Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/40–620
Zeven lanceringen deze week. Met de lancering van een Crew Dragon met een nieuwe bemanning voor het ISS die met de meeste belangstelling ging lopen. Deels uiteraard omdat ondanks de oorlog in Oekraïne er voor het eerst sinds lang een Russische kosmonaute met een Amerikaanse capsule naar het ruimtestation gelanceerd werd. Van het Belgische front is er de verkoop van QinetiQ Space in Kruibeke. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: De bemanning van de Crew Dragon Crew 5, met van links naar rechts de Russische Kikina, de Amerikanen Cassada en Mann en de Japanner Wakata. Foto: NASA.
Atlas-raket lanceert twee satellieten voor SES.
ULA: United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Two Key SES Commercial C-band Satellites.
ULA: Atlas V successfully launches SES-20 en SES-21.
SES: SES Successfully Launches Second and Third C-Band Satellites on ULA Rocket.
Boeing: Boeing-Built SES Satellites Send, Receive First Signals.
NasaSpaceFlight: Final Atlas V 531 launches dual SES-20 and SES-21 satellites.
SpaceCom: Atlas V rocket launches 2 communications satellites to orbit.
Space News: SES closer to $4 billion payout after ULA launch to near-geostationary orbit.
ULA: Atlas V SES-20/21 Mission Profile.
ULA: Oct. 4 Live Broadcast: Atlas V SES-20/21.
ULA: Atlas V SES-20/21 Rocket Cam.
ULA: Atlas V SES-20/21 Launch Highlights.
SciNews: Atlas V launches SES-20 and SES-21.
SpaceX lanceert Crew 5 – met Russische kosmonaute – naar het ISS.
NASA CCP: Flight Crew Settling in at Kennedy, Making Final Preparations for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Mission.
NASA CCP: Weather Favorable for Crew-5 launch, News Teleconference Tonight.
NASA CCP: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Launch Readiness Review Complete.
NASA CCP: NASA, SpaceX Proceeding to Crew-5 Launch.
NASA CCP: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Mission Coverage Starts Now!
NASA CCP: Exciting Research Part of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Mission.
NASA CCP: Historic Walk Out of Kennedy Facility.
NASA CCP: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Launch Day: A Sendoff From Family and Friends.
NASA CCP: Crew-5 flight Crew Arrives at Launch Complex 39A.
NASA CCP: Boarding Process for Dragon Endurance Underway.
NASA CCP: Communication Checks Completed, Seats Being Rotated to Launch Position.
NASA CCP: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Launch Less Than Two Hours Away
NASA CCP: Hatch Closed on Crew-5 Dragon Endurance.
NASA CCP: Dragon Spacecraft Endurance is ‘Go’ for Launch.
NASA CCP: Crew Access Arm Retracted for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Launch.
NASA CCP: Endurance Launch Escape System Armed.
NASA CCP: Propellant and Liquid Oxygen Loading Underway.
NASA CCP: Crew-5 Remains on Schedule, Launch About 15 Minutes Away.
NASA CCP: Crew-5 in Terminal Count, Ready for Launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.
NASA CCP: Liftoff! Crew-5 Flight Crew Soars into the Florida Afternoon Sky.
NASA CCP: Rocket Reaches Max Q.
NASA CCP: First Stage Main Engine Cutoff, First and Second Stages Separate.
NASA CCP: Crew-5 Reports Trajectory Nominal.
NASA CCP: Second Stage Engine Continues to Burn.
NASA CCP: Shutdown of the Second Stage Engine.
NASA CCP: Stage 1 Successfully Lands on SpaceX Drone Ship.
NASA CCP: Separation Confirmed! Crew Dragon Endurance Leaves Behind Second Stage.
NASA CCP: Dragon Spacecraft Reaches Orbit, News Conference at 1:30 p.m. EDT.
NASA CCP: Weather Provides Perfect Backdrop for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Liftoff.
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Launches to International Space Station.
Spaceflight Now: Russian cosmonaut set to ride U.S. crew capsule to International Space Station.
TASS: Russian cosmonaut Kikina to travel to ISS aboard SpaceX.
TASS: Crew-5, including Russia’s Anna Kikina, boards Crew Dragon spacecraft.
TASS: Russian cosmonaut Anna Kikina thanks Roscosmos, NASA for successful launch.
NasaSpaceFlight: American, Russian, and Japanese astronauts launch with SpaceX Crew-5 mission.
PhysOrg: Russian launches to space from US, first time in 20 years.
Space News: SpaceX launches Crew-5 mission to the space station.
Collect Space: Astronauts fly Einstein doll to demo physicist's 'happiest thought'. Voor het eerst vliegt een Russische kosmonaut mee met Amerikaanse SpaceX-raket: zijn de banden weer aangehaald?
SpaceCom: SpaceX's Crew-5 astronaut mission arrives at the International Space Station.
Spaceflight Now: Dragon crew capsule delivers four new residents to International Space Station.
