Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/44–517
Twintig jaar. Twintig jaar dat ruimtevaarders van Roscosmos, NASA, ESA, JAXA en CSA samen gewoond en gewerkt hebben in het International Space Station. Het is in zekere zin bijna onvoorstelbaar. En toch. En toch willen ze nog 10 jaar verder. Ongetwijfeld dat de volgende dagen nog heel wat gepraat gaat worden over deze verjaardag. Net als het feit dat de volgende jaren ook gewerkt gaat worden aan de Gateway, een mini-station, de toekomstige tussenstap naar de Maan.
Ondertussen trekken onbemande ruimtesondes onvermoeid verder het zonnestelsel in. Met nieuws over Venus, de Maan, Mars en Jupiter, maar ook over kometen en planetoïden.
Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Rusland lanceert nieuwe navigatiesatelliet.
TASS: Russia’s Glonass-K satellite successfully launched into calculated orbit.
Spaceflight Now: Russia launches Glonass navigation satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: Russia launches Soyuz with next-generation navigation satellite.
Sputnik News: Launch of Next 3 Russian Gonets-M Satellites Scheduled on 24 November.
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b launches a new GLONASS-K navigation satellite.
China lanceert nieuw trio remote sensing satellieten.
ECNS: China launches new remote-sensing satellites.
ECNS: China launches new remote-sensing satellites (foto’s).
Space News: China launches latest trio of Yaogan-30 remote sensing satellites.
Spaceflight Now: China launches three military spy satellites.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches new Yaogan-30 group of military satellites.
SciNews: Long March-2C launches Yaogan-30 Group 07 satellites.
Rocket Lab lanceert 10 satellietjes.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Successfully Launches 15th Mission, Deploys Satellites for Planet, Canon Electronics Inc.
Space News: Rocket Lab launches 10 imaging smallsats.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab successfully launches satellites for Planet and Canon.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab launches “In Focus” mission for Planet, Canon imaging satellites.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab - In Focus Launch 10/28/2020.
SciNews: Electron “In Focus” launch.
Falcon 9 lanceert weldra geheime militaire lading.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s mystery spy satellite launch to round out a busy month (update: maybe not)
Atlas V lancering voor begin november.
Parabolic Arc: ULA Atlas V Launch Scheduled for Nov. 3.
Spaceflight Now: Atlas 5 launch from Cape Canaveral scheduled for next week.
ULA: Atlas V NROL-101 Mission Profile.
Raketnieuws uit de USA en Canada.
Ars Technica: With turbopump issues “sorted out,” BE-4 rocket engine moves into production.
Space News: Blue Origin trying to convince the Air Force to continue to invest in New Glenn.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic Pivots High-speed Aircraft Program in a Crowded Field.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic Hires Two New Pilots.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic’s WhiteKnightTwo Conducts Flight Test on Eve of Earnings Call.
Parabolic Arc: For New Virgin Galactic CEO, the Ultimate Perk: An All-Expenses Paid Trip to Space.
Space News: Virgin Orbit to take stake in Sky and Space Global.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Orbit has Raised $1 Billion, Needs $200 Million More.
SpaceQ: Canada decides it wants to be a launching state.
Raketnieuws uit Rusland.
Roscosmos: Dmitry Rogozin pays a working visit to Vostochny.
Roscosmos: Prelaunch works commence at the Vostochny Cosmodrome.
Parabolic Arc: Rogozin Reprimands 2 Officials, Fires Another Over Vostochny Cosmodrome Problems.
Roscosmos: Angara-1.2 rocket second stage test fire conducted.
TASS: Second launch of heavy Angara rocket postponed until November 28 — source.
Raketnieuws uit Europa.
ESA: ESA lays out roadmap to Vega-C and Ariane 6 flights.
Space News: ESA requests €230 million more for Ariane 6 as maiden flight slips to 2022.
ESA: Erecting an Ariane 6 core stage mockup at the launch pad.
ESA: Mockup Ariane 6 core stage at Europe's Spaceport.
ESA: Ariane 6 mobile gantry with booster and core stage mockups.
Sifted.EU: Spain’s space balloon race turns ugly.
Crew 1 wordt op 14 november gelanceerd (15 november voor ons).
NASA: NASA, SpaceX Invite Media to Crew-1 Mission Update, Target New Launch Date.
Space Policy Online: Crew-1 launch rescheduled for November 14.
