Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/13–486
Er waren deze week dan wel twee lanceringen, het corona-virus krijgt stilaan ook het ruimtevaartwereldje in zijn greep en ook hier vallen de eerste slachtoffers. Zo legt ook RocketLab de lanceringen vanuit Nieuw-Zeeland stil. OneWeb heeft ondertussen bescherming tegen zijn schuldeisers aangevraagd, met als belangrijkste reden het corona-virus. Anderzijds lijkt het erop dat de eerstvolgende bemanning voor het ISS toch gaat gelanceerd worden waarbij de drie bemanningsleden meer dan ooit in quarantaine gehouden worden. Voor die eerste lancering van Amerikaanse astronauten met een Amerikaanse raket vanop Amerikaanse grond wordt het wellicht toch wat langer wachten. Niet alleen omwille van corona, maar ook omdat er in de laatste rechte lijn nog een paar obstakels opdoken. SpaceX kreeg ondertussen ook een bevoorradingscontract voor de Gateway. Al is de vraag hier of het idee om tegen 2024 op de Maan te landen nog lang houdbaar is. Al het werk rond SLS/Orion is momenteel stilgelegd. En met al de aangekondigde steunmaatregelen is het de vraag of de Maan nog een prioriteit voor NASA kan/mag zijn.
Bij de foto: SpaceX kreeg een contract van NASA om in de toekomst de Gateway te bevoorraden met een nieuwe capsule, Dragon XL. De Gateway is het mini-ruimtestation dat de laatste halte wordt voor de astronauten vooraleer ze met een nog te selecteren maanlander naar het maanoppervlak afdalen. Foto: SpaceX.
China lanceert een reeks remote sensing satellieten.
NasaSpaceFlight: Long March 2C successfully launched latest Yaogan Weixing mission. China launches remote sensing satellite (foto’s).
Spaceflight Now: China launches three military satellites.
CCTV: China Launches New Remote Sensing Satellites.
En in China (zoals na de lancering van een Beidou-satelliet) valt er al eens een raket in je tuin:
SpaceCom: Heads up! Chinese rocket debris crashes back to Earth after recent launch.
Eerste lancering voor US Space Force.
US Space Force: AEHF-6 satellite completes protected satellite constellation.
ULA: United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches First National Security Space Mission for the U.S. Space Force.
Lockheed Martin: Sixth Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF-6) Satellite Ready For March 26 Launch.
Lockheed Martin: Protected Globally: AEHF-6 Satellite Actively Communicating With U.S. Space Force.
Aerojet Rocketdyne: AEHF-6 launch marks 50th flight of Aerojet Rocketdyne’s RL10 engine.
Meer info over AEHF vind je bij Lockheed Martin.
ULA: Mission Overview (PDF).
ULA Photo Album: Lancering AEHF 6.
Spaceflight Now: Atlas 5 launch timeline for the AEHF 6 mission.
NasaSpaceFlight: Atlas V launches Space Force’s first mission with AEHF-6.
Space News: ULA’s Atlas 5 launches AEHF-6 communications satellite in its first mission for U.S. Space Force.
Spaceflight Now: Atlas 5 launch caps deployment of ultra-secure military communications network.
ULA: Atlas V AEHF-6 Mission Profile.
ULA: Live Broadcast: Atlas V AEHF-6.
America Space: ULA Atlas V Launches AEHF-6 for US Space Force.
America Space: UP CLOSE! Atlas V Launches AEHF-6 for U.S. Space Force.
SciNews: Atlas V launches AEHF-6.
Video From Space: Why is the US Space Force launching a rocket during the COVID-19 outbreak?
Aerojet Rocketdyne: 500 Production RL10 Engines.
Pech voor Astra.
Space News: Astra rocket damaged in pre-launch tests.
Spaceflight Now: Astra suffers “anomaly” during pre-launch test in Alaska.
RocketLab stelt volgende lancering uit omwille van het corona-virus.
