Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/08–535
Het hoogtepunt van afgelopen week? De beelden afkomstig van de planeet Mars, en dan vooral de beelden van de afdaling en landing van Perseverance, gefilmd door Perseverance. Verder was “uitstel” het woord van de week. Uitstel voor de SLS Green Run Hot Fire en wellicht uitstel voor de eerste SLS-lancering zelf tot (februari?) 2022. Uitstel voor de eerste toeristische vlucht van Virgin Galactic naar 2022. Uitstel voor New Glenn naar eind 2022. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: De foto toont een detail uit het eerste 360° Perseverance-panorama, afkomstig van de Mastcam-Z. Het zou gaan om een door de wind “geboetseerde” rots. Meer details over het panorama vind je hier. Foto: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
Mars2020 – Perseverance – EDL – The Movie.
NASA: NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Provides Front-Row Seat to Landing, First Audio Recording of Red Planet.
Space News: NASA releases video of Perseverance landing.
Spaceflight Now: NASA releases first-of-its-kind high-definition video of Mars rover landing.
Collect Space: Experience Perseverance landing on Mars in video, audio from rover.
Inside Outer Space: Caught on Camera! Perseverance Rover, Discarded Landing Hardware.
Universe Today: The Mars Helicopter is Online and Getting Ready to Fly.
The Space Review: It only looks easy: Perseverance lands on Mars.
The Space Review: NASA tests the perseverance of some space enthusiasts.
NASA: Nearly 11 Million Names of Earthlings are on Mars Perseverance.
SpaceCom: NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars is carrying an adorable 'family portrait' of Martian rovers.
Universe Today: What a Geologist Sees When They Look at Perseverance’s Landing Site.
De filmpjes:
NASA: Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video).
NASA: Perseverance’s Descent & Touchdown on Mars: Parachute Up-View Camera POV (Official NASA Clip).
NASA: Perseverance’s Descent & Touchdown on Mars: Parachute Up-View Camera 2 POV (Official NASA Clip).
NASA: Perseverance’s Descent & Touchdown on Mars: Parachute Deploy Slowed to 30% speed(Official NASA Clip).
NASA: Perseverance’s Descent & Touchdown on Mars: Descent Stage Down-Look Camera POV (Official NASA Clip).
NASA: Perseverance’s Descent & Touchdown on Mars: Rover Descent Camera POV (Official NASA Clip).
NASA: Perseverance’s Descent & Touchdown on Mars: Rover Up-Look Camera POV (Official NASA Clip).
NASA: Panorama of Mars from Perseverance Rover.
NASA: NASA’S Perseverance Rover’s First 360 View of Mars (Official).
Wie de EDL nog eens wil herbeleven:
NASA: Mission Control Live: NASA Lands Perseverance Mars Rover (360 video).
NASA: Mission Control Celebration for NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Landing (360 Video).
SciNews: ExoMars images Perseverance in the Jezero Crater.
NASA: Tour the Perseverance Mars Rover’s New Home with Mission Experts.
Ook dat nog:
Mashable: The viral Mars Perseverance rover video going around is fake.
Mars2020 – Perseverance – Meer nieuwtjes.
NASA: NASA’s Perseverance Rover Gives High-Definition Panoramic View of Landing Site.
ESA: ExoMars orbiter images Perseverance landing site (labelled).
Universe Today: There was a Secret Code in the Perseverance Parachute.
NASA: Testing Proves Its Worth With Successful Mars Parachute Deployment.
Universe Today: Perseverance’s Landing … Seen From Orbit!
Universe Today: Since Perseverance is Searching for Life, What Will it Be Looking for?
Universe Today: Did Ancient Martian Life Eat Rocks For Food?
Universe Today: Some Earth Life Could Already Survive on Mars.
SpaceCom: NASA's Perseverance rover watched as its sky crane crashed on Mars (photo).
NasaSpaceFlight: Perseverance rover operating nominally in preparation for surface operations.
SpaceCom: How did NASA's Martian rover come to land in a crater named after a tiny Balkan village?
China lanceert drie Yaogan-verkenningssatellieten.
Space News: China launches trio of Yaogan-31 ocean reconnaissance satellites.
