Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2023/15–648
Het was misschien wat meer spannend dan bedoeld, het wachten op het eerste signaal van JUICE. Maar het kwam dan toch en de sonde lijkt veilig en weg aan zijn lange reis naar Jupiter begonnen. En maandag wordt het ook spannend. Want dan is er de langverwachte Integrated Flight Test. Of anders gezegd, de allereerste gecombineerde lancering van Super Heavy en Starship. Of zoals ze bij SpaceX zeggen: “Excitement Guaranteed”. Dat en nog veel meer in deze aflevering van Het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Nog dit: Er zullen massa’s livestreams zijn waar je de eerste lancering van Super Heavy en Starship kan zien. Ik vermeld er twee.
De eerste is de officiële van SpaceX, de tweede is diegene die ikzelf voor Volkssterrenwacht Urania verzorg :-)
Bij de foto: De voorlaatste Ariane V lanceert de eerste Europese sonde naar Jupiter. JUICE lijkt ondertussen veilig en wel op weg. Foto: ESA – S. Corvaja
De lancering van JUICE.
Arianespace: Launch Postponement.
Arianespace: Ariane 5 successfully launches the JUICE space probe for ESA.
ESA: ESA’s Juice lifts off on quest to discover secrets of Jupiter’s icy moons.
ESA: Juice gets wings.
De persmap voor VA260 vind je hier (PDF).
ESA’s JUICE Launch Kit vind je hier.
ESA’s JUICE website vind je hier.
De Belgische inbreng:
Antwerp Space: JUICE will communicate with Earth with Antwerp Space technology.
BIRA: JUICE: Onderzoeker van de ijsmanen van Jupiter.
Maar ook:
The Brussels Times: King Philippe travels to French Guiana for Jupiter satellite launch
SpaceCom: Why will it take Europe's JUICE spacecraft 8 years to get to Jupiter?
SpaceCom: Europe's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer is unlikely to find life. Here's why.
SpaceCom: Europe's JUICE mission has to squeeze into a 1-second launch window. Here's why.
ESA: Spotlight on Ganymede, Juice’s primary target.
ESA: Ariane 5 VA 260 with Juice - Integration and rollout timelapse.
Space News: Ariane 5 ready to launch ESA’s JUICE mission to Jupiter.
Spaceflight Now: Lightning threat delays launch of Europe’s first mission to Jupiter.
Space News: Ariane 5 launches ESA’s JUICE mission to Jupiter.
Collect Space: European Space Agency launches JUICE to study Jupiter's icy moons.
VRTNWS: Lancering van Europese ruimtesonde Juice 24 uur uitgesteld wegens risico op bliksem
VTM: Lancering van ruimtesonde 'JUICE' afgeblazen door weer.
VRTNWS: Tweede keer, goede keer: Europese ruimtesonde Juice is met succes gelanceerd naar Jupiter.
VRTNWS: Ganymedes, Europa en Callisto: welke mythologische figuren schuilen er achter de manen van Jupiter?
VRTNWS: Terzake – "We gaan voor allereerste keer kijken naar sporen van buitenaards leven." Waarom is Juice-missie zo belangrijk?
VRTNWS: Een van de belangrijkste missies van de ESA: de JUICE-ruimtesonde die Jupiter zal verkennen.
Arianespace: Flight VA260 – Destination Jupiter | JUICE | Ariane 5 Launch I Arianespace (poging 1).
ESA: Juice launch to Jupiter (poging 2).
SciNews: Ariane 5 aborted launch with the Juice spacecraft.
SciNews: Juice launch.
SciNews: Juice deployment.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: Lancering JUICE, een Europese sonde naar Jupiter [SCRUB].
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: Lancering JUICE (poging 2), een Europese sonde naar Jupiter.
SpaceX lanceert Transporter 7.
SBY: UPDATE: SpaceX postpones Falcon 9 rocket launch at Vandenberg Space Force Base.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 51 small satellites, lands rocket back on Earth.
SpaceX: SpaceX launches seventh Transporter rideshiare mission.
Air & Cosmos: A university nanosatellite on SpaceX's next shared mission.
Space Daily: Kenya to launch first operational satellite next week.
France24: Kenya to launch operational satellite TAIFA-1.
PhysOrg:Kenya deploys first earth observation satellite into space.
Space Daily: Exolaunch deploys 21 satellites on Transporter-7 rideshare mission
SpaceX: Transporter-7 Mission [SCRUB].
SpaceX: Transporter-7 Mission.
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch with Transporter-7.
SciNews: SpaceX Transporter-7 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
Falcon Heavy klaar voor lancering.
