Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2023/34–663
De Russen waren nog niet bekomen van hun gecrashte Luna 25. Voor India was het tweede keer, goede keer. Met Chandrayaan 3 slaagden ze er dan toch in om veilig en wel hun lander op de Maan te zetten. Noord-Korea slaagde er dan weer niet in om hun spionagesatelliet gelanceerd te krijgen. En rond het ISS is het weer gezellig druk. Met een vertrekkend en een aankomend bevoorradingsschip. Alsook de pas gelanceerde Crew 7 bemanning. En in Boca Chica mocht Booster B9 nog eens zijn motoren ontsteken, gekroond met de Hot Staging Ring. Dat en – inderdaad – nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: De Pragyan rover op het oppervlak van de Maan. Foto: ISRO
Chandrayaan 3 – India landt als vierde land veilig en wel op de Maan, als eerste nabij de zuidpool.
The Times of India: Chandarayaan-3: Vikram landing set for 6.04pm August 23; Russia loses Luna-25.
The Times of India: 'Very complex manoeuvre': What former Isro chief said on Chandrayaan 3 Moon landing on August 23.
The Times of India: ‘Welcome, buddy!’: Chandrayaan-2 orbiter welcomes Chandrayaan-3 Lander Module.
The Times of India: Chandrayaan-3: Vikram sends pictures of Moon's far side, preparation on for landing on August 23.
SpaceCom: India's Chandrayaan-3 images far side of the moon ahead of Aug. 23 landing try (photos).
Ars Technica: After Russia’s failure, India is next in line to attempt a Moon landing.
ESA: India’s Chandrayaan-3 successfully lands on the Moon.
Space Policy Online: Modi – “India is on the Moon”.
Space News: Chandrayaan-3: India becomes fourth country to land on the moon.
CollectSpace: India on the moon! Chandrayaan-3 lands in lunar south pole region.
SpaceCom: See 1st photos of the moon's south pole by India's Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander.
Spaceflight Now: India’s Chandrayaan 3 makes successful lunar landing.
Spacepage: India landt als eerste land op de zuidpool van de maan!
De Tijd: India landt als eerste op zuidpool maan.
De Standaard: Maanmissie geslaagd voor India: Chandrayaan-3 landt op zuidpool maan.
De Morgen: Wereldprimeur voor India, dat als eerste landt op zuidpool van de maan.
VRTNWS: Missie geslaagd: India landt als eerste ooit onbemand ruimtetuig op de zuidpool van de maan.
VRTNWS: Na de landing van de Indische maanlander: waarom is het nog steeds zo moeilijk om te landen op de maan?
The Times of India: Successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 will launch India's nascen space industry to new heights.
CNA: Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft lands on moon in 'victory cry' of new India.
Space News: Chandrayaan-3 is a story of ISRO’s perseverance and triumph.
Payload: India’s Lunar Landing Sends its Space Stocks Soaring.
Rocket Women: The Rocket Women of Chandrayaan-3.
TASS: Roscosmos congratulates India on Chandrayaan-3’s successful lunar landing.
TASS: Putin congratulates India upon landing of Chandrayaan-3 probe on Moon.
TASS: India’s lunar probe landing proves Moon to be focus of global cosmonautics, says expert.
TASS: India's Pragyan rover hours away from Moon's surface.
CNA: Indian rover begins exploring Moon's south pole.
Inside Outer Space: India Moon Lander Rolls Out Rover, Bolstering “Elite Club” Country Status.
SpaceCom: India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover Pragyan rolls onto the lunar surface for 1st time.
PhysOrg: India's lunar rover comes down a ramp to the moon's surface and takes a walk.
SpaceCom: What's next for India's Chandrayaan-3 mission on the moon?
ISRO: Chandrayaan-3 Mission Soft-landing LIVE Telecast.
Volkssterrenwacht Urania: Landing Vikram (Chandrayaan 3) nabij de zuidpool v/d Maan.
SciNews: Chandrayaan-3 landing on the Moon.
SciNews: Chandrayaan-3 – first image from the lunar surface.
SciNews: Chandrayaan-3 landing - Onboard camera view.
Collect Space: India's Chandrayaan-3 landing on the moon (descent view).
