Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2023/26–655
Voor de Europese ruimtevaart was de lancering van EUCLID ongetwijfeld een hoogtepunt, ook al was die lancering met een Falcon 9. Minder positief was het bijkomende uitstel voor Vega C. Qua lanceercapaciteit gaat het voor Europa echt niet goed. Het blijft ook nog wel effe wachten op een nieuwe Starship-lancering, maar het toestel blijft wel onverminderd in de belangstelling. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: Om 17u12 vertrok op 1 juli de Europese EUCLID in de richting van L2, en dat met behulp van een Falcon 9.. Foto: ESA - S.Corvaja
27.06.2023 – Soyuz 2.1b lanceert Meteor M Nr 2-3 en 42 kleine satellietjes, ook uit het buitenland.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying Meteor-M satellite to be launched from Vostochny spaceport.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying Meteor-M 2-3 satellite launched from Vostochny Cosmodrome.
TASS: First Chechen satellite Akhmat-1 successfully launched into orbit.
Ars Technica: Trend or aberration? Russia is launching foreign satellites again.
Roscosmos: Live verslag lancering.
Roscosmos:Technische uitzending lancering.
SciNews: Soyuz-2.1b launches Meteor-M No. 2-3 and 42 small satellites.
29.06.2023 – Virgin Galactic vliegt voor het eerst met klanten.
Space News: Virgin Galactic sets date and announces crew for first commercial SpaceShipTwo flight.
Ars Technica: Branson’s Virgin Galactic to fly its first customers to space today.
Space News: Virgin Galactic completes first commercial SpaceShipTwo suborbital flight.
Space News: SpaceShipTwo to demonstrate research capabilities on first commercial flight.
Space Policy Online: Virgin Galactic scores success with first commercial spaceflight.
Spacepage: Virgin Galactic voert eerste commerciële ruimtevlucht uit.
VRT NWS: Eerste commerciële vlucht van Virgin Galactic bereikt rand van de ruimte met drie Italianen.
SpaceCom: How many people can fly on Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo space plane?
Seeking Alpha: Why did Vrigin Galactic stock rocket today? Investors see upside with commercial flights beginning.
Parabolic Arc: Biz Briefs: Virgin Galactic Raising Another $700 Million.
Insider: Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic is under fire for offering $450,000 commercial space flights just a week after the Titan submersible tragedy.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic’s Spaceship Soars, Stock Sinks.
Fox Business: Virgin Galactic stock sinks after successful spaceflight.
Virgin Galatic: WATCH LIVE: Galactic 01 Spaceflight.
Virgin Galatic: Virgin Galactic: Meet the Galactic 01 Crew.
Virgin Galactic: Galactic 01: Curiosity.
NSF: Virgin Galactic 01 mission - First Commercial Crew Mission.
SciNews: Galactic 01 - Virgin Galactic’s first commercial spaceflight.
En ook dit:
Aviation Week: Podcast: How To Regulate Commercial Human Spaceflight.
Virgin Galactic – Een terugblik op de eerste vlucht van SpaceShipOne.
Parabolic Arc: A Look Back at SpaceShipOne’s Inspirational First Flight to Space.
Collect Space: SpaceShipOne pilot's M&M's, other mementos go on museum display.
Spaceport America heeft nood aan herstellingen.
Source NM: New building, future roof concerns and repairs at Spaceport board meeting.
01.07.2023 – SpaceX lanceert Euclid-telescoop voor ESA.
ESA: Euclid electromagnetic compatibility tests successful.
ESA: Smooth sailing, Euclid.
ESA: Euclid fuelled for launch.
ESA: Euclid meets Falcon 9 adaptor.
ESA: Last glimpse of Euclid on Earth.
ESA: Mission control is GO for Euclid launch.
ESA: What’s the (dark) matter with Euclid?
SpaceCom: James Webb Space Telescope will help Euclid spacecraft investigate dark energy and dark matter.
ESA: Euclid encapsulated in Falcon 9 fairing.
ESA: Euclid in fairing transported to launch complex.
Space News: SpaceX to launch European astronomy mission.
ESA: ESA’s Euclid lifts off on quest to unravel the cosmic mystery of dark matter and dark energy.
NSF: SpaceX launches ESA’s Euclid Telescope to explore the dark universe.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches European ‘dark energy telescope’ to help unravel cosmology’s biggest mysteries.
VRT: Europese ruimtetelescoop Euclid gelanceerd om twee van de grootste mysteries in het heelal te ontrafelen.
