Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2025/04–736
Zes lanceringen deze week waarvan vier voor s(mega-)atellietconstellaties. Nu China op dat vlak stilaan in gang begint te geraken, zullen we dit jaar meer van dit soort weken zien op lanceervlak. En Trump wil een Amerikaanse vlag op Mars, tot groot jolijt van Musk. Wat de gevolgen zijn voor het Artemis-programma, dat moeten we nog afwachten. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Deze foto werd genomen tijdens de ruimtewandelig van 16 januari. De Europese Columbusmodule staat prominent in beeld met links van het midden is grotendeels de Crew Dragon te zien. Er is ook ergens (wie zoekt die vindt) een “wandelende” astronaut te zien, met name Suni Williams. Een leuk extraatje voor een vlucht die 9 maanden zal duren i.p.v. 8 dagen. Ondertussen is ze ook commandant van het ISS, wat uiteraard ook niet voorzien was. Foto: NASA.
De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.
20.01.2025 – Chinese Ceres 1 – On Your Shoulders – lanceert een vijftal satellieten.
ECNS: Galactic Energy launches five satellites into orbit.
ECNS (foto’s): China sends five new satellites into space.
SpaceCom: Chinese commercial Ceres-1 rocket launches 5 weather satellites to orbit.
CCTV: China Launches Five New Satellites.
SciNews: Ceres-1 launches five satellites.
21.01.2025 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink Group 13-1 (KSC).
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches 21 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket from the Kennedy Space Center.
UPI: SpaceX launches another batch of Starlink satellites into low-Earth orbit.
SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 224 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 21 January 2025.
21.01.2025 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink Group 11-8 (VSFB).
UPI: SpaceX again scrubs launch of more satellites from California.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launching 27 Starlink satellites today in 1st flight since Starship explosion.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 1st batch of new 'V2 mini' Starlink satellites to orbit.
SpaceCom: 400 rocket landings! SpaceX notches reuse milestone.
SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 27 Starlink satellites to orbit from California.
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch, 19 January 2025.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 225 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 21 January 2025.
23.01.2025 – Chinese Lange Mars 6A lanceert nieuwe groep G60-satellieten.
Space News: China launches fourth batch of Thousand Sails megaconstellation satellites.
CCTV: China Successfully Launches New Satellite Group for Qianfan Constellation.
SciNews: Long March-6A launches SpaceSail Polar Orbit 06.
23.01.2025 – Chinese Lange Mars 3B/E lanceert TJSW-14.
Space News: China launches classified TJS-14 satellite towards geostationary belt.
SpaceCom: Chinese rocket booster falls to Earth, explodes near home.
CNSA Watcher: China's 6th Launch in 2025: Communication Satellite No. 14 Successfully Launched.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches TJSW-14.
24.01.2025 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink Group 11-6 (VSFB).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites on 11th Falcon 9 rocket of 2025.
UPI: SpaceX launches Starlink satellites into space on 11th 2025 mission.
SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 23 Starlink satellites to orbit from California.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 226 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 24 January 2025.
Te verwachten lanceringen.
28.01.2025 – New Shepard – NS-29 – Onbemande lancering met NASA-experimenten.
Blue Origin: New Shepard’s 29th Mission Will Fly 30 Payloads, Mimic the Moon’s Gravity.
NASA: Lunar Gravity Simulation via Suborbital Rocket.
Space News: New Shepard flight to demonstrate lunar gravity.
29.01.2025 – Honderdste lancering vanuit Satish Dhawan Space Center.
The Times of India: ISRO all set for 100th launch from Sriharikota; to deploy desi Nav Sat.
Space News: India eyes record year for space with 10 planned launches.
Lanceringen vanuit het Noorse Andøya.
Space News: U.S. and Norway sign technology safeguards agreement for launches from Andøya.
Chinese hoptest met onbekende afloop – Longxing-2/LM12A.
Space News: China performs high altitude reusable rocket test with uncertain outcome.
Zie ook:
NSF: China Roundup: Chang Zheng 8A set for debut, Chinese hopper flies 75 km high-altitude test.
China doet drie testen met raketmotoren op één dag.
ECNS: China completes three ignition tests for liquid oxygen-kerosene engine in a day.
