Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2023/48–676
Noord- en Zuid-Korea zetten hun onderlinge strijd verder in de ruimte. Beide hebben nu een eigen spionagesatelliet, al lanceerde Zuid-Korea de zijne met een Falcon 9. Ook nieuws over drie nieuwe raketten. Vulcan is nog steeds voor dit jaar. Ariane VI is mid volgend jaar. En New Glenn ... ergens in 2024 ? Er is ook nieuws over de terugkeer van Amerika naar de Maan. Die zal (wellicht) niet voor 2025 zijn. Men denkt zelfs eerder aan 2027. Als is dat ook geen verrassing. En de archieven van het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart zijn nog eens uitgekuist. Met allerlei raketgerelateerde raketnieuwtjes die de voorbije rmaanden om één of andere reden het niet gehaald hebben. Dat en dus nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: De foto toont één helft van de Vulcan-neuskegel welke op de eerste lancering zal gebruikt worden. De nuttige lading van die eerste Vulcan-lancering is de maanlander Peregrine van Astrobotic. Daarom dat bij de geplande lancering van 24 december er maar drie dagen zijn dat de lancering kan doorgaan (van 24 t.e.m. 26 december) zodat de lander onder de juiste omstandigheden op de Maan kan landen. Kan men de raket niet lanceren op één van die drie dagen, dan wordt alles uitgesteld tot in januari. Foto United Launch Alliance.
Nog eens de Noordkoreaanse lancering van 21.11.2023.
TASS: North Korean diplomat says launch of satellite was prompted by US actions.
CNA: North Korea defends satellite launch at UN as Kim takes images of White House.
Een CNA filmpje over dit thema vind je hier.
The Hill: North Korea says spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon.
NewsWeek: North Korea's New Satellite Spying on Pentagon, White House—Pyongyang.
Reuters: North Korea says interference in its satellites would be declaration of war.
TASS: North Korea to consider interference with its satellites as declaration of war.
25.11.2023 – Russische Soyuz 2.1b lanceert militaire satelliet (Kosmos 2572).
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying military satellite blasts off from Plesetsk spaceport.
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket delivers military satellite to orbit.
28.11.2023 – Falcon 9 lanceert nieuwe reeks Starlink-satellieten (CCSFS).
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 23 Starlink satellites from Cape Canaveral.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches another batch of Starlink satellites from Florida.
Teslarati: SpaceX resumes launches after Thanksgiving break.
SpaceX via Twitter (a.k.a. X): De lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 124 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 28 November 2023.
29.11.2023 – Progress MS-23 verlaat het ISS en verbrandt in de atmosfeer.
TASS: Progress MS-23 to undock from ISS, making room for new spacecraft.
TASS: Russia’s Progress MS-23 space freighter undocks from orbital outpost — Roscosmos.
TASS: TASS special reporter on ISS sheds light on disposal of space garbage.
TASS: Progress MS-23 cargo craft’s incombustible elements splash down in Pacific — Roscosmos.
SciNews: Progress MS-23 undocking and departure.
01.12.2023 – Russische Soyuz 2.1a lanceert bevoorradingsschip Progress MS-25 naar het ISS.
TASS: Russia’s Progress MS-25 resupply ship launches to space station.
Spaceflight Now: Russia launches space station cargo ship.
Roscosmos TV: Uitzending lancering Progress MS-25.
Roscosmos TV: Technische uitzending lancering Progress MS-25.
NASA: Expedition70 - Progress 86 Cargo Ship Launch from Baikonur.
SciNews: Progress MS-25 launch.
01.12.2023 – Falcon 9 lanceert o.a. verkenningssatelliet voor Zuid-Korea (425 Project Flight 1).
CNA: South Korea set to launch first spy satellite with SpaceX.
MilitaryCom: South Korea Delays Its Own Spy Satellite Liftoff, Days After North's Satellite Launch.
NHK: South Korea puts first spy satellite into orbit.
TASS: South Korea describes launch of its first reconnaissance satellite as success.
The Guardian: South Korea launches first military spy satellite, intensifying space race with Pyongyang.
CNN: SpaceX launches South Korea's first spy satellite.
Maar ook:
ESA: Ireland’s first satellite on its way to launch.
ESA: Watch live: Launch of EIRSAT-1.
ESA: EIRSAT-1 liftoff.