NasaSpaceFlight: Long March 4C launches latest batch of Yaogan- 31 satellites.
SciNews: Long March-4C launches Yaogan-31 03.
SpaceX – De verloren Falcon 9 eerste trap.
Teslarati: SpaceX grapples with failed Falcon 9 landing as Starlink launches slip.
Space News: SpaceX blames failed Falcon 9 booster landing on heat damage.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX says “heat damage” caused landing failure on recent Falcon 9 mission.
SpaceX – Falcon 9 en Falcon Heavy nieuwtjes.
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket still on track for two launches this year.
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon Heavy booster spotted at Texas rocket testing HQ.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX planning launch of two Falcon Heavy missions in summer and fall.
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon boosters likely to surpass Elon Musk’s prime rocket reuse directive.
Vulcan Patfhinder arriveert op de Cape.
Spaceflight Now: ULA delivers Vulcan test article to Cape Canaveral for ‘pathfinder’ operations.
Aerospace America: ULA’s Bruno: Vulcan Centaur design on track for 2021 first flight.
Space News: Space Force awards engineering contract for certification of ULA’s Vulcan rocket.
America Space: ULA's Vulcan Centaur Pathfinder Arrives at Cape Canaveral.
Maidentrip New Glenn uitgesteld tot einde 2022.
Space News: Blue Origin delays first launch of New Glenn to late 2022.
Geek Wire: After losing launch competition, Blue Origin delays New Glenn rocket’s first flight until late 2022.
Parabolic Arc: Blue Origin Suddenly Gets Chatty, Announces Launch Delay.
Florida Today: Photo’s: Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket and Space Coast facilities.
Blue Origin: New Glenn Factory Progress Update.
Blue Origin: New Glenn’s Tank Cleaning and Processing Facility.
Blue Origin: First Look: Launch Complex 36.
Virgin Galactic – Geen toeristen in 2021.
Space News: Virgin Galactic further delays SpaceShipTwo test flights.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic Stock Plunges as Company Delays Space Tourism Flights to 2022.
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic Appoints Seth Zaslow as Vice President of Investor Relations.
Parabolic Arc: In Lieu of Spaceflight, Virgin Galactic Presents….
ISS – Cygnus NG-15 arriveert bij ruimtestation.
Spaceflight Now: Northrop Grumman supply carrier delivers to International Space Station.
SpaceCom: Cygnus cargo ship honoring 'Hidden Figure' Katherine Johnson arrives at space station.
NanoRacks: Nanoracks Launches Two CubeSats on NG-15 Cygnus.
Spacewatch: Northrop Grumman orders two more Cygnus from Thales.
NASA: Expedition 64 Northrop Grumman CRS 15 Cygnus Launch.
NASA: Expedition 64 Northrop Grumman CRS 15 Rendezvous and Capture.
NASA: Expedition 64 Northrop Grumman CRS 15 Installation.
SciNews: NG-15 S.S. Katherine Johnson Cygnus capture.
SciNews: NG-15 S.S. Katherine Johnson Cygnus berthing.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Watch NASA TV for Cygnus Arrival and Capture at Station.
NASA Space Station Blog: JAXA, NASA astronauts Capture Cygnus Resupply Ship.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cygnus Resupply Ship Bolted to Station’s Unity Module.
NASA Space Station Blog: Astronauts Get Ready for Spacewalks After U.S. Cargo Ship Arrives.
NASA Space Station Blog: Spacewalk Preps Rev Up as Space Science Continues.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Examines Worms, Explores Space Manufacturing During Spacewalk Preps.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew in Final Spacewalk Preps, Studies Plants and Worms.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/19/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/22/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/23/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/24/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/25/2021.
NASA: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of February 22, 2021.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
SpaceCom: NASA and Roscosmos leaders speak as plans finalized for flying astronaut on upcoming Soyuz flight.
Space Policy Online: Rogozin, Jurczyk talk, but no announcement from NASA.
TASS: Size of crack aboard space station unchanged, says Russian cosmonaut.
Houston Chronicle: Space Station to get powerful computer from Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
NASA: NASA to Host Briefings, Interviews for Next Crew Rotation Mission with SpaceX (Crew 2).