Spaceflight Now: Falcon Heavy test-fired at Kennedy Space Center.
Payload Now: SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Prepares for its First Fully Expendable Mission.
ULA – Vulcan – Ontploffing testexemplaar Centaur.
Ars Technica: New photo reveals extent of Centaur V anomaly explosion [Updated].
Beelden werden later via een tweet door de CEO of ULA Tony Bruno vrijgegeven. Je vindt ze hier.
Gizmodo: Debut Launch of ULA's Vulcan Rocket Likely in Jeopardy After Dramatic Explosion at Test Stand.
RocketLab verplaatst lancering van Wallops naar Nieuw-Zeeland.
NASA KSC Blog: Rocket Lab Updates Launch Location for NASA’s TROPICS Mission.
Space News: Rocket Lab shifts NASA cubesat launches from Virginia to New Zealand.
NZHerald: Rocket Lab shifts Nasa’s satellite launches from Virginia to New Zealand.
Een nieuw paar O3b mPOWER satellieten naar de lanceerbasis.
Boeing: Boeing Delivers Second Pair of O3b mPOWER Satellites to SES.
Space News: Next O3b mPower satellites en route to launchpad.
Virgin Orbit wil een snel einde.
Space News: Virgin Orbit seeking expedited bankruptcy sale.
Virgin Orbit (filmpje): Rocket 8 Newton-3 Engine Mate.
Relativity Space gaat voor Terran R.
Ars Technica: Relativity Space is moving on from the Terran 1 rocket to something much bigger.
SpaceCom: Relativity Space shelves Terran 1 rocket, focuses on bigger, reusable Terran R.
Relativity Space: Terran 1: Milestone Moments on the Way to Launch.
Na H-III mislukking dreigt vertraging voor Indische wetenschappelijke missies.
Spaceflight Now: Japanese space science missions facing delays after H3 rocket failure.
India en Gaganyaan.
The Times of India: Gaganyaan: Key tests of crew module propulsion, human-rated Vikas done.
TASS: Indian-Russian space cooperation as important as ever — first Indian cosmonaut.
Regelgeving rond (Amerikaanse) bemande commerciële ruimtevaart.
RAND: Assessing the Readiness for Human Commercial Spaceflight Safety Regulations.
De PDF vind je hier.
Payload: RAND Releases Human Spaceflight Regulation Report.
Parabolic Arc: U.S. Commercial Human Spaceflight Set to Accelerate as Regulatory Battle Looms.
ISS – Planning bemande missies en eerste modules commerciële uitbreiding ruimtestation.
NASA Commercial Crew: NASA Updates Commercial Crew Planning Manifest Through 2024
Space Policy Online: Axiom gets date for Ax-2, first Axiom Station Module on track for 2025.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Botany, Heart Research Ahead of Dragon Departure and Spacewalks.
NASA ISS Blog: Heart Studies Before Dragon Departs and Spacewalks Begin at Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Finishing Science, Packing Cargo Before Dragon Departure.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Prepping Cargo Dragon for Departure Ahead of Spacewalks.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Go for Earth Return as Heart Study, Spacewalk Preps Continue.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/04/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/04/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/04/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/04/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 13/04/2023.
Space Station Science Highlights: Space Station Science Highlights: Week of April 10, 2023.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts to conduct spacewalk on April 19 — Roscosmos.
TASS: CEO says Roscosmos in talks with several countries to fly their representatives to space.
TASS: Belarus’ first woman cosmonaut to come to Russia for training in late summer.
TASS: Government extends operation of ISS until 2028 — Roscosmos.
TASS: Russia goes into history books for 'unique' feature film in space — Putin.
TASS: Russia holds premiere of first-ever movie filmed in space.
TASS: Russian crew on ISS extends Cosmonautics Day greetings.
SpaceCom: Sultan Al Neyadi to perform 1st spacewalk by an Arab astronaut this month.
NASA: Space to Ground: Packing Up: April 14, 2023.
MBRSC: Astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi Participates in the MALETH Research Project.
NASA: Expedition 69 Astronaut Woody Hoburg Talks with Finding Mastery Podcast - April 11, 2023.
NASA: Expedition 69Astronaut Sultan Alneyadi Talks with United Arab Emirates Media April 11, 2023.
ROSS – Het Russische ruimtestation. Maanplannen.
TASS: Oryol air trials to be associated with Russian Orbital Station’s deployment — Roscosmos.
TASS: Putin sees future orbital station as Russia’s sovereign outpost in space.
TASS: Roscosmos chief says Putin gave the go-ahead to build Russian orbital station.
TASS: Russia to adjust Angara carrier rockets for deliveries of modules to new orbital outpost.
