De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/50–729

Een week zonder echte uitschieters. Al hadden op Starbase belangrijke testen plaats met het oog op de volgende Starship testvlucht. We graaiden nog eens in het archief en verzamelden heel wat artikels uit de afgelopen maanden rond ruimteafval en “on-orbit servicing” en aanverwante. Dat allemaal in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.

Bij de foto: Een geslaagde static fire voor de IFT 7 booster. Foto: SpaceX.


Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws. 


Aerospacelab – De “megafactory” in Charleroi ligt op schema.
Zie deze linkedin post voor details en foto’s.
Spacepage: Bouw van Aerospacelab's Megafactory verloopt volgens plan.


arcesc en DeDUST.
Een interview met arcsec vind je hier.



De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.


08.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten Group 12-5 (CCSFS).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink internet satellites from Florida.

SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 23 Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 215 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 8 December 2024.


12.12.2024 – Chinese Lange Mars 2D lanceert  “High Speed Laser Diamond Constellation Test System”.
Het gaat om 5 testsatellieten.
ECNS: China launches rocket, deploying five experimental satellites.
ECNS (foto’s): China sends five experiment satellites into space.

Space News
: China launches “laser diamond constellation test” satellites.

CGTN: China launches five experiment satellites.
SciNews: Long March-2D launches High-speed Laser Diamond Constellation Test System.


13.12.2024 –  SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten Group 11-2 (VSFB).
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches 22 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket from California.
SpaeCom: SpaceX launches 22 Starlink internet satellites from California, lands rocket at sea.

SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 22 Starlink satellites to orbit from California.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 216 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 13 December 2024.



Te verwachten lanceringen.


Wordt New Glenn nog in 2024 gelanceerd ?
Space News: Blue Origin says first New Glenn launch still scheduled for 2024.
The Register: Blue Origin's New Glenn will launch any day now – but it better hurry up.
NSF: New Glenn approaches hot fire ahead of debut launch.



Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.


30.11.2024 – SpaceX lanceert NROL-126 – Spionerende Chinees opgepakt.
Meer over de lancering zelf in NUDR 2024/48-727.
Santa Barbara Independent: Chinese Citizen Arrested for Allegedly Flying Drone over and Photographing Vandenberg Space Force Base.





Vulcan Centaur – Certificatie voor NSSL weldra rond – Natioal Security Space Launch.
Breaking Defense: ULA expects to be certified for national security launch ‘momentarily’.


Er wordt hard gewerkt in Florida.
NSF: Starship and other launch site preparations in Florida moving into a higher gear.


India test met succes cryogene raketmotor voor Gaganyaan.
MSN: Isro successfully fires LVM3 cryogenic engine that will power Gaganyaan Mission.



Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.


India en Gaganyaan.
SpaceCom: India practices pulling its Gaganyaan astronaut capsule out of the sea.
ESA: ESA to support Indian human spaceflight missions.


ISS – De blogentries. Station Science Top News.
NASA ISS Blog: Week Begins with Spacewalk Preps, Physics, and Biology Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacesuits and Space Biology Fill Day Aboard Space Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Works Biomedical, Robotics Research and Waits for Dragon Departure.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Packs Science for Exposure, Studies Immune System, and Preps for Spacewalk.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Studies Physics and Biology, Preps for Spacewalk, Dragon Undocking Adjusted.
NASA ISS Blog: NASA, SpaceX Adjust Dragon Undock Date Due to Weather.

: Station Science Top News: Dec. 06, 2024.


ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: Science Photo Album Showcases Space Station Research in 2024.
NASA: 3D Printable Bioreactor for Deep Space Food Production.

NASA: Space to Ground: A Wooden Satellite: Dec. 13, 2024.


CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
Daily Galaxy: Space Isn’t Just for Astronauts—Meet the Insects Making History on China’s Tiangong Station.

CCTV: China's Shenzhou-19 Crew in Full Swing Conducting Scientific Experiments.



Naar de Maan (en Mars).


Artemis 2 – Mensen rond de Maan – Het hitteschild-probleem.
The Space Review: Artemis reentry.
NASA: Artemis II Core Stage Goes Vertical.

Philip Sloss: Does Isaacman nomination overshadow NASA's Orion heatshield decision for Artemis II?
Philip Sloss: What's next for Artemis II preparations and IRL considerations for a new Orion launch vehicle.
NASA: Artemis II Booster Stacking Officially Lifts Off at Kennedy Space Center!
NASA: From the Team: Recovering the Artemis Spacecraft & Crew.


