Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2023/02–635
Zeven lancering afgelopen week, maar twee liepen minder goed af. De mislukte lancering vanuit de UK, de eerste vanop Westeuropese “bodem”, kreeg veruit de meeste aandacht. Ondertussen begint de lanceerkoorts meer en meer te stijgen, wegens de op komst zijnde orbitale lancering van een Starship. En de Russen hebben een oplossing voor het probleem met Soyuz MS-22. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: In Boca Chica op Starbase brengt men alles in gereedheid voor een reeks laatste testen. Met een lancering naar een baan om de Aarde misschien al eind februari maar wellicht in maart. Foto: SpaceX
Lange Mars 7A lanceert drie testsatelliet Shijan 23. Eerste Chinese lancering van 2023.
Oorspronkelijk werd vermeld dat er drie satellieten in een baan om de Aarde zouden gebracht zijn. Naast Shijan 23 ook Shiiyan 22A en B.
Maar blijkbaar zaten die twee op een lancering later deze week.
ECNS: China launches Shijian-23 satellite into space.
ECNS: China sends three satellites into space (foto’s).
CGTN: China sends new satellite into space in first launch of 2023.
CCTV: China Launches Three New Satellites into Space.
China Space Log: Long March 7A launched carrying with Shijian 23 satellite.
SciNews: Long March-7A launches Shijian-23.
Chinese CERES lanceert 5 satellietjes.
ECNS: China's commercial rocket CERES-1 Y5 launches 5 satellites.
ECNS: China's CERES-1 Y5 carrier rocket sends 5 satellites into space (foto’s).
Space News: Pair of Chinese launches put classified and commercial satellites into orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: China kicks off 2023 campaign with launch doubleheader.
China Space Log: Ceres-1 (Y5) rocket launched.
SciNews: Ceres-1 launches five satellites.
Eerste lancering vanuit West-Europa door Virgin Orbit en LauncherOne loopt fout.
Space News: Virgin Orbit ready for first U.K. launch.
Spaceflight Now: Virgin Orbit counting down to first historic satellite launch from British soil.
Ars Technica: Virgin Orbit says it is ready to make history in the United Kingdom tonight.
Virgin Orbit: Historic UK Mission Reaches Space, Falls Short Of Orbit.
Een Mission Overview vind je hier, een persmap hier.
Space News: First Virgin Orbit U.K. launch fails.
NasaSpaceFlight: Virgin Orbit fails on first mission from the UK with Start Me Up.
BBC: UK rocket failure is a setback, not roadblock.
PhysOrg: UK space chiefs vows to try again after failed rocket launch.
Breaking Defense: UK’s Virgin launch bolsters DoD space resilience strategy.
Breaking Defense: Virgin’s space launch failure costs US, UK militaries 4 satellites.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Orbit Stock Plunges as UK Launch Fails.
Parabolic Arc: The Virgin Orbit Failure: Space is Hard, Profits are Harder.
Ars Technica: Even before Monday’s launch failure, Virgin Orbit’s finances were dismal.
Spacepage: Europese lancering van Virgin Orbit mislukt.
De Standaard: Lancering eerste ruimteraket vanuit West-Europa mislukt.
VRT NWS: Historische eerste raketlancering vanaf Britse bodem is mislukt: "We blijken een afwijking te hebben".
The Guardian: UK space launch: does failure spell end of Britain’s ambitions?
SatTrackLeiden: The reentry of the second stage of LauncherOne "Start me Up" seen from Lanzarote.
Virgin Orbit: Update on “Start Me Up” mission anomaly.
SpaceCom: Virgin Orbit blames launch failure on upper stage anomaly.
Virgin Orbit: How Virgin Orbit Shipped a Rocket Across the World.
Euro News: UK prepares for a space flight launch.
Sky News: In full: Virgin Orbit holds news conference ahead of UK's first rocket launch.
Virgin Orbit: Start Me Up Livestream | Virgin Orbit.
SciNews: LauncherOne launches “Start Me Up”.
Scott Manley: Why Did Virgin Orbit's First Launch From The UK Fail To Reach Orbit?.
SpaceX lanceert nieuwe reeks satellieten voor OneWeb.
