Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/45–625
Afgelopen week was een weekje met een Chinees tintje. Met naast twee “gewone” lanceringen ook het Chinese ruimtestation in een hoofdrol, met het vertrek van een bevoorradingsschip en de lancering en aankomst van een nieuwe Tianzhou. Trouwens, ook mooie beelden van dat Chinese ruimtestation. Maar het was ook een week met het zonnepaneel in de (iets minder positive) hoofdrol. Eén van de zonnepanelen van de Cygnus weigerde te openen. En ook de pas gelanceerde JPSS zat even te worstelen met één van zijn energieleveranciers. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Een zicht op het Chinese ruimtestation vanuit het vertrekkende bevoorradingsschip Tianzhou-4 – Foto: CCTV/CNSA
Chinese Lange Mars 3B/E lanceert Chinese communicatiesatelliet.
ECNS: China launches new communications satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches Zhongxing-19 mission from Xichang.
Spaceflight Now: China launches high-power Ka-band communications satellite.
CCTV: China Launches New Communications Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches ChinaSat-19 (ZhongXing-19).
ISS – Voorlaatste Antares lanceert NG-18, niet zonder problemen.
Collect Space: Northrop Grumman names cargo craft for first US woman in space.
Spaceflight Now: Northrop Grumman ready for space station resupply mission.
Spaceflight Now: Northrop Grumman’s ‘S.S. Sally Ride’ cargo ship launches on flight to space station.
NASA: NASA Science, Cargo Launches on Northrop Grumman Resupply Mission.
Space News: Antares launches Cygnus cargo mission to ISS.
NasaSpaceFlight: SS Sally Ride Cygnus launches to ISS on NG-18 mission.
NASA: Cygnus Deploys One of Two Solar Arrays.
SpaceCom: Cygnus cargo ship is trying to reach space station with only 1 solar array deployed.
Space News: Cygnus solar array fails to deploy.
NASA: Cutting-edge Experiments Ride SpaceX’s 26th CRS Mission to Space Station.
ISS National Lab: 3D Printer Capable of Printing Human Tissue Set to Launch to the ISS (met filmpje).
NanoRacks: NG18 – What’s on board.
Independant: Uganda, Zimbabwe satellite goes into space this weekend.
Eye Radio: Uganda to launch satellite to space on November 7.
PhysOrg: Zimbabwe launches first nano-satellite.
Voice of Nigeria: Two African Nations Launch Satellite Into Space.
Northrop Grumman: Meet NG-18: The S.S. Sally Ride.
NASA: SS Sally Ride Space Station Supply Mission NG-18 Prelaunch Briefing.
SciNews: Antares aborted launch with the NG-18 Cygnus.
NASA: Launch of SS Sally Ride Space Station Supply Mission CRS-18 (Official NASA Broadcast).
SciNews: NG-18 Antares launches S.S. Sally Ride Cygnus.
NASA: Science Launching on SpaceX's 26th Cargo Resupply Mission to the Space Station.
ISS – Cygnus NG-18 koppelt zonder problemen met ruimtestation.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman’s 18th Cygnus Cargo Resupply Spacecraft Arrives at International Space Station.
Space News: Cygnus arrives at space station despite solar array problem.
Spaceflight Now: Cygnus cargo ship arrive at space station after solar array trouble.
NASA: Expedition 68 Northrop Grumman Cygnus Cargo Craft Arrives at Space Station - Nov. 8, 2022.
NASA: Expedition 68 Northrop Grumman Cygnus Cargo Craft Secured to Space Station - Nov. 8, 2022.
SciNews: NG-18 S.S. Sally Ride Cygnus capture.
SciNews: NG-18 S.S. Sally Ride Cygnus berthing.
CSS – Tianzhou 4 maakt plaats voor volgende bevoorrading.
ECNS: China's Tianzhou-4 cargo spacecraft separates from space station combination.
CCTV: Tianzhou-4 Cargo Spacecraft Undocks from Space Station After Supply Delivery.
CGTN: Tianzhou-4 cargo spacecraft separates from space station combination.
SciNews: Tianzhou-4 undocking.
SciNews: China Space Station seen from Tianzhou-4.
Chinese Lange Mars 6 lanceert Yunhai-3, een remote sensing satelliet.
ECNS: China launches new environmental satellite.
SciNews: Long March-6A launches Yunhai-3.
CSS – Lange Mars 7 lanceert Tianzhou 5, welke na recordtijd koppelt met het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS (foto’s): China's Tianzhou-5 cargo craft transported to launch site.
ECNS: China prepares to launch Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft.
ECNS: China's cargo craft Tianzhou-5 ready for launch.
ECNS: China launches cargo craft Tianzhou-5 for space station supplies.
