Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/15–696
Terwijl SpaceX een vijftal lanceringen uitvoerde, was er vooral aandacht voor de twee andere lanceringen van deze week. Vooreerst was er de laatste Delta IV Heavy. Deze raket (samen met de Atlas V) wordt vervangen door Vulcan. En Rusland lanceerde Angara 5. Een zoveelste testlancering maar nog steeds geen werk. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Opmerking: Volgende week is er geen Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: De allerlaatste Delta IV Heavy zou met enige vertraging gelanceerd worden, maar verder deed ze wat ze zowat altijd deed. Militaire ladingen in een baan om de Aarde brengen, deze keer voor het National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). Foto: ULA.
Een beetje Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Raphaël Liégeois studeert af op 22.04.2024 als Europees astronaut.
ESA: ESA astronaut graduation: launching into the future.
ESA (filmpje): ESA astronaut class of 2022 graduation ceremony.
De lanceringen van afgelopen week.
07.04.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 8-01 (VSFB).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 21 Starlink satellites into orbit from California in sunset liftoff (photos).
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 153 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 7 April 2024.
08.04.2024 – SpaceX lanceert haar eerste Bandwagon 1 rideshare (KSC).
Space News: SpaceX launches first mid-inclination dedicated rideshare mission.
NSF: SpaceX debuts new Bandwagon rideshare service.
SpaceCom: SpaceX rocket launches 11 satellites, including one for South Korea, on Bandwagon-1 rideshare flight (photos).
Thales Alenia: First satellite of Korea “425 Project” constellation successfully launched.
CNA: SpaceX launches South Korea's second spy satellite amid race with North Korea.
NK News: ROK launches second spy satellite in pursuit of 24/7 monitoring of North Korea.
IM Mining: Fleet Space’s ExoSphere mineral exploration platform to receive Centauri-6 satellite boost.
Space Daily: Centauri-6 Satellite Enhances Global Mineral Surveys on SpaceX's Latest Launch.
Australia Defense: Fleet Space launches Centauri-6 satellite on SpaceX’s Bandwagon-1 mission.
Business Standaard: Sub-metre optical satellite assembled in India deployed into space: TASL.
Morning Star: Tata Advanced Systems Limited and Satellogic Announce TSAT-1A Satellite Launch Success.
Via Satellite: HawkEye 360 Clusters 8 and 9 Launched on SpaceX Bandwagon-1 Rideshare Mission.
SpaceX: Lancering live.
Meer info over “mid-inclination orbit” vind je in dit filmpje (via twitter bericht).
SciNews: SpaceX Bandwagon-1 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
09.04.2024 – Laatste Delta IV Heavy lanceert NROL 70.
ULA: Marking the End of an Era, United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Final Delta IV Heavy Rocket.
De ULA Mission Page vind je hier.
Ars Technica: After a fiery finale, the Delta rocket family now belongs to history.
Ars Technica: The most metal of rockets has gone into the great mosh pit in the sky.
Space Policy Online: Farewell Delta!
America Space: For Final Time, ULA Launches “Most Metal” Delta IV Heavy Into History.
ULA: April 9 LIVE Broadcast: Delta IV Heavy NROL-70.
ULA: Delta IV Heavy NROL-70 Launch Highlights.
SciNews: The final Delta IV Heavy launch.
NSF: The Final Delta IV Heavy: ULA Launches the NROL-70 Mission.
10.04.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink Group 6-48 (CCSFS).
Teslarati: SpaceX begins deployment of Direct to Cell capable Starlinks.
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 154 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 10 April 2024.
11.04.2024 – Russische Angara A5 maakt testvlucht vanaf Vostochny.
TASS: Launch of Angara-A5 rocket on April 9 scheduled at around noon Moscow time — source.
TASS: Russia’s Angara-A5 heavy carrier rocket cleared for test-launch from Vostochny spaceport.
Een eerste abort.
TASS: Russia cancels launch of Angara-A5 heavy carrier rocket from Vostochny spaceport.
TASS: Russia’s Angara-A5 heavy rocket liftoff rescheduled for April 10 — Roscosmos chief.
Een tweede abort.
TASS: State commission clears Angara-A5 heavy carrier rocket for test-launch from Vostochny.
TASS: Russia to test-launch Angara heavy rocket from Vostochny spaceport on second attempt.
TASS: Russia again postpones test-launch of Angara-A5 heavy rocket from Vostochny spaceport.