SciNews: The Chandrayaan-3 lander observed by the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter.
collectSpace: India's Chandrayaan-3 rover deploy and first tracks.
SciNews: Chandrayaan-3 rover on the Moon.
ISRO Official: Chandrayaan-3 Addressing by Honorable Prime Minister-Live Event.
20.08.2023 – Chinese LM4C lanceert Gaofen-12 04.
China Daily: China launches Earth observation satellite.
ECNS: China launches Gaofen-12 04 Earth observation satellite (foto’s).
TASS: China launches Gaofen-12-04 remote sensing satellite.
CGTN: China launches new satellite for Earth observation.
SciNews: Long March-4C launches Gaofen-12 04.
21.08.2023 – ISS – Progress MS-22 vertrekt bij het ruimtestation.
TASS: Progress MS-22 to undock from ISS making way for new cargo spaceship.
TASS: Progress MS-22 departs from ISS to make way for new cargo spacecraft.
Roscosmos TV: Het vertrek van Progress MS-22.
SciNews: Progress MS-22 undocking and departure.
22.08.2023 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten (Vandenberg SFB).
Teslarati: SpaceX launches 100th dedicated Starlink mission.
Spaceflight Now: West Coast Falcon 9 launches SpaceX’s 100th Starlink mission.
SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 100 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 22 August 2023.
23.08.2023 – Russen lanceren ISS-bevoorradingsschip Progress MS-24 m.b.v. Soyuz 2.1a. ...
TASS: Soyuz rocket with Progress MS-24 cargo spacecraft installed on Baikonur’s launch pad.
TASS: Progress MS-24 cargo spaceship to head to International Space Station.
TASS: Soyuz-2.1a rocket carrying Progress MS-24 cargo ship blasts off from Baikonur spaceport.
TASS: Orbital outpost conducts maneuver to avoid collision with space debris — Roscosmos.
Spaceflight Now: Russia launches cargo ship to the International Space Station.
Roscosmos TV: Live uitzending lancering Progress MS-24.
Roscosmos TV: Technische uitzending lancering Progress MS-24.
NASA: Expedition 69 Progress 85 Cargo Ship Launch from Baikonur Cosmodrome - Aug. 22, 2023.
SciNews: Progress MS-24 launch.
23.08.2023 – Noord-Korea slaagt niet er niet in om met Chollima raket spionagesatelliet te lanceren.
SpaceCom: North Korea planning to launch a satellite this week amid military tensions.
NK News: North Korea will launch satellite between Aug. 24 and 31: Japan.
SatTrackCam Blog: A new North Korean satellite launch attempt upcoming [UPDATED].
The Asahi Shimbun: North Korea conducts rocket launch in likely 2nd attempt to put spy satellite into orbit.
Space News: North Korea’s spy satellite launch fails again.
CNN: North Korea says its spy satellite launch has failed, again.
Space Policy Online: Another North Korean Space Launch Fails.
SpaceCom: 0 for 2: North Korea suffers 2nd satellite launch failure this year.
TASS: North Korea launches rocket, presumably with its first reconnaissance satellite.
TASS: North Korea’s second satellite launch attempt failed — KCNA.
TASS: Fragments of North Korean rocket fall in Yellow, East China seas, Pacific Ocean.
TASS: North Korea to make another military satellite launch attempt in October.
Reuters: Why North Korea's satellite launches are so controversial.
25.08.2023 – ISS – … en Progress MS-24 koppelt de dag nadien met het ruimtestation.
TASS: Progress MS-24 spacecraft to dock with ISS.
TASS: Resupply vehicle docked with International Space Station.
NASA: Expedition 69 Progress 85 Cargo Ship Docks to Space Station - Aug. 24, 2023.
SciNews: Progress MS-24 docking.
24.08.2023 – Electron “We Love The Nightlife” lanceert Acadia 1 voor Capella Space.
Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab Announces Launch Window for Next Mission in Multi-Launch Contract for Capella Space.
Het begon met een abort waarbij de motoren ontstoken en meteen weer stilgelegd werden.
Spaceflight Now: Rocket Lab Electron aborts launch in final seconds.