ESA: ESA's Euclid op weg om het kosmische mysterie van donkere materie en donkere energie te ontrafelen.
ESA: Euclid launch kit.
Belgische inbreng:
Redwire: Redwire Providing Critical Hardware for European Space Telescope Set to Launch and Explore Dark Matter Across the Galaxies.
Redwire: Redwire Technology Enables Euclid to Explore the Dark Universe.
The Brussels Times: European Satellite Euclid launches on mission to "revolutionise galactic mapping".
Uit oktober 2021:
ESA: Euclid Telescope completes space test in Belgium.
ESA: Euclid animation – from all sides.
ESA: Euclid spacecraft from all sides – starry background.
ESA: A closer look at the Euclid satellite.
ESA: Euclid’s launch to L2.
ESA: Euclid: preparing for launch.
ESA: Science with Euclid.
ESA: Euclid: ESA’s mission into the unknown.
Airbus Defence and Space: Euclid dark matter mission demystified!
ESA: Euclid: Ready for launch.
ESA: Euclid | Journey to darkness.
SpaceX: ESA Euclid Mission (lancering).
NSF: SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Euclid Telescope.
SciNews: ESA Euclid launch.
SciNews: ESA Euclid deployment.
Vega C ‘Return To Flight’ loopt vertraging op door problemen bij test Zefiro 40.
Avio: Zefiro 40 firing test preliminary outcome.
Space News: Vega C suffers setback in return to flight effort.
European Spaceflight: Vega C Return to Flight Delayed After Z40 Test Failure.
Een Ariane VI op het lanceerpad.
Zie ook vorige NUDR.
Twee filmpjes:
ESA: Ariane 6: mobile gantry removal test.
ESA: Ariane 6 progress toward inaugural flight: ArianeGroup, Les Mureaux, France.
En nog wat verder kijken:
European Spaceflight: European Sovereignty in Space: What’s Next After Ariane 6?
Nog een (suborbitale) raket in Europa: De Poolse Perun.
European Spaceflight: SpaceForest Launch Test Flight of Suborbital Perun Vehicle.
Een foto van de klaarstaande Perun vind je in dit twitterbericht van SpaceForest.
Meer info (in het Pools) over de raket en deze lancering vind je in dit filmpje.
Beelden van de lancering vind je in deze tweet.
Eerstvolgende poging lancering Miura 1 uitgesteld tot na de zomer (wegens de droogte).
Space News: PLD Space postpones first launch to September.
PhysOrg: Spain delays rocket launch until Sept over wildfire risk.
De plannen van Sierra Space met Dream Chaser.
Space News: Sierra Space describes long-term plans for Dream Chaser and inflatable modules.
HIII – Passagiers voor volgende poging gekend, een datum nog niet.
The Japan News: JAXA’s Next H3 Rocket to Carry 2 Microsatellites.
Firefly gaat lanceren voor Lockheed Martin– En wat ouder nieuws.
Firefly Aerospace: Firefly Aerospace Signs Agreement with Lockheed Martin for Alpha Launch Services.
Space News: Firefly to launch Lockheed Martin small-satellite experiment.
Meer info over Firefly o.a. in dit filmpje.
Firefly Aerospace: Firefly Aerospace Announces Strategic Acquisition of Spaceflight Inc. to Bolster On-Orbit Services.
Space News: With a new medium rocket, Firefly plans to compete for national security launches.
Space News: Firefly Aerospace acquires Spaceflight Inc.
Satellite Pro ME: Firefly Aerospace acquires Spaceflight to bolster on-orbit services.
Via Satellite: Firefly Aerospace to Acquire Spaceflight, Will Discontinue its Rideshare Business.
ISS – Cargo Dragon CRS-28 keert terug naar Aarde.
UPI: SpaceX Dragon to return to Earth with experiments, samples from ISS.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Dragon CRS-28 undocks from Space Station, Initiates 22-hour journey to Earth loaded with 3,600 pounds of cargo.
ISS National Lab: Dragon Returns to Earth with Valuable Research in Tow.
SciNews: SpaceX CRS-28 Dragon undocking.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Week Starts With Multitude of Space Science Activities.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Packing Dragon for Undocking on Thursday.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Go For Undocking as Crew Finalizes Cargo Loading.
NASA ISS Blog: SpaceX Dragon Cargo Spacecraft Departing Station Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: SpaceX Dragon Cargo Spacecraft Departs from Station.
NASA ISS Blog: SpaceX Dragon Cargo Splashes Down, Returning Science to Earth..
