Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2023/22–651
Met Axiom 2, de lancering van Shenzhou 16 en de terugkeer van Shenzhou 15 zoog de bemande ruimtevaart heel wat aandacht naar zich toe, ook al door het record aantal mensen in een baan om de Aarde. Het stond in schril contrast met alweer uitstel voor de eerste bemande Starliner-lancering. En dat voor onbepaalde tijd. Uitstel is er ook voor Luna 25, de eerste (onbemande) maanvlucht van de Russen. Dat de Chinezen naar de Maan willen, is niet nieuw. Maar – zo vertelden ze deze week – ze gaan dat doen voor 2030. “Before the decade is out”. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: En …. touchdown. De bemanning van Shenzhou 15 is weer terug op Aarde na een verblijf van zes maanden in het Chinese ruimtestation. Foto CFTN
29.05.2023 – Shenzhou-16 – Bemanning voorgesteld – Aflossing van bemanning Shenzhou-15.
ECNS: Shenzhou XVI mission fully prepped, ready for launch.
ECNS: China to launch Shenzhou XVI manned spacecraft on Tuesday.
ECNS (foto’s): Three astronauts of Shenzhou-16 mission unveiled.
ECNS: China to send first civilian astronaut to space.
Filmpjes – Shenzhou 15.
CGTN: Shenzhou-15 crew makes history with six-month space journey.
CCTV: China Briefs on Final Missions of In-Orbit Shenzhou-15 Crew Before Rotation.
Filmpjes – Shenzhou 16.
CGTN: Live: Special coverage of press conference on launch of China's Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft.
CGTN: Live: Special coverage of China's Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft mission crew members meet the press.
CGTN: Live: Take a closer look at Shenzhou-16 manned space mission's launch site.
CCTV: China Completes Site Rehearsal for Imminent Launch of Shenzhou-16 Mission.
CCTV: China to Launch Shenzhou-16 Crewed Spaceship on May 30.
CGTN: China's Shenzhou-16 taikonauts meet press.
CCTV: China Briefs Media on Main Tasks of Shenzhou-16 Mission.
SciNews: Shenzhou-16 crew announced.
29.05.2023 – India lanceert nieuwe navigatiesatelliet.
ISRO: GSLV-F12/NVS-01 Mission.
Meer uitgebeide info over deze lancering vind je in deze brochure (PDF).
The Economic Times: ISRO begins countdown for launch of navigation satellite.
The Times Of India: Isro's GSLV-F12 successfully places navigation satellite NVS-01.
The Times Of India: NVS-01: India's Cutting-Edge Navigation Satellite.
NSF: India launches new-generation navigation satellite aboard GSLV.
ISRO: Launch of GSLV-F12/NVS-01 Mission (livestream).
SciNews: GSLV-F12 launches NVS-01.
SciNews: NVS-01 deployment.
30.05.2023 – Chinese LM 2F/G lanceert drie nieuwe bewoners aan boord van Shenzhou 16 naar het Chinese ruimtestation – CSS.
ECNS: Astronauts head to the rocket after send-off ceremony.
ECNS: China launches Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship.
ECNS: Highlights of Shenzhou-16 mission.
ECNS: Review of Shenzhou-16's development process in 60 seconds.
ECNS: Astronauts meet in Tiangong space station core module.
ECNS: Six taikonauts reunite in Tiangong space station.
NSF: China launches Shenzhou-16 mission to the Chinese Space Station.
Collect Space: China launches Shenzhou 16 on post-assembly space station mission.
Spaceflight Now: Chinese astronaut launch breaks record for most people in orbit.
Space News: Shenzhou-16 astronauts arrive at China’s space station.
Inside Outer Space: China Space Station: Changeout of Crew Begins.
CCTV: LIVE: Launch of China's Shenzhou-16 Manned Spacecraft.
CCTV: Shenzhou-16 Spacecraft's Three-Module Configuration Time-Tested, Proven Stable: Designers.
CCTV: Shenzhou-16 Astronauts Depart for Launch Area After See-Off Ceremony.
CCTV: Astronauts Board Spacecraft Ahead of Shenzhou-16 Launch.
