Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/46–573
Er is zoveel te vertellen over deze ruimtevaartweek, maar de hoofdvogel is voor de Russen en die hebben ze blijkbaar afgeschoten. Bij een test van een anti-satellietwapen ontstond een pak ruimteafval dat zelfs het internationale ruimtestation in gevaar bracht. Het ISS met twee Russische kosmonauten aan boord. De Russen gaven (uiteindelijk) de test toe maar volgens hun was er verder geen probleem. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Een simulatie van de verspreiding van de brokstukken kort na de Rusissche ASAT-test. Bron EUSST.
Russische ASAT test brengt ISS in gevaar.
Eerst was er het Chinese stuk ruimteafval:
SpaceCom: A chunk of a Chinese satellite almost hit the International Space Station. They dodged it — but the space junk problem is getting worse.
Maar dan waren er een eerste reeks waarschuwingen voor het ISS. De bemanning van het ISS moesten zich zelfs in veiligheid brengen.
TASS: ISS to get close to space junk soon, Roscosmos says.
TASS: Space debris misses ISS, may re-approach in about one-and-a-half hours.
TASS: Space junk endangering ISS moved away from its orbit — Roscosmos.
En dan kwam de ASAT test ter sprake.
TASS: Roscosmos chief to meet with NASA representatives to discuss space junk situation.
TASS: Blinken: Russia’s alleged anti-satellite missile test imperils space exploration.
TASS: NASA to monitor debris caused by Russia’s alleged anti-satellite missile test.
En de test werd zelfs bevestigd, maar de brokstukken vormen geen gevaar voor het ISS. Aldus de Russen.
TASS: Russia’s top brass reports on successfully striking defunct satellite in tests.
TASS: US needs to enter into talks on weapons in outer space, says Russia’s top diplomat.
TASS: New Russian system being tested hit old satellite with "goldsmith’s precision" — Shoigu.
TASS: ISS orbiting below fragments of satellite destroyed in space tests — Russian top brass.
TASS: Roscosmos CEO, NASA chief discuss ISS crews’ security, joint plans.
TASS: Russian anti-satellite weapon test may threaten EU’s space activities — EC.
TASS: NASA head expresses concerns over ISS crew safety to Roscosmos CEO Rogozin.
TASS: No threats to ISS crew’s safety, says Roscosmos CEO.
TASS: NATO condemns Russian anti-satellite test.
TASS: Russia doesn’t lag behind in military space field - Roscosmos chief.
TASS: Anti-satellite weapons have been under development in Russia for long, Roscosmos CEO says.
Russia Today: Russia confirms testing anti-satellite missiles.
Russia Today: Russia comments on risks of space missile tests.
Russia Today: Can a space war be stopped?
En dan een uitgebreide selectie uit de rest van de (ruimtevaart)pers:
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: Space station crew members take cover from space debris.
SpaceCom: Space debris forces astronauts on space station to take shelter in return ships.
SpaceCom: Hear how NASA alerted astronauts to incoming space debris after Russian anti-satellite test.
Politico: 'Irresponsible act': U.S. raps Russia after missile strike on its own satellite.
CNN: US says it 'won't tolerate' Russia's 'reckless and dangerous' anti-satellite missile test.
SpaceCom: Did Russia just launch an anti-satellite test that created a cloud of space junk?
Space News: Russia destroys satellite in ASAT test.
NasaSpaceFlight: Russia tests anti-satellite missile, debris disrupts International Space Station.
Spaceflight Now: U.S. officials: Space station at risk from ‘reckless’ Russian anti-satellite test.
SpaceCom: NASA chief Bill Nelson condemns Russian anti-satellite test.
Ars Technica: Russia acknowledges anti-satellite test, but says it’s no big deal.
BBC News: Russian anti-satellite missile test poses no threat - Moscow.
Parabolic Arc: In Wake of ASAT Test, Roscosmos Says it’s in Favor of Space Safety.
Breaking Defense: Surprise Russian ASAT test shows need to ‘scale’ space tracking, LeoLabs says.
SpaceCom: Russia defends anti-satellite test amid US criticism.
Space News: European space industry alarmed by Russian ASAT test.
SpaceCom: Space debris from Russian anti-satellite missile test spotted in telescope images and video.
Space News: LeoLabs tracks debris cloud expanding in low Earth orbit.
Space News: Russia clearly knew the consequences of ASAT test, says former U.S. intelligence official.
Space News: Nelson and Rogozin talk about ASAT test.
Science Alert: A Space Expert Explains Why Russia's Exploded Satellite Is Such a Huge Problem.