Via Satellite: New Zealand Government, Rocket Lab Postpone Launch Due to Coronavirus.
Space News: Rocket Lab postpones launch because of coronavirus pandemic.
Spaceflight Now: Citing coronavirus concerns, Rocket Lab pauses launch operations.
Comsat uit Venezuela in de problemen.
Space News: Venezuela’s flagship communications satellite out of service and tumbling.
Spacewatch Global: Venezuela’s Venesat-1 tumbling and out of service.
PhysOrg: Venezuelan communications satellite out of service.
Noord-Korea werkt aan lanceerbasis.
NPR: North Korea Seen Expanding Rocket Launch Facility It Once Promised To Dismantle.
De Standaard: Noord-Korea lanceert opnieuw twee raketten.
OneWeb – één van de concurrenten van Starlink – vraagt bescherming aan (Chapter 11).
Space News: OneWeb to file for bankruptcy, sources say.
Parabolic Arc: Report: OneWeb to File for Bankruptcy.
Teslarati: SpaceX's main Starlink constellation competitor is running out of money.
SpaceCom: OneWeb, a satellite internet startup, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The Verge: OneWeb files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Parabolic Arc: Bankrupt OneWeb Owes Arianespace Nearly a Quarter Billion Dollars.
China bereidt test voor van nieuwe versie bemand ruimteschip.
Space News: Chinese new-generation spacecraft mission proceeding despite coronavirus, Long March 7A failure.
RoomEU: China to launch experimental deep-space spacecraft in April.
Space Daily: China's experimental manned spaceship undergoes tests.
CCTV: China completes test of new generation manned spaceship.
SciNews: China’s new crewed spacecraft is getting ready for launch.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Vision Tests, 3D Bioprinting on Station as New Crew Ramps up for Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Artery Scans, Eye Checks on Station as Crews Prepare for April Swap.
NASA ISS Blog: Robotics Work, Space Biology Keep Station Humming.
NASA ISS Blog: Heart, Eye Studies in Space as Next Crew Nears Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Space Biology on Station Ahead of Cargo and Crew Ship Activities.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/20/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/23/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/24/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/25/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/26/2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of March 23, 2020.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Reuters: Astronauts quarantined ahead of journey to International Space Station.
TASS: Russia’s Roscosmos sees no need to postpone ISS crew’s return to Earth over coronavirus.
Russian Space News: Traditional events in Baikonur.
Airbus Space: Bartolomeo platform removed from Dragon Trunk.
SpaceCom: In Photos: The Expedition 62 mission to the International Space Station.
NewsRoom Spotify: NASA Astronaut Christina Koch Shares How Music and Podcasts Made Groundbreaking Trip Extra-Stellar.
NASA: Space Station 20th: Long-duration Missions.
Onderzoek in het ISS zoals:
ISS National Lab: Infectious Disease Research on the ISS National Lab.
NASA: Experiments with Higher Plants on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station.
PhysOrg: Astronaut conducts heart research on station with former colleague.
NASA: Spaceflight Standard Measures.
MIT News: Five MIT payloads deployed on the International Space Station.
NASA: Space to Ground: Embracing Self Isolation: 03/27/2020.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - March 27, 2020.
In afwachting van hun lancering:
NASA: Expedition 63 Crew Activities - March 23, 2020
Er is ook een hele reeks video’s voor kinderen “Paxi on the ISS”.
Je vindt ze hier.
Commercial Crew – Problemen voor Crew Dragon “vlak” voor eerste bemande lancering.
Naast eventuele vertraging omwille van het corona-virus waren er problemen met een parachute-test (al lag dat niet aan de parachute) en problemen met een Merlin-motor tijdens de meest recentste lancering van een Falcon 9.
NASA: NASA Update on SpaceX Parachute Testing.
Space News: SpaceX reports problem during Crew Dragon parachute test.
