Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/21–701
In België was het even wereldnieuws. Raphaël Liégeois mag als derde Belg eind 2026 een half jaar naar het ISS. En terwijl Starliner op 1 juni opnieuw gaat proberen gelanceerd te worden, zou op 5 juni Starship IFT-4 doorgaan. SpaceX lanceert niet alleen Starlink-satellieten voor zichzelf, maar nu ook voor de militairen (maar dan heet het Starshield. Dat en nog zoveel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: De Franse Sophie Adenot en de Belg Raphaël Liégeois worden de eerste astronauten van de nieuwe lichting die de ruimte in mogen. Foto ESA.
Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Raphael Liégeois mag in het najaar 2026 een half jaar naar het ISS.
ESA: ESA astronauts Sophie Adenot and Raphaël Liégeois assigned for Space Station mission.
ESA: ESA-astronauten Sophie Adenot en Raphaël Liégeois toegewezen voor missie in ruimtestation.
ESA: ESA astronauts Sophie Adenot and Raphaël Liégeois.
VRTNWS: Belgische astronaut Raphaël Liégeois mag in 2026 naar ISS: "Een kinderdroom die uitkomt".
Belgium In Space: Belgische ruimtevaarder Raphaël Liégeois vliegt in 2026 naar het internationale ruimtestation.
De Standaard: In 2026 gaat er opnieuw een Belg naar de ruimte.
Knack: Waarom een Belg op de maan zeer haalbaar is.
PhysOrg: French, Belgian astronauts named next Europeans to fly to ISS.
ESA: First Space Station missions for new ESA astronauts.
HLN: Belgische astronaut Raphaël Liégeois naar het ISS.
Belgische school stuurt experiment mee aan boord van eerste Ariane VI.
De Standaard (enkel voor abonnees): De leraar die met zijn leerlingen in de ruimte raakt: experiment van Vlaams college mag met de Ariane 6 in baan om de aarde.
06.06.2024 – Space get together – Antwerp (in collaboration with IMEC).
Zie dit bericht van ESA Space Solutions.
Een Belg droomt er van om Mars leefbaar te maken.
De Tijd: Sam Chartouni, CEO Aerobel: 'Mijn grote droom? Mars leefbaar maken'.
Het interview kan je ook zien in dit filmpje – Wat Als #8 met Sam Chartouni, CEO Aerobel: 'Wij maken van afval de beste isolatie ter wereld'.
De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.
20.05.2024 – Chinese LM2D lanceert 4 Beijing 3C-satellieten.
ECNS: China sends four satellites into space (met video).
ECNS: China launches Beijing-3C satellite constellation (met foto’s).
Space News: China launches four high-resolution remote sensing satellites.
SciNews: Long March-2D launches four Beijing-3C satellites.
21.05.2024 – Chinese Kuaizhou 11 lanceert Wuhan 1 en drie andere satellieten.
ECNS: China's Kuaizhou-11 Y4 rocket launches 4 new satellites (met video).
SpaceCom: China launches test satellite to very low Earth orbit.
CGTN: China sends four satellites into preset orbit in space.
SciNews: Kuaizhou-11 launches 4 satellites.
22.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert NROL-146.
NRO: NROL-146.
Het gaat hier (wellicht) om 21 Starshield-satellieten, zowat de militaire versie van Starlink (gebaseerd op de Starlink V2Mini, en met beeldsensoren van Northrop Grumman aan boord).
Space News: SpaceX launches NRO’s first batch of next-generation spy satellites.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches next-gen US spy satellites and sticks the landing (video).
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches first batch of satellites for the NRO’s reconnaissance satellite constellation.
Ars Technica: SpaceX and Northrop are working on a constellation of spy satellites – Starshield.
SatTrackCam Leiden: The NROL-146 payloads: observing the 'train' of 21 Starshield satellites (met filmpje).
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches NROL-146 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
23.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten Group 6-62 (CCSFS).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites on 2nd leg of spaceflight doubleheader.
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 167 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 23 May 2024.
24.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten Group 6-63 (KSC).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches Starlink satellites on 3rd mission in 2 days.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites on 5th anniversary of its first dedicated Starlink flight.
SpaceX: Lancering live:
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 168 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 24 May 2024.
25.05.2024 – Electron – Ready, Aim, PREFIRE.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Prepares Back-To-Back Launches For Climate Change Research Mission For NASA.
NASA SSM Blog: Stormy Weather Delays First NASA PREFIRE Launch.