Teslarati: SpaceX, Shift4’s private Inspiration4 mission lists its second crew member.
VOA News: Cancer Survivor Looks Forward to Joining Private Space Flight.
SpaceCom: Time is running out to enter the Inspiration4 contests for a SpaceX rocket trip.
NASA: Space to Ground: Space Worms: 02/26/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - February 26, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 64 Spacewalk 71 and 72 Preview Briefing - February 24, 2021.
NASA: U.S. Spacewalk 71 Animation.
Voyager Station.
SpaceCom: Company plans to start building private Voyager space station with artificial gravity in 2025.
Eerste lancering Chinese Space Station komt dichterbij.
Space Daily: China begins assembly of Long March 5B heavy-lift to launch core space station capsule.
New China TV: Chinese rocket for space station mission transported to launch site.
SciNews: China Space Station to be launched this spring.
Indische bemande ruimtevaartplannen.
Tribune India: Gaganyaan is just the beginning! India plans to have sustained human presence in space.
Space News: India revises Gaganyaan human spaceflight plan, delays Chandrayaan-3.
Space Daily: Astronauts of India's first human spaceflight will be treated to Indian cuisine
Artemis – SLS Green Run Hot Fire Poging 2 uitgesteld.
NASA: Green Run Update: NASA Investigating Valve Performance Before Second Hot Fire.
NASA: Green Run Update: NASA Inspecting Valve, Continuing Hot Fire Preparations.
Space News: NASA postpones second SLS Green Run test.
Space Policy Online: Second SLS Hot Fire postponed.
Spaceflight Now: Stuck propulsion valve delays second SLS test-firing.
NasaSpaceFlight: Second prevalve issue delays completion of SLS Core Stage Green Run campaign.
Artemis – Human Landing System.
Teslarati: SpaceX rapidly builds, tests Starship Moon elevator for NASA.
Space News: NASA says maintaining competition a priority for lunar lander procurement.
Artemis – Meer nieuwtjes.
PhysOrg: Artemis: How ever-changing U.S. space policy may push back the next moon landing.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA “Meatball” Insignia and ESA Logo Added to Artemis I Fairings.
NASA Artemis Blog: SLS Rocket Stage and Orion Share Space at Kennedy ahead of Artemis I.
Parabolic Arc: Lightweight Crane Technology Could Find a Home on the Moon.
The Science Times: Fish on the Moon? Farming Planned for Future Lunar Village.
Space Safety: A Next Generation Spacesuit for the Artemis Astronauts.
The Space Review: The promise of return on investment does not disappear in cislunar space and beyond.
SpaceX – Starship – SN10 klaar voor zijn 10km vlucht.
The Science Times: FAA Ends SpaceX SN8, SN9 Investigation: Elon Musk Says SN10 Might Be Flying Soon.
Teslarati: FAA clears SpaceX Starship prototype for third launch and landing attempt.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN10 hopeful for launch “this week” – Super Heavy waiting in the wings.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship ready to find out if third time’s the charm later this week.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship static fire bodes well for a launch later this week.
SpaceCom: SpaceX swapping out engine on Starship SN10 prototype ahead of test flight.
Teslarati: SpaceX swaps “suspect” Starship engine in record time.
SpaceCom: SpaceX fires up SN10 Starship prototype for 2nd time.
Gizmodo: SpaceX Starship Ticket Holder Teases 'Big Update' for March 2.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: Starship SN10 Tests its Flaps for Flight - Concrete Poured at the Landing Pad.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: SN10 Gets FAA Approval - Starship SN12's Common Dome Scrapped.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: SCRUB: Starship SN10 Static Fire Test Scrubbed.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: SpaceX Boca Chica - Raptor Engine SN52 Delivered - Super Heavy Ready for New Ring Section.
Lab Padre: SN10 Breathes Fire.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: Starship SN10 Static Fire.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: SpaceX Boca Chica - Rapid Raptor swap clears the way for a second Starship SN10 static fire.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN10 Static Fires for the Second Time.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica: Starship SN15's Nosecone Stacked.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - Raptor "Under Doge" Delivered.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Boca Chica - SpaceX logo painted on the landing pad ahead of Starship SN10's test flight.