SpaceCom: SpaceX encounters problem just before Crew Dragon parachute test.
Space News: NASA to participate in SpaceX engine anomaly investigation.
Teslarati: SpaceX's in-flight rocket engine failure threatens NASA astronaut launch debut.
Spaceflight Now: NASA, U.S. military reviewing SpaceX engine malfunction.
Commercial Crew – Starliner.
Space News: Starliner flight raises profile of Space Network.
Artemis – SLS/Orion.
NASA: Artemis I Spacecraft Environmental Testing Complete.
NASA: Welcome Home, Orion: Spacecraft Ready for Final Artemis I Launch Preparations.
NasaSpaceFlight: Artemis 1 Orion returns to KSC after Plum Brook testing.
ESA: Last stop before launch: Orion passes tests and returns to Kennedy Space Center.
Space News: NASA requesting proposals for Orion engine.
NASA: Artemis I: System Testing and Moving-Episode 23.
NASA: Artemis Update: A Year of Progress on Returning to the Moon
Artemis – Gateway – Bevoorradingscontract voor SpaceX.
NASA: NASA Awards Artemis Contract for Gateway Logistics Services.
Teslarati: SpaceX wins NASA contract to deliver cargo to Lunar Gateway moon outpost.
Collect Space: NASA signs SpaceX Dragon 'XL' to supply lunar orbit Gateway.
Space News: SpaceX wins NASA commercial cargo contract for lunar Gateway.
Spaceflight Now: NASA picks SpaceX to deliver cargo to Gateway station in lunar orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Dragon XL revealed as NASA ties SpaceX to Lunar Gateway supply contract.
In een vorige NUDR kwam het al aan bod dat de Gateway geen verplichte stop was voor een maanlanding tegen 2024.
Alles nog eens op een rijtje:
Scott Manley: NASA's Lunar Gateway Is Being Skipped In The Race To The Moon.
Scott Manley: SpaceX's New Spacecraft - The Dragon XL.
Artemis – Human Landing System.
Space News: Study recommends minimizing elements for Artemis lunar lander.
Artemis – Naar de Maan in 2024 (?)
NASA: Moon Thrusters Withstand Over 60 Hot-Fire Tests.
Zorgt het corona-virus er ook voor dat het idee om terug op de Maan te landen in 2024 wordt opgeborgen, of misschien voor veel langere tijd wordt uitgesteld?
Inside Outer Space: Reality Check: U.S. Back to the Moon? Anxiety over Artemis
SpaceX – Starship.
Teslarati: SpaceX Texas Starship factory accepts third Florida hardware shipment.
SpaceCom: Welders wanted: SpaceX is hiring to ramp up production of stainless steel Starship.
Elon Musk: SN3.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship launch pad upgraded as Elon Musk reveals rocket production milestone.
SpaceCom: SpaceX stacks third Starship prototype ahead of testing (photos).
What About It?: SpaceX Starship Update – Crew Dragon Demo Mission 2 Targeted For May.
What About It?: SpaceX Starship Updates – Boca Chica Shut Down?
SpaceX – Starlink.
SatTrackCam: SpaceX's Starlink Darksat is, indeed, darker.
Teslarati: SpaceX "DARKSAT" results: can Starlink and astronomy happily coexist?
Teslarati: SpaceX Starlink wins permit to send internet to customers like you.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Te verwachten op 10 april:
ESA: Bepicolombo Earth Flyby.
RocketSTEM: Mercury Explained- Facts, Questions and History.
NASA: New 3D View of Methane Tracks Sources and Movement around the Globe (met filmpje).
NASA: Huge East Antarctic Glacier Especially Susceptible to Climate Impacts.
KMI: Gat in de ozonlaag boven de Noordpool
SpaceDaily: India Planning Launch of 10 Earth Observation Satellites by March 2021.
SpaceCom: Chang’e-4 Exceeds 400 Days & 400 Meters on Far Side of the Moon.