NASA SSM Blog: NASA’s PREFIRE Mission: Launch Coverage Underway.
NASA SSM Blog: NASA’s PREFIRE Mission: Weather 70% Favorable for Today’s Launch.
NASA SSM Blog: Mission Facts About NASA’s PREFIRE.
NASA SSM Blog: Rocket Lab’s Electron Rocket Go for Launch!
NASA SSM Blog: NASA’s PREFIRE Payload Has Deployed.
NASA: NASA Launches Small Climate Satellite to Study Earth’s Poles.
De Rocket Lab persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: Electron launches first NASA PREFIRE Earth science cubesat.
Space News: NASA prepares for twin launches of climate science cubesats.
Payload: Rocket Lab Preps Double Launch for NASA.
SpaceCom: Rocket Lab launches NASA cubesat to study heat lost from Earth's poles.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab launches first of NASA’s climate-monitoring PREFIRE spacecraft.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab - 'Ready, Aim, PREFIRE' Launch.
SciNews: Electron launches PREFIRE-1.
Te verwachten lanceringen.
Starliner CFT – Het wordt 1 juni.
Sommigen zullen misschien schamper lachen als ik deze Starliner-missie onder “Te verwachten lanceringen” zet, maar laat ons voorlopig maar een beetje positief denken.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners Assessing Launch Opportunities for Crew Flight Test.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners Hold Teleconference Ahead of Starliner Launch.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners Answer Questions Behind Starliner Scrub.
Eerst nog uitgesteld voor onbepaalde tijd ...
Space News: Starliner crewed test flight remains on hold.
Spaceflight Now: Boeing Starliner launch Saturday ruled out as helium leak analysis continues.
Ars Technica: The first crew launch of Boeing’s Starliner capsule is on hold indefinitely.
Space Policy Online: Starliner CFT slips again with no new date set.
SuperCluster: Starliner remains parked as Boeing faces further engieering challenges.
… en dan toch een nieuwe lanceerdatum.
Spaceflight Now: NASA, Boeing and ULA announce June 1 as new target date for Starliner’s Crew Flight Test
SpaceCom: 1st astronaut launch of Boeing's Starliner capsule now targeted for June 1.
Space News: NASA and Boeing moving ahead with Starliner test flight after propulsion issues.
Spaceflight Now: NASA says Boeing’s Starliner crew capsule can safely fly ‘as is’ with propulsion system helium leak.
Ars Technica: NASA finds more issues with Boeing’s Starliner, but crew launch set for June 1.
Payload: Boeing Found Yet Another Design Flaw in Starliner.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Update – Media Teleconference.
29.05.2024 – Falcon 9 lanceert Europees/Japanse EarthCARE.
ESA: Mission control ready for EarthCARE despite disruption.
ESA: EarthCARE mission kit.
Ook te downloaden in PDF-vorm via deze link.
ESA: Watch EarthCARE launch live.
ESA: Unravelling the mysteries of clouds.
ESA: What does EarthCARE mean to me?
ESA: EarthCARE pre-launch press briefing.
Ariane VI wellicht begin juli.
ESA: Ariane 6 joint update rapport, 21 mei 2024.
ESA: Ariane 6 infographic: first passengers.
Space News: Ariane 6 inaugural launch planned for first half of July.
European Spaceflight: ESA Reveals Timeline for Final Push to Maiden Ariane 6 Flight.
Daily Galaxy: Imminent Launch of Ariane 6: Key Insights and Challenges.
Daily Galaxy: Ariane 6: When Will the French Rocket Finally Launch?
Noord-Korea zou weer een lancering plannen.
NewsWeek: North Korea Preparing Spy Satellite Launch, South Says.
CNA: North Korea preparing to launch military satellite, South says.
Yonhap News Agency: N. Korea reaffirms plan to launch multiple spy satellites this year.
Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.
16.05.2024 – Kosmos 2576 – Een Russische Inspektor-satelliet.
In vorige NUDR hadden we het al (heel) kort over deze lancering. Ondertussen is er meer geweten over deze lancering.
Kosmos 2576 zou dus een Inspektor-satelliet zijn (tupe Nivelir-L).
Verder werden 3 ‘Rassvet-2’ internetsatellieten uitgezet.
Later nog gevolgd door 2 12U Zorkiy-2M cubesats (aardfotografie) en 4 3U SITRO-AIS cubesasts.