Artemis Accords – 50 deelnemers.
NASA: Artemis Accords Reach 50 Signatories as NASA Welcomes Panama, Austria.
Space Policy Online: Artemis accords reach 50 with Panama and Austria.
Space News: Artemis Accords reach 50 signatories with Panama and Austria.

NASA: Artemis Accords: Celebrating 50 Country Signatories.


“Mining the Moon”.
NASA Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps – Episode 144: Mining the moon with NASA’s IPEX robot.
Space News: Fleet Space raises $100 million to advance mineral exploration on Earth and beyond.
SpaceCom: Japanese company ispace plans to land helium-3 mining missions on the moon.


De verkenning van Maan en Mars in de volgende jaren.
NASA: NASA Outlines Latest Moon to Mars Plans in 2024 Architecture Update.

Inside Outer Space
: NASA Mars Exploration: Report Calls for Program Paradigm Shifts.
NASA Watch: Another NASA Moon-Mars Architecture Update.

Het rapport “Expanding the Horizons of Mars Science” vind je hier (PDF).


Artemis Moon Trees.
USSF: Artemis Moon Tree finds home at USAFA through STARCOM partnership.
NASA: They Grow So Fast: Moon Tree Progress Since NASA’s Artemis I Mission.


ILRS – China naar de Maan.
Space News: Omani space company signs up to China’s ILRS moon base project.

CGTN: How will China build a base on the moon?
CGTN America: China unveils its space exploration plans.


Starship – IFT 7 in januari.
SpaceCom: SpaceX test-fires Super Heavy booster for 7th Starship launch.
NSF: Ship 33 prepares for engine testing, Booster 14 Completes Static Fire.
Universe Mag: SpaceX aims to give Starbase space complex a city status.
SpaceCom: SpaceX rolls 7th Starship spacecraft out for testing ahead of next launch (photos).

NSF: Future Ships Spotted At Starfactory | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: SpaceX Tests Booster 14 - Spin Prime | Starbase Starship.
LabPadre: SpaceX Gears Up to Launch The Next Generation of Starship! - SpaceX Weekly #144.
NSF: Booster 14 Rolls To The Launch Site.
WAI Plus: LIVE: What's next for SpaceX' Starship?
NSF: Booster 14 Spin Prime Test Sparks Curiosity at Starbase | Starbase Update.
NSF: Ship 33 Test Campaign Begins | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: Booster 14 Performed A Static Fire!
Marcus House: Next-Gen SpaceX Starship? More Like Next-Level Awesome!



Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.


CLPS – Firefly Aerospace en Blue Ghost Mission One.
NASA: NASA to Discuss Firefly’s First Robotic Artemis Moon Flight.
De link voor de media briefing van 17.12 vind je hier.


Op 12 december vloog Lucy langs de Aarde.
NASA: NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Prepares for Second Earth Gravity Assist (met een update over de geslaagde passage).

NASA: Lucy Spacecraft’s Second Slingshot of Earth.


BepiColombo en Mercurius.
ESA: BepiColombo reveals Mercury in a new light.
ESA: Mercury during BepiColombo's fifth flyby.


Over het einde van Ingenuity.
NASA: NASA Performs First Aircraft Accident Investigation on Another World.
Space News: JPL completes investigation of Ingenuity’s final flight.
SpaceCom: After crashing on Mars, NASA's Ingenuity helicopter could live on as a weather station for 20 years.

Scott Manley: NASA Reveals Why The Mars Helicopter Crashed - The First Air Crash Investigation on Another World.
Video From Space: Mars Ingenuity helicopter accident investigation reveals likely cause of crash.


Op zoek naar een nieuwe lanceerdatum voor de Marssondes ESCAPADE.
Space News: ESCAPADE looking at 2025 and 2026 launch options.


Gecrashte Genesis levert nog resultaten op. Zelfs na 20 jaar.
Space News: Shattered Genesis spacecraft yields scientific discoveries 20 years after crash landing.


Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

ESA: UK methane leak spotted using satellites.
ESA: Sentinel-1C captures first radar images.
ESA: The Netherlands from Sentinel-1C.
ESA: Brussels, Belgium, captured by Sentinel-1C.
Zie ook deze Sentinel 2 opname van Brussel uit 2022.
Of  Brussel gezien door Sentinel 1A in 2014.
Of onze hoofdstad zoals gezien door SPOT 5 in 2011.

