Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/02–683
Het jaar 2024 beloofde het jaar van de Maan te worden. Maar het lijkt voorlopig anders uit te draaien. Artemis 2 werd uitgesteld naar 2025 en Peregrine kon er kort na de lancering al een kruis over maken. Benieuwd wat de Japanse SLIM er volgende week van gaat maken. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: De Vulcan-raket heeft een perfecte eerste lancering achter de rug. Foto: ULA.
De lanceringen van afgelopen week.
07.01.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink satellieten – Group 6-35 (CCSFS).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites from Florida.
SpaceX (via Twitter a.k.a. X): De lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 131 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 7 January 2024.
08.01.2024 – Eerste lancering Vulcan verloopt perfect, maar ...
NASA Artemis Blog: Live Countdown Coverage Begins for First Robotic Artemis Moon Flight.
NASA Artemis Blog: Liftoff of ULA Vulcan Rocket! NASA Science Begins Journey to Moon on Astrobotic Robotic Lander.
NASA Artemis Blog: Astrobotic Lander Carrying NASA Instruments Separates from ULA Vulcan Rocket.
NASA Artemis Blog: Moon Bound! NASA Science Heads to Moon on Astrobotic Robotic Lander.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman’s Solid Rocket Boosters Help Power First Launch of ULA’s Vulcan Rocket.
NASA: NASA Science Heads to Moon on First US Private Robotic Artemis Flight.
Aerospace America: First Vulcan Centaur lifts off with ULA’s future in sight.
Space News: Vulcan Centaur launches Peregrine lunar lander on inaugural mission.
NSF: Vulcan successfully launches Peregrine lunar lander on inaugural flight.
EuroNews Next: Peregrine 1: First US lunar lander in more than 50 years rockets toward the Moon.
Payload: Vulcan Makes its Debut.
Spaceflight Now: ULA marks success with the inaugural mission of its Vulcan rocket launching a Moon-bound robotic lander.
Collect Space: First launch of ULA Vulcan rocket sends Astrobotic lander to moon.
Collect Space: DHL delivering Everest rock, meme coin to moon on Astrobotic lander.
De Tijd: Commerciële maanlander succesvol gelanceerd.
De Standaard: Commerciële maanlander succesvol gelanceerd.
Spacepage: Eerste Vulcan Centaur raket brengt private maanlander peregrine op weg naar de maan.
Executiv Gov: ULA’s Vulcan Rocket Makes 1st Certification Flight Mission; Tory Bruno Quoted.
Ars Technica: After its impressive first flight, here’s what’s next for the Vulcan rocket.
ULA: Vulcan is Here! (voorafgaand aan de lancering).
ULA: Jan. 8 LIVE Broadcast: Vulcan Cert-1.
ULA: Vulcan Cert-1 Launch Highlights.
ULA: Vulcan Cert-1 Rocket Cam.
SciNews: The first Vulcan rocket launch.
SciNews: Peregrine Lunar Lander deployment.
Scott Manley: Why Vulcan is the Most Important Rocket ULA Has Ever Built.
Spaceflight Now: ULA Vulcan Cert-1 - 4K launch replay.
Everyday Astronaut: How does ULA's Vulcan rocket compare to the competition?
… maar Peregrine in de problemen.
NASA Artemis Blog: Astrobotic Experiences Issue Aboard First NASA CLPS Robotic Flight to the Moon.
NASA Artemis Blog: Payload Assessments Continue for NASA Science Aboard Peregrine Mission One.
NASA Artemis Blog: NASA Science, Data Collection Ongoing Aboard Peregrine Mission One.
Astrobotic gaf alle updates via tweet-berichten. Bij Future Spaceflight vind je ze allemaal terug.
BBC: Peregrine lander: Private US Moon mission runs into trouble.
Space News: Peregrine lander suffers anomaly after launch.
Spaceflight Now: Peregrine lander suffers propulsion ‘anomaly,’ Moon landing seemingly unlikely.
Ars Technica: America’s first lunar lander in a half-century won’t reach the Moon.
Payload: Astrobotic Looks for Next Steps After Lander Anomaly.
SpaceCom: Time is running out for stricken Peregrine moon lander after crippling fuel leak.
SpaceCom: Stuck valve may have doomed private Peregrine moon lander mission, Astrobotic says.
Space News: Astrobotic gets payloads working on ailing Peregrine lander.
The Universe Mag: Doomed Peregrine sent a selfie on the way to the Moon.