OneWeb: OneWeb confirms successful deployment of 40 satellites launched with SpaceX.
Space News: OneWeb two launches away from going global after SpaceX mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches OneWeb Flight #16 mission from Florida.
SpaceX: OneWeb Launch 16 Mission.
SciNews: OneWeb 16 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
Eerste RS1-lancering loopt fout af voor ABL Space Systems.
Space News: First ABL Space Systems launch fails.
Reuters: ABL Space Systems' rocket fails on maiden launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: ABL Space Systems maiden flight fails after liftoff.
CNN: Rocket start-up fails attempt to launch satellites off Alaska’s coast.
Meer info over RS1 vind je op de website van ABL Space Systems.
De laatste nieuwsupdate dateert van vorig jaar.
Scott Manley: ABL's RS-1 Rocket Fails Seconds Into its Maiden Launch.
Chinese Lange Mars 2C lanceert comsat APStar 6E.
ECNS: China launches new telecommunication satellite.
ECNS: China launches APSTAR-6E telecommunication satellite (foto’s).
South Morning Post: China launches first satellite with high-power electric drive.
SpaceCom: China launches new commercial communications satellite to orbit.
CCTV: China Sends New Communication Satellite into Space.
SciNews: Long March-2C launches APStar-6E.
Chinese Lange Mars 2D lanceert Yaogan 37 & Shiiyan 22A/B.
ECNS: China sends three satellites into space (foto’s).
China Space Log: Long March 2D launched with Remote Sensing 37 satellite.
SciNews: Long March-2D launches Yaogan-37 and Shiyan-22A/B.
RocketLab kiest nieuwe datum voor eerste lancering vanuit Amerika.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Sets New Date for First Electron Launch From U.S. Soil.
Eerste Vulcan-lancering lijkt dichterbij te komen. ULA’s big new Vulcan rocket boards ship in Alabama for Cape Canaveral.
Teslarati: ULA set to ship Vulcan rocket to Florida for Moon lander launch.
ULA: ULA’s Innovative Vulcan Rocket One Step Closer to Launch.
Virgin Galactic volgende toeristische vlucht tweede kwartaal 2023 ?
Space News: Virgin Galactic restructures leadership as it prepares to resume flights.
Een oude Amerikaanse satelliet – ERBS – vergaat in de atmosfeer. Zonder gevolgen.
Zie ook vorige NUDR.
NASA: Retired NASA Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Reenters Atmosphere.
SpaceCom: A dead NASA satellite from the 1980s just fell to Earth to meet its fiery demise.
Inside Outer Space: Down and Out! Fall of NASA’s Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Stirs Up Warnings.
Gizmodo: 1980s NASA Satellite Crashes Back to Earth Over Bering Sea.
ISS – Lek Soyuz – Roscosmos heeft een reddingsplan.
TASS: Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft to launch to orbital outpost in unpiloted mode Feb. 20 — Roscosmos.
TASS: Damaged Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft to descend to Earth in unpiloted mode — Roscosmos chief.
TASS: Roscosmos to extend Soyuz MS-22 space crew’s mission for several months.
TASS: NASA agrees with Roscosmos conclusions about causes of damage to Soyuz MS-22 — official.
TASS: Roscosmos to undock damaged Soyuz MS-22 about two weeks after new spacecraft’s arrival.
TASS: Pre-flight testing of Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft begins at Baikonur — Energia corporation.
TASS: NASA to adjust timetable of flights to ISS after Soyuz MS-22 incident.
TASS: Soyuz MS-23 crew to launch to ISS in fall 2023, Roscomsos official says.
TASS: Cosmonauts in good health, not opposed to staying longer on board ISS — Roscosmos.
TASS: Astronaut’s seat to be transferred from Soyuz MS-22 to Crew Dragon in case of emergency.
Spacepage: Rusland gaat onbemande Sojoez lanceren om ruimtevaarders op te halen.
Space News: Roscosmos to launch uncrewed Soyuz to replace damaged spacecraft at ISS.
Ars Technica: Russia will abandon Soyuz on orbit, fly up a new one to bring crew home.