ECNS: China's cargo craft Tianzhou-5 docks with space station combination.
SpaceCom: China rolls out rocket for Tianzhou 5 cargo launch to space station (video).
SpaceCom: China launches Tianzhou 5 cargo mission to its Tiangong space station.
CCTV: Combination of Tianzhou-5 Cargo Craft, Carrier Rocket Transferred to Launch Area.
CGTN: China conducts final rehearsal before launching Tianzhou-5 cargo craft.
CCTV: Live: China's Cargo Craft Tianzhou-5 Launch.
New China TV: LIVE: China launches cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-5.
CCTV: China Launches Cargo Spacecraft Tianzhou-5.
New China TV: GLOBALink | Tianzhou-5 mission commander speaks about launch task.
CGTN: China's Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft docks with space station combination in record time.
CCTV: China's Cargo Spacecraft Tianzhou-5 Docks with Space Station Combination.
CCTV: China’s Tianzhou-5 Cargo Craft Carries More Goods with Better Space Usage: Designer.
SciNews: Long March-7 Y6 ready to launch Tianzhou-5.
SciNews: Tianzhou-5 launch.
SciNews: Tianzhou-5 docking.
SciNews: Tianzhou-5 - The Fastest Spacecraft to the China Space Station.
Atlas V lanceert JPSS-2 weersatelliet en reentry test LOFTID.
Zie NASA’s NOAA’s JPSS-2 blog.
NOAA’s JPSS-2 website vind je hier.
NASA’s LOFTID website vind je hier.
Spacepage: NASA gaat opblaasbaar hitteschild testen.
Space News: Atlas launch to test inflatable heat shield.
The Verge: Why NASA is launching a new polar satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: Atlas rocket bids farewell to California as ULA readies for Vulcan.
SpaceCom: Powerful JPSS-2 weather satellite launches with Mars heat shield test on final Atlas V flight from West Coast.
Space News: Atlas 5 launches weather satellite, reentry tech demo mission.
Space Policy Online: Joint NASA-ULA test of new heatshield goes even better than planned.
NasaSpaceFlight: Atlas rocket bids farewell to California as ULA readies for Vulcan.
NASA: NASA, ULA Successfully Launch Weather Satellite, Re-entry Tech Demo.
Space News: JPSS-2 deploys solar array after delay.
NASA: Science Briefing for NOAA’s JPSS-2 Satellite and NASA’s LOFTID Tech Demo.
NASA: The LOFTID Team: Greg Swanson.
NASA Edge: NASA EDGE: LIVE JPSS-2 Tower Rollback Show.
NASA: Launch of JPSS-2 Weather Satellite & LOFTID Mars Tech Demo (Official NASA Broadcast).
NASA: LOFTID Sixty-Second Science: Payloads.
SciNews: Atlas V launches JPSS-2 and LOFTID.
SciNews: JPSS-2 deployment.
SciNews: LOFTID deployment.
SciNews: LOFTID splashdown.
Na de storm lanceert SpaceX twee satellieten voor Intelsat.
SpaceCom: Subtropical Storm Nicole delays SpaceX launch to Saturday.
NasaSpaceFlight: Falcon 9 B1051 makes final flight on Galaxy-31 & 32 mission.
Florida Today: SpaceX launches pair of communications satellites.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches Falcon 9 booster into retirement on Intelsat mission.
SpaceX: Intelsat G-31/G-32 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches Intelsat G-31/G-32.
Amateurraket vliegt tot de (Amerikaanse) grens met de ruimte.
Kip Daugirdas: 56 Miles (90 km) Above Earth - Successful Amateur Rocket Launch.
Amerikaanse X-37B keert terug na recordvlucht.
US Space Force: X-37B orbital test vehicle concludes sixth successful mission.
Boeing: Boeing-Built X-37B Completes Sixth Mission, Sets New Endurance Record.
Inside Outer Space: U.S. Military Space Plane Touches Down in Florida – Record Setting Flight.
SpaceCom: US military's X-37B space plane lands, ending record-breaking mystery mission.
Space Policy Online: X-37B back home after record setting duration in orbit.
Spacepage: X-37B keert na 908 dagen terug naar de aarde.
Nog eens de reentry van de Lange Mars 5B. Brokstukken spoelen aan.
Voor meer details zie vorige NUDR.
Inquirer: Chinese rocket debris found in Palawan waters.
FNN: Suspected Chinese rocket debris found in Philippine waters.
Space News: China wants to ramp up the launch rate of its Long March 5B rocket.
SpaceCom: Should we really be worried about China's uncontrolled rocket booster reentries?
Space Thoughts: Episode 67: Long March 5B, Norms, Rules and Reality.
Iran test raket tijdens suborbitale vlucht – Ghaem 100.