CCTV: China Completes Three Tests of Liquid Rocket Engine in One Day.
Lancering DRACO, een test van een reactor voor nucleaire propulsie, is “on hold”.
Aviation Week: Nuclear Reactor Test Requirements Put DRACO Launch Plans On Hold.
Nieuwe contracten voor RocketLab.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab to Launch Global Wildfire Detection and Monitoring Mission for OroraTech.
Space News: Rocket Lab to launch OroraTech satellites.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab, Orora Technologies contract for “responsive launch” ahead of main 2025 wildfire season.
SpaceCom: Rocket Lab selected to launch more hypersonic test vehicles for US military.
Space News (filmpje): Space Minds with Peter Beck.
Toerisme – Met een ballon richting ruimte – Space Perspective in moeilijkheden.
Florida Today: Space Perspective gets eviction summons from airport; company seeks investors for test flights.
Spectrum News 13: Titusville spaceflight startup Space Perspective handed eviction notice over $90,000 in late rent.
Fortune: Richard Branson–backed firm’s dream of flying people to the stratosphere in balloons is deflating as staffers are furloughed.
Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.
Nogmaals de eerste Indische koppeling van twee satellieten – SPADEX.
The Times of India: ISRO preps for more docking trials with same SpaDeX sats to perfect precision in space.
The Tribune India: How ISRO raced against time to execute space docking.
The Space Review: India demonstrates space docking.
TMRO Space News: Why India's First Docking is a Big Deal
Indische capsule Gaganyaan zet stap dichter bij een eerste (onbemande) lancering.
The Times of India: Gaganyaan: Crew module ready with Liquid Propulsion Systems for first uncrewed mission.
India TV News: ISRO achieves major milestone, dispatches crew module for Gaganyaan's inaugural uncrewed mission.
TASS: Russia, India work together on the first manned space flight of Indian crew — ambassador.
Niet echt een verrassing – Boeing boekt extra verlies op Starliner.
Space News: Boeing projects additional Starliner losses in fourth quarter.
ISS – De blogentries. Station Science Top News.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Stays Busy with Spacewalk Preps and Advanced Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalk Preps Focus on Robotics; Earth and Piloting Studies Round Out Day.
NASA ISS Blog: Combustion, Biology Studies and Housecleaning Duties Fill Station Crew’s Day.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacesuit Work and Life Science Wrap Up Week Aboard Station.
NASA: Station Science Top News: Jan., 17, 2025.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: Astronauts Set to Swab the Exterior of Station for Microbial Life.
NSF: Spacewalks resume from U.S. segment of ISS after six month hiatus.
Payload: Blue Abyss Partners with NASA on Astronaut Training Facility.
NASA: NICER Status Update.
NASA: Houston, we have a podcast – Mission Control: Station in Motion.
Universe Today: A Tether Covered in Solar Panels Could Boost the ISS’s Orbit.
CSS – Tweede ruimtewandeling voor Shenzhou 19.
ECNS: Shenzhou XIX astronauts prepare for second spacewalk.
ECNS: Shenzhou XIX crew completes 2nd spacewalk.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Station Crew: Preparing for 2nd Spacewalk Duties.
Space Daily: Shenzhou XIX crew completes second spacewalk.
SpaceCom: Chinese astronauts install debris shields on Tiangong space station during 8.5-hour spacewalk.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-19 Crew Perform Work on Extraterrestrial Survival Technology.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-19 Astronauts Gear Up for Second Spacewalk.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-19 Crew Completes Second Series of Extravehicular Activities.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-19 Crew Strengthens Tiangong Station's Debris Protection in Second Spacewalk.
CNSA Watcher: Shenzhou-19 crew completes successful spacewalk at Tiangong Space Station.
SciNews: Shenzhou-19 astronauts complete second spacewalk.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
Andrew Jones (via BlueSky): CMSA reveals mission patches for Shenzhou-20 and 21 crewed flights and Tianzhou-9 cargo mission.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-19 Crew Extends Spring Festival Wishes from across Vast Cosmos.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-19 Astronauts Conduct New Experiments on Space Station in Orbit.
CNSA Watcher: Challenges of Creating Delicious Space Meals for Astronauts.
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
ESA en Artemis in 2024.