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 23/06/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 26/06/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 27/06/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 28/06/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 29/06/2023.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of June 26, 2023.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Redwire: Redwire Announces Follow-On Contract to Develop Additional Roll-Out Solar Arrays for the International Space Station.
Space News: NASA to add fourth pair of roll-out arrays to ISS.
SpaceCom: UAE astronaut spies Mecca from space station during Hajj (photo).
Universe Today: Good News! Astronauts are Drinking Almost all of Their Own Urine.
SpaceCom: What will astronauts on deep space missions eat? 'Neurogastronomy' may have the answer.
ISS National Lab – Upward: Going Cool to Go Green: Studying Cool Flames in Space to Improve Engine Efficiency.
ISS National Lab – Upward: Heating Things Up in Microgravity: Experiments in Space Answer Burning Questions About Fire Behavior.
ISS National Lab – Upward: Stem Cells and Space: What Microgravity Can Teach Us About the Human Heart.
NASA: Space to Ground: Making a Splash: June 30, 2023.
NASA: Expedition 69 Space Station Crew Talks with WBTS-TV Boston, AccuWeather June 29, 2023.
NASA: Expedition 69 SpaceX Dragon CRS-28 Cargo Ship Departs International Space Station June 29, 2023.
Commerciële ruimtestations – Orbital Reef.
Hte Times Of India: Blue Origin keen on using LVM3 for commercial space activities.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CCTV: Shenzhou-16 Crew Completes Cytological Sample Recovery, Test on Breathing Apparatus.
CGTN: China Space Station complex to adopt new configurations: agency.
CHAPEA – NASA start één jaar durende Marssimulatie hier op Aarde.
CHAPEA staat voor Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog.
Collect Space: NASA analog astronauts 'depart' for year inside mock Mars base.
CNN: Mars on Earth: NASA researchers will spend a year living in a simulated habitat.
Wat voorafging:
NASA: NASA is Recruiting for Yearlong Simulated Mars Mission.
NASA: Yearlong Mars Analog Crew to Conduct Simulated Traverses, Robotics Operations.
NASA: NASA Invites Media to See Mars Habitat Before Crew Enters for One Year.
NASA: NASA Selects Participants for One-Year Mars Analog Mission.
Website: Chapea.
Website: Chapea Mission 1.
SpaceCom: Mars on Earth: What months of simulated astronaut missions taught this scientist.
NASA: CHAPEA Mission 1 Crew Ingress.
NASA – Houston, we have a podcast: A Year on Mars.
Belgen op Mars (in Utah).
Voor de elfde keer gingen studenten van de UCLouvain tijdens de eerste twee weken van april naar het MDRS van de Mars Scoiety.
Zie de website voor de bemanning en de experimenten
Op hun facebookpagina meer foto’s en filmpjes.
Artemis 2.
NASA: Orion Heat Shield Installed for NASA’s Artemis II Mission.
NASA (foto): Artemis II Heat Shield Installed.
Florida Today: NASA Artemis II Astronaut Training Begins.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
IEEE Spectrum: How to build a power grid on the moon.
SpaceCom: Moonquake-hunting 'SPIDER' probes could detect lunar temblors on NASA Artemis missions.
Gizmodo: NASA Wants to Mine Resources From the Moon by 2032.
Reuters: NASA sees moon lunar mining trial within the next decade.
Ook bij ESA zijn ze op zoek naar applicaties rond het maangebeuren.
ESA: Lunar Economy Applications (oproep)
ESA: Identifying Challenges along the Lunar ISRU Value Chain.
ESA: Gravity goes lunar: putting LESA (Lunar Equipment Support Assembly) to the test.
Zie ook ESA’s Moonlight initiatief.
Universe Today: Extending Earth's Internet to Mars With Orbital Data Servers.
Starship – In afwachting van de tweede testvlucht (met B9 en S25).
Space News: SpaceX changing Starship stage separation ahead of next launch.
Spaceflight Now: Musk outlines major upgrades for Starship rocket.
Tesmanian: SpaceX's $3 Billion Starship Investment: Elon Musk highlights overhauls & projects 60% chance of reaching orbit on 2nd launch attempt.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX conducts six-engine test fire as it gears up for second Starship flight.
Tesmanian: SpaceX performs static-fire test of Starship SN25 Raptors –'Key milestone completed for flight 2,' says Elon Musk.
Teslarati: SpaceX resumes static fire testing at Starbase.
WAI: SpaceX is ramping up for Starship Launch No. 2!