BBC: Ireland enters Space Age with student satellite.
Spacepage: Eerste Ierse satelliet gaat de ruimte in.
In totaal waren er aldus SpaceX 25 satellieten aan boord van de raket:
SpaceX: “On board this mission are a total of 25 spacecraft, including KOREA's 425, Space BD’s ISL48, SITAEL’s microHETSat, D-Orbit’s ION SCV Daring Diego, York Space Systems’ Bane, and PlanetIQ’s GNOMES-4”.
SpaceX via Twitter (X): Live verslag lancering.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches Korea 425 & Falcon 9 first stage landing.
ESA: Ad Astra: Launch of EIRSAT-1.
Explosie op Chinese lanceerbasis.
Space News: Satellite imagery reveals explosion at China’s Jiuquan spaceport (Gerelateeerd met Kuaizhou-1?).
Lancering X-37B met Falcon Heavy (USSF-52) uitgesteld van 7 naar 10 augustus.
SpaceCom: US Space Force postpones launch of secretive X-37B space plane to Dec. 10.
Return To Flight Electron (Rocketlab) op 13 december.
SpaceCom: Rocket Lab aims for Dec. 13 Electron launch, 1st since failure in September.
Teslarati: Rocket Lab prepares for return to flight with The Moon God Awakens mission.
Eerste Vulcan lancering nog steeds voor 24 december.
Space Explored: ULA stacks new Centaur V onto Vulcan booster for launch.
SpaceCom: See ULA assemble new Vulcan Centaur rocket for its 1st launch on Dec. 24.
SpaceCom: 1st Vulcan Centaur rocket will fly DNA samples of CEO, 'Star Trek' crew.
SpaceCom: 1st Vulcan Centaur rocket will fly DNA samples of CEO, 'Star Trek' crew.
Vulcan’s Centaur Upper Stage krijgt verbeterde RL10 vanaf 2025.£
Space News: New RL10 engine to be introduced on Vulcan in 2025.
Spaceflight Now: Aerojet Rocketdyne, ULA mark 60th anniversary of RL10 rocket engine.
Spaceflight Now: Aerojet Rocketdyne's RL10C-X rocket engine to debut in 2025 on ULA Vulcan rocket.
Eerste Ariane VI lancering ten vroegste half juni 2024.
Ariane Group: Ariane 6 joint update report, 30 November 2023.
ESA (filmpje): Ariane 6 media briefing – November 2023.
ESA (filmpje): Ariane 6 hot-fire timelapse.
ESA (filmpje): Ariane 6 launch animation.
Arianespace (filmpje): Inside Ariane 6 Launch Pad.
Space News: ESA sets mid-2024 date for first Ariane 6 launch.
Space Policy Online: ESA targets summer 2024 launch for first Ariane VI.
Spaceflight Now: ESA Director General: Ariane 6 aiming for summer 2024 debut.
ESA: Ariane 6 hot-fires: the highlights.
Eerste lancering New Glenn met een NASA Mars sonde (ESCAPADE).
Space News: NASA Mars smallsat mission to be on first New Glenn launch.
Ars Technica: NASA will launch a Mars mission on Blue Origin’s first New Glenn rocket.
Space Explored: NASA still hoping to launch Mars mission on first New Glenn rocket next year.
UniverseMag: SpaceX competitor: New rocket is noticed at Cape Canaveral.
NSF: Blue Origin nearing New Glenn milestones ahead of debut flight.
WAI: When Will Blue Origin's New Glenn Rocket Fianlly Launch?
Amazon bestelt dan toch raketten bij SpaceX voor de lancering van zijn Kuiper-satellieten.
Space News: Amazon adds Falcon 9 to multi-billion-dollar Project Kuiper launch campaign.
Teslarati: Amazon buys 3 launches with SpaceX for Project Kuiper.
Space Explored: Amazon is launching Kuiper satellites on its competitor’s rocket, but why?
Sierra Space – Shooting Star (vrachtmodule voor Dream Chaser) wordt getest.
NSF: How Sierra Space Protects America’s Next Space Plane, Dream Chaser.
Sierra Space: Shooting Star Cargo Module Arrives at NASA's Neil Armstrong Test Facility for Testing.
Axiom 3.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Mission | Science on the Mission.
En ook:
Satellite Pro ME: Saudi Space Agency and Axiom Space forge partnership.