ESA: Powering Artemis in 2024.
Artemis 2 – Mensen rond de Maan.
NASA: Artemis II Stacking Operations Update.
Artemis Accords – Nu ook Finland.
NASA: NASA Welcomes Finland as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory.
Space News: Finland signs Artemis Accords.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
NASA: NASA awards Artemis logistics studies.
Space Policy Online: NASA presses on with Artemis as questions swirl about the future.
NASA: NASA Invests in Artemis Studies to Support Long-Term Lunar Exploration.
NASA: NASA Space Tech’s Favorite Place to Travel in 2025: The Moon!
PhysOrg: Astronauts on NASA's Artemis mission to the moon will need better boots. Here's why.
NASA: Advanced Modeling Enhances Gateway’s Lunar Dust Defense.
Space News: Interlune plans to gather scarce lunar Helium-3 for quantum computing on Earth.
NASA: How NASA Plans to Revolutionize Lunar Excavation.
New Scientist: How NASA will soon have humans exploring Mars.
ILRS – China naar de Maan.
Space News: China explores using orbiting lasers to power spacecraft on the moon.
Starship – De naweeën van IFT 7.
Space Explored: Starship Flight 7 heat shield tiles have reportedly begun washing up on Turks and Caicos shores.
Gizmodo: SpaceX Starship’s Explosion Sparks FAA Investigation and Reports of Property Damage.
PhysOrg: The Starbase rocket testing facility is permanently changing the landscape of southern Texas.
Space Explored: Starship Flight 8: What do we know so far? – IFT8.
LabPadre Space: What Happened With Starship's 7th Flight? - SpaceX Weekly #150.
NSF: The Starbase That Never Sleeps | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: Booster Catch, Ship Failure & The Path to Starship Flight 8 | Starbase Update.
Spaceflight Now: Starship Flight 7: Successes, failures and what happens next.
NSF: Second Launch Tower at Starbase | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
CLPS – Een overzicht van CLPS-missies.
Jatan Space: Everything you need to know about NASA CLPS Moon landing missions.
Jatan Space: How to follow CLPS mission updates.
CLPS – Blue Ghost Mission 1.
Firefly Aeropace: Blue Ghost Mission 1: Live Updates.
NASA Artemis Blog: Blue Ghost Conducts First Burn, Science Operations, Captures Eclipse.
SpaceCom: Watch Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost moon lander witness an eclipse from space (video).
SpaceCom: Blue Ghost moon lander sees Earth as a 'blue marble' from orbit.
GPS World: NASA and Italian Space Agency demonstrate lunar GNSS payload.
European Spaceflight: Nammo UK Engine Aboard US Lunar Lander Ignites for the First Time.
Firefly Aerospace: We're in Orbit! Blue Ghost Week 1 Update.
iSpace en Hakuto R Mission 2.
ispace: ispace Completes Mission 2 Milestone Success 1.
ispace: ispace Completes Success 2 of Mission 2 Milestones.
ispace: ispace Completes Success 3 of Mission 2 Milestones.
ispace: ispace Completes Success 4 of Mission 2 Milestones.
ispace: ispace Receives Telemetry from Deep Space Radiation Probe.
Met ESA’s LightShip naar Mars – Redwire België.
ESA: Towards low-cost missions to Mars.
Zie ook uit september 2024: ESA: Seven things you didn’t know about Europe’s tug to Mars.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: SMILE! Europe and China move toward 2026 launch of space weather mission.
EC – Horizon: Space researchers build traffic light system to warn of dangerous solar storms.
ESA (filmpje): The sounds of BepiColombo’s sixth flight past Mercury.
SpaceWatch Global TV (filmpje): Fighting Wildfires from Space: Satellite Solutions for LA’s Fire Crisis.
SpaceCom: Earth's elusive 'ignorosphere' could shed new light on auroras.
SciNews: Chang’e-6 samples reveal reinforced lunar dynamo.
Universe Today: China’s Chang’e 7 Will Include a Flag That Will ‘Flap’ on the Moon.
Universe Today: Curiosity Finds Ancient Wave Ripples on Mars.
NASA: NASA Sets Sights on Mars Terrain with Revolutionary Tire Tech.