Lab Padre: SpaceX Finally Races Forward With Mega Bay 2 Assembly - Starbase Weekly Update #68.
NSF: Starbase Update: Hot Staging Starship, Boosters A Plenty & The Mega Bay Rises.
NSF: Starship 25 Six Engine Static Fire Test - SpaceX Boca Chica.
Lab Padre: SpaceX Conducts Nominal 6 Engine Static Fire of Starship 25!
WAI: SpaceX's Radical Starship Design Change: Hot Staging Confirmed!
WAI: How SpaceX is making Starships even MORE capable!
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
JHU APL (filmpje): Parker Solar Probe Completes 16th Science Encounter.
Universe Today: The Clouds of Venus Could Support Life.
ESA: Aeolus begins its journey home.
PhysOrg: Animation shows what the world would look like if you could see carbon dioxide emissions
Groundstation: Horizon Europe: Unlocking Space Data for EU’s Mission to Restore Our Ocean and Waters.
SpaceCom: Smoke from Canadian wildfires chokes US Midwest, reaches Europe (satellite photos).
The Hindu: Chandrayaan-3 | Lander Vikram, rover Pragyan to return for another tryst with the moon.
The Hindu: Chandrayaan-3 launch scheduled for July 13.
NASA: NASA’s Moon Rover Prototype Conquers Steep, Scary Lander Exit Test (VIPER).
NASA Curiosity Status Update: Sols 3871-3872: Back on Track.
NASA Curiosity Status Update: Sols 3873-3875: Up! Up! And Finally... Over!
Inside Outer Space: Out of Thin Air, Mars Oxygen: MOXIE Sets Record Output.
NASA (filmpje): Meet the Mars Samples: Montdenier and Montagnac (Samples 2 and 3).
NASA: NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Phones Home.
SpaceCom: Mars helicopter Ingenuity phones home, breaking 63-day silence.
Universe Today: Germany is Building a Tiny Rover That Will Roam the Surface of Phobos.
SciTechDaily: Perseverance Rover’s Quest: Uncovering Mars’ Magnetic Secrets Through Record-Keeping Rocks.
MSR – Mars Sample Return:
Space News: NASA identifies potential major cost growth in Mars Sample Return.
The Planetary Society: What’s going on with Mars Sample Return?
Astrum (filmpje): What Does 5 Tonnes of TNT Do to a Comet? | Deep Impact and Stardust.
Space News: China conducts parachute tests for asteroid sample return mission.
NASA (filmpje): Is NASA Mining Asteroids? We Asked a NASA Expert.
Asteroid Day:
The Planetary Society (filmpje): Protecting Earth from Dangerous Asteroids.
JH APL: #AsteroidDay #AskAnExpert: Why is planetary defense important? #JHUAPL #SHORTS
Bekijk ook de webstie voor Asteroid Day.
NASA (filmpje): ‘Asteroid City’ Cast Asks NASA About OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Mission.
Maar ook:
TASS: US may be creating asteroid weapons under guise of planetary protection, says expert.
OSIRIS-REx en Bennu:
NASA: NASA Offers Media Interviews in Utah on Asteroid Sample Return.
PhysOrg: The long history and bright future of space sample deliveries.
Didymos en Dimorphos:
ESA: Imagine walking on Hera’s asteroid.
ESA: Hera Propulsion Module leak test – time-lapse.
SpaceRef: Precision Deployer To Put Hera’s CubeSats Into Asteroid Orbit.
Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Altijd interessant om te lezen, de nieuwsbrief van de Vlaamse Ruimtevaart Industrie (editie april/juni).
MOVIQ staat voor Mastering Onboard Vision Intelligence and Quality.
Flanders Space: First Space ICON project ‘MOVIQ’ has officially started!
Zie ook deze PDF.
Flanders Space: Sterke aanwezigheid op de lucht- en ruimtevaartbeurs Le Bourget.
Flanders Space: Innovatieve Starterssteun toegekend aan drie ruimtevaart start-ups.
En er is ook Belgische inbreng vanuit Kruibeke (Redwire) aan de Euclid-telescoop (zie hoger).
Geen geld voor ambitieus ruimtevaartprogramma Australië.
WION: Budget constraints force Australia to abandon billion-dollar space satellite programme.;au: Labor axes Morrison government's billion dollar Australian satellite program.
PhysOrg: Australia scraps billion-dollar satellite program.
Ook dat nog – Weldra een spaceport in Las Vegas?
Las Vegas Review Journal: The next frontier of tourism: Las Vegas Spaceport proposed west of city.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,