SpaceCom: Are China's moon missions a threat to the US? Space experts don't think so.
ESA: Hunting out water on the Moon.
RT: Russia to create first ever 3D Moon map to help decide where cosmonauts will land.
SpaceCom: NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars just climbed its steepest slope yet (and snapped a selfie).
NASA: Sols 2713-2714: Check Your Work!
NASA: Sols 2715-2716 One More Time.
NASA: Millions Tag Along for NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission.
IEEE Spectrum: Here’s Where and How We Think China Will Land on Mars.
Hope Mars Mission: Tests looks good.
NASA: Revisiting Decades-Old Voyager 2 Data, Scientists Find One More Secret.
SpaceCom: Old gas blob from Uranus found in vintage Voyager 2 data.
Science News: If Pluto has a subsurface ocean, it may be old and deep.
SpaceCom: NASA asteroid probe will dodge building-size boulders to snatch sample of Bennu
Corona-virus legt Bigelow Aerospace stil.
Space News: Bigelow Aerospace lays off entire workforce.
ISS en Corona – Astronauten geven tips over opsluiting en isolatie.
Inc: Suddenly Stuck at Home? After 20 Years at the Space Station, NASA Teaches These 5 Success Behaviors to Stay Positive and Be Productive in Small Spaces.
The Space Review: Magnificent isolation: what we can learn from astronauts about social distancing and sheltering in space.
ESA: Astronauts to offer inspiration during isolation in #SpaceConnectsUs.
Het Nederlandstalige gedeelte, met Frank De Winne en André Kuipers vind je hier.
Shortcuts naar de andere talen (Duits, Italiaans, Frans en Engels) vind je in de beschrijving van het filmpje.
ESA: How to cope during social distancing with Thomas Pesquet.
SpaceQ: Chris Hadfield’s astronauts guide to self-isolation.
NASA: Astronaut Anne McClain’s Tips for Living in Close Quarters.
Het corona-virus in ruimtevaartland.
Met onderstaande artikels min of meer in chronologische volgorde.
Space Policy Online: NASA and the coronavirus – Where things stand.
Teslarati: SpaceX gets first taste of coronavirus epidemic's consequences.
NasaSpaceFlight: COVID-19 grips world space organizations.
SpaceQ: COVID-19 challenges and opportunities for the space economy.
SpaceNews: Op-ed | A space industry course correction under COVID-19.
Satellite Evolution Group: ACCESS.SPACE Alliance calls for extraordinary measures to support the small satellite sector and counteract Covid-19 crisis.
ESA: Columbus Control Centre during Corona.
Space News: Space industry group warns small companies will not survive crisis without stimulus.
Spaceflight Now: NASA confirms work stoppage on James Webb Space Telescope.
Video From Space: Getting Sick in Space.
ESA: ESA scales down science mission operations amid pandemic.
Spaceflight Now: Military officials committed to keeping Cape Canaveral open for launches.
Space News: 45th Space Wing: Launches to go on as scheduled.
Space News: ESA puts four science missions on hold during pandemic.
GovUK: UK space sector working together on response to coronavirus.
EuroNews: MHI pressing through pandemic toward late 2020 H3 rocket debut.
Space News: Space and Missile Systems Center taking action to help contractors during pandemic.
Space News: NASA looking to play greater role in coronavirus pandemic response.
Space News: Avio, exempt from Italy’s coronavirus lockdown, seeks reopening of French Guiana spaceport.
Space News: Coronavirus raises interest in remote spacecraft operations.
Teslarati: SpaceX quarantines a few employees after first coronavirus cases confirmed at HQ.
EuroNews: Coronavirus: Satellite data shows Italy's pollution plummet amid COVID-19 lockdown.
SpaceCom: Coronavirus pandemic's global impact seen from space in chilling satellite images.
SpaceCom: New satellite views show impact of coronavirus on emissions, China's night lights.
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