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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2019/27–449

Het begint op te vallen. De 50ste verjaardag van de eerste maanlanding komt onmiskenbaar dichterbij. De helft van deze Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart is dan ook gevuld met Apollo-toestanden. De volgende twee weekends ga je het dan ook zonder NUDR moeten doen. De reden vind je onderaan dit exemplaar. 

Een prettige vakantie en vooral veel plezier met al wat er gebeurt rond 50 jaar Apollo.

Bij de foto: Northrop Grumman zorgde voor de booster die een testexemplaar van de Orion-capsule lanceerde met daarbovenop een Launch Abort System (LAS) dat tijdens deze Ascent Abort-2 met succes werd uitgetest (foto: NASA).

Orion – Ascent Abort 2 verloopt vlekkeloos.
NASA: Successful Orion Test Brings NASA Closer to Moon, Mars Missions.
Northrop Grumman: Successful test puts U.S. one step closer to launching humans from American soil again.
Lockheed Martin: Ensuring Astronaut Safety: Lockheed Martin And NASA Successfully Demonstrate Orion Launch Abort System In Flight Test.

NasaSpaceFlight: AA-2: Orion’s in-flight abort test successfully completed.
Ars Technica: The Orion spacecraft flew Tuesday morning and it looked pretty spectacular.
Collect Space: NASA abort test builds on Apollo legacy to keep Artemis crews safe.
Space News: Orion abort system passes in-flight abort test.
Space News: Orion “on track” to support 2024 human lunar landing after abort test.

Spaceflight Now: Orion data recorders come with return-to-sender instructions.
Florida Today: NASA's Orion flight recorders recovered, so don't expect to see them on the beach.

NASA KSC: NASA’s Ascent Abort-2 Flight Test Launches atop Northrop Grumman Provided Booster.
US Launch Report: Orion - In Flight Abort Test With 18 In Tracker 07-02-2019.
America Space: Up Close Pad Cameras and Beach View - Orion Ascent Abort-2 test.

Geen parachutes bij deze test (kost, complexiteit). Het testprogramma voor die parachutes werd in 2018 afgerond.
NASA: NASA Completes Orion Parachute Tests for Missions with Astronauts.

Lancering vanuit het Russische Vostochny brengt 33 satellieten in baan om de aarde.
TASS: Carrier rocket Soyuz-2.1b with satellite Meteor-M launched from Vostochny Cosmodrome.
TASS: Satellite Meteor-M placed into orbit.

Spaceflight Now: Russian Soyuz launcher set to carry 33 satellites into orbit.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: Soyuz rideshare mission lifts off from Vostochny Cosmodrome.
NasaSpaceFlight: Soyuz-2-1B launches Meteor-M No.2-2.

De filmpjes:
Roscosmos TV: Meteor-M wordt opgeborgen in de neuskegel.
Roscosmos TV: Plaatsing boosters rond centrale trap Soyuz-raket.
Roscosmos TV: Assemblage 
Roscosmos TV: Buitenrollen raket.
Roscosmos TV: Rechtzetten raket, meer beelden over de satelliet.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering.
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b launches Meteor-M No. 2-2 and 32 small satellites.

SpaceX – Nog een terugblik op de lancering van de Canadese radarsat-satellieten.
Twee filmpjes:
CSA: Launch of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission.
Scott Manley: SpaceX Radarsat Launch Highlights.

SpaceX – De vangst van de Falcon Heavy neuskegel.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy fairing tries to enter hyperspace, lands in net in new videos.

Nieuws uit het ISS.
TASS: Thrusters of Zvezda module switched on to raise ISS orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Russia pressing forward on ISS expansion.

NASA: Understanding Asthma from Space.

Airbus: RUBI – Full steam ahead for the ISS.

Commercial Crew.
Aviation Week: Bridenstine Pledges More Openness After SpaceX Mishap.

Boeing: Go with the Boeing Starliner Landing Convoy Team on a Capsule Recovery Exercise (filmpje).

Spaceflight Insider: Orion spacecraft progressing toward Artemis 1 flight.

Artemis – Naar de Maan in 2024 – Zonder Gateway?
Ars Technica: Here’s a reality check on NASA’s Artemis Moon landing program.

NASA: NASA Selects 12 New Lunar Science, Technology Investigations.

En de Russen.
TASS: Russian space agency to use artificial intelligence in Moon’s exploration.
TASS: Roscosmos: Russia seeks cooperation with ISS partners in Moon exploration.

En nog een interessante reeks:
IEEE Spectrum: Special Report: Project Moon Base.

Goed nieuws voor InSight.
NASA: NASA's InSight Uncovers the 'Mole'.
Spaceflight Now: Mars lander’s ground team begins inspection of stuck instrument.
The Planetary Society: InSight Update: A Couple More Tiny Quakes and Heat Probe Progress.

Parachuteprobleem voor ExoMars.
ESA: ExoMars 2020: Progress and Challenges.
Space News: European Mars lander suffers parachute damage in test.

De zonsverduistering van 2 juli zoals gezien door Proba-2.
ESA: PROBA-2 views four partial eclipses. PROBA2 sees a Partial Eclipse on July 2, 2019.

Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

ESA: Solar Orbiter Array Deployment Test.
Een video vind je hier.

NASA: Using NASA Data to Monitor Drought and Food Insecurity (filmpje).