Teslarati: Rocket Lab’s Electron faces rare last second abort.
Een persmap vind je hier (PDF).
Het duurde even maar dan ging de lancering toch door, met een verrassing.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Brings Forward Milestone Recovery Mission.
Space Ref: Rocket Lab Launches 40th Electron Mission, Successfully Flies Reused Engine.
Space News: Rocket Lab reuses engine on Electron launch.
Spaceflight Now: Mission Status Center: surprise switch to recoverable booster for 40th Electron mission.
Spaceflight Now: Electron rocket uses previously-flown engine for launch radar-imaging satellite.
Via Satellite: Rocket Lab Boosts Revenue 12% in Second Quarter of 2023.
Rocket Lab: SCRUBBED | Rocket Lab 'We Love The Nightlife' Launch.
SciNews: Electron aborted launch.
Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab 'We Love The Nightlife' Launch.
SciNews: Electron launches Acadia-1.
Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab | 40 Launches!
Meer nieuws over Neutron, de nieuwe raket voor Rocket Lab.
Ars Technica: Peter Beck pushes toward a Neutron debut in 2024, but acknowledges challenges
Teslarati: Rocket Lab’s Neutron undergoes design change.
Space News: Rocket Lab sees Virgin Orbit facility as “scaling enabler” for Neutron
Nog eentje van begin dit jaar.
Space News: Rocket Lab cautiously optimistic about Neutron’s future in national security launch.
25.08.2023 – Cornfield Chase – Chinese CERES lanceert aardobservatiesatelliet Jilin-1.
EnglishNews.CN: China's commercial CERES-1 Y8 rocket launches new satellite.
Mining: Launch of China's first mining satellite developed with XCMC.
CCTV: China's Commercial CERES-1 Y8 Rocket Launches New Satellite.
SciNews: Ceres-1 launches Jilin-1 Kuanfu-02A.
26.08.2023 – SpaceX lanceert Crew 7 naar het ISS.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, SpaceX Reset Crew-7 Launch to Friday, Aug. 25.
NASA CCP Blog: Crew-7 Starts Health Stabilization, Visits Dragon Ahead of Launch.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Astronauts Depart Houston for Florida.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Astronauts Touch Down at Florida Spaceport.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA SpaceX Crew-7 ‘Go’ for August 25 Launch.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Go for Launch to Space Station.
NASA CCP Blog: Weather Forecast at 90% ‘Go’ for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Launch.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Now Targeting Saturday, Aug. 26.
NASA CCP Blog: Crew-7 Targets Saturday Launch to Space Station.
NASA CCP Blog: Meet the Crew-7 Crew.
NASA CCP Blog: A Look at Key Milestones for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Mission.
NASA CCP Blog: Crew-7 Will Help Conduct Science and Research on Space Station.
NASA CCP Blog: Dragon Endurance Reaches Orbit, News Conference at 5 a.m. EDT.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Launches to International Space Station.
NASA: Crew-7 Members Arrive for Prelaunch Activities.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Crew-7 astronauts arrive in Florida ahead of Aug. 25 launch (photos, video).
ESA: Crew-7 launch rehearsal.
SpaceCom: SpaceX, NASA declare Crew-7 astronaut mission 'go' for launch.
SpaceCom: NASA clears Crew-7 mission for launch to the space station.
SpaceCom: SpaceX, NASA delay launch of Crew-7 astronauts to International Space Station.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Crew-7 astronauts will handle over 200 science experiments on ISS.
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Launches to International Space Station.
TASS: Crew Dragon spacecraft carrying Russian cosmonaut lifts off for ISS.
Collect Space: 'All-international' Crew-7 launch on SpaceX's 'Endurance' to station.
NASA – Houston we have a podcast Crew-7.
ESA: Getting Ready for Huginn.
Spaceflight Now: Watch live: SpaceX test fires Falcon 9 rocket for space station crew mission.
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Flight Readiness Review.
NASA: NASA's SpaceX Crew-7 Mission to the Space Station (Official Trailer).
Spaceflight Now; Crew arrives at NASA's Kennedy Space Center for SpaceX Dragon launch.
NASA: Crew-7 NASA Social Panel Live Stream event at Kennedy.