Derde keer goede keer.
TASS: New attempt to launch Angara-A5 rocket from Vostochny spaceport scheduled for April 11.
TASS: Repeated postponement of rocket launch is ordinary practice, expert says.
TASS: State commission clears Angara-A5 for launch from Vostochny.
TASS: First Angara-A5 heavy rocket launches from Vostochny spaceport on third attempt.
TASS: Angara-A5 rocket booster orbits Gagarinets CubeSat of Avant Space private company.
TASS: Russia’s Angara-A5 to be a major rocket for launches from Vostochny — space firm.
Space Policy Online: Russia launches Angara 5 from Vostochny for first time.
Filmpjes – Abort 1.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering live .
Roscosmos TV: Technische uitzending lancering.
SciNews: Angara-A5 aborted launch 9 April 2024.
Filmpjes – Abort 2.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering live.
Roscosmos TV: Technische uitzending lancering.
SciNews: Angara-A5 aborted launch 10 April 2024.
EuroNews: Russia's second attempt to launch rocket from Far East aborted.
Filmpjes – Derde keer goede keur.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering live.
Roscosmos TV: Technische uitzending lancering.
SciNews: Angara-A5 launch 2024.
11.04.2024 – SpaceX lanceert USSF62 – WSF-M 1 – Weather System Follow-on – Microwave.
VSFB: WSF-M satellite scheduled to launch from VSFB.
De SpaceX info pagina vind je hier.
Space News:SpaceX launches U.S. military weather monitoring satellite.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches advanced weather satellite for US Space Force .
Space Voyaging: SpaceX Launches USSF-62, New DoD Weather Satellite.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches Space Force weather satellite designed to take over for a program with roots to the 1960s.
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX USSF-62 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
SciNews: WSF-M deployment (USSF-62).
13.04.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink Group 6-49 (KSC). Recordbooster met een 20ste lancering.
SpaceX: SpaceX launches Starlink satellites on record 20th reflight of a Falcon 9 rocket first stage.
Ars Technica: SpaceX’s most-flown reusable rocket will go for its 20th launch tonight.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches Falcon 9 booster on record-breaking 20th flight.
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 155 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 13 April 2024.
Te verwachten lanceringen.
07.05.2024 – Starliner Crew Flight Test.
NASA: Houston, we have a podcast – Crew Flight Test: The Mission.
Verwachten we teveel van de eerste lancering v/e Ariane VI?
European Spaceflight: ESA Chief Tempers Expectations for Maiden Ariane 6 Flight.
Gizmodo: Long-Awaited Ariane 6 Rocket Faces Tough Odds in First Launch.
PhysOrg: Video: Ariane 6 passes tests in preparation for first flight.
ESA: Ariane 6 launches: Robusta-3A for weather reports and radiation robustness.
Indische Agnikul stelt eerste lancering v/d Agnibaan opnieuw uit.
India Today: Agnikul's maiden test launch delayed for third time due to technical issues.
India Today: Why Agnikul scrubbed Agnibaan's test launch 92 seconds before lift-off.
Reuters: India's space startup Agnikul delays maiden rocket launch again.
De website van Agnikul vind je hier.
Doet SpaceX teveel lanceringen vanuit Vandenberg SFB?
Noozhawk: Coastal Commission Eyes SpaceX Launch Rate Impact on Local Beaches.
PhysOrg: SpaceX is launching more rockets from a military base: Can the Coastal Commission impose a limit?
Het Chinese Taobao – Weldra pakjes leveren met raketten?
Reuters: China's Taobao working with startup on deliveries by reusable rocket.
Sierra Space Ghost – Leveren vanuit de ruimte.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space Ghost is participating in the flight test, allowing global payload delivery in 90 minutes.
SpaceCom: Sierra Space wants to drop cargo from orbit to anywhere on Earth in 90 minutes.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space Ghost: The Future Space Delivery System.
Vulcan – De geschiedenis van de raket in stripverhaal.
Collect Space: ULA chronicles the rise of Vulcan in new employee-drawn comic book.
De link naar het (digitale) album (PDF) vind je hier.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Orbits into Eclipse, Crew Works Research and Spacesuits.
NASA ISS Blog: 3D Bioprinting and CubeSats Top Tuesday’s Science Schedule.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Checks Eyes and Ears, Works on Bioprinting and Spacesuits.
NASA ISS Blog: Advanced Tech and Life Science on Station Today Promoting Health.