Reuters: Iran says it tests satellite-carrying rocket, U.S. calls move 'destabilising'.
Euro News: Iran says it tests satellite-carrying rocket, U.S. calls move 'destabilising'.
Telegraph: Iran Revolutionary Guard launches rocket amid more protests.
The Times of Israel: Iran’s Revolutionary Guard launches new satellite-carrying rocket.
SpaceCom: Iran's Revolutionary Guard launches successful rocket test: report.
Een filmpje:
Tehrantimes: Iran Launches satellite carrier.
Nog dit:
The Space Review: Russia and Iran expand space cooperation.
Japan test eerste trap H III.
SciNews: JAXA H3 static fire test of the first stage.
India test cryogene motor, voor LVM3.
The Hindu: ISRO’s cryogenic engine, indigenously developed for LVM3, passes hot test.
Branson en een gerechtzaak – Bezos lanceert New Shepard volgend jaar weer na mislukte lancering.
Reuters: Richard Branson must face lawsuit in U.S. over Virgin Galactic space travel problems.
SpaceCom: Branson blues? Challenges face Virgin Galactic and Virgin Orbit.
Tech Going: Blue Origin expects to complete the investigation into the rocket launch accident in December.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Crewmates Train for Emergency and Await Cygnus Cargo Mission.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Crew Gears Up for Cargo Mission and Spacewalks.
NASA ISS Blog: Cygnus Deploys One of Two Solar Arrays.
NASA ISS Blog: Cygnus Prepares for Rendezvous with Space Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Cygnus Approaching Station Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Astronauts Command Robotic Arm to Capture Cygnus.
NASA ISS Blog: Cygnus Being Installed on Station Live on NASA TV
NASA ISS Blog: Ground Controllers Install Cygnus on Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Unpacking Science Gear, Spacewalk Hardware Shipped in Cygnus.
NASA ISS Blog: NASA, SpaceX Adjust Cargo Dragon Launch Date.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/11/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/11/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/11/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/11/2022.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
The Verge: How NASA is upgrading the International Space Station’s ancient power system.
SpaceCom: NASA astronaut votes from space bunk bed for Election Day 2022.
SpaceCom: Tropical Storm Nicole delays next SpaceX cargo launch to Nov. 21.
NasaSpaceFlight: Expedition 68 completes first full month with new crew and cargo.
NASA: Space to Ground: Spacewalk Season: 11/11/2022.
NASA: Expedition 68 - International Space Station Spacewalk Preview Briefing - Nov. 7, 2022.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
MINT: China to send monkey to its space station for testing reproduction in space.
New China TV: GLOBALink | Glass used on China's Mengtian lab module.
CGTN: How is China's Space Station powered?
China en de Maan – Nieuwe raketten.
ECNS: China to carry out manned lunar exploration.
CGTN (filmpje): Live: To the moon and beyond - a look at China's new-gen rockets.
SCMP: China successfully tests new engine for Long March 9 rocket (Hydrogen/Oxygen).
Space News: China scraps expendable Long March 9 rocket plan in favor of reusable version.
Gizmodo: China’s New Megarocket Design Shows NASA’s SLS Is Already Obsolete.
Ars Technica: China ditches expendable rocket plan for its Moon program.
Space News: China tests engines for moon mission rocket (RP1).
SCMP: Powerful Chinese space rocket engine passes ‘milestone’ test.
SpaceCom: China just test-fired the engine for its huge new moon and Mars rocket.
ECNS: Next-generation rocket for astronauts expected in 2027.
TMRO: TMRO’s Knock Off Starship: China's Knock Off Starship.
Space Daily: China completes test of vacuum liquid oxygen-methane rocket engine.
New China TV (filmpje): GLOBALink | China successfully tests liquid oxygen-methane rocket engine.
SLS – Artemis 1 – NASA trotseert storm en stelt lancering uit tot 16 november.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA monitoring Subtropical Storm Nicole, Space Launch System rocket and Orion to remain at Launch Pad 39B.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA Prepares Rocket, Spacecraft Ahead of Tropical Storm Nicole, Re-targets Launch.
NASA Artemis Blog: Teams Conduct Check-outs, Preparations Ahead of Next Artemis I Launch Attempt.
Florida Today: Fate of NASA's Artemis I launch uncertain as Tropical Storm Nicole churns in Atlantic.
Ars Technica: NASA will leave its $4.1 billion rocket outside as Nicole approaches Florida.
Space News: Tropical storm delays next Artemis 1 launch attempt.
Space Policy Online: Tropical storm Nicole forces another delay to Artemis 1 launch.
Ars Technica: NASA leaves its Artemis I rocket exposed to winds above design limits.
Florida Today: Hurricane Nicole brings powerful winds to NASA's exposed Artemis I rocket.
