Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2020/53–526
Met nog twee lanceringen kwam het jaar 2020 aan het einde. Weinig uitschieters deze week, tenzij dan misschien Starship SN9. Sneller dan verwacht stond SN9 op het lanceerplatform. Zo snel dat sommigen het nog zagen vertrekken in 2020. Zo’n vaart liep het niet, maar 2021 begint alvast veelbelovend. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit de Ruimtevaart, de laatste editie van 2020. Tot in 2021.
Bij de foto: Een Russische Soyuz die vertrok vanop de Europese lanceerbasis in Zuid-Amerika. Dat was de laatste lancering van dit jaar. Foto: ESA / CNES / Arianespace / CSG - P.Piron
Chinese Lange Mars lanceert remote sensing satelliet.
PanDaily: China Successfully Launches Remote Sensing Satellite Yaogan-33.
ECNS: China launches new remote sensing satellite (foto’s).
NasaSpaceFlight: Long March 4C lofting of Yaogan Weixing-33 concludes China’s 2020 launch campaign.
Spaceflight Now: China launches secret military spy payload.
CGTN: China launches new remote sensing satellite.
SciNews: Long March-4C launches Yaogan-33.
Laatste lancering van 2020 brengt Franse spionagesatelliet in de ruimte.
Arianespace: Arianespace will orbit CSO-2 satellite for CNES and DGA on behalf of the French Ministry of Defense (Flight VS25).
Arianespace: Flight VS25: Soyuz – CSO-2 – Launch delay due to weather conditions.
Arianespace: Flight VS25: Arianespace orbits the CSO-2 military observation satellite for France.
Thales: CSO-2 satellite in orbit.
TASS: Russian Soyuz-ST missile with French satellite takes off Guiana Space Center.
Spaceflight Now: French military spysat set for launch Monday.
Spaceflight Now: French military surveillance satellite launched by Soyuz rocket.
Space News: Soyuz launches French reconnaissance satellite in final 2020 launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: Arianespace, with Russian Soyuz, launches CSO-2 French military satellite.
Spacepage: Arianespace brengt Franse militaire satelliet in de ruimte.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Arianespace: VS25 Launch Sequence - CSO-2.
Arianespace: Arianespace VS25 Flight - Successful Mission.
Arianespace: Arianespace TV VS25 Full Launch.
Arianespace: Arianespace TV VS25 Official Speeches.
SciNews: Soyuz ST-A launches CSO-2.
SciNews: CSO-2 deployment.
Urania’s Ruimtevaartbabbel Live: De laatste lancering van het jaar 2020.
ESA – CSG bereidt zich voor op Ariane VI.
ESA: Europe's Spaceport prepares for Ariane 6
ESA: Ariane 6 - Chantier ELA4 - Décembre 2020 (filmpje).
CNES: Assemblage d’Ariane 6: Un processus qui ne laisse rien au hasard.
ESA, cybersecurity en Redu.
ESA: ESA bouwt een centrum voor cyberveiligheid in Redu.
ISS – Commercial Crew – Bemanning voor Crew 3.
Spaceflight Now: Three astronauts assigned to Crew Dragon mission in late 2021.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Eyesight, Bone and Cancer Studies Fill Weekend After Christmas.
NASA Space Station Blog: U.S. Cargo Ships Depart In January; Crew Exploring Biology and Physics.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cargo Packing and Radish Harvesting Aboard Station Today.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Exploring Life Science Before Relaxing on New Year’s Day.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/22//2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/23//2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/24//2020.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/28//2020.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Weeks of December 21 and 28, 2020.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Launch of Nauka module scheduled for May 2021, but can be postponed to July.
TrekNews: Ashes Of James Doohan, Star Trek’s Scotty, Were Smuggled Aboard The International Space Station 12 Years Ago.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts’ team gets four new members in 2020.
NASA: Expedition 64 Inflight with KCAL Los Angeles - December 30,2020.
NASA: Expedition 64 InFlight with NOGGIN - December 30, 2020.
China begint in 2021 met de bouw van het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: China to launch core module of space station in first half of 2021.
ECNS: Core module of China's first space station to be launched in 2021.
Artemis – Gateway.
SpaceQ: HALO – The Lunar Gateway’s Habitation and Logistics Element.