Gizmodo: Peregrine's Failure Won’t Derail NASA’s Outsourced Space Dreams.
SpaceCom: Private Peregrine moon lander failure won't stop NASA's ambitious commercial lunar program.
SpaceCom: The age of the private moon mission has begun.
Gizmodo: These Failed Missions to the Moon Remind Us That Space Is Hard.
TechCrunch: Why valves are a spacecraft engineer’s worst nightmare.
Video From Space: Peregrine moon lander suffers anomaly after Vulcan launch.
09.01.2024 – Chinese Lange Mars 2C lanceert Einstein Probe.
ECNS: China launches Einstein Probe satellite into space.
ECNS: China launches Einstein Probe satellite (foto’s).
Space News: China launches “lobster eye” Einstein Probe to unveil mysteries of X-ray universe.
ESA: Einstein Probe lifts off on a mission to monitor the X-ray sky.
Sky & Telescope: China’s Einstein Probe, an X-ray astronomy mission, heads to orbit.
Spacepage: Chinese Einstein-ruimtetelescoop wordt succesvol in de ruimte gebracht.
De lancering zorgde wel voor wat onrust. China launches a satellite over Taiwan, days before island's election.
Japan Times: China satellite launch triggers Taiwan emergency phone alert.
US News: China Satellite Launch Prompts Taiwan Attack Alert Ahead of Pivotal Vote.
CCTV: China Launches New Satellite for Violent Cosmic Phenomena Observation.
CCTV: Einstein Probe to Study Transients in Universe: Scientist.
CGTN: Einstein Probe to observe changing universe automatically, precisely.
SciNews: Einstein Probe launch.
SciNews: Einstein Probe explained.
11.01.2024 – Kuaizhou 1A lanceert Tianxing 1-02.
ECNS: China launches new test satellite using Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket.
CCTV: China's New Experimental Satellite Launched aboard Kuaizhou Carrier Rocket.
SciNews: Kuaizhou-1A launches Tianxing-1-02.
11.01.2024 – Gravity 1 maakt zijn eerste vlucht.
ECNS: China launches world's largest solid-fuel carrier rocket.
ECNS: World's most powerful solid fueled rocket makes maiden flight (foto’s).
Space News: Orienspace breaks Chinese commercial launch records with Gravity-1 solid rocket.
CGTN: China launches world's first all-solid propellant rocket.
SciNews: Gravity-1 first launch.
SciNews: Gravity-1 rocket explained.
12.01.2024 – Japanse H-IIA lanceert IGS-Optical 8.
NHK World Japan: Japan's H2A rocket puts information-gathering satellite into orbit.
Space News: Japan launches IGS-Optical 8 reconnaissance satellite.
EuroNews: Japan launches an intelligence-gathering satellite to watch for North Korean missiles.
Space Voyaging: H-IIA rocket Successfully Launches a New Japanese IGS-Optical Satellite.
SciNews: H-IIA launches IGS Optical-8.
Te verwachten lanceringen.
17.01.2024 – Lancering Axiom 3 – ISS.
NASA: NASA Sets Coverage for Axiom Mission 3 Briefing, Events, Broadcast.
NASA – Houston We have a podcast: Axiom Mission 3.
Spaceflight Now: Astronauts ready for first, all-European mission to the International Space Station.
Axiom Space: Expeditionary Training.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Mission | Crew Countdown to Launch.
Axiom Space: Michael López-Alegría, Ax-3 Commander.
Axiom Space: Col. Walter Villadei, Ax-3 Pilot.
Axiom Space: Alper Gezeravcı, Ax-3 Mission Specialist.
Axiom Space: Marcus Wandt, Ax-3 Mission Specialist.
ESA Explores: ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Marcus Wandt.
15.02.2024 – JAXA kondigt 2de lancering HIII aan.
JAXA: Flight Sequence H3 Rocket Test Flight No. 2.
JAXA: Persconferentie.
15.11.2024 – Vega C Return To Flight.
European Spaceflight: ESA Targets 15 November for Vega C Return to Flight Mission.
Space News: Europe considers launching Copernicus satellite on Falcon 9.
En wie weet nog dit jaar – New Glenn – Een zicht op de eerste trap.
NSF: Blue Origin Rolls Out New Glenn.
Een raketmotor die zichzelf “opeet”.