Ruimtestations en verjaardagen – Spacelab en ISS.
SpaceCom: As the ISS turns 25, a look back at the space laboratory's legacy.
Aviation Week: Podcast: On Its 25th Birthday, Was The International Space Station Worth It?
NASA: Spacelab 1: A Model for International Cooperation.
NASA: 40 Years Ago: STS-9, the First Spacelab Science Mission.
ESA: Spacelab to Gateway: 40 years of modules for people in space.
NASA: 25 Years of the International Space Station.
NASA: ISS@25: Opportunities.
NASA: ISS@25: Unique Laboratory.
The Space Race: The Evolution of The Space Station! (Salyut to Tiangong).
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Works Advanced Physics, Biology Ahead of Cargo Missions.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Keeps Up Advanced Research Ahead of Cargo Mission Swap.
NASA ISS Blog: Aging, Human Research Studies Ahead of Next Cargo Mission.
NASA ISS Blog: Robotics, Physics, and Biology as Crew Awaits Next Cargo Mission.
NASA ISS Blog: Resupply Cargo Craft Launching Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Progress Launches, Cargo and Supplies Headed to Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Awaits Sunday Cargo Delivery, Works Bioprinting and DNA Extraction.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 22/11/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 24/11/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 27/11/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 28/11/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 29/11/2023.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 30/11/2023.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Irish News: Disabled astronaut's prosthetic leg tested amid poison fears for space station.
The Economic Times: ESA to test para-astronaut McFall's prosthetic leg for ‘space poisoning’ | All about it.
ESA: Biking in space.
ESA: Studying the brain.
NASA: Counteracting Bone and Muscle Loss in Microgravity.
NASA: Ham Radio in Space: Engaging with Students Worldwide for 40 Years.
Super Car Blondie:Astronaut Mark Vande Hei returned to earth a changed man after 355 days aboard the ISS.
NASA: Space to Ground: Hot News About Cold Atoms: Dec. 1, 2023.
NASA: Expedition 70 Astronaut Furukawa Talks with JAXA Space Education Center Students - Nov. 23, 2023.
NASA: Space Station Crew Talks with Fox Weather, WCBS Newsradio 880, New York.
ROSS – Het toekomstige Russische ruimtestation.
Space Voyaging: Ros Space Station: Progress Updates Are Necessary For Its Resupply.
TASS: Roscosmos chief says name for future orbital station may be chosen by Russians.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CGTN: In pictures: China debuts high-resolution images of China Space Station.
ECNS: Astronauts, experts praise contributions of SARs to nation's space programs.
ECNS: Delegation of China's manned space program meets press in Hong Kong.
Ars Technica: For the first time, we’re seeing views of China’s entire space station.
CGTN: China releases first image of its complete space station.
CGTN: Shenzhou-17 crew conduct multiple medical experiments in space.
CGTN: Shenzhou-16 spacecraft's return filmed by Shenzhou-17 crew.
HiChina: Shenzhou-17 crew's view of Shenzhou-16 returning to Earth.
CCTV+: Chinese Astronauts Start Visit to Hong Kong SAR.
CCTV+: Hong Kong Welcomes Chinese Astronauts with Musical Performances.
CCTV+: Exhibition on China's Manned Space Program Opens in Hong Kong.
CCTV+: Stunning Views of Earth from China's Space Station.
NASA gaat meewerken aan toekomstig Indisch ruimtestation.
India Today: Nasa working to send Indian astronaut selected by Isro to Space Station.
Mint: Indian astronaut to join ISS crew in ‘24.
Economic Times: US ready to help India build own space station: NASA Chief Bill Nelson.
Hindustan Times: NASA to collaborate with ISRO on space station development, says Bill Nelson.
Artemis 2.
NASA: Artemis II Crew Signs NASA Moon Rocket Hardware at Marshall.
SpaceCom: Artemis 2 moon astronauts autograph their own rocket 1 year before launch
Artemis 3 – De eerste Artemis-maanlanding in 2025 … of (veel) later ?
GAO: NASA Artemis Programs: Crewed Moon Landing Faces Multiple Challenges.
NASA Watch: GAO: Artemis Moon Landing In 2025 Is Unlikely. Maybe 2026. Or 2027. Or …
Space News: GAO report warns Artemis 3 landing may be delayed to 2027.
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 3 astronaut moon landing unlikely before 2027, GAO report finds.