SpaceCom: Europe plans to launch advanced Mars lander in 2035.
SpaceCom: Volcanic cones on Mars tell a tale of ice and fire.
Universe Today: A Marsquake Reveals Why Mars has Two Very Different Hemispheres.
NASA: Study Finds Earth’s Small Asteroid Visitor Likely Chunk of Moon Rock.
Om af te ronden:
Maan en Planeten Podcast: Recente ontwikkelingen in het zonnestelsel – januari 2025.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
Ruimtevaart in Europa.
ESPI: Europe needs an ambitious space strategy. This is as necessary as it is urgent.
SpaceWatch Global TV: Space Nuggets – 02/2025 – ESA’s 2025 Agenda: Bold Plans or Outdated Priorities?
ESA: ESA welcomes Slovenia as 23rd Member State.
ESA: Estonia to host Europe's new space cybersecurity testing ground.
EUSPA (filmpje): EUSpace innovation through Horizon Europe.
ESA (filmpje): ESA’s Civil Security from Space.
European Spaceflight: European Launch Startups Send Open Letter to ESA Outlining Key Priorities.
European Spaceflight: ESA Member States to Vote on Future of Space Rider in November.
In november 2025 is er de ESA’s Ministerial Council.
HST/JWST – Mogelijk minder geld voor Hubble Space Telescope. Maar ook voor James Webb Space Telescope.
Space News: Hubble budget cuts could impact science and mission operations.
Space News: JWST facing potential cuts to its operational budget
HST – Panoramisch zicht op M31- Het Andromeda melkwegstelsel.
ESA: Hubble traces hidden history of the Andromeda Galaxy.
ESA: Video tour of Hubble’s panoramic view of the Andromeda Galaxy.
HST – Meer nieuws.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Tracks Down a ‘Blue Lurker’ Among Stars.
SpaceCom: Hubble Telescope sees rare supernova explosion as a violent 'pale blue dot' (image).
ESA: Hubble Reveals Jupiter in Ultraviolet Light.
ESA: Jetting into space.
Universe Today: Hubble Shows Young Stars Shaping Their Surroundings in the Orion Nebula.
ESA: A Tarantula’s outskirts.
STScI: Spectroscopy Animation of Southern Crab Nebula.
STScI: Artist's Impression: Spinning Supermassive Black Hole Rips Star Apart #shorts.
JWST – Nieuws.
Universe Today: The Webb Captures Spectra of Trans-Neptunian Objects, and Reveals a History of Our Solar System.
SpaceCom: James Webb Space Telescope spots record-breaking collection of stars in far-flung galaxy.
NASA: Webb Watches Carbon-Rich Dust Shells Form, Expand in Star System.
NASA: NASA’s Webb Reveals Intricate Layers of Interstellar Dust, Gas.
ESA: Light echoes near Cassiopeia A.
SpaceCom: James Webb Space Telescope watches planet-forming dust shells zooming through space.
ESA: Leo P (NIRCam image).
PhysOrg: TESS and JWST unveil disintegrating planetary interiors.
SpaceCom: 3 years of James Webb Space Telescope data on alien worlds now available online.
SpaceCom: Are James Webb Space Telescope images really so colorful?
STScI: NGC 2566 (Puppis) - James Webb Space Telescope - MIRI #shorts.
STScI: Webb Telescope Reveals the Protostar L1527 IRS #shorts.
STScI: Cassiopeia A Light Echoes Time-lapse — James Webb Space Telescope #shorts.
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
NASA: NASA Joins Telescope, Instruments to Roman Spacecraft.
NASA: Coronagraph Instrument.
NASA: Wide Field Instrument.
XMM – Nieuws.
ESA: XMM-Newton catches giant black hole’s X-ray oscillations.
Einstein Probe.
ESA: Einstein Probe detects puzzling cosmic explosion.
Universe Today: A New Space Telescope is Giving Us New Insights Into Gamma Ray Bursts
ECNS: China detects first soft X-ray signals of early universe explosion using Tianguan satellite
En ook nog ...
Universe Today: New Study of Supernovae Data Suggests That Dark Energy is an Illusion.
Gaan Boeing en Airbus de ruimtevaartbusiness verlaten?
Space News: Space venture firm predicts industry shakeup.
