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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/49–728

Jared Isaacman wordt de nieuwe NASA-baas. En Artemis 2 en Artemis 3 met een half jaar uitgesteld. Het werd een week om over na te denken. Met ook twee belangrijke lanceringen voor Europa (en België). Met PROBA 3 en de Return To Flight van Vega C. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.

Bij de foto: De Indische PSLV-XL lanceert PROBA 3. Foto: ISRO.



De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.


03.12.2024 – Chinese Lange Mars 3B/E lanceert TJSW-13.
Space News: China launches clandestine TJS-13 satellite, rocket reaches milestone.

: Long March 3B rocket blasts off for 100th time.
ECNS (foto’s): China launches new test satellite.

CCTV: China Launches New Communication Technology Test Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches TJSW-13.


04.12.2024 – Chinese Kuaizhou 1A lanceert Haishao-1.
Space News: China debuts modified solid rocket with remote sensing satellite launch.

CNSA Watcher: [China’s 61st launch in 2024] Kuaizhou-1A successfully launched HaiShao-1/AIRSAT-08 SAR.
CCTV: China Launches New Remote-Sensing Satellite.
SciNews: Kuaizhou-1A Pro launches Haishao-1.
SciNews: The Kuaizhou-1A Pro launch vehicle.


04.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 6-70 (CCSFS).
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches Falcon 9 rocket booster for record 24th time.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches on record-breaking 24th flight.

SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 24 Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 213 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 4 December 2024.


04.12.2024 – Russische Soyuz 2.1b lanceert Cosmos 2580.
Russian Space Web: Soyuz launches military payload.

The Space Devs: Russian Space Forces Kosmos 2580 (Lotos-S1 #9).


05.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 9-14 (VSFB) – Direct-to-Cell constellatie voltooid.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches 350th mission using a flight-proven Falcon 9 rocket booster during Starlink mission from California.
SpaceCom: SpaceX completes 1st Starlink direct-to-cell constellation with launch from California.
Via Satellite: SpaceX Launch Completes the First Shell of Starlink Direct to Cell Satellites.

SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 20 Starlink satellites to orbit from pad 4E in California.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 214 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 5 December 2024.

Zie verder in de sectie “Meer ruimtevaartnieuws”: Starlink en “direct-to-cell”.


05.12.2024 – Chinese Long March 6A lanceert een derde reeks G60-satellieten.
Space News: Long March 6A launches third batch of Thousand Sails constellation satellites.

CCTV+: China Successfully Launches New Satellite Group.
SciNews: Long March-6A launches SpaceSail 03.


05.12.2024 – Indische PSLV-XL lanceert PROBA 3 met een dagje vertraging.
ESA: Proba-3: Flying two spacecraft is harder than one.
ESA: Five space mysteries Proba-3 will help solve.
BIRA: Proba-3 launch: an innovative mission to explore the mysteries of space.

Spaceflight Now
: India to launch Eurpope’s Proba-3 spacecraft pair to study the Sun, demonstrate tandem maneuvering in orbit.

The Times of India
: PSLV-XL PROBA 3 launch: Why Europe chose ISRO over SpaceX.
The Times of India: ESA PROBA 3 launch pushed to Thursday.
The Times of India: ISRO begins revised countdown for PROBA 3 mission launch.
The Times of India: ISRO puts ESA’s PROBA 3 in orbit; satellites to create solar eclipse experiment.

: Eclipse-making double satellite Proba-3 enters orbit.
Space News: PSLV rocket launches Europe’s Proba-3 mission to mimic solar eclipses.
SpaceCom: India launches European Proba-3 satellites to create artificial eclipses in space.
SpaceQ: Europe’s PROBA 3 launches with critical Canadian technology onboard.

: Europese Proba-3 satellieten succesvol in de ruimte gebracht door Indiase raket.

ESA: Proba-3: Not because it is easy…
ESA: Proba-3: Because it is hard.
ESA: The power of two: Proba-3.
ESA: Proba-3 pre-launch media briefing.
ISRO: PSLV-C59/PROBA-3 Mission.
ESA: Proba-3 lift-off replay.
ESA: Proba-3 launch highlights.
SciNews: Proba-3 launch.
SciNews: Proba-3 deployment.