Space News: China silent, South Korea ‘concerned’ over debris created by Russia’s anti-satellite missile test.
Space News: Op-ed | Lessons to learn from Russia’s Nudol ASAT test (met filmpje over Nudol).
SpaceCom: Russian anti-satellite missile test was the first of its kind.
Space News: U.S. officials: Anti-satellite test another sign of Russia’s aggressive intentions in space.
SpaceCom: Russia's anti-satellite missile test could have easily obliterated the International Space Station.
Spaceflight Now: Station resumes normal operations, but risk from Russian ASAT test continues.
Space News: Japan, Australia condemn Russia for ‘irresponsible’ anti-satellite missile test.
SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log: The Russian Federation conducted a destructive ASAT test on Kosmos 1408 on November 15 [updated].
NASA Watch: NASA PAO Silent As ISS Flies Through Russian ASAT Test Debris (Update).
SpaceCom: Kessler Syndrome and the space debris problem.
ESA: When debris disaster strikes.
Space News: Industry looks to simplify policy challenges of orbital debris removal.
Nog dit, een plan om ruimteafval te bestuderen door het lanceren van honderden satellietjes (?).
SpaceCom: Steve Wozniak's startup Privateer plans to launch hundreds of satellites to study space debris.
Video From Space: US State Department: Russia's 'reckless' anti-satellite test created over 1500 pieces of debris.
Video From Space: Space Station's 'crazy but well coordinated day' caused by debris field.
EuroNews: Russian weapons test blamed for space junk threatening space station.
Scott Manley: Russian Anti-Satellite Weapon Causes Emergency On Space Station.
Video From Space: Russian anti-satellite test aftermath! Hear emergency call to space station & see debris.
Defense Now: ASAT Debris Visualization.
AGI: 2021 Russian satellite intercept.
TMRO: Is the ISS in Danger? | TMRO:News.
Space Toughts: Episode 52: November 15, 2021 DA -ASAT Test.
Ook bijna botsing rond de Maan.
The Hindustan Times: Collision avoidance manoeuvre performed for Chandrayaan-2: ISRO.
Europese Vega lanceert drie CERES-satellieten voor de Franse militairen.
ESA: Latest Vega launch paves way for Vega-C.
Arianespace: VV20: Arianespace’s Vega launcher successfully orbits three CERES satellites.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
NasaSpaceFlight: Arianespace Vega launches CERÉS satellites for CNES.
Spaceflight Now: French military intelligence satellites launch on Vega rocket.
Spaceflight Now: Live coverage: Europe’s 20th Vega rocket launches from French Guiana.
Arianespace: Vol Arianespace VV20 – CERES (live uitzending).
Arianespace: VV20 Replay Lift-Off (korte versie).
SciNews: Vega launches CERES 1, 2 and 3.
RocketLab lanceert twee BlackSky-satellieten. Eerste trap geborgen na splashdown.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab to Recover Electron Rocket, Introduce Helicopter Operations During Next Launch;
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Launches 107th Satellite To Orbit, Successfully Tests Helicopter Recovery Operations.
De persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: Rocket Lab launches BlackSky satellites.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab returns to action with dual satellite launch and successful booster splashdown.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab recovers booster after successful launch with BlackSky satellites.
GeekWire: Rocket Lab launches two more Earth observation satellites for BlackSky — and tracks a falling rocket.
SpaceCom: Rocket Lab fishes Electron booster out of the sea (photos).
RocketLab: Rocket Lab 'Love At First Insight' Launch (live verslag).
SciNews: Electron launches “Love At First Insight”.
China lanceert nieuwe aardobservatiesatelliet Gaofen-11 03 met een LM-4B.
ECNS: China launches new satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: China’s Chang Zheng 4B launches Gaofen 11-03 satellite.
CGTN: China launches new remote sensing satellite.
SciNews: Long March-4B launches Gaofen-11 03.
Na enig uitstel lanceert Astra Space met succes zijn Rocket 3.3 LV0007.
NasaSpaceFlight: Astra successfully makes orbit on fourth attempt.
Space News: Astra’s Rocket 3.3 reaches orbit on fourth attempt.
SpaceCom: Astra reaches orbit for 1st time on test flight for US military.
Parabolic Arc: Astra Space Makes It to Orbit.
Spacepage: Astra brengt voor het eerst een raket in de ruimte.
In verband met de eerder aangekondigde satellietconstellatie.
Space News: Astra says focus is on launch as it files application for satellite constellation.