Space Policy Online: GAO: 2025 unlikely for first Artemis lunar landing, maybe 2027.
Inside Outer Space: NASA’s Artemis Back-to-the Moon Program: Report points to Multiple Challenges, Flags SpaceX Starship Work.
Artemis – Gateway.
ESA: Shaking it up for Gateway.
ESA: Good vibrations for Gateway.
Artemis – Europa naar de Maan met de MPH – Multi-Purpose Habitat.
Thales Alenia Space: Lunar Multi-Purpose Habitat activities officially underway.
Space Voyaging: Italy Will Build the First New Lunar Outpost for Artemis.
Universe Today: Europe is Working on a Multi-Purpose Habitat for the Moon.
Yahoo News: This Multi-Purpose Moon Habitat Looks Cool as Hell.
Interesting Engineering: This cylindrical module could be first home of astronauts on the Moon.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
NASA: NASA Tests In-Flight Capability of Artemis Moon Rocket Engine.
European Spaceflight: ASI Seeks Commercial Operator for Lunar Oxygen Extraction Mission.
The Space Review: Searching for the ice hidden on the Moon.
The Guardian: Space race 2.0: why Europe is joining the new dash to the moon.
Science Org: Moon’s scientifically important sites could be ‘lost forever’ in mining rush
Space News: Angola signs Artemis Accords.
NASA: NASA Conducts Annual Moon to Mars Architecture Concept Review.
SciNews: SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 29 November 2023 (gimbal test).
Lockheed Martin: Step Inside Orion: 3D Artemis I Mission Highlight.
NASA: What Would Mars Look Like if an Astronaut Could Orbit the Planet? (Mars Report - Nov. 2023).
Starship – Een terugblik op IFT-2.
Payload: SpaceX Announces a Starship Version Two is in the Works.
NSF: Boca Chica, Texas: From Beach Side Village to A Starbase.
TMRO: Can old space survive Starship? // LIVE SHOW.
NSF: The Last of Starship V1 | Starbase Update.
NSF: Starship Quick Disconnect Up Close! Starship Flight 2!
NSF: Starship Super Heavy Unscheduled Disassembly.
WAI: Starship Evolution: Why SpaceX is Shifting To V2 Starship Now!
WAI: Will SpaceX Need To Repair The Starship Launch Mount After IFT2?
WAI: SpaceX Starship Third Launch! Closer Than You Think...
NSF: Quick Explainer: The Starship Deluge System.
NSF: Orbital Tank Farm Expansion Begins, New Sign Delivered | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Space Daily: SwRI's PUNCH Mission Set for 2025 Launch: A New Era in Solar Wind Study.
The Times of India: Aditya-L1 unveils insights into solar wind dynamics.
Spaceom: Can a private space mission pierce Venus's clouds?
The Times Of India: After Sun & Moon operations, Isro ready to launch Venus, XpoSat missions.
SpaceCom: Satellites spy remnants of hidden Bronze Age settlement in Serbia.
IEEE Spectrum: Satellite-Sharing Enables Low-Cost Earth Observation Tiny constellations of satellites team up to mine and sell big data.
Space Daily: Earth's magnetic field protects life on Earth from radiation.
ESA: EarthCARE instruments: explained.
ESA: How will EarthCARE shed light on clouds?
ESA: Warming ocean causing rapid glacier retreat.
ESA: This Antarctic glacier dramatically retreated. Then, its ice shelf totally collapsed (satellite image).
ESA: Iceberg on the loose;
ECNS: China's first high-precision geomagnetic field detection satellite put into use.
ESA (filmpje): The power of Earth observation.
EumetSat: EUMETSAT Council approves next phase involvement in Destination Earth.
ESA: Taking climate action with Earth observation.
ESA (filmpje): Global Stocktake: how space drives climate action.
Universe Today: Apollo Samples Contain Hydrogen Hurled from the Sun.
ECNS: Chang'e 5 lunar samples put on display in Macao.
Space News: NASA researchers get permission to apply for China’s moon samples.
Inside Outer Space: NASA-funded Researchers Get Greenlight to Apply for China Moon samples.
Parabolic Arc: ispace to Make Second Lunar Attempt in Winter 2024 – Hakuto-R.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4023-4024: Farewell, Solar Conjunction 2023.
NASA Perseverance: Was There Life on Mars?