CCTV: China Successfully Sends Shenzhou-16 Manned Spacecraft to Designated Orbit.
CCTV: China Launches Shenzhou-16 Manned Spaceship for 5-Month Space Station Tasks.
CCTV: Shenzhou-15 Crew Prepares for Handover, Return to Earth.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-16 Manned Spaceship Docks with Space Station Combination.
CCTV: Shenzhou-16 Crew Astronauts Enters Tiangong Space Station Hours After Launch.
New China TV: GLOBALink | Shenzhou-16 crew enter space station, complete handover in five days.
CGTN: Shenzhou-15 crew runs final drills, gets ready for homecoming.
SciNews: Shenzhou-16 launch.
SciNews: Shenzhou-16 docking.
SciNews: Shenzhou-16 hatch opening.
Record aantal mensen in baan om de Aarde.
SpaceCom: New record! 17 people are in Earth orbit at the same time right now.
Scott Manley: Record Number Of Humans In Space! - Deep Space Updates May 29th.
30.05.2023 – Noordkoreaanse lancering mislukt.
SatTrackCam: UPDATED : North Korea announces satellite launch for May 30 - June 10.
CNBC: North Korea says it will launch its first-ever military spy satellite to monitor U.S. drills.
AP News: See the images of North Korea’s launch pad activity as it prepares its first spy satellite.
The Japan Times: Japan issues destruction order after North Korea announces 'satellite' launch window.
The Defense Post: North Korea Confirms June Launch of Military Spy Satellite: KCNA.
Een filmpje:
Hindustan Times: Biden 'panics' as North Korea readies spy satellite to monitor U.S. military real-time | Details.
Maar de lancering mislukte.
Space News: North Korea’s spy satellite launch fails with second-stage malfunction.
Fox News: South Korea recovers piece from North Korea's failed spy satellite rocket launch: 'serious defects'.
SpaceCom: North Korea says its rocket launch failed, 1st spy satellite lost.
Spaceflight Now: North Korean launch attempt fails, days after South Korea’s successful space shot.
NSF: North Korea’s Chollima-1 rocket fails to reach orbit, debris recovered by South Korea.
AP: North Korea’s failed satellite launch triggers public confusion, security jitters in neighbors.
CBS News: North Korea condemns "gangster-like" reactions of U.S. to spy satellite launch.
The Korea Herald: N. Korean leader's sister slams UNSC meeting on space rocket launch.
31.05.2023 – SpaceX lanceert nieuwe batch Starlink-satellieten.
Ars Technica: The Falcon 9 may double the record for consecutive launch success tonight.
SpaeeX: SpaceX launches 52 Starlink satellites, lands rocket on ship at sea.
NSF: SpaceX opens launch of two Starlink missions.
Tesmanian: Veteran Falcon 9 rocket launches SpaceX Starlink fleet to expand Internet coverage.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 85 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 31 May 2023.
31.05.2023 – Suborbitale lancering Spaanse Miura 1 raket uitgesteld.
Space News: PLD Space prepares for suborbital test launch.
Gizmodo: Miura 1, the First Spanish Suborbital Rocket, Is Ready for Launch.
Reuters: Spain's PLD Space plans first rocket launch test on May 31.
NSF: PLD Space set to launch Spain’s first private rocket into space.
PhysOrg: High winds halt Spanish rocket launch.
31.05.2023 – Axiom 2 (Ax-2) missie keert terug van het ISS en eindigt met een splashdown.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Astronauts Splash Down, Completing Second Private Mission to ISS.
Space News: Second Axiom Space private astronaut mission concludes with splashdown.
Space Policy Online: Axiom 2 home safe and sound.
NSF: Axiom 2 astronauts return from the ISS with successful splashdown.
Spaceflight Now: Private astronauts splash down to close out 9-day commercial research mission.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | John Shoffner & Rathmore National School.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | John Shoffner & Odyssey Scholarship Program.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | John Shoffner & MIT HUMANS.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | Science Briefing.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission Update | May 24.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission Update | May 26.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission Update | May 27.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission Update | May 28.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission Update | May 29.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | Farewell Ceremony.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | Hatch Close.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | Undocking.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission | Return.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Post-Return Crew Press Conference.