Video From Space: Astra rocket test-fired prior to launch attempt.
NasaSpaceFlight: SCRUB: Astra Test Flight Scrubbed (Launch Vehicle 0007).
NasaSpaceFlight: Astra Test Flight (Launch Vehicle 0007) (livestream).
SciNews: Astra Rocket 3.3 launch (LV0007).
En van eerder deze maand:
NasaSpaceFlight: How Astra is Building Lower-Cost Rockets | Factory Tour.
ISS – Cygnus-capsule vertrekt bij het ruimtestation.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman’s “S.S. Ellison Onizuka” Completes Three Month Stay at the International Space Station.
SpaceCom: Northrop Grumman Cygnus cargo ship departs space station to conduct experiment in orbit.
Spaceflight Now: Cygnus cargo freighter ends mission at International Space Station.
NASA: Expedition 66 - Northrup Grumman Cygnus 16 Release - November 22, 2021
SciNews: NG-16 S.S. Ellison Onizuka Cygnus departure.
Spaceport America zoekt meer geld.
Las Cruces News: Spaceport America seeks $2M budget increase from lawmakers next year.
Enkele filmpjes:
Spaceport America: Spaceport America, Nov 2021 Recent Round Up.
Spaceport America: 2021 Recent Round UP November 18.
Spaceport America: 2021 at Spaceport America Round up Video.
ESA’s Intermediate Minister Meeting kiest voor “accelerators” en “inspirators”. Plus wat raketnieuws.
ESA: Decisions from the Intermediate Ministerial Meeting 2021.
De slides gebruikt door ESA’s Director General Josef Aschbacher vind je hier (PDF).
De tekst van het Matosinhos Manifesto vind je hier (PDF).
Zie ook ESA’s Vision (website).
Space News: ESA ministers approve strategy to work on terrestrial and space safety issues.
Science Org: Europe’s space agency dreams of launching its own astronauts amid ambitious ‘Accelerator’ plans.
ESA: ESA and CNES collaborate towards a European Space Transportation Hub.
Space News: Commercial spaceports seen as the future for European launch.
Space News: Rocket Factory Augsburg lands new customer in build up to first launch.
Satellite Evolution Group: Pangea Aerospace successfully hot fire tests the first MethaLox aerospike engine in the world.
ISS – Crew Dragon Crew 2.
NASA: Crew 2 Post Mission News Conference - November 15, 2021.
ISS – Crew Dragon Crew 4.
NASA: NASA Assigns Astronaut Jessica Watkins to NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 Mission.
ISS – Soyuz MS-20 – Twee Japanse toeristen tellen af naar hun lancering.
TASS: First day of Soyuz crew exams held with Japanese space tourists at GCTC.
TASS: TASS correspondent and two space tourists leave for Baikonur.
PhysOrg: Japanese space tourists arrive at launch site ahead of ISS trip.
TASS: Soyuz carrier rocket with new Russian module installed at launch pad of Baikonur.
Yuzhny ruimtevaartcentrum: Soyuz MS-20 – Test zonnepanelen.
Yuzhny ruimtevaartcentrum: Aankomst Soyuz MS-20 bemanning op Baikonur.
ISS – Axiom 1 – Het wetenschappelijk onderzoek tijdens deze vlucht.
Axiom Space: Axiom Space reveals robust microgravity research portfolio for first-ever private mission to visit International Space Station.
NasaSpaceFlight: Axiom-1 science & the push toward greater commercialization of space research.
The Verge: Axiom Space reveals science that will be done on first crewed flight to the ISS.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Operations Aboard Space Station Return to Normal.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Packs Cargo Ship for Departure and Preps for Spacewalk.
NASA: Crew Prioritizes Science, Training, and Exercise Before Cygnus Departure.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/12/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/15/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/16/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/17/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/18/2021.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of November 15, 2021.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Experiments may start at ISS Nauka module in near future, cosmonaut says.
TASS: Russian cosmonaut traces possible air leak spot in orbital outpost’s Zvezda module.
TASS: Some third of space-side part of Challenge movie shot inside Nauka module.
TASS: Russian cosmonaut-turned film actor: "Movie-making is a thrill".
NASA: Houston, we have a podcast: Station Science 2021.
NASA: Space to Ground: Lab at Work 11/19/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - November 5, 2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - November 12, 2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - November 19, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 inflight with Al Jazeera - October 12, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 Education Inflight with Ewell Townview Center - November 18, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 66 inflight with ESA Ministers Meeting - November 19, 2021.
Yuzhny ruimtevaartcentrum: Klaarmaken neuskegel voor Progress/Prichal.