NASA (filmpje): Meet the Mars Samples: Pilot Mountain (Sample 21).
NASA: Flight 67 Preview – By the Numbers.
Universe Today: NASA Tests its Next-Generation Mars Helicopter Blades.
NASA: NASA Orbiter (Mars Odyssey) Snaps Stunning Views of Mars Horizon.
Space Daily: Cassini's Grand Finale Unveils Variations in Saturn's D Ring influx.
Space News: NASA postpones Dragonfly review, launch date.
Universe Today: Titan Dragonfly is Go!…. for Phase C.
Space Policy Online: Dragonfly takes one step forward, but only one.
PhysOrg: Satellite discovered by NASA's Lucy mission gets name.
Universe Today: The New Asteroid Moon Discovered by Lucy Just Got its Own Name.
Hubble Space Telescope in safe mode.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Pauses Science Due to Gyro Issue.
SpaceCom: Hubble Space Telescope is in safe mode — but scientists aren't too worried.
Japans ruimtevaartbureau slachtoffer van een cyberaanval.
Japan Today: Japan space agency hit with cyberattack; rocket and satellite info not accessed.
Payload: JAXA Suffers Cyberattack.
Raketnieuws uit Amerika.
Space News: ULA has concerns about a third competitor in national security space launch (NSSL).
Space News: Space Force tries to hedge risk with new launch strategy.
Space News: Sierra Space wins Air Force contract for upper-stage engine development – VR35K-A.
Sierra Space: US Government awards contract to Sierra Space to develop powerful new upper stage rocket engine.
Space News: Startup iRocket signs agreement to develop and test hardware at U.S. Air Force facility.
Space News: Solestial to supply solar blankets for Atomos space tugs.
Video From Space (filmpje): ABL Space Systems RS1 rocket engine fired up in test.
NSF: Northrop Grumman and Firefly’s Antares 330 and MLV plans take shape.
Payload: For The Spaceport Company, the Water is Calling.
Space News: BlackSky buys five Electron launches.
Space News: Japanese SAR company iQPS to launch with Rocket Lab after Virgin Orbit bankruptcy.
Payload: Rocket Lab Aims to Launch Electron with Nine Reusable Engines.
KTNV: Las Vegas Spaceport could provide satellite launch services.
Payload: Relativity Breaks New Ground at Stennis (teststand for Terran R).
SpaceRef: Terran Orbital Launches Responsive Space Initiative.
Space News: ULA has ‘no issues’ with Space Force plan to select three national security launch providers (NSSL).
Space News: Tactically Responsive Space (TacRS) strengthens America.
Space News: ABL gets contract for U.S. Space Force ‘responsive launch’ mission.
Defense One: Space Force’s speedy launch record clears way for bigger launches—faster (TacRS).
Space News: After setting new record for responsive launch, Space Force eyes next challenge (TacRS).
Spaceflight Now: Rapid response Victus Nox launch success open new possibilities for Space Force, commercial space industry.
Relativity Space (filmpje): Aeon R engine powerpack ships to NASA Stennis.
Relativity Space (filmpje): Aeon R September Highlights.
Ars Technica: Why did SpaceX give up on “catching” falling fairings? Its VP of launch explains.
NSF (filmpje): How Are Fairings Recovered from SpaceX Rockets?
Via Satellite: Rocket Lab Opens Engine Factory Acquired from Virgin Orbit.
Space News: Evolution Space to develop solid rocket motors at NASA Stennis.
Via Satellite: Firefly Aerospace Gathers $300 Million in New Financing.
Space News: Rocket engine startup Ursa Major to venture into solid propulsion.
Space News: Astra secures $2.7 million in additional financing.
Space News: Firefly to launch a Lockheed Martin satellite antenna demonstration.
Space News: Firefly conducts first Miranda engine test (MLV / Antares).
Teslarati: Firefly Aerospace conducts first hot fire of new Miranda rocket engine;
SpaceCom: Firefly Aerospace's new rocket engine spouts green flames in 1st 'hot fire' test.
Relativity Space (filmpje): The First Aeon R Engine Ships to Stennis.
Raketnieuws uit Europa.
European Spaceflight: Germany Commits €2M to Fund Offshore Launch Infrastructure.
ESA: Helix hot-fire by Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA One).
Europe In Space: A peek behind the Orbex curtains (Prime).