NASA ISS Blog: Eye, Brain Research and Cardiac Cell Printing Wrap Up Station Week.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/04/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 02/04/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/04/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/04/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/04/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/04/2024.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Space News: Spacebilt and Phison to send powerful data server to ISS.
Space Daily: NASA Expands Collaboration with Commercial Partners on Space Station Medical Protocols.
NASA: Space to Ground: Above the Umbra: April 12, 2024.
ESA: A tour of the International Space Station with Andreas Mogensen.
Commerciële ruimtestations – Nieuws.
Space News: Vast to use Starlink for space station broadband communications.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-17 Crew Use Special Tools to Keep Space Station Clean, Tidy.
CCTV+: Tiangong TV | The cosmic poem of dawn breaking in the sky.
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
Artemis 2.
NASA: From NASA’s First Astronaut Class to Artemis II: The Importance of Military Jet Pilot Experience.
ESA: Artemis II Orion in all its glory.
KSC: Artemis II Orion Vac Chamber Lift and Load Operations April 2024.
Lunar Gateway.
ESA: Lunar I-Hab mock-up.
ESA: Lunar I-Hab mock-up all set.
Eerste niet-Amerikaan op de Maan wordt een Japanner. In ruil voor Japanse maanrover.
Space News: Japanese astronauts to land on moon as part of new NASA partnership.
SpaceCom: Japanese astronauts will join NASA moon landings in return for lunar rover.
Space Policy Online: Biden and Kishida: First non-US astronaut on the Moon will be Japanese.
Collect Space: Japanese astronauts will join NASA moon landings in return for rover.
Space Policy Online: Congress Applauds US-Japan Artemis cooperation.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
NASA: NASA Technology Helps Guard Against Lunar Dust.
Universe Today: What Could We Build With Lunar Regolith?
Startup Max Space stelt opblaasbare module voor voor gebruik op de Maan en/of Mars.
De website van MaxSpace vind je hier.
Space News: Max Space announces plans for inflatable space station modules.
Space Voyaging: Max Space Unveils New Expandable Habitats for Future Space Exploration.
SpaceCom:Could these big expandable habitats help humanity settle the moon and Mars?
Payload: Max Space Unveils Expandable Habitat.
Rusland en de Maan.
TASS: Russia to test cosmonauts’ food rations for Moon flights.
TASS: Belarus in talks to join Russian lunar program, scientist confirms.
Starship goes interplanetary.
Ars Technica: Elon Musk just gave another Mars speech—this time the vision seems tangible.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Starship will be 500 feet tall to prepare for Mars missions, Elon Musk says (video).
SpaceX: To Make Life Multiplanetary.
WAI: SpaceX Unveils Groundbreaking Update: Inside Musk's Latest Starship Revelation!
WAI: Major Upgrade: When Will SpaceX Start The V2 Starship Project? (short).
Marcus House: SpaceX's Announced Starship Upgrades are Ludicrous and Awesome!
Starship – Aftellen naar IFT-4.
LabPadre: Incredible Progress!! Starship's Next Flight Could Come as Soon as Next Month! - SpaceX Weekly #109.
NSF: Starship Development Prototypes Spotted at Starbase | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: Firing Up the Next Prototypes + Elon Updates | SpaceX Starbase Update.
NSF: Preparing for Flight 4 Full Stack | SpaceX Boca Chica.
LabPadre: The Future of Starship Will Change Forever.
WAI: SpaceX's Big Fix: Saving Starship's Heat Shield! Last DeltaIV Heavy!
NSF: Mechazilla Chopsticks Upgraded | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
Queqiao-2 klaar voor het grote werk.
ECNS: China's relay satellite ready to roll out communication service.
ECNS: Queqiao 2 satellite ready for future communication service (foto’s).
Space News: China’s Queqiao-2 relay satellite ready to support lunar far side sample mission.
CCTV: China Successfully Deploys Queqiao-2 Relay Satellite for Future Lunar Exploration.
CGTN: China deploys Queqiao-2 relay satellite for lunar exploration.
ESA’s ExoMars in 2028.
Thales Alenia: The search for life on Mars goes on with ExoMars 2028.
ESA: ESA awards contract to Thales Alenia Space to restart ExoMars.
Payload: Thales Alenia Space Signs $567M ExoMars 2028 Contract.
Mars Sample Return (MSR) – Nieuws op komst.
NASA: NASA Invites Media to Mars Sample Return Update.