05.12.2024 – SpaceX Falcon 9 lanceert SXM-9.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches Sirius XM radio satellite.

SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch the SiriusXM SXM-9 mission to orbit.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches SXM-9 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
SciNews: SiriusXM SXM-9 deployment.


05.12.2024 – Vega C lanceert Sentinel-1C.
ESA: Hoisting Sentinel-1C inside Vega-C's fairing to the top of the rocket.
ESA: Sentinel-1C installed on top of Vega-C.
ESA: Vega-C complete with Sentinel-1C for return to flight.
ESA: Vega-C with Sentinel-1C on the launch pad.
ESA: Rolling back the mobile building around Vega-C for flight VV25.
ESA: Vega-C with Sentinel-1C on the launch pad.
ESA: Vega-C complete for return to flight.
ESA: Double win for Europe: Sentinel-1C and Vega-C take to the skies.
Thales Group: Copernicus Sentinel 1C earth observation satellite successfully launched.
Space News: Vega C successfully returns to flight.
NSF: Europe’s Vega-C returns to flight with Sentinel-1C mission.
Space Policy Online: ESA’s Vega C returns to flight.

ESA: Sentinel-1C pre-launch media briefing.
Arianespace: Flight VV25 – Sentinel-1C | Vega C Launch I Arianespace.
ESA: Sentinel-1C launches on Vega-C.
SciNews: Vega-C launches Sentinel-1C.
ESA: Europe’s new lightweight, powerful, and versatile rocket!


06.12.2024 – Iraanse Simorgh lanceert Fakhr-satelliet en test een vaste brandstof “kick stage”.
The Observer: Oman’s experimental rocket launch from Duqm this week.

Space Daily
: Iran launches heaviest space payload into orbit: media.
Space Tech in the Gulf Region: Oman Successfully Completes Historic Rocket Launch.
EuroNews: Iran claims to have conducted successful space launch.
SpaceCom: Iran launches military satellite, sending nation's largest-ever payload to orbit: reports.

EuroNews: Iran claims to have conducted successful space launch


06.12.2024 – Oman lanceert Duqm-1, een eerste suborbitale raket, tot in de ruimte.
Satellite Pro ME: Oman launches first scientific rocket Duqm-1.



Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.


30.11.2024 – De eerste Lange Mars 12 lancering.
Ars Technica: Over the weekend, China debuted a new rocket on the nation’s path to the Moon.

SciNews: The Long March-12 launch vehicle.
CNSA Watcher: A closer look at Long March 12’s maiden launch.
CNSA Watcher: Multi views of Long March 12’s maiden launch.





Falcon 9 en de Space Shuttle.
Ars Technica: Falcon 9 reaches a flight rate 30 times higher than shuttle at 1/100th the cost.


Ariane VI op weg naar Frans Guyana voor een tweede lancering.
European Spaceflight: Ariane 6 Rocket Stages Arrive in Kourou with a Hitchhiker.


Nieuws over de Chinese Zhuque 3.

CNSA Watcher: Zhuque-3, completing a 10km recover test in September, set to launch next year with three missions.
CNSA Watcher: LandSpace’s Zhuque rockets by 2026 will begin launching cargo spacecraft for Tiangong Space Station.
CNSA Watcher: LandSpace after Zhuque-3 achieves first-stage reuse, 200t-thrust full-flow engine will be developed.


ESA op zoek naar zware lanceerders.
European Spaceflight: ESA Publishes Updated Call for Reusable Super Heavy-Lift Rocket Initiative.


ESA en herbruikbare raketten – Prometheus en Themis.
ESA: Signing secures next steps for reusable rocket demonstrations.


Schotland bouwt derde Spaceport.
European Spaceflight: Scotland Breaks Ground on Third Rocket Launch Site.


Orbex kiest voor SaxaVord.
Space News: Orbex halts work on own spaceport, shifts launches to SaxaVord.
Via Satellite: Orbex Makes Strategic U-Turn, Abandons Construction of Sutherland Spaceport.

Space Voyaging
: Orbex Will Develop a Bigger Rocket.


PLD Space vindt geld voor Miura 5 lanceercomplex.
Space News: PLD Space secures loan for Miura 5 launch facility.
European Spaceflight: PLD Space Secures €11M Loan for Miura 5 Launch Complex.