Axiom Space: Ax-2 Mission Highlight.
SciNews: Ax-2 Crew Dragon hatch closure.
SciNews: Ax-2 Crew Dragon undocking.
SciNews: Ax-2 Mission | Splashdown.
SciNews: Ax-2 Crew Dragon recovery operations and astronauts egress.
03.06.2023 – Shenzhou 15 weer terug op Aarde.
Inside Outer Space: China Station Crew: Return to Earth.
Space Policy Online: Shenzhou-15 lands, completing China’s first space station crew rotation.
CCTV: Dongfeng Landing Site Ready for Shenzhou-15 Crew's Return from Space.
CCTV: China's Shenzhou-15 Crew Complete Handover, Prepare for Return to Earth.
CGTN: China's Shenzhou-15 crew to return to Earth on June 4.
CCTV: Shenzhou-15 to Bring Three Bags of Biological Samples Back to Earth.
GTN: Shenzhou-15 crew makes history with six month space journey.
CCTV: LIVE: China's Shenzhou-15 astronauts return to Earth
CGTN: Live: Special coverage of China's Shenzhou-15 crew's return to Earth
CGTN: Shenzhou-15 manned spaceship successfully lands in N China
CGTN: Chinese astronaut Deng Qingming out of re-entry capsule
CGTN: Chinese astronaut Zhang Lu out of re-entry capsule
CGTN: Chinese astronaut Fei Junlong out of re-entry capsule
SciNews: Shenzhou-15 undocking.
SciNews: Shenzhou-15 landing
SciNews: Shenzhou-15 astronauts egress
ULA en Vulcan maken zich klaar voor belangrijke test.
Spaceflight Now: ULA delays Vulcan test-firing to troubleshoot engine ignition system.
The Spaceport Company wil lanceren vanop de zee.
Space News: The Spaceport Company demonstrates offshore launch operations.
SpaceCom: A spaceport startup launched the 1st rocket from a floating launch pad in US waters.
Parabolic Arc: The Spaceport Company Demonstrates Launches From Floating Platform.
Eerste lancering Ariane 6 in 2024.
NSF: Ariane 6’s first flight likely to slip into 2024.
ESA: Ariane 6 joint update report, 12 May 2023.
Europa en raketten.
European Spaceflight: ESA Awards Contracts to Define Future European Launch Systems.
Space News: Construction starts on Orbex Scottish launch site.
RoomEU: Construction begins at UK mainland's first vertical launch spaceport.
Via Satellite: Melissa Quinn Explains Her Spaceport Cornwall Departure, Next Steps for Spaceport
Satellite Pro ME: Arianespace to launch Kompsat-6 with Vega C for KARI.
Zweedse suborbitale raket komt per ongeluk neer in Noorwegen.
De berichten dateren al van eind april.
VRTNWS: Zweedse raket komt per ongeluk neer in Noorwegen, en dat veroorzaakt ergernis in buurland.
Politico: Swedish space rocket crash lands in Norway, sparking Nordic spat.
SpaceX neemt ULA-lanceerpad over op Vandenberg Space Force Base.
De berichten dateren al van eind april.
Space News: SpaceX to take over West Coast launch pad previously used by ULA.
Teslarati: SpaceX to take over Space Launch Complex 6 at Vandenberg Space Force Base.
Parabolic Arc: SpaceX to Lease Slick Six Launch Pad at Vandenberg.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX SLC-6 takeover to mark a new chapter for a famous pad.
Virgin Galactic / Virgin Orbit.
CNBC: Investing in Space: Virgin Galactic still has a big hurdle to clear for commercial service.
RoomEU: Virgin Orbit cuts its losses and ceases operations.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Orbit Spent More Than a Billion to Make Millions.
ISS – Uitstel voor Starliner. Opnieuw.
Space News: NASA and Boeing say preparations continue for July Starliner test flight.
SpaceCom: Boeing faces 'emerging issues' ahead of Starliner capsule's 1st crewed flight in July, NASA says.