Engineering Today: SpaceX's Starship: FAA closes SN9's test flight crash investigation | SpaceX’s $74 billion valuation.
Markus House: SpaceX Starship - How will Starship tank autogenous pressurization systems work?
What About It: Is SpaceX Building Two Orbital Starship Pads? & Major Sea Launch Platform Update From Elon Musk!
Tianwen-1 in voorlopige parkeerbaan rond Mars.
Space Daily: Tianwen 1 probe enters preset parking orbit.
Space Daily: Xi lauds China's progress in space missions.
SpaceCom: China's Tianwen-1 lowers its orbit around Mars to prepare for rover landing.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Mars Spacecraft: Parking Orbit Operations.
SpaceCom: Here's what we know about planetary protection on China's Tianwen-1 Mars mission.
CCTV: China's Tianwen-1 Enters Mars Parking Orbit.
SciNews: Tianwen-1 enters parking orbit around Mars.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
NASA: Parker Solar Probe Offers Stunning View of Venus.
Space News: DoD focus on climate could shape future investments in weather satellites.
SpaceCom: Astrophysicists create the most accurate 'flat map' of Earth ever.
Live Science: Mysterious stripes spotted over Russia in satellite images — and NASA is perplexed.
Space Daily: China's lunar rover travels 652 meters on far side.
Inside Outer Space: Chinese President Views Moon Return Samples.
CCTV: Xi Meets Representatives of Chang'e-5 Lunar Exploration Mission (filmpje).
SciNews: First peek at Chang’e-5’s lunar samples (filmpje).
CGTN: Back from the moon: The people behind the Chang'e 5 moon exploration (filmpje).
Collect Space: China to exhibit Chang'e 5-returned moon soil at National Museum.
NASA: VIPER: NASA's Next Lunar Rover Progresses Toward 2023 Launch.
Inside Outer Space: Russia’s Return to the Moon – Luna-25.
Parabolic Arc: Russia’s Luna-25 Moon Lander Undergoes Acoustic Tests.
The Hindu: Chandrayaan-3 launch delayed further to 2022.
The Register: ESA mulls sending waves of robot explorers into dark depths of lunar lava tubes.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3040-3041: The Mars Fleet.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3042-3043: Watch Your Step!
NASA: Microbes Survive Balloon Ride to Mars-Like Habitat in the Sky.
Science Alert: Scientists Have Grown Microbes on Actual Rock Bits From Mars.
The Hindu: Scientists decode how Mars may have lost its atmosphere.
SpaceCom: Martian dust storms may spark electric purple glow.
NASA: Hubble Spots Comet Near Jupiter (filmpje).
NASA: How Were the Trojan Asteroids Discovered and Named?
NASA: Jupiter's Trojan Asteroids (filmpje).
Een nog te bepalen planetoïde:
ESA: M-Argo: ESA's asteroid-targeting CubeSat (met een filmpje).
SpaceX – Elon Musk haalt 850 miljoen dollar op.
Teslarati: SpaceX completes $850M equity funding round, raising valuation to ~$74B.
Space News: SpaceX raises $850 million in latest round.
The Verge: SpaceX reportedly raised the best part of a billion dollars to fund future missions.
SpaceX – Starlink.
Teslarati: Starlink’s Dishy McFlatface faces off against snow buildup in real-world test.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starlink satellite internet aces online game test.
Teslarati: Elon Musk’s Starlink filings show plans for phone service and low-income web access.
Teslarati: Starlink satellite dish teardown reveals serious engineering and attention to detail.
Teslarati: Starlink poised to double its speeds to ~300 Mbps by the end of the year.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starlink users could see “much higher download speeds” amid upgrades.
Ars Technica: Musk: Starlink will hit 300Mbps and expand to “most of Earth” this year.
Om af te ronden – Planetoïden met namen van astronauten.
Recentelijk kregen een reeks planetoïden de naam van een astronaut.
Het lijstje vind je hier bij het Minor Planet Center (maar wees snel want deze namen blijven hier niet vermeld).
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