NasaSpaceFlight: Crew-1 mission in final preparations as launch date aligns.
Teslarati: SpaceX operational astronaut launch debut back on track after “nail polish” delay.
Space News: SpaceX finds cause of Falcon 9 engine abort.
The Verge: SpaceX is replacing two engines on its Falcon 9 rocket ahead of next crewed mission.
Space News: NASA’s Crew-1 commander to be sworn into U.S. Space Force from the International Space Station.
NASA Watch: Yet Another Military Infomercial From ISS.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Studies Life Science Ahead of 20 Years Milestone.
NASA Space Station Blog: Physics, Biology Research Fill Station Schedule.
NASA Space Station Blog: More Space Physics and Human Research Aboard Station Today.
NASA Space Station Blog: Today’s Research Looks at Physics and Exercise for Earth, Space Benefits.
NASA Space Station Blog: Space Botany and Spacewalk Preps Wrap Up Work Week.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/23/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/26/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/27/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/28/2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/29/2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of October 26, 2020.
ISS – 20 Jaar continu bemand – Een interview met Frank De Winne.
Naar aanleiding van het feit dat op 2 november het ruimtestation 20 jaar continu bemand zal zijn, had ik het genoegen om Frank De Winne te interviewen.
Het eerste deel vind je hier (stond reeds in vorige NUDR).
Het tweede deel vind je hier.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Space Daily: Designer of Failed Oxygen Supply System on Russian Side of ISS Rules Out Production Defect.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts to make spacewalk on November 18.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts to go on 6-hour spacewalk on November 18.
TASS: Cosmonauts see no reason to worry about ISS air leak.
TASS: Roscosmos says premature to blame external impact for crack aboard space station.
ISS National Lab: Multiple Research Investigations From Northrop Grumman CRS-14 Mission Being Performed on Space Station.
ISS National Lab: 20 Years of Science on the Space Station: Breakthroughs to Benefit Our Nation Through Space-Based Research.
ISS National Lab: Diversity of Tools, Products, and People Will Define Our Next 20 Years in Space.
ISS National Lab: Commercial Space Testing Services: Helping Bring New Products to Market Faster With Lower Costs.
ISS National Lab: The Promise of Tomorrow: Building a Sustainable Future for Humanity in Space.
ISS National Lab: Looking Toward the Future: Our Next 20 Years in Space.
Outer Space Land: Nanoracks Aims For Big Things With Outpost Space Stations.
Space News: Launchspace to test Debris Collection payload on ISS Bartolomeo platform.
NasaSpaceFlight: Automating Robotics: CSA preparing for future with Canadarm2/Dextre.
The Guardian: Twenty years of the International Space Station – but was it worth it?
Collect Space: Snoopy celebrates 20 years of humans on ISS on new NASA posters.
TASS: Soyuz MS-16 manned spacecraft’s descent capsule delivered to Moscow after landing.
NASA: Space to Ground: How It Started: 10/30/2020.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - October 30, 2020.
NASA: Houston We Have a Podcast: Expedition 1.
NASA: Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 46, ISS 20 - Living in Space.
NASA: Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 47, ISS 20 – Space Station Complexity.
NASA: Expedition 64 ISS 20th Anniversary On Orbit Crew News Conference - October 30, 2020.
NASA: Expedition 1: The Beginning - International Space Station 20th Anniversary Panel.
Roscosmos: ISS-1 - zij waren de eersten!
Trailblazers: The Wonderful - Stories from the Space Station (Sneak Peek).
ARTEMIS – Ook Europa doet nu ook mee.
ESA: Positive signs for Europe as ESA goes forward to the Moon.
NASA: NASA, European Space Agency Formalize Artemis Gateway Partnership.
SpaceCom: Europe will help build NASA's moon-orbiting Gateway space station.
ARTEMIS – De Artemis-Accords.
The Space Review: From the Truman Proclamation to the Artemis Accords: steps toward establishing a bottom-up framework for governance in space.
The Space Review: The Artemis Accords take shape.
The Mars Society: Artemis Accords and the Rule of Law - Art Harman - 23nd Annual International Mars Society Convention.
NASA Artemis Blog: SLS Green Run Testing Status Update.
NasaSpaceFlight: SLS Program hit by Hurricane Zeta while working through Green Run issues.
Spaceflight Now: SLS Mobile Launcher returns to Vehicle Assembly Building.
NASA: Artemis I Booster Processing (filmpje).