SciShow Space: How Do You Get Rid of Bacteria in Space Stations.
Commerciële ruimtestations.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space Secures Record $1.4 Billion Series A Growth Investment and Achieves $4.5 Billion Valuation.
Space News: Sierra Space raises $1.4 billion.
Sierra Space ontstond een half jaar geleden uit Sierra Nevada Company.
Space News: Sierra Nevada Corporation to spin off space division.
SpaceRef: Sierra Nevada Memo Announcing New Company "Sierra Space".
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Astronaut goes with the flow in space with tai chi.
Global Times: Shenzhou-13 crew one month into record space stay, ‘puffy face’ a common phenomenon among astronauts.
Dongfang Hour: Shenzhou 13 Performs a Historic Spacewalk, iSpace Sets Foot in Wenchang, Tianwen-1 Changes Orbit.
CCTV: Shenzhou-13 Crew Read Aloud Chinese Novel Excepts in Space.
CGTN: Space Log: Shenzhou-13 astronaut practices Taijiquan in China's space station.
CCTV: Chinese Astronauts Turn Tai Chi into Trendy Space Lifestyle.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-13 Astronaut Installs Storage Tank for Water Recycling.
CGTN: China's Shenzhou-13 astronaut playing traditional puzzle game in space.
CGTN America: Shenzhou 13.
En nog dit:
Roscosmos: Maansverduistering vanuit het ISS.
Japan op zoek naar (maan)astronauten.
Space Daily: Moonshot: Japan recruits first new astronauts in 13 years.
Artemis – Landing niet voor 2026. Aldus OIG.
Het OIG-rapport “NASA’s Management of The Artemis Missions” vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: NASA inspector general warns of further delays in returning humans to the moon.
SpaceCom: NASA will spend $93 billion on Artemis moon program by 2025, report estimates.
EuroNews: NASA Artemis Moon landing delayed by 'several years' as costs go 'underreported'.
NASA Watch: NASA OIG Artemis Review: Delays And Cost Overruns Are A Feature - Not A Bug.
Parabolic Arc: A Tale of Two Guesstimates: NASA OIG Report Says Artemis Moon Landing Could be Delayed by Years.
The Space Review: Resetting Artemis.
RT America: NASA Artemis moon mission to fall way behind schedule.
Artemis 2 & 3.
NasaSpaceFlight: Orion spacecraft production continues for Artemis 2 and 3.
Artemis – De (bemande) maanrover van Northrop Grumman – Lunar Terrain Vehicle.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Announces Team for NASA’s Next-Generation Lunar Terrain Vehicle.
Space News: Northrop-led team proposes Artemis lunar rover.
NG: Introducing the Northrop Grumman Lunar Terrain Vehicle Team.
Artemis – Nog eens HLS en Blue Origin.
Space News: Court ruling describes rejection of Blue Origin HLS lawsuit.
Futurism: Federal Judge Shoots Down Blue Origin’s Lawsuit Against NASA.
Artemis – Over Biden’s infrastructuurplan en geld voor Artemis.
Space Policy Online: House passes infrastructure bill with $1.115 billion for NASA.
Chinezen naar de Maan tegen 2030?
Space News: Chinese crewed moon landing possible by 2030, says senior space figure.
SpaceX – Starship – Orbitale lancering begin 2022, aldus Musk.
Teslarati: SpaceX orbital Starship launch debut officially slips to 2022 – but it’s not all bad news.
Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to discuss Starship at National Academies meeting.
Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk forecasts a dozen Starship launches next year.
Teslarati: SpaceX details plan to build Mars Base Alpha with reusable Starship rockets.
Space News: Musk predicts first Starship orbital launch in early 2022.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX targets January or February for first launch of world’s largest rocket.
Universe Today: Orbital Launch in January? Elon Musk Updates His Vision for SpaceX’s Starship.
Spacepage: SpaceX gaat 's werelds grootste raket begin 2022 lanceren.
Parabolic Arc: FAA Aims to Complete Boca Chica Environmental Assessment By Dec. 31.
NasaSpaceFlight: Amid Ship 20 test success, Starbase prepares future Starships.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 7 Forward Dome Sleeve Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship Prototype Ship 20 Aft Flap Test | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Methane Manifold for New Booster Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Wide Bay Continues to Grow | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 5's Methane Section Moved in the High Bay | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 5 Fully Stacked | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Engineering Today: SpaceX orbital Starship launch debut officially slips to 2022 | Musk to discuss update on Starship.