Zie Jonathan Space Report 833 voor meer details.
TASS: Three satellites of Rassvet-2 mission successfully orbited — Bureau 1440.
Space News: U.S. claims recently launched Russian satellite is an ASAT (de lancering van 16 mei).
CNN: US assesses Russia likely launched a counter space weapon last week.
Daily Galaxy: Russia’s Alleged Space Weapon Raises Concerns.
Ars Technica: US officials: A Russian rocket launch last week likely deployed a space weapon.
Space Voyaging: Kosmos 2576: Russian Spacecraft Suspected to be an ‘Inspector Satellite’.
SatTrackLeiden: The Russian KOSMOS 2576 launch of May 16, and USA 314: another 'inspector satellite'? [UPDATED].
En ook China laat zich niet onbetuigd.
Defense One: 'Fast movers': Chinese satellites zoom around for inspections—or interference.
Ook het Chinese geheime ruimtevliegtuigje plaatst bijkomende objecten in een baan om de Aarde.
Space News: China’s secretive spaceplane releases object into orbit.
Orbital Focus: 2023-195 – Reusable Spacecraft Test Vehicle Flight 3.
Amerikaanse militairen zoeken uitbreiding en upgrade van lanceerbasissen.
Air and Space Forces: As Pace of Launches Explodes, USSF Eyes Upgrades and Expansion for Spaceports.
UK lanceerlicentie voor SaxaVord.
UK CAA: SaxaVord granted spaceport licence by UK Civil Aviation Authority.
UKCAA: SaxaVord receives UK Civil Aviation Authority licence.
19.05.2024 – RFA test eerste trap op SaxaVord.
RFA (via Twitter): RFA test eerste trap in Schotland.
Shetland Times: First ‘hot fire’ test at spaceport marks new milestone in project.
Universe Mag: German startup successfully burned the first stage of a rocket.
Spanje – PLD Space en Miura.
RoomEU: Commercial launch development in Spain.
Wordt Firefly Aerospace verkocht?
Bloomberg: Firefly Aerospace Backers Explore $1.5 Billion Sale.
China breidt commerciële lanceerbasis uit.
Space News: China to expand commercial spaceport to support upcoming launch surge.
In China gaan ze pakjes leveren m.b.v. Sepoch Hiker – Beijing Sepoch Technology & Taobao.
Global Times: Chinese private space company joins Taobao to experiment delivering on-demand packages by reusable rocket.
China – LM10.
SpaceCom: China plans to catch its reusable rockets with constricting wires (video).
China test (herbruikbare) raketmotoren.
Inside Outer Space: China Tackles Reusable Rocket Engine Challenges.
SpaceCom: China's new reusable rocket aces key engine tests.
ECNS: China tests new rocket engine, achieving biggest thrust power.
ECNS: China completes largest thrust liquid engine's ignition test.
ECNS: Rocket engine test sets thrust record – YF-100.
CCTV+: China Overcomes Multiple Challenges in Developing Reusable Rocket Engine.
CGTN: China makes progress in developing reusable carrier rockets.
CCTV: China Completes Ignition Test for Powerful Liquid-Propellant Engine.
SciNews: Four YF-100K rocket engines tested.
China en de Lange Mars 8.
CCTV+: China Releases New Series of Carrier Rocket with Greater Carrying Capacity.
SciNews: The Long March-8A launch vehicle.
China – Meer raketnieuws.
NSF (18.04): China Roundup: ZhuQue-3 moves left, Tianlong-3 gets engines, and Chang Zheng rockets launch.
ECNS: Space company works on new reusable rocket – Kuaizhou.
Weldra commerciële lanceerbasis in de Dominicaanse Republiek?
Space News: Dominican Republic considering its own commercial spaceport.
Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.
ESA laat twee capsules ontwikkelen om vracht van het ISS terug naar de Aarde te sturen.
De gelukkige firma’s zijn Thales Alenia Space en The Exploratioin Company.
ESA: ESA signs contracts for commercial space cargo return service.
Thales Alenia Space: Thales Alenia Space signed a contract with the European Space Agency to develop a Low Earth Orbit cargo return service.
Geen persmededeling van The Exploration Company maar meer info over Nyx vind je hier.
Space News: ESA selects Thales Alenia Space and The Exploration Company for commercial cargo program.
Payload: ESA Taps Thales and The Exploration Company To Build LEO Cargo Spacecraft.
Dream Chaser gearriveerd in Florida.