Universe Today: A Self-Eating Engine Could Make Rockets More Efficient
The Register: Boffins demo self-eating rocket engine in Scotland
Beelden van de test (Ouroboros-3 Hybrid Autophage Rocket Engine Test (Composite) - July 14 2023) vind je hier.
ISS – Starliner.
NASA Commercial Crew Blog: Starliner Parachute System Upgrade Tested Before Crewed Flight.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Advanced Biomedical and Tech Research Starts Week for Crew.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Keeps Up Pace With Space Biology, Life Support Duties.
NASA ISS Blog: Robotics and Space Biology Fill Research Schedule on Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Research Underway for Earth and Space Health as Crew Preps for Ax-3 Mission.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Preps for Ax-3 Mission and Keeps Up Research Schedule.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/01/2024.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
NASA: NASA Selects 12 Companies for Space Station Services Contract.
ExecutivGov: ISS National Lab Requests Flight Concepts for Space-Based R&D Projects.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Wraps Up Station Upkeep, Conducts Fiber Optics and Antimicrobial Investigations on Friday.
Science Alert: We Finally Know The Full Extent of Space Destroying Astronauts' Red Blood Cells.
Politico: The cancer moonshot goes to space.
NASA: Space to Ground: Laser Link: Jan. 12, 2024.
NASA: Expedition 70 Astronaut Loral O’Hara Answers Virginia Student Questions - Jan. 9, 2024.
NASA: Crystallization 101: Why NASA Studies Crystals in Space.
Commerciële ruimtestations.
Payload: NASA Bumps Up Funding for Blue Origin and Voyager Space Stations.
SpaceCom: NASA awards another $100 million for private space stations.
The Messenger Tech: Meet Starlab, the Heir-Apparent to the International Space Station.
Via Satellite: Former NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine Joins Starlab Space Board of Directors.
CSS – Tianzhou 6 verlaat het Chinese ruimtestation.
China Daily: China's Tianzhou 6 cargo craft separates from space station combination.
China Daily: Tianzhou-6 separates from space station combination.
ECNS: Tianzhou 6 cargo spacecraft to return to Earth.
Inside Outer Space: Next Up! Cargo Craft Launch to China Space Station.
Global Times: China eyes launching low-cost cargo spacecraft for space station through commercial rocket.
CCTV: China's Tianzhou-6 Cargo Craft Separates from Space Station Combination.
SciNews: Tianzhou-6 undocking.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CCTV+: Welcome to Shanghai to check in at the China Manned Space Project Exhibition.
ROSS – Het Russische ruimtestation.
Inside Outer Space: Russian Orbital Station: Design Plans Discussed.
Anatoly Zak: PTK Orel-ROS docking.
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
Uitstel voor Artemis.
NASA: NASA Shares Progress Toward Early Artemis Moon Missions with Crew.
NASA Watch: NASA Delays Future Artemis Moon Missions – Again.
PhysOrg: NASA expected to push back moon missions.
Space News: NASA delays Artemis 2 and 3 missions.
Ars Technica: Citing “crew safety,” NASA delays upcoming Artemis missions by about a year.
Collect Space: NASA delays Artemis II and III astronaut moon missions to 2025, '26.
Space Policy Online: NASA delays next Artemis missions to 2025 and 2026.
Spaceflight Now: First astronaut missions to the Moon since 1972 delayed due to heat shield questions, hardware readiness.
SpaceCom: China won't beat US Artemis astronauts to the moon, NASA chief says.
The Conversation: What delays to the Artemis II and III missions mean for Canada.
De Standaard: Nasa stelt maanmissie met jaar uit.
Spacepage: NASA's Artemis maanprogramma loopt vertraging op.
NASA: NASA Discusses Upcoming Artemis Crew Missions (Jan. 09, 2024).
NASA: Artemis: Onward to the Moon.
NSF: Artemis Moon Landing Missions Delayed!
Artemis 2.
New Scientist: Christina Koch: ISS, Artemis II moon mission and playing zero-gravity sports in orbit.
Artemis – Gateway.
NASA: NASA, United Arab Emirates Announce Artemis Lunar Gateway Airlock.
Space News: UAE to build airlock for lunar Gateway.
Space Policy Online: UAE will build airlock for Artemis Gateway lunar space station.
MBRSC: The UAE: The World’s Gateway to the Moon.
MBRSC: The Human Exploration Journey to the Moon.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Universe Today: Solar Electric Propulsion Systems are Just What we Need for Efficient Trips to Mars.
Starship – Voorbereidingen op IFT-3 gestart.