Tesmanian: NASA delays Boeing Starliner first crew mission again over issues, SpaceX is currently sole U.S. launch provider for Astronaut flights to the Space Station.
NASA: NASA, Boeing Adjust Starliner Crew Flight Test Date.
Space News: Parachute and wiring issues to delay Starliner crewed test flight.
Space Policy Online: Boeing indefinitely delays Starliner Crew Flight Test as new problems emerge.
Ars Technica: To keep Starliner flying, Boeing must make some hard choices.
NASA: NASA and Boeing Crew Flight Test Media Update (June 1, 2023).
Dream Chaser stapje dichter bij eerste vlucht.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser® Spaceplane Comes to Life.
Space Policy Online: Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser getting closer to first flight..
Space News: Dream Chaser moves a step closer to first launch.
Gizmodo: We’ve Got Power: Dream Chaser Spaceplane Aces Critical Test as Epic Maiden Mission Draws Near.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space Conducts First-Ever Dream Chaser Astronaut Training for the Upcoming Crew-7 Mission to the ISS.
India werkt nog steeds aan eerste bemande vlucht.
The SiaSat Daily: ISRO to test in July crew safety system of Gaganyaan project rocket.
The Hindu: Parachutes for re-entry capsule of Mission Gaganyaan shipped from Agra.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-2 Astronauts Ending Station Mission Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-2 Astronauts Enter Dragon Freedom, Close Hatch.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-2 Astronauts Undock from Station Inside Dragon Freedom.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Crew Focuses on Spacewalks, Cargo Mission After Ax-2.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Counts Down to Launch Ahead of Spacewalks.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalk Preps, Science Work as Dragon Counts Down to Launch.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 26/05/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 29/05/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 30/05/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 31/05/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/06/2023.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of May 29, 2023.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Roscosmos approves membership of ISS Expeditions 70/71.
TASS: Belarus’ first woman cosmonaut to join expedition to ISS.
TASS: Roscosmos’ Kononenko has chance to break record for most days spent in space.
TASS: Belarusian female astronaut to go ISS in March 2024 — Roscosmos.
TASS: Russia’s cosmonauts Kononenko, Chub complete training course at NASA — Roscosmos.
TASS: Russian government approves Roscosmos-NASA negotiations on integrated flights.
Satellite Pro ME: Sultan Al Neyadi marks three-month tenure aboard ISS
NASA: Space to Ground: Storm Watch: June 2, 2023.
NASA: Space Station astronaut discusses life in space with students in Washington D.C..
NASA: Expedition 69 International Space Station Spacewalk Preview News Conference - June 1, 2023.
NASA: Astronauts to conduct spacewalks for additional solar array installations (animation).
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
Zie eerder in deze NUDR de verslaggeving rond Shenzhou 15 en Shenzhou 16.
SPJ: Design and Application Prospect of China’s Tiangong Space Station.
CGTN: China makes progress in in-orbit tests on human embryonic stem cells.
ILRS – China naar de Maan: Bemande landing voor 2030.
ECNS: China to land astronauts on the moon before 2030.
Space News: China sets sights on crewed lunar landing before 2030.
Inside Outer Space: China Starts “Landing Phase” of Placing Astronauts on Moon Before 2030 – New Launch Site, Booster, Lunar Lander in the Works.
PhysOrg: China's 'space dream': A Long March to the Moon and beyond.
De Morgen: China wil voor 2030 mens op de maan zetten en is hard op weg grootste ruimtemacht te worden.
The China Project: China’s first civilian in space, and maybe a man on the Moon.
CGTN: China plans to perform crewed lunar landing before 2030.
CCTV: China to Complete First Crewed Lunar Landing Before 2030: Official.
New China TV: GLOBALink | China to realize manned lunar landing by 2030.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Deze hoorde in vorige NUDR thuis, het bericht dateert van eind april.
Payload: Nelson ‘Fairly Confident’ In Lunar Surface Mission Timeline.
Space News: NASA inspector general faults agency on SLS booster and engine overruns.
SciNews (filmpje): SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 1 June 2023.