Spaceflight Now: Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser prepares for pre-launch journey to the Cape.
NASA: NASA, Sierra Space Deliver Dream Chaser to Florida for Launch Preparation.
SpaceCom: Dream Chaser space plane arrives in Florida ahead of 1st launch to ISS (photo).
NASA: Dream Chaser Testing Complete—Farewell from Ohio.
Een Indiër naar het ISS.
Space News: NASA and ISRO continue discussions about Indian astronaut flight to ISS.
The Times of India: Indian astronaut likely on-board ISS by year end: US envoy.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Starts Week with Space Biology, Robotics, and Medical Skills.
NASA ISS Blog: Exercise, Science Gear, and Robotics Top Station Research Schedule.
NASA ISS Blog: Medicine, DNA Research on Station Benefits Health on Earth and Space.
NASA ISS Blog: Biotech and Digestion Studies Top Thursday’s Research Schedule.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Wraps Week with Biotech Study, Spacesuits, and Orbital Plumbing.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 14/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 15/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 16/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 17/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 20/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 21/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 22/05/2024.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: Astronaut Exercise.
Astrobiology: BRIC-25 Microbiology Specimens Returned From ISS.
SpaceCom: How can space travel lead to medical breakthroughs? Veteran astronaut explains.
NASA: NASA Marshall Team Supports Safe Travels for Space Station Science.
BIRA: How does radiation from space damage human cells?
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CGTN: Zebrafish in good health after 20 days in China's space station.
Universe Today: Fish are Adapting to Weightlessness on the Chinese Space Station.
Inside Outer Space: China Station Crew: Experiments for Extending Service Life of Spacecraft.
CCTV+: Panoramic Camera on Tianhe Core Module Captures Spectacular Video of Earth.
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
Artemis 3.
NASA: A Moonlit Moonwalk.
Universe Today: NASA is Practicing for the Moon With Partial Space Suits.
Artemis 4 - Gateway.
NSF: Initial Gateway elements beginning systems integration while NASA works on a launch date.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Space News: NASA defends Artemis cost and schedule amid planning of possible changes.
Space Policy Online: Senate CJS Appropriators see Artemis as top NASA priority.
NASA: NASA Engages in Artemis Accords Workshop to Advance Exploration.
Space News: How Artemis astronauts will be protected from solar storms.
Breaking Defense: Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT.
The Space Review: Architecting lunar infrastructure.
NPR: Tree seeds that flew around the moon are now being planted across the U.S.
Filmpjes: H2M 2024 | Artemis 1-5 Update. H2M 2024 | Innovating Our Way to the Moon and Mars. H2M 2024 | Artemis to Mars: Key Architecture Decisions. H2M 2024 | Collins Aerospace, Next Gen Spacesuit: The spacesuit that will take humans to LEO & Mars. 2024 | How Can We Effectively Protect the Physical & Mental Health of Astronauts for Mars? H2M 2024 | Mars Transit Vehicle. H2M 2024 | When Will China Send Humans to the Moon and Mars?
Starship – 05.06.2024 – IFT-4.
Ars Technica: We take a stab at decoding SpaceX’s ever-changing plans for Starship in Florida.
SpaceCom: SpaceX fuels up Starship megarocket ahead of 4th test flight (photos).
Space News: SpaceX nears next Starship test flight as Starbase expansion continues.
Space News: SpaceX sets early June launch of next Starship test flight.
Inside Outer Space: SpaceX Starship: Upcoming Flight Four Details.
Ars Technica: SpaceX sets date for next Starship flight, explains what went wrong the last time.
Space Voyaging: SpaceX Targets June 5th for the Fourth Flight of Starship: Here’s What Went Wrong Last Time.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX details learnings from Starship Flight 3, sets June 5 as target launch date for Flight 4.
Daily Galaxy: SpaceX’s Starship Raptor Engine Explodes During Testing.
SatSearch Industry Podcast: How SpaceX builds for space – with Chris Prophet.
LabPadre: Tank Farm Carnage! SpaceX Makes Way For Starship Tower 2! - SpaceX Weekly #115.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship Launch rehearsal for Flight 4 is completed | IFT-4 is getting closer | Musk on UFOs.
WAI: SpaceX Starship Test Frenzy Ends In HUGE Success!
NSF: Starship Flight 4 Wet Dress Rehearsal | SpaceX Boca Chica.
WAI: Will SpaceX Build A Starship Catch Tower?
WAI: Did The SpaceX Starship Fire Delay The Launch?