NasaSpaceFlight: NASA’s ML-1 Completes Testing at LC-39B ahead of SLS Stacking.
SpaceCom: NASA SLS megarocket shortage causes tug-of-war between moon missions, Europa exploration.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA Insignia and American Flag Applied to Orion for Artemis I.
Space News: NASA weighing lunar lander budget options.
Teslarati: SpaceX eyes multiple Starship lunar landings before first NASA Moon mission.
ARTEMIS – Naar de Maan in 2024.
The Space Review: If we are going forward to the Moon, don’t go back to Apollo.
SpaceQ: The Canadian Space Agency takes first step towards putting a rover on the Moon.
ESA: ESA seeking dust-proof materials for lunar return.
Spacewatch: Airbus ROXY reactor to turn lunar dust into oxygen.
Parabolic Arc: NASA Challenge Seeks Ideas to Unload Lunar Cargo.
NASA Artemis Blog: Hello, Moon? It’s NASA Calling.
NASA Artemis Blog: Lunar Living: NASA’s Artemis Base Camp Concept.
Chinese maanplannen.
Space News: China outlines architecture for future crewed moon landings.
Russen naar Mars.
TASS: Russia completes concept design of rocket for flights to Mars.
Space.Com: is going to 'Mars' on a HI-SEAS habitat simulation.
Space.Com: A mission to 'Mars' at the HI-SEAS habitat: Live updates.
Sifted.EU: Building a utopian Martian village in the Californian desert.
SpaceX – Starship.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Starship: The Continued Evolution of the Big Falcon Rocket.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN8 preparing for a second Static Fire test.
Teslarati: SpaceX swaps Starship Raptor engine for one last pre-flight test.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s next three-Raptor Starship static fire delayed by winds, says Elon Musk.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX executive pitches Starship for space debris cleanup.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - SN8 head of the line as other Starships wait their turn.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica Weekly Update - Starship SN8 Static Fire + Nosecone Install, SN9 Close Behind.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship Factory Drive-Thru - New Flaps Delivered and New Nosecone Moved Outside.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship SN8 standing tall ahead of next test phase.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Bridge Crane for Super Heavy Stacking Delivered - SN12 Nosecone Barrel Spotted.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Tankzilla crawls away from Starship SN8 ahead of testing.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship SN8 Static Fire preps - Future Starships amass.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - As Starship SN8 waits, SPMTs convoy arrives, Orbital Pad work.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship SN9 heads to High Bay, receiving aero surfaces.
What About It: 128 | What needs to be done to launch a SpaceX Starship to 15 kilometers?
What About It: When will SpaceX's Starship SN8 fly?
SOFIA-Observatorium bevestigt dat er meer water op de Maan is dan eerder aangenomen.
NASA: NASA’s SOFIA Discovers Water on Sunlit Surface of Moon.
Space News: Lunar water discovery may have limited effect on NASA exploration plans.
Spaceflight Now: Water molecules detected on moon’s sunlit surface, adding impetus to Artemis.
PhysOrg: Water on the Moon: Research unveils its type and abundance – boosting exploration plans.
The Register: Did Arthur C. Clarke call it right? Water spotted in Moon's sunlit Clavius crater by NASA telescope.
Geek Wire: Fresh studies boost hopes for water on the moon — and for Jeff Bezos’ lunar vision.
Spacepage: Mogelijks veel meer water op de maan.
VRT NWS: NASA ontdekt water op zonovergoten oppervlak van de maan.
NASA: SOFIA Discovers Water on a Sunlit Surface of the Moon.
SciShow Space: There’s Water on the Moon—and Possibly More Than We Thought | SciShow News.
OSIRIS-REx bergt bodemmonster vervroegd op.
NASA: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Goes for Early Stow of Asteroid Sample.
NASA: NASA Science Live: Our First Attempt to Sample Asteroid Bennu (filmpje).
NASA: OSIRIS-REx In the Midst of Sample Stowage.
NASA: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Successfully Stows Sample of Asteroid Bennu.
VRTNWS: NASA begint delicate operatie om buitenaardse stalen OSIRIS-REx veilig te stellen.
Space News: OSIRIS-REx safely stores asteroid sample.
Spaceflight Now: Asteroid samples sealed in OSIRIS-REx return capsule.
SciNews: OSIRIS-REx successfully stows sample of Asteroid Bennu.
Nog dit:
University of Arizona: Asteroid's Scars Tell Stories of its Past.
