preps.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Preps for Friday Spacewalk and Conducts Skin Healing Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalkers to Continue Outfitting European Robotic Arm Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalkers Exit Station to Continue Outfitting European Robotic Arm.
NASA ISS Blog: Cosmonaut Spacewalkers Complete Robotics Spacewalk.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 26/08/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 29/08/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 30/08/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 31/08/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/09/2022.
Space Station Science Highlights: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of August 29, 2022.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: Space Station Experiment To Probe Origins of Elements
ISS National Lab: ISS In-Space Production Applications: The Next Industrial Revolution?
NASA: Space to Ground: Outfitting the Arm: 09/01/2022
NASA: Expedition 67Astronaut Kjell Lindgren Answers Indiana Student Questions - Aug. 30, 2022
NASA: Astronauts Kjell Lindgren and Jessica Watkins Answers Colorado Student Questions - Aug. 31, 2022
ISS National Lab: ISSRDC 2022 Session Videos
CSS – Nieuws uit het ruimtestation – Ruimtewandeling – Mengtian, de nieuwe module.
ECNS: China Space Station: Experimental cabinets work well.
CCTV: Shenzhou-14 Astronauts Conduct Various Scientific Experiments in Space.
CCTV: Shenzhou-14 Crew Conduct Space Plant Experiment.
CGTN: Shenzhou-14 crew prepares for extravehicular activities.
New China TV: GLOBALink | China's Shenzhou-14 astronauts conduct extravehicular activities.
CCTV: Update: China's Shenzhou-14 Astronauts out of Lab Module for First Extravehicular Activities.
CGTN: Shenzhou-14 taikonauts conduct their first extravehicular activities.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-14 Astronauts Complete First Extravehicular Activities.
CCTV: Shenzhou-14 Taikonauts Use New Methods to Lift Panoramic Camera During Extravehicular Activities.
CGTN: InFocus: Shenzhou-14 crew conduct first spacewalk.
SciNews: Shenzhou-14 astronauts begin first spacewalk.
SciNews: Shenzhou-14 astronauts complete first spacewalk.
CGTN: China's space station lab module Mengtian arrives at launch site for mission.
CCTV: Rocket to Carry Mengtian Space Lab Module Arrives at Launch Site.
SciNews: Mengtian and Long March-5B Y4 arrived at launch site.
CGTN: China Space Station: Imagine 'A Day aboard Wentian'.
SpaceX – Starship – Nieuwtjes uit Boca Chica & Florida.
The Science Times: Elon Musk Says SpaceX Starship Will Grow 5 to 10 Meters More.
Tesmanian: SpaceX 'Mechazilla' Lifts Super Heavy Booster On The Launch Mount, Engineers Ignite Multiple Raptors.
Lab Padre: Booster7 Loaded With Raptors -Weekly Update #25.
NasaSpaceFlight: Raptor Engines Self Destruct During Testing.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 7 Multi Engine Static Fire | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Lab Padre: Booster 7 Multi Raptor Static Fire - Four Camera View.
Spaceflight Now: Live: SpaceX moves 8th Starship tower segment for Florida launch pad.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship Will Grow By 10 Meters: Elon Musk | SpaceX Ignites Multiple Engines on Booster 7.
MOXIE produceert zuurstof op Mars.
NASA: A Day Full of MOXIE
SpaceCom: NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has made oxygen 7 times in exploration milestone
Science Daily: MOXIE experiment reliably produces oxygen on Mars
Many Worlds: NASA Suceeds in Making Precious Oxygen from Carbon Dioxide on Mars
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
JHU APL: Parker Solar Probe Encounters Coronal Mass Ejections.
ECNS: China's first solar exploration satellite makes progress: official .
De Standaard: Voor en na: satellietbeelden tonen hoe extreem overstromingen in Pakistan zijn.
SpaceCom: NASA's tiny CAPSTONE moon probe is nearly 1 million miles from Earth.
Parabolic Arc: CAPSTONE Goes the Distance for NASA’s Artemis Program.
Space News: NASA and China are eyeing the same landing sites near the lunar south pole.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3575-3577: A New Terrain.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3578-3579: A Whole New World!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3580-3581: An Unexpected Stop.
Universe Today: New Perseverance Rock Samples Were Altered by Water. They'll be Coming Back to Earth in the Sample Return Mission.
Universe Today: NASA Gives a Detailed Analysis of all the Landing Debris Perseverance Has Found on Mars.
NASA: MAVEN and EMM make first observations of patchy proton aurora at Mars.
Science Daily: MAVEN and EMM make first observations of patchy proton aurora at Mars.
Satellite Pro: Hope probe discovers ‘patchy’ Mars proton aurora.
SpaceCom: Asteroid hunters worry megaconstellations might interfere with planetary defense.
ESA: After NASA’s asteroid impact, ESA’s Hera comes next.
NASA: Engineers Solve Data Glitch on NASA’s Voyager 1.
UPI: NASA repairs issue with Voyager 1 space probe.
NASA: Voyager at 45: NASA’s Longest and Farthest Explorers (Live Q&A).
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