Space News: SpaceX targets February for third Starship test flight.
Mashable: SpaceX says refueling its Starship in space won't be scary.
NSF: Starbase Tank Farm Gets An Overhaul For Flight 3 | Starbase Update.
NSF: Potential Starship Version 2 Header Tank Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.
WAI: SpaceX Finally Gives Out The Big Starship News!
LabPadre: Scrapped!! SpaceX Begins Demolishing the Vertical Tanks - Starbase Gallery [Jan 3rd - 9th, 2024].
Marcus House: Now We FINALLY Know! The Truth Behind SpaceX Starship's Explosive Mystery!
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
Chinese Chang'e-6 arriveert op lanceerbasis.
ECNS: Chang'e-6 spacecraft components arrive at launch site.
ECNS: China plans to launch Chang'e-6 lunar probe in first half of 2024.
ECNS: Chang'e 6 to land on moon in 1st half of year.
Space News: China’s Chang’e-6 probe arrives at spaceport for first-ever lunar far side sample mission.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Next Moonshot: Sample Return from Lunar Farside.
CGTN: China's Chang'e-6 probe arrives at launch site for 2024 moon mission.
HiChina: China's Chang'e-6 scheduled for launch in first half of 2024.
OSIRIS-REx – De Sample Container is (eindelijk) geopend.
NASA: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Team Clears Hurdle to Access Remaining Bennu Sample.
Gizmodo: NASA Finally Cracks Open the Asteroid Sample Container.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Mashable: U.S. weather satellite snaps amazing view of sun explosions.
Universe Today: Parker Solar Probe Skims the Sun on its 18th Flyby.
Universe Today: There are Mysteries at Venus. It’s Time for an Astrobiology Mission.
NASA: NASA Analysis Confirms 2023 as Warmest Year on Record.
NASA (filmpje): NASA and NOAA on 2023 global temperature ranking, climate events (Jan. 12, 2024).
NASA: NASA’s PACE To Investigate Oceans, Atmospheres in Changing Climate.
Universe Today: Satellite Data Shows US East Coast is Sinking.
SpaceCom: Japanese earthquake on Jan. 1 shifted coastline over 800 feet, satellite photos show.
ECNS: Chinese satellite firm releases post-earthquake satellite images of Noto Peninsula.
Space News: NGA to tap commercial satellite data under ‘Luno’ program.
Satellite Today: EO4Security – New ESA Environmental Security Project Goes Live.
NASA (filmpje): NASA's Moon Rover VIPER Faces Extreme Mobility Tests.
Inside Outer Space: Curiosity Mars Rover: New Science Targets.
SpaceCom: Massive Mars dust storm spotted by China's Tianwen-1 probe.
Space News: Japanese Mars mission launch delayed to 2026.
Scientific America: NASA’s Troubled Mars Sample Mission Has Scientists Seeing Red – MSR.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
De ruimtevaartsector op zoek naar geld.
The Information: Relativity Space Closes in On New Funding for Its 3D Printed Rockets.
Payload: Sateliot Raises €6M.
Satellite Pro ME: Banco Santander invests €6m in Sateliot.
Space News: D-Orbit raises $110 million to expand space logistics services.
Payload: D-Orbit Raises $110M Series C.
European Spaceflight: Italian Space Logistics Company D-Orbit Closes €100M Funding Round.
CNBC: Space company Momentus, once valued at more than $1 billion, is running dangerously low on money.
Space News: Momentus, low on cash, delays next mission.
Constellations Podcast: 170 - Venture Capital, Clean Tech, and AI: Investing in Space in 2024.
Het Midden Oosten wordt stilaan een belangrijk ruimtevaartgebied.
Sat News: Euroconsult white paper finds the Middle East’s space sector surging.
Nieuws over allerlei lanceerbasissen.
Independent: Senior minister for UK space launches needed, MPs told.
European Spaceflight: SUAS Aerospace Aims to Launch Orbital Flights from Ireland.
Op het Centre Spatiale Guyanais.
European Spaceflight: €40M to be Invested to Produce Greener Hydrogen for Ariane 6.
Space News: Space Force seeking a digital overhaul of its aging launch infrastructure.
Ars Technica: The Space Force is changing the way it thinks about spaceports.
Space News: China completes new commercial launch pad to boost access to space.
The National (UAE): Omani spaceport aims to launch rockets by 2030 – Etlaq. Equatorial Launch Australia dismisses fears an expansion could make Arnhem Space Centre a target.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,