ESA ontdekt Philae’s tweede touch down site op komeet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
ESA: Philae’s second touchdown site discovered at ‘skull-top’ ridge
New Scientist: Ancient ice beneath the surface of comet 67P is softer than candyfloss
Nature Video: Inside a comet: Philae's final secret.
SciNews: Philae reveals water ice on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Dan toch geen fosfine in de atmosfeer van Venus.
Ook in vorige NUDR hadden we al enkele artikeltjes hierover.
AstroBlogs: Nee, in Venus’ atmosfeer zit géén fosfine.
Astrobiology: No Phosphine In The Atmosphere Of Venus.
Science News: Doubts over a ‘possible sign of life’ on Venus show how science works.
Bekijk ook dit interview (toen blijkbaar het tegenonderzoek nog niet bekend was):
Astrum: Everything We Know So Far About Phosphine On Venus feat. Dr Clara Sousa-Silva.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
AF Space & Missile Museum Foundation: Mercury: The Exploration of a Planet (een docu uit 1976).
SciShow Space: The First Time We Saw All of Venus: The Magellan Mission (filmpje).
ESA: Preparing for Sentinel-6's challenging early days.
ECNS: Satellites offer better weather forecasting.
NASA: VIPER Rover Will Get Driving Headlights.
ECNS: Moon lander and rover go dormant for lunar night.
CSA: The Juno rover, training to recover samples on the surface of other worlds. (filmpje).
Curiosity Status Update: Sols 2921-2923: On the Road Again!
Curiosity Status Update: Sol 2924: Maybe 'Maybole'…
Curiosity Status Update: Sol 2925: 'Maybole,' Up Close and Personal.
Curiosity Status Update: Sols 2926-2927: Honing in on 'Hedgehope Hill'.
Curiosity Status Update: Sols 2928-2930: 'Ness'-essary Halloween Plans.
ECNS: China's Mars probe completes third orbital correction.
ECNS: China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 completes third orbital correction (tekeningen).
New China TV: China's Mars probe completes third orbital correction (filmpje).
SpaceCom: China chooses landing site for its Tianwen-1 Mars rover.
The Planetary Society: China's Tianwen-1 Mars Mission (filmpje).
The Planetary Society: Hope - UAE's First Mars Mission (filmpje).
NASA: NASA's Perseverance Rover Is Midway to Mars.
NASA: 'Sprites' Frolic in Jupiter's Atmosphere.
Sky & Telescope: Juno discoveres sprites and elves on Jupiter.
RoomEU: Unexpected molecule found in Titan's atmosphere.
SciTechDaily: Analyzing Asteroid Ryugu’s Artificial Impact Crater Created by Japanese Spacecraft Hayabusa2’s SCI.
Science Daily: Asteroid Ryugu shaken by Hayabusa2's impactor.
Sky & Telescope: PSYCHE: A metal-rock world with iron lava?
Science Daily: Mmore complete view of massive asteroid Psyche.
Scott Manley: Asteroid Psyche Is The Most Metal Of Space Rocks, but not Worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 (filmpje).
Nog dit:
NASA: New Evidence Our Neighborhood in Space Is Stuffed With Hydrogen.
NASA: NASA’s Webb To Examine Objects in the Graveyard of the Solar System.
SpaceX – Nieuws over Starlink.
Universe Today: About 3% of Starlinks Have Failed So Far.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s estimated valuation climbs to over $100 billion over Starlink’s potential.
Teslarati: SpaceX rolls out Starlink “Better Than Nothing Beta” in the US and Canada.
Ars Technica: SpaceX Starlink public beta begins: It’s $99 a month plus $500 up front.
Via Satellite: SpaceX to Use LeoLabs Service to Track Starlink Deployments.
Teslarati: Elon Musk to give away free SpaceX Starlink internet access to rural TX families.
Teslarati: Elon Musk’s Starlink user documents are filled with meme-worthy Easter Eggs.
Elias Eccli: Starlink Constellation Animation (October 2020).
Satellite Servicing.
NASA: STAR: On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, & Manufacturing & Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture (filmpje).
NASA: NASA’s Refueling Mission Completes Second Set of Robotic Tool Operations in Space.
Via Satellite: Relativity Will Launch Lockheed Martin In-Orbit Refueling Demonstration for NASA.
Om af te ronden – De redding van Salyut 7.
Astronomy: The forgotten rescue of the Salyut 7 space station.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,