Spaceflight Now: Crew-5 mission timeline.
SpaceCom: SpaceX astronaut missions for NASA: Crew-5 live updates.
TASS: Roscosmos official compares cross flight program to Apollo-Soyuz launch.
Space News: Roscosmos official supports continued cooperation with NASA on ISS.
SpaceCom: Russian space officials jettison the bluster after Rogozin's departure.
NASA: NASA's SpaceX Crew-5 Mission to the Space Station (Official Trailer).
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Launch Readiness Review Media Teleconference (Oct. 3, 2022).
SpaceX: Crew-5 Mission | Launch (de live uitzending).
NASA: NASA SpaceX Crew-5 Astronauts Walk Out for Trip to Launch Pad 39A.
NASA: NASA Space X Crew-5 Astronauts Walk Across the Crew Access Arm at Launch Pad 39A.
NASA: NASA SpaceX Crew-5 Launches to the International Space Station.
Collect Space: SpaceX Crew-5 zero-g indicator: Little Thinker Einstein.
SpaceX: Crew-5 Mission | Approach and Docking.
SciNews: SpaceX Crew-5 docking.
SciNews: SpaceX Crew-5 hatch opening.
NASA: Expedition 68 - NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Flight Day 1 Highlights - Oct. 5, 2022.
NASA: Expedition 68 - NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 Flight Day 2 Highlights - Oct. 6, 2022.
SpaceX lanceert nieuwe reeks Starlink-satellieten.
SpaceCom: SpaceX delays launch of Starlink satellites to make way for Crew-5 astronaut flight.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches Starlink 4-29 from Vandenberg hours after crew mission.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 63 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 5 October 2022.
Lange Mars 11 lanceert twee CentiSpace-satellieten.
ECNS: China sends two satellites into space via offshore rocket launch.
South China Morning Post: China launches experimental satellites to improve BeiDou network’s accuracy.
SpaceCom: China launches pair of navigation enhancement satellites from sea platform.
CCTV: China Sends Two Satellites into Space Via Offshore Rocket Launch.
SciNews: Long March-11 launches CentiSpace-1 S5/S6.
SciNews: Long March-11’s first offshore launch.
Point Or View: Epic behind-the-scenes and onboard footage of Long March-11 sea launch.
Electron-raket lanceert NOAA-vracht in record-lancering.
Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab Successfully Launches 31st Electron Rocket, Breaks Annual Launch Record.
De RocketLab persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Space News: Rocket Lab launches Argos tracking payload.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rocket Lab launches “It Argos Up From Here” mission.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab launches NOAA-funded satellite for wildlife tracking.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab - It Argos Up From Here Launch.
SciNews: Electron launches “It Argos Up From Here” (Argos-4).
SpaceX lancering van twee Intelsat-satellieten na een abort enkele dagen eerder.
Floriday Today: SpaceX Falcon 9 launch scrubbed again Friday after Thursday's abort, next attempt Saturday.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX successfully lofts Intelsat Galaxy duo.
Spaceflight Now: Two Intelsat video relay satellites ride to orbit on SpaceX rocket.
Tesmanian: SpaceX reuses Falcon 9 rocket a 14th time to deploy two Intelsat Galaxy satellites.
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch with Intelsat G-33/G-34.
SpaceX: Intelsat G-33/G-34 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches Intelsat G-33/G-34 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
Enkele foto’s vind je hier.
China lanceert zonneonderzoeksatelliet.
ECNS: China launches solar observatory to unveil mysteries of Sun.
CGTN: China launches space-based observatory to unravel sun's secrets.
New China TV: GLOBALink | China launches space-based observatory to unravel the Sun's secrets.
SciNews: Long March-2D launches ASO-S (Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory).
Nog eens de Firefly Alpha lancering van vorige week.
Space News: After successful first launch, Firefly sets sight on national security market.
In verband met de suborbitale lancering van een Iraanse “space tyg”.
The Times of Israel: Iran hails successful launch of test ‘tug,’ capable of changing satellites’ orbit.
The Washington Post: Iran says it launched test 'tug' into suborbital space.
ISS – Gaat Tom Cruise dan toch filmen in de ruimte?
Fox News: Tom Cruise to reportedly lift off into space for new movie with ‘The Bourne Identity’ director.
MovieWeb: Tom Cruise Expected to Film Movie with NASA and Elon Musk’s SpaceX in Outer Space.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: SpaceX Crew Nears Launch as Station Research Under Way.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Explores Space Effects on Humans, Foams Before SpaceX Crew Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Awaits Arrival of SpaceX Crew-5 Members Today.
NASA ISS Blog: The Crew-5 Astronauts Dock to the Space Station.
NASA ISS Blog: The SpaceX Crew-5 Members Enter the Space Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Four New Members Get up to Speed With Station Life.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 30/09/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/10/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/10/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/10/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/10/2022.