Spaceflight Now: Russia to launch replacement for damaged Soyuz crew ship at space station.
Tesmanian: Russia to launch Soyuz cosmonaut rescue mission after coolant leak at the Space Station, NASA maintains discussions with SpaceX for backup transport.
Space Policy Online: NASA and Roscosmos implement more Soyuz MS-22 contingency plans.
Nog wat gevolgen:
TASS: Belarusian cosmonaut’s flight may be postponed due to Soyuz MS-22 incident.
Roscosmos: Soyuz MS-22 – Besluit van de staatscommissie (in het Russisch).
NASA: Media Briefing: NASA Media Update on Space Station Plans, Soyuz Status.
SciNews: Update on Soyuz MS-22 and Soyuz MS-23.
ISS – Crew 6.
SpaceCom: SpaceX and NASA target Crew-6 astronaut launch in mid-February.
TASS: Russia’s cosmonaut Andrey Fedyayev to begin training in US in several days’ time.
ISS – Cargo Dragon splashdown.
UPI: SpaceX Dragon capsule to return to Earth on Wednesday.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule returns to Earth after 6-week stay at space station.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule streaks to predawn splashdown in Gulf of Mexico.
NASA: SpaceX Dragon CRS-26 Cargo Ship Departs International Space Station.
SciNews: SpaceX CRS-26 Dragon undocking and departure.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Science-Filled Dragon Leaving Station Today After Crew Med Checks.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Cargo Craft Prepares to Leave Station Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Science-Packed Dragon Cargo Craft Undocks from Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Astronauts Relax after Dragon Leaves, Cosmonauts Study Heart Activity in Space.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Resupply Ship Splashes Down Returning Critical Science.
NASA ISS Blog: International Space Station Operations, Soyuz Status Update.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Splits Day on Spacesuits and Space Science.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalk Preps Continue as Soyuz Seat Move Planned as Precaution.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/01/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/01/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/01/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/01/2023.
Space Station Science Highlights: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of January 9, 2023.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
SpaceCom: 2 tiny space weather satellites deployed from space station.
TASS: Progress MS-20 that diverted ISS from space debris to leave orbital outpost Feb. 7.
NASA: Space to Ground: The Work Continues: 01/13/2023.
NASA: Expedition 68 Space Station Crew Talks with Consumer Electronics Show - Jan. 6, 2023.
NASA: Expedition 68 Space Station Crew Talks with WPLG-TV, Miami, and KFAN-FM, Minneapolis- Jan. 11, 2023.
CSA: How do astronauts deal with difficult situations? Do they get scared?
Artemis – Gateway.
SpaceCom: NASA's moon-orbiting space station will be claustrophobic, architect says.
Gizmodo: Astronauts Will Share a Painfully Cramped Space Aboard Future Lunar Space Station.
Artemis – Naar de Maan. En Mars.
Space News: Op-ed | Artemis Missions Support the Space Economy.
NASA: NASA Barge Delivers Transportation Stand to Support Crewed Artemis Mission.
SpaceX – Starship – Nieuwtjes uit Boca Chica & Florida.
Tesmanian: Elon Musk sets timeline for SpaceX's Starship debut orbital flight test.
Tesmanian: SpaceX shares an amazing video of 'Mechazilla' stacking Starship atop Super Heavy rocket.
NASA Watch: The Most Powerful Rocket – Ever.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's giant Starship rocket spotted from space by satellite (and poses for epic photos, too).
Tesmanian: SpaceX outlines Starship's next series of tests prior to first orbital flight.
Space News: SpaceX edges closer to first Starship orbital launch attempt.
Tesmanian: SpaceX plans to build 'about five full stacks' of Starship in 2023, says Elon Musk.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy Booster 7 Prepared for Rollout to the Launch Site | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 7's Final Roll to the Launch Site? | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Stacks Starship 24 on Booster 7.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 24 Stacked on Booster 7 for Prelaunch Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica.
What About It: SpaceX Starship Full Stack! Official Starship Orbital Launch Window Update!
Video From Space: Watch SpaceX stack Starship 24 onto Super Heavy booster in amazing drone video.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship Full Stack! Prepares For Wet Dress Rehearsal! Official Orbital Launch Date Revealed.
