Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/52–632
SpaceX en China lanceerden elk tweemaal de voorbije week. Zij zorgden ook elk voor meer dan 60 lanceringen. Wat er voor zorgde dat qua lanceringen 2022 een recordjaar werd. Dat en nog een beetje meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
En uiteraard, bij deze, ook de allerbeste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar. Dat 2023 een fijn (ruimtevaart)jaar mag worden.
Bij de foto: De lancering van de laatste Falcon 9 van 2022, meteen ook de laatste van het jaar in het algemeen. Foto: SpaceX.
Chinese Lange Mars 4B brengt een Gaofen in baan om de Aarde.
ECNS: China launches new Earth observation satellite.
ECNS: China launches Gaofen 11-04 satellite (foto’s).
Forbes: China’s Space Rockets Fuel Danger In Philippines And Worldwide.
China Space Log: Gaofen-11 04 satellite launched by Long March-4B rocket.
SciNews: Long March-4B launches Gaofen-11 04.
SpaceX lanceert eerste Starlink-satellieten v/d volgende generatie.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX begins launching Starlink second generation constellation.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s first “next-gen” Starlink satellites are suspiciously familiar.
Teslarati: SpaceX aces 60th orbital launch of 2022.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 67 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 28 December 2022.
Laatste Chinese lancering van het jaar (met een Lange Mars 3B) brengt experimentele satelliet in baan om Aarde.
China Daily: China launches final rocket of the year.
Space News: China sends second Shiyan-10 test satellite sent into orbit with its final launch of 2022.
Palawan News: Debris from China rocket expected to fall near Palawan, PhilSA warns.
CCTV: China Launches New Experiment Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches Shiyan-10 02.
SpaceX met de laatste lancering in een recordjaar.
Space News: SpaceX completes record year with Israeli imaging satellite launch.
Tesmanian: SpaceX performs the most annual launches to date —61st mission of 2022 deploys Israeli satellite from California.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches EROS-C3 observation satellite from Vandenberg.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches Israeli reconnaissance satellite, lands rocket in final flight of 2022.
The Times of Israel: Israeli private satellite with state-of-the-art camera launched into orbit.
SpaceX: ISI EROS C-3 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches EROS C-3, Falcon 9 first stage landing and EROS C-3 separation.
ISS – Lek Soyuz.
TASS: Nature of particle that ruptured Soyuz spacecraft’s radiator still unclear — Roscosmos.
TASS: No final decision regarding fate of damaged Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft due December 27.
TASS: Soyuz MS-22 radiator ruptured because of external damage — Roscosmos working groups.
Space Policy Online: Soyuz MS-22 decision delayed to january.
Gizmodo: Fate of Russia’s Damaged Soyuz Spacecraft to Be Decided in January.
SpaceCom: NASA ponders SpaceX astronaut rescue as backup after Soyuz leak: report.
Tesmanian: NASA considers giving Russian cosmonauts a ride to Earth on SpaceX Dragon after Soyuz leaks coolant at the Space Station.
Space Policy Online: NASA assessing Crew Dragon’s ability to accommodate all seven ISS crew.
ISS – Crew 6 – Met ruimtevaarders uit de VS, Rusland en de VAE.
NASA Blog: NASA Invites Media to Next SpaceX Commercial Crew Space Station Launch.
Tesmanian: NASA assigns an International crew for SpaceX's Crew-6 mission to the Space Station, including a Russian & United Arab Emirates astronaut.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Crew Wraps Up a Busy Year as Soyuz Review Continues.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 20/12/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 21/12/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 22/12/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 23/12/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 27/12/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 28/12/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 29/12/2022.
Deze week geen Space Station Science Highlights:
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Extending ISS' lifespan requires coordination with all agencies — official.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts carry out year-end cleaning at ISS.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts 'deck the halls' of ISS under zero gravity.
TASS: ISS cosmonauts to watch Soviet film on New Year's Eve.
Space News: NASA made sole-source award for space station spacesuit.