TASS: Three more launches due under Angara-A5 rocket test program.
TASS: Federal executive authorities study Moon program draft — Roscosmos chief.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: China space station achieves 100% regeneration of oxygen resources.
SpaceCom: China's Shenzhou 15 astronauts quietly conduct 3rd spacewalk (video).
Hi China: China's space station achieves 100% regeneration of oxygen resources.
CGTN: CGTN's exclusive interview with Taikonaut Ye Guangfu.
CGTN: Taikonaut Ye Guangfu recalls his first spacewalk.
CGTN: Inspiring young people's space dream.
SpaceX – Starship – De “Integrated” Flight Test - Maandag 17.04.2023.
Ars Technica: SpaceX’s Starship vehicle is ready to fly, just waiting for a launch license.
SpaceCom: SpaceX eyeing 3rd week of April for Starship orbital launch, Elon Musk says.
Tesmanian: SpaceX shares an Inspiring ‘Starship Mission to Mars’ video animation.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX readying Starship rocket for around-the-world test flight next week.
SpaceCom: Will SpaceX's Starship go orbital for the 1st time on April 17?
Tesmanian: SpaceX is preparing Starship for the first launch to orbit & back –‘Success is measured by how much we can learn’.
Spaceflight Now: Schedule for SpaceX’s Starship test flight hinges on FAA regulatory approval.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship ready for historic maiden flight, awaits FAA launch license.
Inside Outer Space: FAA Gives a Go to SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch.
Space News: FAA issues license for first Starship integrated test flight.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's 1st orbital Starship launch: How it will work.
SpaceCom: SpaceX will try to launch 1st Starship orbital flight on April 17.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RB51 - Starship Deel 1 – Starship en SuperHeavy.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RB52 - Starship Deel 2 – Starbase.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RB52 - RB53 - Starship Deel 3 – Raptor.
Lab Padre: Musk Announces that Starship is "Ready for Launch" - Starbase Weekly Update #57
NasaSpaceFlight: Is SpaceX Practicing Starship Burns for Orbital Test Flight?
SpaceX: Starship Mission to Mars.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX Destacks Starship 24 For Final Flight Preps.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX's Starship Launch: What to Expect from the Countdown.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship Status Update Ahead of First Full Stack Flight!
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 24 Destacked from Booster 7 for FTS Arming | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship Status Update Ahead of First Full Stack Flight!
What About It: Counting Down to History: SpaceX's Attempt at the First Starship Launch!
NasaSpaceFlight: A Practical Guide To Starbase | Things You Need To Know To See Starship Launch.
Your Space Journey: 7 Impressive Capabilities of SpaceX Starship that will Change Space Exploration Forever.
Simulatie – Wonen op Mars.
VRTNWS: BEKIJK - NASA geeft unieke inkijk in het huis waarin vier "valse astronauten" een jaar lang zullen leven zoals op Mars.
Houston Chronicle: See inside NASA's 'Mars' habitat, where four people will simulate life on the Red Planet for a year.
De Morgen: Wonen op Mars? In dit NASA-huis zullen vier mensen een jaar lang doen alsof.
De Standaard: In deze Nasa-woning gaan vier personen leven zoals op Mars.
Parabolic Arc: New Report Examines SpaceX Starship’s Revolutionary Potential.
TASS: US refrains from participation in joint space experiment SIRIUS-2023 with Russia.
JWST en Uranus.
ESA: Webb scores another ringed world with new image of Uranus.
ESA: Zoomed-in image of Uranus.
ESA: Wider view of the Uranian system.
SciNews: Uranus seen by JWST.
Japanse Hakaturi landt op 25 april op de Maan.
iSpace: ispace Completes Success 8 of the Mission 1 Milestones.
iSpace: ispace Announces Earliest Scheduled Lunar Landing Date for HAKUTO-R Mission 1.
SpaceCom: Private Japanese moon lander targeting April 25 for historic touchdown try.
Payload: ispace’s Shares Surge in Market Debut, Lunar Landing Date Set.
Space News: First ispace mission ready for lunar landing as company stock starts trading.
Satellite Pro ME: Emirati Rashid Rover to land on Moon on April 25.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Global Times: China to share data from its first comprehensive solar probe Kuafu-1.
ESA: 13 volcanoes seen from space
Cosmos Magazine: NOAA says methane is now over 2.5 times pre-industrial levels.
Space Daily: Chinese FY-3 satellites enrich global soil moisture dataset.
NOAA: NOAA looks to update weather satellite and ground systems.
TASS: Putin urges quick restart of domestic lunar missions.