Cape Caneveral, Relativity Space en Amazon.
NSF: Relativity, Amazon, and NASA continue work on Cape infrastructure.


SpinLaunch vindt extra geld.
Payload: SpinLaunch Raises $11.5M To Hurl Sats Into The Sky.


Rusland bereid om lanceerbasissen te bouwen in Afrika.
Space In Africa: Russia Offers to Build Spaceports in Africa.



Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.


Axiom 4 – De Ignis-missie met de Poolse astronaut Slawosz Uznanski.
ESA: ESA and Poland reveal 'Ignis' as name of Polish mission to International Space Station.
ESA: Ignis mission patch and name.

ESA: Ignis mission name and patch explained.


Axiom 4 – Ook de Indische astronaut(en) klaar vopr het ISS.
ISRO: Culmination of Initial Phase of Training for Gaganyatris for Joint ISRO-NASA Mission to International Space Station.


Phoenix/Bentobox – Vrij vliegend terugkeercapsule voor onderzoek – Een overeenkomst voor 7 vluchten.
Een samenwerking tussen Space Cargo Unlimitied en Atmos Space Cargo.
Payload: European Space Cargo Start-Ups Strike Seven Mission Deal.
Space News: European companies to offer microgravity payload missions.


The Exploration Company en Nyx.
IEEE Spectrum: SpaceX Dragon, Meet Your Competitor: Nyx Europe-based The Exploration Company plans a new reusable space cargo ship.


USAF geïnteresseerd in Varda’s terugkeercapsules.
Space News: U.S. Air Force awards Varda $48 million to test payloads on reentry capsules.


ESA ondersteunt Gaganyaan-missies.
ISRO: ISRO - ESA Signs Technical Implementing Plan for Network Operation Support for Gaganyaan Missions.
The Hindu: ISRO ties up with European Space Agency for Gaganyaan missions.


ISS – De blogentries. Station Science Top News.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Packs Dragon for Departure This Week.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Finalizing Science For Return to Earth Aboard Dragon.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Packed With Science and Now Targets Friday Undocking.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Departure Adjusted to Next Week, Crew Works Science and Spacewalk Preps.
NASA ISS Blog: Robots, Microbes, and Plants Pack Research Schedule at End of Week.

Deze keer geen Station Scienc Top News.


ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: NASA Astronauts Compete in ISS “Olympics”.
NASA: Matt Dominick’s X Account: A Visual Journey from Space.

Universe Today
: Astronauts on Long Missions Will Need Personal AI Assistants.
Aviation Week: Space Station Demo Seeks To Advance Quantum Comms.

: Space Station Trajectory Data.

NASA: Space to Ground: It's Very Suni in Space: Dec. 06, 2024.


Het einde van het ISS.
SpaceCom: Will the International Space Station's 2031 death dive cause pollution problems?


CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.

CCTV+: Tiangong TV 丨 Panoramic View of the Earth.
CNSA Watcher: 360 view from space by the robotic arm on Tiangong Space Station.



Naar de Maan (en Mars).


Artemis 2 / 3: Hitteschildproblemen zorgen voor meer vertraging voor beide maanvluchten.
NASA: NASA Identifies Cause of Artemis I Orion Heat Shield Char Loss.
NASA: NASA Shares Orion Heat Shield Findings, Updates Artemis Moon Missions.
NASA: FAQ: NASA’s Artemis Campaign and Recent Updates.

Spaceflight Now
: Live coverage: NASA leadership provides update on the state of the Artemis program.
NASA: NASA further delays next Artemis missions.
Inside Outer Space: NASA Shares Orion Heat Shield Findings, Slips of Artemis Moon Missions.
Payload: NASA Pushes Artemis Lunar Landing To 2027.
Space Policy Online: More delays: Artemis 2 slips to april 2026, Artemis 3 to mid-2027.
NSF: Artemis II rescheduled for spring of 2026 as program decides on path forward.
Ars Technica: NASA says Orion’s heat shield is good to go for Artemis II—but does it matter?
Ars Technica: After critics decry Orion heat shield decision, NASA reviewer says agency is correct.