SpaceX – Starship SN9 klaar voor een daverende start 2021.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s first Super Heavy booster hop “a few months” away, says Elon Musk.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s next Starship gets frosty to prepare for first launch.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship boosters could forgo landings entirely, says Elon Musk.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship SN11 ready to complete Stacking Operations.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: Starship SN9 Completes Ambient Temperature Pressure Test.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN9 Proof Testing.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: Starship SN10 Nosecone Ready to be Stacked - SN11 Aft Section Mated.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: SN9 Passes Cryogenic Tank Test - Fires RCS Thrusters.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: Starship SN9 Prepared for More Tests Before Flight.
LabPadre: Starship SN9 RCS Thruster Tests.
Primal Space: SpaceX's Launch Pad Problem.
Engineering Today: Spacex Falcon 9 Ends Year As The Most launched Rocket Of 2020 | Hope Thrilling Experience From.
Planetary Protection volgens het Witte Huis.
The White House: National Strategy for Planetary Protection (PDF).
Space News: White House releases planetary protection strategy.
Nog een ander rapport:
NAP: Planetary Protection for the Study of Lunar Volatiles.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: Hello, Venus! Solar Orbiter spacecraft makes first swing past planet.
NASA: NASA Approves Heliophysics Missions to Explore Sun, Earth’s Aurora.
Space Legal Issues: The Chang’e 5 mission: Aims and consequences.
ECNS: Rice seeds carried to the moon and back sprout (Chang’e 5).
ECNS: Scientists review how they study lunar samples.
Universe Today: Brines Could be Present on the Surface of Mars for up to 12 Hours, Never for a Full day.
Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België: De Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België en EMXYS nemen deel aan de ruimtemissie Hera voor planetaire defensie.
Space Legal Issues: Hayabusa 2: The success of a unique mission.
Nog dit:
Moon Village Association: Moon Village Architecture Working Group Workshop - Day 1.
Moon Village Association: Moon Village Architecture Working Group Workshop - Day 2.
Moon Village Association: Moon Village Architecture Working Group Workshop - Day 3.
Een “planetoïde” uit de jaren ‘60.
NASA: New Data Confirm 2020 SO to Be the Upper Centaur Rocket Booster From the 1960's.
SpaceCom: So 'asteroid' 2020 SO was actually 1960s space junk. It may be the first of many to come.
SETI: 2020SO: Not a mini-moon but space trash?! (filmpje).
Space Force nieuwtjes van de voorbije weken.
Space News: Space Force developing a digital strategy for designing and producing future satellites.
Space News: Space Force extends Peraton’s contract for orbital analysis services.
Space News: Top commander of U.S. space forces: Space should be peaceful, bad actors will be held accountable.
Space Legal Issues: Understanding the US Space Force lunar patrols.
Air&Space: The Space Force Turns One.
Space News: U.S. Space Force celebrates first birthday virtually.
Space Policy: Space Force officials meet with Biden team as first anniversary nears.
Space News: Space Force leaders staying out of the political fray.
C4ISRnet: Pentagon expected to increase Space Force funding in coming years.
National Defense: Pentagon, Industry Investing in Space Force Simulations.
Space News: Traditional launch services may not suit the needs of the future Space Force.
Space News: Space Force trying to change negative perceptions about military procurement.
Collect Space: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station redesignated for US Space Force.
C4ISRnet: Space Systems Command finalized, coming in early 2021.
US Space Force: U.S. Space Force unveils name of space professional.
US Space Force: NASA Astronaut Mike Hopkins Transfers to US Space Force While Aboard International Space Station.
Space News: U.S. Space Force members are now guardians.
Collect Space: First 'Guardian' in space: NASA astronaut on ISS enters Space Force.
Space News: Op-ed | Not all space capabilities should reside in Space Force.
Nog dit – Japan wil houten satellieten bouwen.
BBC News: Japan developing wooden satellites to cut space junk.
Ars Technica: Coverage of “wooden satellites” misses the point.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,
PS: Geïnteresseerd in één enkele PDF met ALLE NUDR’s van 2020? Stuur een mailtje naar “nieuwsuitderuimtevaart @ gmail . Com” en half januari wordt de PDF je toegestuurd.