Spaceflight Now: NASA assesses moon rocket after a brush with Hurricane Nicole.
Space Policy Online: NASA upbeat about Artemis 1 after hurricane Nicole’s wrath.
Space News: NASA investigating “very minor” Artemis hurricane damage.
Space News: NASA moving ahead with Nov. 16 Artemis 1 launch attempt.
Ars Technica: NASA says its SLS rocket is good to go for a launch attempt next Wednesday.
Inside Outer Space: Artemis Delay: Storm Clouds Brewing Between NASA and AccuWeather? (Updated)
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 1 moon rocket boosters could expire in December, launch or not.
Mashable: NASA megarocket engineers are waiting to eat 50 gallons of beans.
Video From Space: Hurricane Nicole makes landfall in Florida in time-lapse from space.
NASA: Media Briefing: Artemis I Moon Mission Briefing (11.11.2022).
NASA: 50 States for Artemis – Episode 1.
NASA: 50 States for Artemis – Episode 2.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Breaking Defense: From ‘lunar intelligence’ to orbital waystations, the US needs to keep the moon on the mind.
Artemis/ESA: Moonlight Initiative.
ESA (filmpje): What is ESA’s Moonlight initiative?
SpaceX – Starship – Nieuwtjes uit Boca Chica & Florida.
Teslarati: SpaceX ships Starship’s 200th upgraded Raptor engine.
Teslarati: SpaceX shuffles Starships, gears up for more Super Heavy static fires.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s Gwynne Shotwell to oversee Starship program, Starbase facilities.
LabPadre: Starship 25 Performs At Starbase - Weekly Update #E35.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Conducts Long Duration Raptor Vacuum Firing.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 24 Destacked from Booster 7 for Static Fire | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starlink V2 Satellites Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Conducts Engine Testing with Super Heavy Booster 7.
NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 7 Multi-Engine Spin Prime Test | SpaceX Boca Chica.
CAPSTONE weldra in een HALO-baan om de Maan.
NASA: CAPSTONE Will Soon Meet the Crux of Its Deep Space Route to the Moon.
NASA – Houston we have a podcast: CAPSTONE.
NASA (filmpje): Does Anything Orbit the Moon? We Asked a NASA Technologist.
NASA gaat door met Lunar Trailblaer – ook al loopt de kost op.
Space News: NASA to continue Lunar Trailblazer despite cost overrun.
ESA: NASA laser reflector for ESA satnav on Lunar Pathfinder.
NASA gaat verder met Psyche ten koste van Venus-sonde VERITAS.
Zie ook vorige NUDR:
Space News: Psyche review finds institutional problems at JPL.
Space Policy Online: NASA keeps Psyche, but VERITAs pays the price.
The Register: NASA reassigns Venus boffins to save short-staffed asteroid interceptor.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
PhysOrg: Measuring sunlight from space, on a chip.
GPS World: Taiwan to launch GNSS-R weather satellite for typhoon prediction.
The Hindu: ISRO plans to return to Mars, explore dark side of moon with Japan.
Space News: The Oracle experiment led by AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate ( Vroeger was dit Cislunar Highway Patrol System – CHPS).
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3643-3645: Getting a Dog's Eye View of the Marker Band.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3646-3647: Look But Don't Touch.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3648-3649: Losing the Rhythm?
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3650-3652: Gediz Vallis Ridge Rising.
NASA: Perseverance Activities at Amalik Outcrop.
NASA Mars Helicopter: Flight 34 Preview – By the Numbers.
The Mars Society (filmpje): Dr. Jim Bell - Curiosity & Perseverance Update - 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention.
The Hindu: ISRO plans to return to Mars, explore dark side of moon with Japan.
NASA: NASA's MAVEN Observes Martian Light Show Caused by Major Solar Storm.
ESA: Mars Express sets data relay record.
PhysOrg: Mars: Could life itself have made the planet uninhabitable?
Mashable: Life below Martian surface is more plausible than ever, scientists find.
NASA Edu (filmpje): Learning Space With NASA - How We Use Coding to Explore Mars.
Nog dit: Duikers vinden groot brokstuk van de in 1986 ontplofte Challenger.
FNN: Section of destroyed shuttle Challenger found on ocean floor.
Popular Mechanics: Divers Discovered Space Shuttle Challenger Debris in the Bermuda Triangle.
NPR: Debris from Challenger space shuttle found off the coast of Florida.
Collect Space: History Channel team finds large piece of space shuttle Challenger
De Standaard: Duikers vinden per toeval groot wrakstuk van ontplofte Challenger op zeebodem.
VRTNWS: Duikers op zoek naar vliegtuig uit WOII stoten voor kust Florida op brokstuk van ruimteveer Challenger.
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