Voor de update:
Philip Sloss: Will December 2024 bring updates to the Artemis schedule?
Philip Sloss: What do we know pre-decision about Orion heatshield investigation?
De update:
NASA: NASA Artemis Campaign Leadership News Conference.
Wat info over “arc jets”.
NASA: A look inside NASA's Arc Jet Complex.


Tien jaar geleden – Engineering Fligh Test 1 – EFT 1.
NASA: 10 Years Ago: Orion Flies its First Mission.


Artemis 2 – Mensen rond de Maan.

NASA: Artemis II Rocket Stacking Begins at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.


Artemis 4 – Gateway.
NASA: Technicians Install Gateway’s Fuel Tanks.


Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Space News: A Vision of a Developing Lunar Frontier.

Universe Today
: NASA Is Seeking Ideas for Rescuing an Astronaut from the Moon.

GPS World
: ArkEdge Space selected by JAXA to develop lunar navigation satellite system.

:ESA Launches Accelerator to Kickstart the Lunar Economy.

Payload: A Future Lunar Architecture, with Alex MacDonald (NASA) & Rob Chambers (Lockheed Martin).
Spaceflight Now: How NASA’s astronauts are aiding the Artemis return to the Moon.
KISSCaltech: The Lunar Environment: a 30,000' View.
KISSCaltech: Lunar opportunities: Artemis and International.


IFT 6 vanuit het ISS.
SpaceCom: Here's how SpaceX's 6th Starship megarocket launch looked from the ISS.

NASA: Views of Starship Flight 6 from International Space Station.


Starship – IFT 7 in januari.
Teslarati: SpaceX launches to continue as Judge denies halt request.

LabPadre Space: What Are SpaceX's Plans For Starship at Cape Canaveral? - SpaceX Weekly #143.
NSF: Starship Advances Toward Flight 7 (Plus Giga Bay Updates, Pad B Developments) | Starbase Update.
WAI: SpaceX suddenly reveals Starship Block 2 Booster! It’s gigantic!
NSF: Mystery Hardware Rolls out of Starfactory | SpaceX Boca Chica.
WAI: Get ready for Starship Flight 7! SpaceX considers BIG Starship heat shield change!



Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.


BepiColombo passeert Mercurius voor de vijfde maal.
ESA: BepiColombo's fifth Mercury flyby.
ESA: Bepi, Mio and MTM greet Mercury for the fifth time.

: BepiColombo probe captures haunting Mercury image on 5th of 6 gravity assist flybys.


MSR – Mars Sample Return – USA/China.
Space News: Foust Forward | Who gets the final word on Mars Sample Return?

Space Daily
: China aims to return Mars samples to Earth by 2031.
Uninverse Today: China Plans to Retrieve Mars Samples by 2031.


Het einde voor SOHO.
The Register: SOHO, the two-year mission that forgot to retire, finally faces sunset.


Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

NASA: Data From 2 NASA Solar Missions Temporarily Unavailable.

Cosmos: Venus has been too dry for life the whole time, finds study.
SpaceCom: Did Venus ever have oceans to support life, or was it 'born hot'?
Universe Today: Maybe Venus Was Never Habitable.

SpaceCom: Declassified spy satellite images reveal 1,400-year-old battle site in Iraq that set off the Muslim conquest.
Space Daily: Twin mini satellites provide new insights into polar heat emissions – PREFIRE.

NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4372-4375: I’ll Zap You, My Pretty, and Your Pebble Too.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4375-4381: A Stuffed Holiday Plan.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4382-4383: Team Work, Dream Work.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4384-4385: Leaving the Bishop Quad.
NASA: Gigantic 'spiderwebs' on Mars are the next big target for NASA's Curiosity rover, agency reveals.
NASA (filmpje): Mars in 4K: Perseverance’s Rock Sample Collection.
SpaceCom: Mars rover Perseverance sends home postcard from scenic 'Pico Turquino'.

Universe Today: What's Inside Uranus and Neptune? A New Way to Find Out.

SETI Institute (filmpje): Asteroid Deflection via Nuclear Blasts and Sandia National Labs.



Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.


Sierra Space, Dream Chaser en in-space manufacturing.
Space News: Sierra Space partners with companies for space-based semiconductor manufacturing.