ESA: European Service Module-2 on the move.
ESA: Trial by sound (ESM 2).
ESA: Orion European Service Module-4 logo.
NASA: NASA Welcomes Spain as 25th Artemis Accords Signatory.
Space News: Spain signs Artemis Accords.
GovconWire: NASA Opens Competition for Lunar Terrain Vehicle Service Contracting Effort.
Universe Today: How Much Damage Will Lunar Landings Do to Lunar Orbiters.
SPJ: Overview of the Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization Techniques for Future Lunar Missions.
AstroBlogs: Nieuw maanreferentiesysteem ontworpen om GPS op de maan mogelijk te maken.
Starship – Een terugblik op de eerste lancering.
NSF: Ship 25 confirmed as push for summer replay of Starship test flight.
The Street: Elon Musk Announces Major Update About SpaceX.
Tesmanian: Spectacular views of Starship flight released by SpaceX, Chief Engineer Elon Musk sets deadline for launchpad upgrades [VIDEO].
Tesmanian: SpaceX equipped Starship with Starlink antenna during first fully-integrated test flight, paving the way for Interplanetary Internet.
Parabolic Arc: Ron DeSantis Signs Florida Law Limiting Liability of SpaceX, Others for Space Crew Deaths.
Payload: Florida Limits Spaceflight Liabilities to Attract Launch Businesses.
LabPadre: SpaceX Continues Rebuilding Starbase at Breakneck Speeds - Starbase Weekly Update #64.
NSF: Next Starship Launch Pair Picked + Starbase Flyover | Starbase Update.
NSF: Starship Launch Pad Foundation Upgraded | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Everyday Astronaut: Starship vs N1... Is Starship doomed to repeat history?
NSF: How Do They Do It? - Building SpaceX's Starship Super Heavy.
NSF: Building SpaceX's Starship Super Heavy One Ring At A Time.
Lancering Russische Luna-25 uitgesteld.
TASS: Russia’s first lunar mission postponed until August — Roscosmos
Inside Outer Space: Russia’s Restart of Lunar Exploration Slips Again.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
SpaceCom: New technique could probe the heart of powerful solar storms.
ESA: Accelerating the Green Transition.
EUSPA: How EU Space supports Europe’s environmental policies.
Airbus (filmpje): SPOT satellite with its 1.5m resolution.
Spaceflight Now: South Korean orbiter returning spectacular views of lunar landscapes.
NASA: VIPER Team Mimics Moon's Surface.
NASA: Engineers Test VIPER’s Very Nimble Gimbal.£
The Hindu: Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft reaches launch port ahead of next month’s launch .
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3841-3844: Feeling the Churn.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3845-3847: 30 Kilometers and Counting!
KBIRA: ExoMars missie ontdekt dat ongewone koolstofbalans op Mars verklaard wordt door zonlicht.
ESA: Tune in for first Mars livestream.
ESA (filmpje): First livestream from the Red Planet.
ESA: 20 years and counting: Mars Express in numbers.
ESA: 20 years of Mars Express: Mars as never seen before.
ESA: Mars Express milestones: two-year mission enters third decade.
SpaceCom: Mars helicopter Ingenuity went silent for 6 'agonizing' days in April.
Inside Outer Space: What’s Up with the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter?
SpaceCom: UAE to land a probe on an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter in 2034.
SpaceRef: Touring Through the Asteroid Belt: United Arab Emirates Unveils Bold Mission.
Extra jaren voor Hubble? Chandra? Nieuw leven voor Spitzer?
Space News: Astroscale and Momentus offer concept for reboosting Hubble.
MSN: Private servicing mission could extend life of NASA's Chandra space telescope.
Ars Technica: A private company has an audacious plan to rescue NASA’s last “Great Observatory”.
Viasat neemt Inmarsat over. Eutelsat en OneWeb samen.
Space News: UK unconditionally approves Viasat’s Inmarsat takeover.
European Spaceflight: Viasat Clears Latest Hurdle in Bid to Buy Inmarsat.
GovCon Wire: Viasat-Inmarsat Deal Clears Final Regulatory Hurdle.