Space News: SpaceIL and other international ventures revise lunar lander efforts.

NASA: A Neil Armstrong for Mars: Landing the Mars 2020 Rover.
Het bijbehorende filmpje (over Terrain Relative Navigation) vind je hier.
NASA: Mars 2020 Rover Gets a Super Instrument.
Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre MBRSC: Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe) (filmpje).
ESA: Dust storms swirl at the north pole of Mars.

APOD: Virtual Flight over Asteroid Vesta.

Parabolic Arc: JAXA Plans Second Hayabusa2 Landing on Asteroid Ryugu.
Spaceflight Now: Hayabusa 2 cleared for second touchdown on asteroid.

50 Jaar Apollo – Mission Control Center gerestaureerd. Alsook de Saturn IB in het KSC Visitor Complex.
Collect Space: Houston, we have a restoration! Apollo 11 Mission Control reopens.
Ars Technica: NASA’s restored Apollo Mission Control is a slice of ’60s life, frozen in amber.
Technology Org: Apollo Mission Control Reopens in All Its Historic Glory.

NASA: Apollo Historic Mission Control Restoration Time-lapse.
NASA: Historic Mission Control.
NASA: Apollo Mission Control Media B roll.

Houston, we have a podcast: Restoring the Apollo Mission Control Center.

Collect Space: Fully restored, Apollo-era Saturn IB rocket returns to NASA display.

50 Jaar Apollo – Apollo 11.
SpaceCom: Apollo 11 at 50: A Complete Guide to the Historic Moon Landing Mission.
The Planetary Society: Apollo 11 Little West Crater Panorama.

The Guardian: Apollo 11 tapes bought for $218 may sell for millions after nearly being lost.

Spacepage: Apollo 11 in video's.

50 Jaar Apollo – Simulaties van Analytical Graphics.
Apollo 11 launch.
Apollo 11 first stage separation.
Apollo 11 translunar injection.
Apollo 11 transposition.
Apollo 11 extraction.
Apollo 11 thermal roll.
Stock footage: Apollo 11 third stage passing by moon.
Apollo 11 lunar orbit insert burn.
Apollo 11 LM undocking.
Apollo 11 moon landing with red tracking line.
Apollo 11 landing (long).
Apollo 11 LM ascent to lunar orbit.

50 Jaar Apollo – Maanstenen.
PhysOrg: 'Moon Rock Hunter' on quest to track down Apollo gifts.
PhysOrg: Apollo moon rocks help transform understanding of the universe.
CNES: Apollo: De la science et de la France.
Gravity Assist Podcast: The Moon Rocks! With Barbara Cohen.

50 Jaar Apollo – Docu’s.
SpaceCom: In 'Truth Behind the Moon Landing,' Former Astronaut Leland Melvin Helps Debunk Conspiracy Theories.
SpaceCom: 'Apollo's Moon Shot' Series Shows History of Human Lunar Exploration.
The Space Review: For All Mankind provides a look into a different space race.
Collect Space: 'Apollo 11' documentary lands on CNN, in museums, on space station.
Collect Space: HBO is relaunching 'From the Earth to the Moon' with new HD effects.
The Guardian: Prisoners of the Moon review – the dark side of the Apollo 11 story.
De trailer vind je hier.

Vintage Space: How Apollo Astronauts Didn’t Get Lost Going to the Moon.
NASA Goddard: Data and Music: What 50 Years of Exploring Our Moon Sounds Like.

50 Jaar Apollo – Marshall Remembers.
Marshall Remembers Apollo: Jay Foster.
Marshall Remembers Apollo: Armis Len Worlund.
Marshall Remembers Apollo: Dr. J. Wayne Littles.

50 Jaar Apollo – Podcasts e.d.
NASA: Introducing NASA Explorers: Apollo, an Audio Series Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11.
NASA Goddard: Introducing NASA Explorers: Apollo, an Audio Series (filmpje).
NASA Explorers: Giant Leaps.
NASA: Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 13, Apollo Legacies and Lessons Learned.

Ars Technica: Via the BBC, find out how Apollo 11’s Eagle actually landed.

Collect Space: New website replays Apollo 11 first moon landing mission in real time.

50 Jaar Apollo – Allerlei andere artikels.
Spacepage: Unieke 50 jaar Apollo geschenken.
The Space Review: Reviews: Apollo 11 in graphic detail.
The Planetary Society: Emily's Recommended Kids' Space Books: Special Apollo 11 Anniversary Edition for July 2019.

Collect Space: Oreo moon landing cookies touch down in stores (with stickers!).
Florida Today: Apollo 11: See the companies honoring the moon landing anniversary.

Florida Today: Aldrin Family Foundation names 50 recipients for its Giant Moon Map program.

The Space Review: A new accounting for Apollo: how much did it really cost?

aPPEL Knowledge Services: Apollo Historian Discusses Anecdotes, Key Lessons in VPMC.

Floriday Today: Moon landing: A mission-by-mission look at the flights of the Apollo moon program.

Om af te ronden: 50 Jaar Apollo in Vlaanderen.
De volksterrenwachten organiseren heel wat activiteiten. Een overzicht vind je hier.
Zelf werk ik (ook) mee aan de activiteiten van de VVS-afdeling Polaris in Herentals, met een tentoonstelling en een Apollo-11-event.

Veel lees-, luister- en kijkplezier,