GPS en het verstoren ervan.
GPS World: Is Russia behind new GPS interference in Bulgaria?
Payload: Slingshot Wins Contract to Detect GPS Jamming and Spoofing.
Space News: Slingshot tracks electronic interference targeting GPS signals.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space's Resilient GPS Satellite Program Reaches Major Milestone.
GPS World: US Space Force selects L3Harris to design GPS satellites.
Space News: Sierra Space satellite passes milestone in Space Force program – R-GPS.
Starlink en enkele andere constellaties. En de gevolgen.
NewsWeek: Starlink Usage in Iran Skyrockets.
Via Satellite: Quilty Space Issues Estimate on SpaceX’s Starlink 2024 Revenue Growth.
Space News: AST SpaceMobile raises $400 million to accelerate direct-to-smartphone plans.
NSF: SpaceX to begin beta testing Direct-to-Cell Starlink satellites.
European Spaceflight: ArianeGroup Already Working to Secure IRIS2 Launch Contract.
Universe Today: Astronomers are Losing the Night Sky (and Radio Sky) to Satellite Megaconstellations.
Space News: Astronomers seek global ban on space advertising
Ruimtevaartindustrie in Saudi Arabië.
Space Tech in Gulf Region: SpaceTech in Gulf Issues First-Ever Magazine Focused on Saudi Arabia’s Space Industry.
Het rapport kan je hier downloaden (PDF).
China wil de grootste zijn.
Defense One: China’s plan to rule the heavens.
Allerlei militair ruimtevaartnieuws.
Space News: The other space control: who does what in the national security space enterprise.
Breaking Defense: Lack of Space Force personnel support for NRO draws congressional ire.
Space News: U.S. Space Force forecasts $2.3 billion in commercial satellite services contracts.
Space News: U.S. intelligence agency selects 13 companies for satellite data contract – Luno B.
Via Satellite (filmpje): Space Situational Awareness in an Era of Weaponized Space.
SpaceCom: What is the US Space Force doing in Greenland?
Space News: Defense spending propels government space budgets to new heights.
Payload: US Launches 122 Defense Payloads in 2024, Europe Launches 1.
Space News: A vision for better MilSatCom in the United Kingdom.
Trump, Elon en Isaacman – Trump stuurt Amerika naar Mars.
NewsWeek: Trump Vows to Put US Astronauts on Mars: 'Expand our Territory'.
Space Policy Online: Trump fully endorses astronauts on Mars in inaugural address.
PhysOrg: Trump vows to plant flag on Mars, omits mention of Moon return.
Video From Space: President Trump says the US will “plant stars and stripes on planet Mars”.
The Launch Pad: Elon Musk Speaks About Going To Mars.
Trump en de National Space Council.
Gizmodo: Space Council in Jeopardy as SpaceX Lobbyists Press Trump for Shut Down.
Space News: We need a National Space Council to chart our future in outer space.
Space Explored: President Trump to likely shut down his revived National Space Council thanks to SpaceX.
Trump, Elon en Isaacman – Wie is nu eigenlijk de NASA Administrator ad interim?
SpaceCom: Bill Nelson steps down as NASA chief as Trump begins 2nd term.
Space News: Second Trump administration begins with confusion on acting NASA leadership.
NASA Watch: Who Is Acting NASA Administrator?
NASA Watch: NASA Haiku: Who runs the agency?
En dat dus in afwachting van Jared Isaacman.
Space News: Demystifying Jared Isaacman, Trump’s NASA nominee.
Trump, Elon en Isaacman.
Voorlopig blijven we doorgaan met het vermelden van berichtjes over deze drie, zolang het een beetje met ruimtevaart te maken heeft.
SpaceCom: How President Trump could change NASA.
Space News: Trump’s second term: the space priorities and players.
Space News: Transforming NASA: enabling America’s commercial space leadership.
Space Insider (via Linkedin): The Trump Administration’s Early Impact on Space Tech.
Space Economy Institute: Elon Musk, Starlink, and Europe.
Space News: Executive order calls for cybersecurity review of civil space systems.
Space News: How the space industry is preparing for Trump’s tariffs.
National Review: The Moon or Mars? It Must Be Both!
Space News: SLS in transition: from Biden to Trump.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,