Seeker: SpaceX Is About to Launch Its Biggest Rocket Ever.
Lancering op 24 november – DART gaat botsen met (maantje van) een planetoïde – HERA het Europese vervolg.
SpaceCom: NASA wants to smash a spacecraft into an asteroid, but don't worry. Earth isn't at risk.
Teslarati: SpaceX schedules next Starlink launch, fires up rocket for asteroid redirect mission.
The Planetary Society: DART mission resources for space fans and the press.
NASA: Podcast: Gravity Assist: How to Move an Asteroid, with Nancy Chabot.
ESA: Planetary defenders: after NASA’s DART comes ESA’s Hera.
SpaceCom: NASA's DART mission has a sequel. How Europe's HERA will explore an asteroid impact aftermath.
ESA: Testing mini-radar to peer inside asteroid.
NASA: Launching Soon: NASA's First Asteroid Deflection Test.
JHU APL: Defending the Planet: NASA’s DART Mission.
Scott Manley: NASA's DART Mission Will Move Mountains In Space.
Aerojet Rocketdyne: What is DART?
ESA: The missing planet | The Incredible Adventures of the Hera mission.
ESA: The Incredible Adventures of the Hera mission – Episode 2.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
ESA: Solar Orbiter returns to Earth before starting its main science mission
ESA: Solar Orbiter returns to Earth (filmpje).
ESA: Solar Orbiter’s Earth flyby (filmpje).
Parabolic Arc: Blue Canyon Technologies Selected by Ball Aerospace to Provide Spacecraft Bus for NASA Solar Cruiser Program
ESA: ESA’s Biomass on track to target forests.
Zie ook: COP26: Monitoring the Lungs of the World from Space – Carbon storage in the Forests of the Earth (filmpje).
SpaceCom: Satellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissions.
Teslarati: Elon Musk’s Starlink to help monitor illegal deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
Space News: Space Development Agency a potential ‘path to market’ for commercial satellite imagery.
ESA: Washington state flooding.
Parabolic Arc: Planet Federal Signs Contract Extension With National Reconnaissance Office.
NASA: NASA Selects Intuitive Machines for New Lunar Science Delivery.
Space News: NASA selects Intuitive Machines for CLPS lunar landing mission.
Space News: Plus Ultra aims to provide communications infrastructure for incoming wave of moon missions.
Popular Science: Pockets of frozen CO2 on the moon could fuel future space travel.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3296-3299: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3299-3300: Still Lots To Do at the Zechstein Drill Locale.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3301-3302: Curiosity Continues To Dine on Zechstein Drill Fines.
NASA: How NASA's Curiosity Rover Is Making Mars Safer for Astronauts.
NASA: Ingenuity: Flight 16 – Short Hop to the North.
NASA: NASA's Perseverance Captures Challenging Flight by Mars Helicopter Ingenuity.
SpaceCom: NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars just collected its 3rd sample of the Red Planet (photos).
NASA: OPTIMISM: Twin of NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Begins Terrain Tests.
ESA: ESA Mars Orbiters: Two-For-One Science (Mars Express en ExoMars TGO).
NASA: How’s the Weather on Mars? (NASA Mars Report) (November 15, 2021) (filmpje).
Teslarati: SpaceX to fly reused Falcon Heavy boosters on NASA Europa Clipper launch.
NASA: NASA EDGE: Lucy Rollout Show.
Het bijbehorende filmpje vind je hier.
JWST – Nog een maand tot aan de lancering.
SpaceCom: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope: Hubble's Cosmic Successor.
The Planetary Society: How much does the James Webb Space Telescope cost?
ESA: Webb’s Ariane 5 gains upper stage.
ESA: Webb’s Ariane 5 gains upper stage.
NASA Podcast – small stepps, giant leaps: Episode 73 – James Webb Space Telescope.
Nog een filmpje:
JWST: Elements of Webb: Gold Part 1, Ep 01.
JWST: Elements of Webb: Gold Part 2, Ep 02.
HST – Deels weer actief – Beelden uit ons zonnestelsel.
NASA: NASA Extends Hubble Operations Contract, Provides Mission Update.
Ars Technica: Hubble update: One camera back, more to come.
NASA: Hubble's Grand Tour of the Outer Solar System.
NASA: Hubble’s Grand Tour of the Outer Solar System.
HubbleESA: Space Sparks Episode 8: Hubble Takes a Grand Tour of the Solar System.
HubbleESA: Pans of Hubble’s Grand Tour of the Solar System.
HubbleESA: Hubble Takes a Grand Tour of the Solar System.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,