NASA KSC: Crew-7 Suit Up in Astronaut Crew Quarters.
NASA KSC: Crew-7: Walk Down Hallway in Astronaut Crew Quarters.
NASA KSC: Crew-7 Walkout from Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building.
NASA KSC: Crew-7: Crew Access Arm Retraction.
SpaceX: Crew-7 Mission | Launch.
SciNews: SpaceX Crew-7 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
NASA: NASA's SpaceX Crew-7 Postlaunch News Conference (Aug. 26, 2023).
Weldra testen met de MIRA Spaceplande Demonstrator (POLARIS Spaceplanes / Duitsland).
European Spaceflight: POLARIS to Begin Testing Fourth Spaceplane Demonstrator From September.
Over de problemen met Astra.
Ars Technica: Chris Kemp unplugged—Astra’s CEO dishes on the space company’s struggles.
Twee kandidaten voor privatisering Indische SSLV.
Reuters: Exclusive: L&T, HAL vetted to bid on India rocket privatisation, source says.
Polaris Dawn eerst in 2024 (?)
Space News: Polaris Dawn mission likely to slip to 2024.
Axiom 2 – Astronauten lanceren reeks filmpjes over het ISS en het leven in de ruimte.
SpaceCom: Private Ax-2 astronaut releasing free educational videos filmed in space on Aug. 28.
Klik hier voor de reeks filmpjes.
ISS – Bemanning Soyuz MS-24 ondergaat laatste training.
TASS: Kononenko to command Soyuz MS-24 to ISS as next TASS special reporter in mid-September.
TASS: Soyuz MS-24 crew cleared for Baikonur spaceport preparations for launch to orbital outpost.
NASA: Expedition 70 Space Station Crew Undergoes Final Training Outside Moscow.
NASA: Expedition 70 Astronaut Loral O’Hara Answers Media Questions Before Launch - Aug. 23, 2023.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Roscosmos Cargo Craft Departs Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Kicks Off Week Prepping for Cargo and Crew Missions.
NASA ISS Blog: Cargo Mission Launches Tonight, SpaceX Crew-7 Lifts Off Friday.
NASA ISS Blog: Resupply Cargo Craft Launching Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Progress Cargo Craft Successfully Launches to Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Cardiac, Digestion Research Ahead of Space Delivery and New Crew.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Preps for New Cargo, Crew and Avoids Space Debris.
NASA ISS Blog: Progress Cargo Craft Approaching Station Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Progress Cargo Craft Docks to Station Replenishing Crew.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Unloads New Cargo and Waits One Day for Next Crew.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 16/08/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 17/08/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 18/08/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 21/08/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 22/08/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 23/08/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 24/08/2023.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of August 18, 2023.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
SpaceCom: ISS fires thrusters to avoid oncoming space junk.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's Crew-6 astronauts readying to wrap up their record-breaking flight.
MSN: ‘He’s made a huge sacrifice’: US astronauts praise Frank Rubio for staying a year in space.
Sierra Space: Space Technology: Exploring Trash Compaction and Processing.
SpaceCom: Good news for astronauts: Fatty tissue helps replenish bone and red blood cells in space.
The Hill: NASA must de-orbit the Space Station and say ‘dasvidaniya’ to Russia.
Een boel filmpjes n.a.v. de 12de International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) vind je hier.
NASA: Space to Ground: A Raven's Flight: Aug. 25, 2023.
NASA: Expedition 69 NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 Talks with Media Before Station Departure - Aug. 23, 2023.
NASA: Space Station Crew Talks with United Arab Emirates Embassy Guests in Washington D.C.- Aug. 23, 2023.
Collect Space: Astronauts on ISS react to India's Chandrayaan-3 moon landing.
Commerciële ruimtestations.
Space News: Redwire and Sierra Space partner on commercial space station biotech research platform.
Space News: Axiom Space raises $350 million.
CNBC: Axiom Space raises $350 million from Saudi and Korean investors.
CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
China Services Info: Flagship Chinese space telescope to orbit with space station.
ECNS: China's space station hosts 110 science, technology projects.
CGTN: China's space station to carry out international payload experiments.
Space Ref: Overview Of China’s Tiangong Space Station.