Space News: Satellite operators Viasat and Inmarsat complete merger deal.
Space News: Eutelsat eager for OneWeb uplift as broadcast sales plummet.
Space News: Telesat eyes 2026 for first Lightspeed launches amid funding delays.
Space News: Telesat orders prototype satellite to continue LEO broadband tests.
Satellite Evolution Group: Telesat selects Space Flight Laboratory to manufacture LEO 3 demonstration satellite.
SES: European Space and Telecoms Players Sign Partnership Agreement to Bid for IRIS² Constellation.
Thales: European Space and Telecoms players Sign Partnership agreement to bid vor IRIS2 constellation.
Spacepage: IRIS2: de nieuwe veilige satellietconstellatie van de EU.
NSR: The rise of constellations: Managing the price impact.
Via Satellite: How to Break the Global Launch Bottleneck
Momentus, Astra, Terran Orbital … ze hebben allemaal (dringend) geld nodig.
Space News: Astra, Momentus face cash crunch.
Parabolic Arc: Space SPAC Index – Doubts About Survival of Astra and Momentus.
Parabolic Arc: Momentus Space – Success in Space Not Reflected on Balance Sheet.
Space Daily: Momentus' pioneering propulsion system completes initial tests in space.
Space News: Momentus tug raises orbit with water-fueled thruster.
Payload: Momentus Cash Dwindles Further in Q1 Results.
Payload: Astra Reports Q1 2023 Results.
Parabolic Arc: Astra Space Reports Zero Revenue as Cash Reserves Dwindle.
Space Explored: Astra gains Space Force launch award for upcoming Rocket 4 vehicle.
Space News: Ursa Major to supply upper-stage engine for Astra’s new rocket.
Space News: Astra, Exotrail win satellite propulsion orders.
SpaceRef: Terran Orbital Receives Milestone Payment for 300 Spacecraft, $2.4 Billion Contract with Rivada Space Networks.
Market Watch: Terran Orbital Shares Rise 10% After Milestone Payment for Satellite Contract.
Payload: Terran Orbital Reports Q1 Results.
Parabolic Arc: Terran Orbital First Quarter Revenue Soars as Company Trims Net Loss.
Parabolic Arc: Space SPAC Index – Terran Orbital Stock Double Downgraded.
Satellite Servicing.
Via Satellite: Space Safety Coalition Releases Updated Guidelines for In-Orbit Operations.
NASA: NASA Creates In-Space Servicing, Assembly, Manufacturing Consortium.
Intelsat: Intelsat to extend life of satellite with new Mission Extension Pod.
Space News: Orbit Fab selects Impulse Space’s orbital vehicle for in-space refueling demo.
Space Ref: Intuitive Machines Bolsters Orbital Services Business Line With $719 Million NASA Award.
Space News: Lockheed Martin declares success demonstrating tech for in-orbit satellite servicing.
Breaking Defense: Lockheed Martin demos on-orbit maneuvering for AFRL, with sat servicing in mind.
Via Satellite: Lockheed Martin Successfully Maneuvers Two Cubesats for On-Orbit Service Demo.
SpaceCom: Private 'Jackal' inspector satellites to get 1st in-space test this year.
Space News: LeoLabs highlights on-orbit maneuvers.
Interesting Engineering: Rise of Skynet? AI takes control of a Chinese satellite for 24 hours.
Gizmodo: Chinese Satellite Goes on Inexplicable Sightseeing Tour After Researchers Put AI in Control.
Payload: Training the Next Generation of Space Diplomats
Via Satellite: US State Department Releases its First Strategic Framework for Space Diplomacy
Om af te ronden: Over UAP’s (vroeger ook UFO’s genoemd).
UAP staat voor Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.
NASA: Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study.
NASA: NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Study Frequently Asked Questions.
NASA Video: UAP Independent Study Event.
SpaceCom: UFOs will remain mysterious without better data, NASA study team says.
SpaceCom: UFOs worth investigating despite lack of 'real evidence,' former astronaut Scott Kelly says.
Universe Today: UFO Panelists Say NASA Needs Better Data — and Help From AI.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,