Inside Outer Space: Polar Regions of the Moon: Newly Issued Maps from Russia.

NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4386-4388: Powers of Ten.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4389-4390: A Wealth of Ripples, Nodules and Veins.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4391-4392: Rounding the Bend.
NASA: Looking Out for ‘Lookout Hill’ – Perseverance.
NASA: NASA’s Perseverance Rover Reaches Top of Jezero Crater Rim.
AGU (filmpje): AGU24 Press conference: Perseverance's view from the top of Jezero Crater.
SpaceCom: Up and over! NASA's Mars rover Perseverance reaches rim of its Jezero Crater home.
NASA (filmpje): Perseverance Rover Panorama of Mars’ Jezero Crater.
SpaceCom: Cosmic rays may complicate the quest to find life on Mars.
SpaceCom: Sunny days on Mars come with a weather warning: Dust storms ahead!
SpaceCom: Carbon dioxide rivers? Ancient Mars liquid may not all have been water.

NASA: NASA’s Juno Mission Uncovers Heart of Jovian Moon’s Volcanic Rage.
KISSCaltech (filmpje): Setting Sail to Ocean Worlds: The Science of the Europa Clipper Mission.
AGU (filmpje): AGU24 Press conference: The heart of Io's rage.

AstroBlogs: Dwingeloo radiotelescoop ontvangt signalen van Voyager 1.
NASA (filmpje): Animated Tour of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io.



Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.


Trump, Elon en Isaacman.
Space News: Nelson “basically optimistic” about NASA’s future in the next administration.
Gizmodo: Nelson “basically optimistic” about NASA’s future in the next administration.
Space News: Jared Isaacman on U.S. space competitiveness: ‘We can’t be second’.
Via Satellite: Commercial Space for National Security is Likely to Accelerate Under Trump, Report Says
Spaceflight Now: Jared Isaacman makes first public remarks since nomination for NASA Administrator.
Spaceflight Now (filmpje): Jared Isaacman speaks with Space Force Guardians following NASA Administrator nomination.
Space News: Trump’s second term can achieve the bipartisan goal of resilient satellites .
The Planetary Society (filmpje): Space Policy Edition: The Myth of Presidential Leadership.
The Space News: Mars Next and “All of the Above”.


Ruimteweer en satellieten.
Space News:  Geomagnetic storms cause “mass migrations” of satellites.
SpaceCom: Powerful solar storms are a nightmare for farmers. 'Our tractors acted like they were demon possessed'.


Nog eens het einde van Intelsat 33e.
Space News: Intelsat 33e demise exposes vulnerabilities in the space domain.


In-Space Manufacturing.
10.10 – ESA: Space-made weld scrutinised in ESA lab.
07.11 – NASA: NASA to Transform In-Space Manufacturing with Laser Beam Welding Collaboration.

13.11 – Inside Outer Space: Report: Space-based Manufacturing – Impact on America Identified.
Het GAO rapport vind je hier (PDF).


In-Orbit Servicing / On-Orbit Refueling.
14.10 – ESA: ESA to build first in-orbit servicing mission with D-Orbit – RISE.
14.10 – Space News: D-Orbit enters GEO in-orbit servicing market.
14.10 – European Spaceflight: D-Orbit Wins €119M ESA Contract for Satellite Life Extension Mission.

28.10 – Space News: Satellite servicing industry faces uncertain military demand.

29.10 – European Spaceflight: ESA Selects Companies to Develop in-Orbit Fuel Storage and Refilling Tech.
De firma’s zijn: ArianeGroup, GMV Aerospace and Defence, MT Aerospace, SAB Aerospace, en The Exploration Company.
04.11 – RoomEU: 04 November 2024NewsOrbit Fab expands European network to accelerate in-orbit refuelling plans.

13.11 – Space News: GITAI gets funds to develop in-orbit robotic servicer.

14.11 – Space News: Northrop Grumman eyes 2026 launch of robot-armed satellite servicer.
15.11 – ExecutivGov: New NRL Robotics Suite to Service Orbiting Satellites – RSGS – MRV.

20.11 – Space Daily: Orion Space Solutions set to enhance on-orbit refueling for U.S. Space Force – TETRA.
Luister ook naar de The Space Hour Podcast – The next step in on-orbit refueling in space.