Scott Manley: Starship in 'Two Weeks' - Starliner When? - Deep Space Updates - May 23.
Marcus House: SpaceX Finally Unveiled an Unexpected Starship Flight 4 Timeline!
NSF: Ship 29 and Booster 11 Readied for Starship Flight 4 | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: Raptor Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly at SpaceX McGregor.
The Space Bucket: What Upgrades Were Made To Starship’s Next Prototype?
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
ESA laat Vigil bouwen, een ruimtesonde voor het voorspellen van ruimteweer.
ESA: Airbus to build ESA’s Vigil space weather forecasting mission.
Airbus: Airbus awarded space weather spacecraft mission Vigil.
Space News: Airbus to build ESA space science satellite.
iSpace en de Maan.
Payload: ispace Plots Lunar Data Business, Borrows $45M for Lander Missions.
Chang’e 6.
Inside Outer Space: China Prepares for Far Side Moon Landing, Sample Return.
SpaceCom: Pakistani cubesat snaps images of the moon during China's lunar far side mission (photos).
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: Solar storm frenzy of May 2024 was strong enough to affect the deep sea.
SpaceCom: Something strange is happening with Earth's magnetic field tail.
ESA: Iceberg A-83 breaks free.
PhysOrg: Eyes in the sky: How China's advanced Earth observation system shapes global progress.
SpaceCom: China's Chang'e 6 mission gearing up for early June landing on moon's far side.
Cosmos Magazine: New lunar rover struts its stuff across Australia.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4188-4190: Aurora Watch on Mars.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4191-4192: Communication.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4193-4194: Stay Overnight? No, Touch-and-Go!
NASA Perseverance Status Report: Sols 1151-1152: Rocky Roads in the Margin Unit.
SpaceCom: Perseverance rover's Mars rock sample may contain best evidence of possible ancient life.
Inside Outer Space: Jubilation at Jezero Crater? Specimens of Mars May Offer Looks at Ancient Life on the Red Planet. H2M 2024 | Lightning Talks: Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers (ESCAPADE) mission.
SpaceCom: This Week In Space podcast: Episode 112 — Mars on Pause? (MSR e.a.).
Daily Galaxy: New Research Suggests Mars’ Moon Phobos Could Be a Captured Comet.
NASA: NASA’s Europa Clipper Makes Cross Country Flight to Florida.
SpaceCom: We could float effortlessly in Pluto's subsurface ocean.
NASA: NASA’s Psyche Fires Up Its Sci-Fi-Worthy Thrusters.
SpaceCom: Asteroid-bound Psyche spacecraft fires up ion thrusters, starts cruising through space.
Ars Technica: How the perils of space have affected asteroid Ryugu.
SpaceCom: Things are finally looking up for the Voyager 1 interstellar spacecraft.
Science.Org: After crisis in interstellar space, stream of Voyager 1 data resumes.
Maan en Planeten Podcast: Recente ontwikkelingen in het zonnestelsel - mei 2024.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
EUCLID – Nieuwe beelden.
ESA: ESA's Euclid celebrates first science with sparkling cosmic views.
NASA: New Images From Euclid Mission Reveal Wide View of the Dark Universe.
SpaceCom: The Euclid 'dark universe detective' telescope has revealed new images of the cosmos — and they are remarkable.
SpaceCom: Euclid telescope: A scientist tells us of his quest to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
ESA: ESA's Euclid celebrates first science with sparkling cosmic views.
ESA: Five new stunning images from Euclid’s Telescope.
De foto’s:
ESA: Euclid’s new image of star-forming region Messier 78.
ESA: Euclid’s view of stellar nursery Messier 78 - Close-up 1.
ESA: Euclid’s view of stellar nursery Messier 78 - Close-up 2.
ESA: Euclid’s new image of galaxy cluster Abell 2390.
ESA: Closer Euclid view of Abell 2390.
ESA: Euclid’s close-up view of Abell 2390.
ESA: Euclid views intracluster light in Abell 2390.
ESA: Euclid’s new image of the Dorado group of galaxies.
ESA: Closer Euclid view of galaxies in Dorado.
ESA: Euclid’s new image of spiral galaxy NGC 6744.
ESA: Closer Euclid view of NGC 6744’s centre.
ESA: Closer Euclid view of NGC 6744’s disrupted spiral arm.
Het Russische nucleaire ruimtewapen blijft in het nieuws.