Starlink en “direct-to-cell”.
Zie ook de sectie “De lanceringen van afgelopen week”.
Space News: SpaceX gets conditional approval for direct-to-smartphone service;
Teslarati: Starlink Direct-to-Cell gets US commercial license from FCC.
Ars Technica: FCC approves Starlink plan for cellular phone service, with some limits.
Via Satellite: FCC Approves Starlink Direct-to-Cell Service With T-Mobile.


De satellietconstellatie Telesat Lightspeed rond Early Design Review af.
Space News: Telesat Lightspeed clears early design review.
SpaceQ: Telesat Lightspeed Constellation passes initial design review.


Zonneactiviteit laat 3 satellieten sneller terugkomen dan gepland.
SpaceCom: Solar maximum just knocked 3 satellites out of orbit. Here's why more may be on the way.


Ontslagen bij Airbus Defense and Space.
Reuters: Airbus cuts 2,000 Defence and Space jobs, taming earlier plans.

The Munich Eye
: Airbus Defence and Space Confirms Job Reductions Affecting German Locations.
BBC: Airbus cuts nearly 500 UK jobs to reduce costs.


Satellietafdeling Boeing nu ook onder vuur (?). Ontslagen in Florida.
CBS News: Boeing whistleblower sounds alarm over safety at satellite factory: "They're not gonna listen to me until somebody dies".

Florida Today
: Boeing announces 141 layoffs across Florida, including Brevard and Kennedy Space Center.


Waarde SpaceX: 350 miljard dollar.
Teslarati: SpaceX valuation estimated to hit $350B.
Yahoo Finance: SpaceX Weighs Tender Offer Raising Valuation to $350 Billion.


Starlink – “Uitverkocht” in de US.
Ars Technica: A year after ditching waitlist, Starlink says it is “sold out” in parts of US.


Trump – Jared Isaacman wordt de nieuwe NASA Administrator.
Space News: Trump selects Isaacman to be NASA administrator.
Ars Technica: Trump nominates Jared Isaacman to become the next NASA administrator.
Ars Technica: How did the CEO of an online payments firm become the nominee to lead NASA?
NSF: Jared Isaacman nominated as next NASA administrator.
Spaceflight Now: Trump nominates Jared Isaacman to serve as next NASA administrator.
Space Policy Online: Jared Isaacman tapped to be next NASA Administrator.
Spacepage: Trump selecteert Jared Isaacman als nieuwe NASA-administrateur.


Trump – Meer ruimtevaartgerelateerde berichten.
Space News: Trump’s unfinished business: An independent Space Force.
Space News: Bezos not concerned about Musk’s influence on Trump administration.
SpaceCom: Trump may cancel NASA's powerful SLS moon rocket – here's what that would mean for Elon Musk and the future of space travel.
Space News: Starships, Space Policy and Power Plays.
The Space Review: Donald Trump’s approach to US space policy could throw up some surprises, especially with Elon Musk on board.
Space News: How American entrepreneurs can help win the space race against China.
Space News: Bezos not concerned about Musk’s influence on Trump administration.


Ondertussen in Europa.
Space News: New EU space commissioner outlines priorities.
The Space Review: Europe weighs its future in space.
BusinessAM: Europa zoekt onafhankelijkheid op ruimtevaartgebied.

Iets oudere berichten:
18.10 – Space News: Further delays and hurdles for EU Space Law.
28.10 – Space News: ESA plans measures to help European space industry.
20.11 – EC – Space Research: 28 projects selected as part of Horizon Europe space-related calls for proposals.
21.11 – Space News: European space companies seek more competitive government contracts.


De economische waarde van NASA – Maar kampt o.a. met ouder wordende infrastructuur.
NASA: New Report Shows NASA’s $75.6 Billion Boost to US Economy.
Het “FY23 NASA – Economic Impact Report” vind je hier (PDF).

: 'NASA at a crossroads:' Budget woes, aging infrastructure and hard choices ahead.


Rapport – Global Trends and Challenges in the Space Economy.
Space Insider: EIU Report Explores Global Trends and Challenges in the Space Economy.


Rapport – Space Agenda 2025 – Informing the Future of Space.
Center for Space Policy and Stragy: Space Agenda 2025 – Informing the Future of Space (PDF).

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