Hi China: Chinese astronauts implement fluid mechanics experiments in space station.
CCTV: Shenzhou-16 Crew Reap Good Harvest in Space Planting Experiment.
Artemis 3.
SpaceCom: Artemis 3 rocket hardware arrives in Florida for crewed moon mission.
NSF: Final ICPS arrives in Florida for Artemis III SLS launch.
ExecutivGov: NASA Intros Geology Team for 1st Crewed Lunar Landing Mission.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Starship to Land Artemis III Astronauts on the Moon, NASA Selects Geology Team to Analyze Lunar Samples.
Artemis 4.
The Register: NASA still serious about astronauts living it up on Moon space station in 2028.
Artemis – Gateway.
NASA: A Gateway to the Moon.
ESA (filmpje): Delivering Esprit to Gateway.
ESA (filmpje): Orion and I-Hab.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
SpaceCom: DARPA wants to build a 'thriving commercial economy' on the moon in 10 years.
Breaking Defense: With India’s Moon triumph, lunar space race surges while UN struggles to set guardrails.
SpaceCom: Mars astronauts could make rocket fuel on the Red Planet someday. Here's how.
ILRS – China naar de Maan.
Inside Outer Space: Report: China’s Cislunar Ambitions – Political Impact.
Ars Technica: SpaceX completes successful hot fire test of its massive Starship rocket.
Space News: SpaceX test-fires booster for second Starship launch.
Starship – In afwachting van de tweede testvlucht (met B9 en S25).
Teslarati: SpaceX reveals Starship hot stage ring.
SpaceCom: SpaceX to launch next Starship test flight 'soon,' Elon Musk says.
NSF: Booster 9 conducts pre-flight static fire test.
NSF: Booster 9 Receives Its Hot Staging Ring | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: SpaceX Drops Bombshell Upgrade, and Starship Flight 2 Date Intention Revealed!
LabPadre: SpaceX's Bold New Booster Design Promises Exciting New Capabilities! - Starbase Weekly Update #76.
NSF: SpaceX Booster 9 Rollout to the Pad For Flight.
WAI: Why did SpaceX Decide to Risk It and Hot-Stage a Starship?
NSF: Is Starship's Orbital Launch Mount Ready? Plus New Aerial Images & Booster 9's Hot Staging Ring.
Engineering: SpaceX Starship's Booster 9 is finally out! Two changes SpaceX made to stop it exploding.
NSF: Booster 9 Rolled Out for Launch | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: SpaceX Booster 9 Lifted onto the Orbital Launch Mount.
NSF: SpaceX Booster 9 Raptor Engine Testing.
NSF: Starship's Powerhouse: How SpaceX Builds & Tests the Raptor Engine!
SpaceX: Starship Super Heavy Static Fire.
NSF: SpaceX Booster 9 Full Duration Static Fire.
NSF: Booster 9 Static Fires for the Second Time.
Luna 25 – Alle contact verloren met de sonde in een baan om de Maan.
TASS: Crashed Luna-25 lunar probe’s thrusters operated longer than required — Roscosmos chief.
TASS: Roscosmos chief highlights 50-year lunar mission break as major cause of Luna-25 crash.
TASS: Roscosmos chief announces plans to step up work on Luna-26, Luna-27 missions.
RT: Russia reveals reason for Moon crash
The Moscow Times: Russia's Luna-25 Probe Crashes on the Moon – Roscosmos.
EuroNews: Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashed into the Moon after spinning into uncontrolled orbit.
Space News: Luna-25 crashes into moon after orbit maneuver.
Reuters: Race for moon resources has begun, says Russia's space chief after failed lunar mission.
Ars Technica: The failure of Luna 25 cements Putin’s role as a disastrous space leader.
Inside Outer Space: Russia’s Moon Probe Failure: Why and What Next?
NSF: Looking past Luna 25’s lunar landing failure: what’s next?
SpaceCom: What does the Luna-25 moon lander crash mean for Russia's lunar exploration plans?
The Space Review: Despite the Luna-25 failure, Russia is not a declining space power.
Inside Outer Space: Russia Luna-25 Moon Crash: Investigation Underway.
In verband met het ILRS.