Space Station Science Highlights: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of October 3, 2022.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Cosmonauts print Gagarin’s bust, structural elements aboard orbital outpost.
TASS: Russia may decide on prolongation of ISS project participation in 2023 — Roscosmos.
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 Astronauts to Discuss Mission, Splashdown.
NasaSpaceFlight: Expedition 68 underway as Crew-4 prepares to return home.
NASA: Space to Ground: Einstein's Happiest Thought: 10/07/2022.
ESA: Samantha Cristoforetti's second mission highlight | Minerva Mission.
ESA: Space workout routine with Samantha Cristoforetti.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Stunning photos taken by Chinese taikonauts from Tiangong space station.
SLS – Artemis 1 – Wachten op een nieuwe lanceerpoging.
NASA Artemis Blog: Teams Confirm No Damage to Flight Hardware, Focus on November for Launch.
NASA Artemis Blog: Inspections Underway for Rocket, Spacecraft Before Setting Launch Date.
ESA Moonlight.
ESA: Badri Younes from NASA speaks about ESA’s Moonlight initiative.
ESA: Wanted: firms to connect and guide Moon missions.
GPS World: ESA seeks companies to help guide Moon missio
Artemis – Meer nieuws.
Inside Outer Space: Reflections on Moon Base Designs.
Universe Today: NASA had Been Designing Lunar Bases for Decades Before Armstrong First Set Foot on the Moon.
SpaceX – Starship – Nieuwtjes uit Boca Chica & Florida.
Gizmodo: If SpaceX's Starship Goes Boom on the Launch Pad, NASA Has a Backup Plan.
NasaSpaceFlight: Amid Starship milestones, Booster 7 set to return for pre-launch testing.
Tesmanian: SpaceX has a Starbase Sea Turtle Patrol rescue team at Boca Chica Beach.
Lab Padre: SpaceX & Starbase Upgrades Continue Weekly Update - #30.
NasaSpaceFlight: Orbital Launch Mount Water Deluge System Tested | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 24 Moved From Suborbital Pad B | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Will Starship be the First Methane-Powered Rocket to Fly?
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship 24 Thermal Protection Tiles Repaired | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 7 Rolled Out for Launch (we hope) | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Another Starship Launch Tower in Florida Soon?
Het einde van India’s Mars Orbiter Mission.
Gizmodo: Bye MOM: India's Mars Orbiter Goes Silent After Running Out of Fuel.
The Register: India's Mars Orbiter Mission loses contact, burns all fuel, deemed 'non-recoverable'.
Space Daily: India loses contact with budget Mars orbiter after eight years.
CAPSTONE stilaan uit de problemen.
SpaceCom: NASA's tiny CAPSTONE probe still struggling en route to the moon.
Advanced Space: CAPSTONE Mission Operations Update: Initial Recovery Successful.
NASA: CAPSTONE Team Stops Spacecraft Spin, Clearing Hurdle to Recovery.
Space Policy Online: CAPSTONE back under control.
Space News: CAPSTONE attitude control restored.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SciShow Space (filmpje): The One-Second Success Story of Venera 7.
SpaceCom: Hurricane Ian's Florida destruction seen from space (satellite photos).
Space News: Next NOAA weather satellite launching just in time.
ESA: Satellites detect methane plume in Nord Stream leak.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3609-3611: Preparing to Make Our Mark!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3612: Ready for Number 36!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3613: Happy Drill Hole #36!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3614-3615: Chemin's Moment To Shine!
Space Explored: The curious case of Curiosity’s cracked wheels.
SpaceCom: Massive Mars dust storm threatens NASA's InSight lander.
Universe Today: Underground Liquid Water Detected on Mars? Maybe not.
Video From Space: Airbus testing Mars Sample Fetch Rover in quarry near London.
NASA Podcast: Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 94: Mars Sample Return.
SpaceCom: Juno photos reveal more stunning glimpses of Jupiter's ice-covered moon Europa.
Zenit: Ontstaansgeschiedenis van planetoïde Ryugu gereconstrueerd.
SpaceCom: DART impact gave asteroid Dimorphos a debris tail thousands of miles long (stunning photo).
BBC: Asteroid struck by Nasa probe leaves 10,000km trail.
NASA Goddard (filmpje): Hubble Views Aftermath of DART Impact.
SciNews (filmpje): DART impact observed by telescopes.
APOD: Expanding plume from DART’s impact.
NASA: NASA to Provide Update on DART, World’s First Planetary Defense Test.
Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws – QinetiQ Space Kruibeke verkocht aan Redwire.
QinetiQ: Delivering on our strategic ambition: Acquisition of Air Affairs and disposal of Space NV.
Redwire: Redwire Accelerates Profitable Growth with Acquisition of QinetiQ Space NV.
VRT NWS: Amerikaans bedrijf neemt QinetiQ Space uit Kruibeke over.
Spacewatch Global: Redwire acquires of QinetiQ’s Space NV business.
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