US News: Crafting Meals for Astronauts: Healthy Dining in Outer Space.
NASA: Space to Ground: 2022.
NASA: Expedition 68 Astronaut Josh Cassada Talks with NPR’s Shortwave Podcast - Dec. 29, 2022.
Commerciële ruimtestatioins – Orbital Reef.
Spacepage: Commerciële ruimtestations: Orbital Reef.
REV1, een eerste onbemand “ruimtestation”?
Space News: Thales Alenia Space studying reusable spacecraft for in-orbit manufacturing.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
Global Times: China Space Station attracts more with true openness, technology advantages.
Inside Outer Space: China Space Station: New Phase of Operations.
CCTV: Shenzhou-15 Crew Conduct Blood Drawing, Test in Space.
HiChina: UN space office expects more int’l projects on China Space Station.
ILRS – China naar de Maan.
Tech Times: New Chinese Rocket May Be Able To Send People to the Moon in 2027.
Inside Outer Space: China Space Plans: Eyeing Crew Landing on the Moon.
Inside Outer Space: China, Russia Cooperation: Lunar Research Outpost.
Universe Today: China is Considering Where to Build a Lunar Research Station.
China Space Log: Chinese space plan in the next 10 years.(2022 – 2030).
Point or View: CHINA SPACE VISION: Ambitious China gearing up for race to the moon and beyond.
Artemis 1.
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I Orion Spacecraft Returns to Kennedy Space Center.
Artemis 1 – Cubesats.
Space News: Cubesat launched on Artemis 1 trying to fix propulsion system.
Artemis – Gateway.
NASA: A Powerhouse in Deep Space: Gateway’s Power and Propulsion Element.
Artemis – Naar de Maan.
Universe Today: We’re Going to see at Least Five More SLS Rockets Launch in the Coming Years.
Universe Today: Power on the Moon. What Will it Take to Survive the Lunar Night?
Universe Today: Want to Build Structures on the Moon? Just Blast the Regolith With Microwaves.
SpaceX – Starship – Nieuwtjes uit Boca Chica & Florida.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Raptor Vacuum RUDs During Test Fire.
Lab Padre: Final Starbase Update of 2022! - Starbase Weekly Update #42.
Eager Network: Starship Moonbase.
NasaSpaceFlight: Crazy Fast Gimbal Test of a SpaceX Raptor Engine.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: Scientists are finally peering inside the sun's middle corona.
Sky & Telescope: What is the sun made of ? New data deepens debate.
The Bendu Order: How Satellites Map Out Earth As It Rotates (filmpje).
SpaceRef: Orbital View Of Blizzard Conditions Across The Northeastern United States And Canada.
PhysOrg: Exotic clasts in Chang'e-5 samples indicate unexplored terrane on moon.
iSpace: HAKUTO-R Series 1 Lunar Lander Introduction (filmpje).
Mashable: The surprising reason a Mars rover just started dropping samples.
SpaceCom: Mars dust won't bury Perseverance rover's rock sample tubes on Martian surface.
Space Daily: MOXIE sets consecutive personal bests and Mars records for oxygen production.
Astrum: What Was NASA Shooting at on Mars? | Perseverance Part 5 (filmpje).
Inside Outer Space: Curiosity Mars Rover at 18 Miles+: Scenic Sites.
SpaceCom: Can we save Mars robots from death by dust?
NASA: Is There Life on Mars? We Asked a NASA Scientist (filmpje).
NASA: Juno Spacecraft Recovering Memory After 47th Flyby of Jupiter.
New Horizons:
Scientific American: NASA’s Pluto Spacecraft Begins New Mission at the Solar System’s Edge.
België en ruimtevaart.
De Standaard: Drie Belgische astronauten ontmoeten elkaar voor het eerst: ‘We gaan elkaar nog zien’.
KW.BE: Dirk Frimout samen met twee andere astronauten ontvangen door premier De Croo.
VKI heeft een nieuwe testkamer:
VKI: Dual-chamber for RArefied Gases and ON-ground testing (DRAG-ON).
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