Breaking Defense: Is Russia’s Cosmos 2553 satellite a test for a future orbital nuclear weapon?
The Hill: UN Security Council rejects Russia’s space weapons resolution.
Zie Jonathan Space Report 833 voor meer details (Kosmos-2553 and the Russian Space Nuclear Weapon program).
Nog twee artikels uit april:
SWF: FAQ: What we know about Russia’s alleged nuclear anti-satellite weapon.
The Space Review: Nukes in space: a bad idea in the 1960s and an even worse one now.
Space News: Defense space policy chief calls Russia’s space nuke threat “a thing apart”.
TASS: Russia to expose US lies about weapons in space — Foreign Ministr.
Lees ook de twee interessante artikels van Bart Hendrickx in The Space Review:
The Space Review: Russian research on space nukes and alternative counterspace weapons (part 1).
The Space Review: Russian research on space nukes and alternative counterspace weapons (part 2).
On-Orbit Services – One- Orbit Refueling – Satellite Life Extension – In Space Manufacturing.
Space News: Space Force plans deep-dive study on pros and cons of orbital refueling.
Space Voyaging: Starfish Space Achieves Successful Satellite Rendezvous with D-Orbit’s ION.
Space News: Starfish Space lands $37.5 million Space Force contract for on-orbit servicing vehicle.
Via Satellite: Starfish Space to Conduct On-Orbit Docking and Maneuver With National Security Space Assets.
Space News: Intelsat extends satellite life extension contracts.
NG: Northrop Grumman Expands Satellite Life-Extension Services.
Satellite Pro ME: Intelsat signs satellite life extension deal with Northrop Grumman.
Space News: Space Economics 101: Why the Math on Refueling Just Doesn’t Add Up.
Space News: Inversion Space targets military market with ‘warehouses in space’.
Payload: The State of OSAM – Orbital Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing.
Room.EU: Building the future of space manufacturing.
ESA en het zero-debris charter.
ESA: Twelve countries sign the Zero Debris Charter.
Spacewatch.Global: EU Space Law to Protect Satellites From Debris Delayed.
Ruimteafval afkomstig van Crew Dragon valt op het veld v/e Canadese boerderij.
Gizmodo: Possible SpaceX Debris Crashes Onto Canadian Farm.
SpaceCom: Junk from a SpaceX Dragon 'trunk' may have crashed into a Canadian farmer's field (photos).
Ruimteafval van een Crew Dragon valt in Norht-Carolina.
Daily Galaxy: Space Debris Found in North Carolina: A Mysterious Discovery.
ESA’s OPS-SAT reentry.
ESA: OPS-SAT reentry tomorrow – Follow live!
ESA: OPS-SAT reentry tomorrow – Final experiments continue.
ESA: OPS-SAT completes its final experiment.
ESA: OPS-SAT reentry complete.
Ruimteafval en de invloed op de atmosfeer.
Eerst nog deze studie verschenen in oktober 2023.
National Library of Medicine: Metals from spacecraft reentry in stratospheric aerosol particles.
CBC Radio: Study finds metal from space junk polluting the upper atmosphere.
Februari 2024:
PhysOrg: Satellites are burning up in the upper atmosphere—what impact could this have on the Earth's climate?
Maart 2024:
SpaceCom: Debris from burning satellites could be affecting Earth's magnetic field.
SpaceCom: Satellites are burning up in the upper atmosphere – and we still don’t know what impact this will have on the Earth’s climate.
STA – Space Traffic Management.
Payload: Inside The World’s First Civil Space Traffic Coordination System.
Space News: It’s time to figure out global space traffic management.
Meer nieuws over space debris.
NASA: NASA Study Provides New Look at Orbital Debris, Potential Solutions.
Het rapport – Cost and Benefit Analysis of Mitigating, Tracking, and Remediating Orbital Debris – vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: NASA report identifies cost-effective approaches to dealing with orbital debris.
SpaceCom: Space debris could be dealt with more cheaply than previously thought, new NASA report suggests.
Space News: Connecting the Dots | Making light work of space junk removal.
The Space Review: The rising flood of space junk is a risk to us on Earth.
Daily Galaxy: Space Junk: A Growing Problem in Earth’s Orbit.
Civil Beat: The Air Force Wants To Build 7 New Telescopes On Maui To Track Space Debris.
SpaceCom: Space Force wants 7 new telescopes in Hawaii. Local residents say 'no'.
Via Satellite: Amazon to Deorbit Prototype Kuiper Satellites.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,