ESA: Isar Aerospace Aquila rocket engine test.
ESA: Tracking satellite launches from Andøya Spaceport.
The Space Review: Europe turns to competition to improve its launch industry’s competitiveness (Ariane VI / Vega C).
Skyrora (filmpje): Skyrora and Spirit to Enhance Future UK Launch Capability.
Space News: ArianeGroup begins testing prototype of multirole Susie upper stage.
European Spaceflight: Beyond Gravity Unveils Reusable Fairing Concept.
RFA: RFA flies eight customers on second flight.
European Spaceflight: POLARIS Spaceplanes Begins Testing its AS-1 Rocket Engine.
ESA: Prometheus prototype engine test.
Space Voyaging: Lighting the atomic fire: the history of US nuclear rockets.
Payload: Astra Secures $2.7M from Investors
Raketnieuws uit Rusland.
TASS: Roscosmos may assist space launches in several African nations.
TASS: First Angara carrier rocket expected at Vostochny spaceport this fall.
TASS: Russia to wrap up ground tests of latest Rokot-M carrier rocket in 2024.
TASS: Advanced launch vehicle Korona can be up to 10 days on orbit .
TASS: Russian rocket maker mulls cooperation with Kazakhstan, including on Proton launches.
TASS: First launch of Soyuz-5 rocket due Dec 24, 2025.
TASS: ‘Gagarin’s Start’ launch site at Baikonur spaceport to be turned into museum.
EurAsian Times: UAE Fails To Resurrect ‘Historic’ Russian Space Launch Site; Loses Battle Due To Financial Crunch;
Space Explored: Russia’s historic launch pad will now become a museum.
TASS: Russia approves design of Angara rocket adapted for launch of national orbiter’s modules.
Raketnieuws uit China.
The Science Times: Chinese Rocket Landed Vertically at Sea, Developing the Country’s Sovereign Reusable Rocket Capability.
SpaceCom: Chinese launch startup tests landing rockets with jet-powered prototype (Galactic Energy / Pallas 1).
Breaking Defense: China’s rapid space launch advantage, and how the US can try to counter it.
MSN (filmpje): Footage Of Chinese Rocket Booster Parachute System In Action For Controlled Landing.
The China Space Monitor: China's Launch Supply Paradox.
ECNS: China's first commercial spacecraft launch site in Hainan under construction.
Dongfang Hour (filmpje): This Chinese Startup Just Landed a Rocket Vertically (iSpace – Hyperbola).
Space News: China’s Landspace aims to build a stainless steel rocket.
NSF: ZhuQue-2 prepares for flight three; LandSpace announces larger rocket.
Space News: China makes progress on Raptor-like engines for super heavy rocket.
Space Daily: Wenchang Set to Become China's Premier Commercial Space Launch Hub by Next Year.
Point Or View: CLOSE CALL: Internet explodes with outrage over range violation at Chinese Long March-2D launch.
TASS: Hainan to host first launch of Xingyun-1 reusable rocket in 2024.
Space News: China is working on a design for a reusable air-launched orbital rocket.
Raketnieuws uit India.
India Today: Agnikul Cosmos begins integrating rocket (Agnibaan SOrTeD)on India's first private launchpad.
India Today: What is Vikram-I? The seven-storey rocket that can be assembled in 24 hours (eerste lancering in 2024 / Skyroot Aerospace) .
The Times of India: India’s 1st pvt sector rocket facility in unveiled Hyderabad.
Raketnieuws uit Japan.
Space News: Japan’s Interstellar aims for orbital launch in 2025.
Nikkei Asia: Japan chases China, U.S. in race for methane-fueled space rocket.
Space News: Japan conducting studies for reusable next-gen rocket.
Ars Technica: Japan is studying a reusable rocket, but it won’t fly before 2030.
Space News: Pale Blue raises $7.5 million to mass produce water vapor thrusters;
Raketnieuws uit Australië & Nieuw Zeeland.
SpaceRef: Approval Granted For Commercial Space Launch Facility in Koonibba.
Cosmos Magazine: Contracts signed for first commercial rocket launch in NT (Arnhem Space Center).
Parabolic Arc: Q&A – Dawn Aerospace Aims to Launch Satellites Multiple Times Per Day.
Om af te ronden – 2023 wordt een recordjaar.
Ars Technica: With another record broken, the world’s spaceports are busier than ever
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,