De link naar de nieuwsconferentie vind je hier (15.04 om 19u00).
CLPS Nieuws.
Space News: Astrobotic and Mission Control to partner on lunar rover mission – CubeRover / VIPER.
Inside Outer Space: The Flight of Private Moon Lander Odysseus: Video Highlights Released.
Space Voyaging: Lonestar Will Launch a Second Lunar Data Center Onboard Intuitive Machines’ IM-2.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
NASA (filmpje): Our Oceans from Space.
SpaceCom: A NASA spacecraft spotted something weird orbiting the moon. It was just a lunar neighbor (photos) (LRO / Danuri).
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4148-4149: A Mastcam MegaMosaic.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4150-4151: The Little Rock That Moved… .
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4152-4153: Musings on Eclipses on Mars and Earth.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4154-4156: Bumpy Driving up the Mountain.
TASS: Russia, China discussing joint exploration of Mars, scientist says.
ESA: Juice aces Callisto flyby test.
ESA: Juice’s first year in space: “it’s real now”.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
TESS in de problemen.
NASA: NASA’s TESS Temporarily Pauses Science Observations.
UPI: NASA's planet-hunter TESS temporarily shuts off.
ADRAS-J – Active Debris Removal by Astroscale-Japan – rondt eerste fase v/d missie af.
Space News: Astroscale’s ADRAS-J mission enters next phase.
Via Satellite: Astroscale Completes Rendezvous Phase of ADRAS-J Demo.
Payload: Astroscale Sees its Debris.
Starlink, Oekraïne en Rusland.
Defense One: Pentagon can’t force Starlink to block service to Russians, US official says.
Universe Mag: How successful are Russia’s attempts to cut Ukraine off from satellite communications?
Ars Technica: Report details how Russia obtains Starlink terminals for war in Ukraine.
Breaking Defense: Pentagon working with Ukraine, SpaceX to prevent Russian exploitation of Starlink.
US DoD en zijn strategie t.o.v. de commerciële ruimtevaartsector.
US DoD: DoD Releases 2024 DoD Commercial Space Integration Strategy.
US DoD: New Space Strategy Looks to Integrate DOD, Commercial Efforts.
Space Policy Online: DoD issues first commercial space integration strategy.
Defense One: Pentagon will use commercial space assets in military operations, under new plan.
Breaking Defense: New DoD commercial space strategy opens door to military, financial protection for contractors.
Meer militair nieuws uit de US.
Breaking Defense: NRO plans first phase for new proliferated spy sat constellation in May: Official.
Space News: NRO eyes diverse satellite fleet and AI-powered ground systems in modernization push.
Space News: Small satellites aim to fill big shoes for military weather data.
Breaking Defense: ‘Not enough’: Space Force pauses commercial strategy to flesh out ‘actionable’ plans with industry.
Breaking Defense: Space Force lays out 8 areas where it wants commercial firms to help out.
Space Policy Online: Space Force commercial space strategy useful, but “not a panacea”.
Via Satellite: SDA Lays Out Tranche 2, Transport Layer-Gamma Plan.
Ars Technica: The Space Force is planning what could be the first military exercise in orbit.
Om af te ronden (1) – Een zonsverduistering vanuit de ruimte.
Science Alert: Eclipse From Space: Stunning NASA Video of The Moon's Shadow Passing Across Earth.
Collect Space: Astronauts' photos capture April 8 solar eclipse from Earth orbit.
SpaceCom: Satellite views of solar eclipse 2024: See the moon's shadow race across North America.
ESA (foto): Copernicus Sentinel-3 captures images of solar eclipse over the Eastern Pacific.
NASA: The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse: Through the Eyes of NASA.
NASA: 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Through the Eyes of NASA (Highlights).
SciNews: Total Solar Eclipse 2024 seen from space.
ESA: Proba-2 sees the Moon eclipse the Sun.
ESA: Total solar eclipse seen from space #shorts.
NOAA: NOAA Satellites View Total Solar Eclipse.
En nog een link met (uiteraard) Proba 3.
ESA: Mimicking a Solar Eclipse in space.
Om af te ronden (2) – De Dag der Kosmonauten.
TASS: FACTBOX: Cosmonautics Day.
TASS: Cosmonauts aboard ISS congratulate Russians on Cosmonautics Day.
Universe Mag: The Korolev Factor. Would Gagarin have been the first in space without the Ukrainian scientist?
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,