Cosmic Perspective: Starship full stack is back at Starbase.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Readies Starship Full Stack for Testing (finally!) | Starbase flyover.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Propellant Load Testing a Full Stack at Starbase - Starship 24 on Booster 7.
NasaSpaceFlight: Is SpaceX Firing Rocket Engines at Concrete?
Maan – Problemen voor Lunar Flashlight.
SpaceCom: NASA's tiny Lunar Flashlight moon probe may be in trouble in deep space.
PhysOrg: NASA's Lunar Flashlight team assessing spacecraft's propulsion system.
Space News: NASA studying thruster problem with lunar cubesat.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
ESA: Sentinel-1 and AI uncover glacier crevasses.
Space News: Full steam ahead for NOAA’s $20 billion GeoXO program.
Space News: NOAA might revise geostationary weather satellite timeline.
NASA: Why is Sea Level Rising? We Asked a NASA Scientist.
ESA: Snowless ski slopes from space.
Universe Today: NASA Satellites can Pinpoint the Exact Locations of Excessive CO2 Emissions.
Space News: NASA faces budget crunch for extended Earth science missions.
Mashable: CAPSTONE – How a NASA moon mission survived a death spiral in space.
SpaceCom: What is Intuitive Machines and how is it aiming for the moon?
NasaSpaceFlight: NASA’s commercial lunar program ready to start flying in 2023.
Spacewatch: iSpace completes success 5 of Mission 1 milestones.
SpaceCom: NASA moon camera on South Korean probe takes a peek where the sun doesn't shine.
Ars Technica: Here’s the story of a lunar image that doesn’t look remarkable, but really is (Danuri).
ESA: ESA to touch Moon from wheels of UAE Rashid rover.
Space Ref: Aegis Aerospace celebrates first lunar payload delivery.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3708-3709: In Search of a New Marker Band Drill Site.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3710-3711: Pausing To Take in the View.
VRT NWS: Waterrijk opaal ontdekt in oude krater op Mars: "Belangrijk voor toekomstige missies".
SpaceCom: Perseverance rover marks 1 Mars year on Red Planet.
Inside Outer Space: Wanted! Signatures of Support for Europe’s Mars Express Orbiter.
Space News: China’s Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter and rover appear to be in trouble.
Universe Today: China Unable to Reestablish Contact With its Zhurong Mars Rover.
VRT NWS: China's eerste Marswagentje zou geen teken van leven meer geven: heeft harde winter op Mars sporen nagelaten?
NasaSpaceFlight: InSight Principal Investigator talks Mars lander’s final days.
NASA: Podcast On A Mission: Digging In: When Rovers Get Dirt on Mars – S4E11.
NASA: Houston We Have a Podcast: Mars Ep. 2: Concepts Near Science Fiction.
SpaceCom: NASA's Juno Jupiter probe bounces back from memory glitch.
PhysOrg: NASA is continuing to build the Titan Dragonfly helicopter, with a focus on its rotors.
NasaSpaceFlight: Dragonfly mission heads toward PDR, element fabrication from Lockheed Martin set to begin.
Didymos en Dimorphos:
Elsevier: Dynamical origin of Dimorphos from fast spinning Didymos.
Om af te ronden – Nieuwe Europese lanceerbasis ingehuldigd in Zweden. En andere Europese lanceerbasissen.
SSC: Inauguration of Mainland Europe’s first satellite launch complex.
SSC: Mainland EU’s first orbital launch site inaugurated.
AP News: EU inaugurates first mainland satellite launch port.
High North News: Spaceport Esrange: Europe's First Satellite Launch Complex Opens in Arctic Sweden.
NRK: Can be beaten by Norway.
RFA: Rocket Factory Augsburg's first launch to take place from SaxaVord Spaceport .
European Spaceflight: RFA secure exclusive access to SaxaVord launch pad.
Swedish Space Corporation: Inauguration of Spaceport Esrange.
EuroNews: Arctic space station races to launch first satellite from Europe.
DW News: EU opens first mainland satellite launch port in Arctic Sweden.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,