In-Space Mining.
28.10 – Payload: AstroForge Picks Up First Commercial Deep Space License.


Space News: NRO shows continued interest in orbital transfer vehicles and spacecraft multimanifesting.


Orbital Debris Mitigation.
29.05 – Executiv.Gov: FCC Space Bureau Seeks Additional Comments on Orbital Debris Mitigation Rules.
30.05 – Payload: FCC Chair Pushes For Stricter Debris Rules.
30.05 – Via Satellite: FCC Chair Proposes New Metric for Accidental Explosions in Space.
01.07 – Air And Space Forces: Why Deorbiting SpaceX Satellites Is a ‘Tremendous Opportunity’ for the Space Force.
21.09 – Space News: NASA creates space sustainability division to consolidate orbital debris activities.
25.09 – ESPI: A Party for Everyone? Analysing International Efforts in Space Debris Mitigation (met een te downloaden PDF).
16.10 – Space News: No simple answers for debris mitigation.
21.10 – The Space Review: Weighing overall societal benefit: Case studies on deciding when to deorbit satellites (part 1).
28.10 – The Space Review: Weighing overall societal benefit: Case studies on deciding when to deorbit satellites (part 2).
31.10 – Universe Today: Orbital Debris is Getting Out of Control.


Zero Debris Charter.
30.05 – Space News: ESA lines up initial signatories for Zero Debris Charter.
06.06 – ESA: Dozens of companies, institutions and NGOs sign the Zero Debris Charter.
26.06 – ESA: Time to build zero-debris satellites.
26.06 – ESA (filmpje): This is how we are leading the way towards Zero debris future.
05.07 – Space Explored: ESA partners with Airbus, OHB, and Thales Alenia Space for ‘Zero Debris’ satellite platforms.
03.09 – European Spaceflight: ESA Seeks Novel Propulsion Solutions for Cubesat Deorbiting.
14.10 – ESA: Zero Debris Charter goes intercontinental.
24.10 – SpaceCom: Fighting space junk: More than 100 partners sign Europe's 'Zero Debris Charter'.
12.12 – ESA: CAT-IOD Mission: Pioneering active debris removal technologies.


Space Situational/Domain Awareness – Space Traffic Management.
07.07 – Air And Space Forces: Why the Space Force Wants to ‘Flip the Script’ On Space Domain Awareness.
23.09 – Space News: Office of Space Commerce ready to turn on initial version of space traffic coordination system.
24.09 – Breaking Defense: SPACECOM expanding missions for multinational commercial space domain awareness cell.
30.09 – The Space Review: Getting space traffic coordination on track.
30.09 – Space News: Commerce begins beta tests of space traffic coordination system.
08.10 – Satellite Today: BlackSky Expanding in to Space Domain Awareness With New Contract.
26.11 – Space News: Slingshot selected to design user experience for U.S. space traffic system.
06.12 – Space News: Neuraspace installs second telescope to enhance space traffic monitoring.
09.12 – Space News: China is building on-orbit space situational awareness capabilities to navigate crowded orbits.
10.12 – LeoLabs: LeoLabs Enhances Ability to Discover and Respond to Adversarial Space Activities with Next-Generation Radar in Arizona.
10.12 – Space News: LeoLabs expands space-monitoring network with radar site in Arizona.


Ruimteafval – Allerlei.
28.05 – Space News: How privacy-preserving technology can advance satellite collision detection.
04.06 – Universe Today: NASA has a New Database to Predict Meteoroid Hazards for Spaceflight.
05.06 – Space News: Uncontrolled reentry of space debris poses a real and growing threat.
06.07 – Space News: Low-intensity explosion caused Russian satellite to spew debris.
23.07 – NASA: NASA Sponsors New Research on Orbital Debris, Lunar Sustainability.
13.08 – Universe Today: Can Meteor Showers Be Dangerous to Spacecraft?
03.09 – Inside Outer Space: Space Junk Threatens Space Sustainability.
23.09 – ESA: Sentinel-1B journeys back to Earth.
30.09 – Payload: SDA Awards $1.9M for Deorbit Studies.
11.12 – Satellite Today: Astroscale ADRAS-J Mission Gets Within 15 Meters of Space Debris.
11.12 – AGU (filmpje): AGU24 Press conference: Space Debris: Preventing the Runaway ‘Kessler Syndrome’.


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