NASA Curiosity Status Update: Sol 3796: Software Upgrade Complete!
NASA Curiosity Status Update: Sol 3797: Slip and Pivot.
NASA Curiosity Status Update: Sols 3798-3799: Digging in to the Details.
NASA: NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Gets a Major Software Upgrade.
Inside Outer Space: Curiosity Mars Rover: “Wheel-unfriendly Rocks”.
NASA: NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Completes 50th Flight.
NASA (filmpje): Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Celebrates 50 Flights.
Inside Outer Space: NASA Mars Helicopter: At 50 flights, Sky-high Future.
NASA: NASA to Convene Mars Sample Return Review.
SpaceCom: NASA sets sights on a next-generation Mars helicopter to return Red Planet samples.
Space News: ESCAPADE confident in planned 2024 New Glenn launch.
NASA: Juno Marks 50 Orbits Around Jupiter.
SpaceCom: Earth-observing satellite captures rare photos of Jupiter and its moons.
SETI Institute (filmpje): SETI Live - Dragonfly: Mission to Titan.
NASA: NASA’s Lucy Mission Snaps its First Views of Trojan Asteroid Targets.
SpaceRef: Psyche Missions Has An Updated Mission Plan.
Planetoïde 2019 VL5:
Gizmodo: China Will Smash a Spacecraft Into This Near-Earth Asteroid in Planetary Defense Test.
Space News: China to target asteroid 2019 VL5 for 2025 planetary defense test.
Space Policy Online: NASA envisions international fleet of Apophis reconnaissance spacecraft.
New Horizons:
Universe Today: NASA Plans Threaten the Future of New Horizons
Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Studenten van UCLouvain hielden hun “Mars”kamp in Utah, al voor de 10de keer. De website van het project vind je hier.
Dagverslagen vind je op hun facebookpagina. of hun linkedinpagina.
Raketnieuws - Amerika (maart/april 2023).
Space News: Startup The Spaceport Company developing sea-based launch pads.
Space News: ABL Space gets $60 million for responsive launch demonstrations.
Space Explored: Stoke Space reusable rocket design acquires funding from Bill Gates’ venture fund.
Raketnieuws - Europa (maart/april 2023).
European Spaceflight: ESA taps Astos to develop GNC tools for microlauncher startups.
European Spaceflight: ESA Opens New Boost! Call to Fund Space Transportation Services.
Space News: Avio secures Italian government funding for methane engine and small launch vehicle prototype.
European Spaceflight: Europe will Introduce a Reusable Launch Vehicle in the 2030s, says Arianespace CEO.
European Spaceflight: ESA is Preparing to Offer Contract Opportunities to Launch Startups.
Ruimtevaartnieuws - Rusland (maart/april 2023).
NasaSpaceFlight: Seized property at Baikonur threatens Soyuz-5 program.
TASS: Russia starts manufacturing its first Rokot-M carrier rocket — Khrunichev Center.
TASS: Russia creates converted ICBM rocket for launches from Vostochny, Plesetsk spaceports.
TASS: Russia speeds up work on commercial reusable rockets for orbiting satellites.
Ruimtevaartnieuws - China (maart/april 2023).
ECNS: China's inland space launch site advances commercial services.
ECNS: Test stand for high-thrust liquid rocket engines debugged;
SpaceCom: Chinese launch company tests vertical rocket landings with jet-powered prototype (video).
Nog wat filmpjes:
China Space Log: Long Lehao: The Long March Rocket and China Aerospace.
Dongfan Hour: China Wants to REUSE Old Rockets.
New China TV: Vertical recovery tests of launch vehicle successfully conducted in E China.
Ruimtevaartnieuws - Azië (maart/april 2023).
Parabolic Arc: South Korean Startup Launches Suborbital Rocket.
Space News: South Korea sets record space budget to bolster industry, develop new rocket.
The National Herald: S Korea to Conduct 1st Launch of Commercial-grade Satellite.
GasWorld: New 3D-Printed Indian rocket motor sets record.
The Times Of India:With war curbs on Russian engine exports, Moscow keen on selling its rocket engine RD-191 to India.
The Times of India:With PSLV-C55 mission, Isro uses new rocket integration technique to cut time.
Space News: South Korea’s KSLV-2 rocket set to launch May 24.
Raketnieuws – Algemeen.
Space News: Space industry deals with launch shortage.
a16z: Space Launch: Who, What, and Where We’re Going.
Om bij weg te dromen.
ESA: Going on a Moon safari.
De z/w versie van “Le Voyage dan la lune” van Georges Méliès vind je hier, een ingekleurde versie hier, een ingekleurde versie met de muziek van Air hier.
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