TASS: China to proceed with international space projects despite Luna-25 loss — Foreign Ministry.
De crash had zo zijn gevolgen:
Newsweek: Top Russian Rocket Scientist Hospitalized After Luna-25 Moon Mission Crash.
Scott Manley: Russia's Luna 25 Spacecraft Crashes Into Moon.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
ESA: Solar Orbiter discovers tiny jets that could power the solar wind.
SpaceCom: Solar Orbiter observes rapid, tiny jets on sun that may be the solar wind's power source.
ESA: Wildfires continue to rage in Greece.
ESA: Sensing city night heat from space.
SpaceCom: NASA's Lunar Trailblazer satellite is ready to hunt for water on the moon.
Cosmos Magazine: Chinese rover reveals structures under “dark side” of the Moon.
PhysOrg: Penetrating radar aboard the Chang'E-4 rover reveals layers of the moon's history.
NASA (filmpje): Where Are the Moon Rocks? We Asked a NASA Expert.
SpaceCom: China's Yutu 2 rover reveals deep layers below far side of the moon.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3923-3925: Approaching the Ridgetop – "Bermuda Triangle" Ahead.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3926-3927: Martian Tapas With a View.
Mashable: NASA films rare footage of its Mars helicopter flying and landing.
NASA: Flight 56 Preview – By the Numbers.
NASA (filmpje): Meet the Mars Samples: Melyn (Sample 19).
NASA: NASA, Partners Study Ancient Life in Australia to Inform Mars Search.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Falcon Heavy to Launch NASA's Europa Clipper Mission Toward Jupiter's Moon.
SpaceCom: Weird dark spot on Neptune may have a bright spot buddy.
SpaceCom: OSIRIS-REx science chief reveals NASA's 1st asteroid sampling mission nearly didn't make it (exclusive interview).
NASA: Psyche Comes Together.
NASA (filmpje): Behind the Spacecraft: Psyche – Journey to a Metal World (Teaser Trailer).
NASA (filmpje): Psyche Flight Systems Engineer Christina Hernandez – Behind the Spacecraft.
Dimorphos and Didymos:
ESA: Hera asteroid spacecraft assembled.
ESA: Mating Hera: two into one.
ESA (filmpje): Mating Hera: two become one.
New Horizons:
SpaceCom: NASA's New Horizons mission faces an uncertain future (op-ed).
Lockheed Martin en Northrop Grumman krijgen SDA-contract voor 72 satellieten.
Het gaat om de Tranche 2 Transport Layer
SDA: Space Development Agency Makes Awards to Build 72 Beta Variant Satellites for Tranche 2 Transport Layer.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Selected to Build Tranche 2 Transport Layer-Beta Data Transport Satellites.
Lokcheedd Martin: Lockheed Martin Selected To Deliver 36 Small Satellites To Advance Space Development Agency's Communications Network.
Space News: Space Development Agency awards contracts to Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman for 72 satellites.
Defense One: Lockheed, Northrop share $1.5B contract for new comms satellites.
Enkele eerdere berichten:
SDA: The Space Force Is Launching Its Own Swarm of Tiny Satellites.
Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin Successfully Completes Critical Design Review For Space Development Agency’s Tranche 1 Transport Layer Satellites.
GovConWire: SDA, Lockheed Conclude Critical Design Review of Tranche 1 Transport Layer.
Defense Scoop: SDA seeks bids for next tranche of satellites to provide global communications.
Nu problemen met een Inmarsat-satelliet.
Inmarsat: Viasat provides status of Inmarsat-6 F2.
Via Satellite: Inmarsat-6 F2 Satellite Suffers ‘Unprecedented’ Anomaly.
Space Ref: Viasat Provides Status of Inmarsat-6 F2.
Probleempje met JWST – MIRI.
SpaeCom: James Webb Space Telescope instrument experiences glitch — but observatory remains in 'good health'.
Ook dat nog – Alcohol in de ruimte.
Insider: Astronauts are banned from drinking alcohol at work, but this hasn't stopped them sneaking everything from communion wine to cognac into space.
Om af te ronden – De eerste Artemis-bomen.
Collect Space: NASA, Forest Service offer seedlings to grow Artemis 'moon trees'.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,