Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/52–731
Het jaar 2024 is ijverig op weg naar zijn einde. Al loopt niet alles naar wens. Eerder deze maand was er de mislukte Japanse Kairos-lancering, nu liep het ook fout met de Chinese Kinetica. Goed nieuws komt nooit alleen, zo ook voor New Glenn. Eerst kregen ze de goedkeuring om New Glenn te lanceren en nog geen dag later werd een geslaagde statische test uitgevoerd. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Nog een prettig eindejaar.
Bij de foto: Na een geslaagde static fire lijkt New Glenn klaar te zijn voor een allereerste lancering. Foto: Blue Origin.
Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Antwerp Space en GENESIS.
Zie meer info in deze linkedin-boodschap.
IceCubes in 2024.
IceCubes (linkedin): Wrapping up 2024 with Stellar Achievements.
Redwire België en het ISS.
Redwire: Redwire Developing Microgravity Research Instruments to Study Materials Science and Fluid Behavior for Earth-Based Applications.
Redwire: Redwire Instrument Brings a Breath of Fresh Air to Astronauts on the ISS, Reaches Major Milestone Following Successful On-Orbit Operations.
ESA en de Belgische cubesat SIMBA.
ESA: A fall of CubeSats.
Aerospacelab – Een interview met Benoît Deper.
Rockets and Radars: From NASA to Mass Satellite Manufacturing | Benoît Deper @ Aerospacelab.
De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.
23.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 12-2 (KSC).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 21 Starlink internet satellites from Florida, lands rocket at sea.
SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 217 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 23 December 2024.
25.12.2024 – Rusland lanceert op Kerstdag de Resurs-P No 5.
TASS: Soyuz rocket with Resurs-P No. 5 moved to launch pad at Baikonur cosmodrome.
TASS: R-7 space rocket to be launched for 2,000th time.
TASS: Russia’s 2,000th R-7 rocket delivers Resurs-P remote sensing satellite into orbit.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering Resurs-P No5 – Live broadcast.
SciNews: Resurs-P No.5 launch.
27.12.2024 – Lancering Chinese Kinetica 1 loopt fout.
Universe Mag: A rocket from Chinese company CAS Space has crashed.
Space News: China suffers commercial rocket failure but sets record for annual launches.
TheRathalos Abusnardo: Kinetica-1 / Lijian 1 Y6 Launch Failure December 27 2024.
29.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 11-3 (VSFB).
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches final 2024 mission from Vandenberg.
SpaceCom: 3... 2... 1... SpaceX launches Starlink satellites on third-to-last mission of 2024.
SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch 22 Starlink satellites to orbit from California.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 218 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 29 December 2024.
29.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Astranis Block 2 (CCSFS).
10.12 – Via Satellite: Astranis Targets December Launch for Dedicated Falcon 9 Mission.
Al zou de lancering uiteindelijk nog uitgesteld worden.µ
En die lancering werd uiteindelijk afgebroken. Op het moment dat de motoren ontstoken werden.
Spaceflight Now: Mid-ignition issue forces a scrub of Falcon 9 launch with Astranis’ MicroGEO satellites.
SpaceCom: Abort! SpaceX calls off launch of 'MicroGEO' satellites at last second.
Uiteindelijk, net voor het einde van het jaar:
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX launches 4 Astranis satellites on Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral.
SpaceX via X: Watch Falcon 9 launch the Astranis: From One to Many mission to orbit.
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch, 21 December 2024.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches Astranis: From One to Many and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
SciNews: Astranis: From One to Many deployment.
Te verwachten lanceringen.
28.12.2024 – FAA licentie, Static Fire voor New Glenn – Eerste lanceringen ten vroegste op 06.01.2024 (?)
Spaceflight Now: FAA grants commercial launch license to Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket.
Blue Origin: Blue Origin’s New Glenn Rocket Completes Integrated Launch Vehicle Hotfire.
Space News: Blue Origin test fires New Glenn first stage ahead of inaugural launch.
Space Policy Online: Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket getting closer to first flight.
Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.
21.12.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Bandwagon 2 (VSFB).
KBS World: S. Korea's Third Military Spy Satellite Launched Successfully.
Space In Africa: Djibouti Launches Second Satellite, Djibouti-1B.
NASA stelt lancering IMAP uit door problemen met de sonde.
Space News: NASA delays launch of heliophysics missions.
Meer geld voor Landspace en Zhuque 3.
Space News: China’s Landspace secures state-backed funding for reusable rockets.
Huracan-motor getest voor gebruik in Nyx Moon.
European Spaceflight: The Exploration Company Completes Testing of Third Huracan Engine Prototype.
Beyond Gravity levert elementen voor ESA’s SpaceRider.
European Spaceflight: Beyond Gravity Delivers Key Elements of ESA’s Space Rider Vehicle.
HyPrSpace test raketmotor.
European Spaceflight: HyPrSpace Completes Hot Fire Test of Terminator Stage Demonstrator.
Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.
ISS – Russen willen per vlucht langer in de ruimte blijven.
InterFax: Roscosmos plans to increase duration of manned flights to ISS to 7-9 months.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Cosmonauts aboard ISS to prepare traditional Russian salad for New Year's Eve.
Haal het ISS 2030?
NSF (filmpje): Can The International Space Station Make It Until 2030?
Commerciële ruimtestations.
Space News: Senate NASA bill focuses on commercial space stations, science mission overruns.
ROSS – Nieuws over het toekomstige Russische ruimtestation.
TASS: Roscosmos, NASA synchronize timeframes for completion of ISS — CEO.
TASS: First space flight of prospective female cosmonaut may be on new orbital station.
ROSS – Tussen 2027 en 2033 worden 15 Angara (de heavy lift variant) voorzien.
TASS: Russia to conduct 15 Angara heavy-class rocket launches from 2027 to 2033 — Roscosmos.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Shenzhou completes 2024 missions.
CNSA: Explore Stunning Outer Space Scenery with Astronauts on Tiangong Space Station.
Europese duikboot als simulatie voor ruimtemissies.
European Spaceflight: ESA Enlists Portuguese Navy Submarine to Prepare for Deep Space.
Een Europees ruimtestation ?
European Spaceflight: Has CNES Opened the Door for a European Space Station?
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
Artemis 2 – Mensen rond de Maan.
SpaceCom: NASA delays Artemis missions again. What could this mean for the moon, Mars and space leadership?
Philip Sloss: Good info and welcome opportunity, but weird vibe at the year-end Artemis KSC media event.
Artemis 5 – Lunar Terrain Vehicle.
NASA: Commercial Moon Rovers Under Test.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
GPS World: Research roundup: Advancing space and lunar navigation.
Space News: NASA selects four companies for commercial communications services.
Universe Today: NASA is Considering Designs and Simulations to Prepare Astronauts for Lighting Conditions Around the Lunar South Pole.
Universe Mag: The Sun will blind astronauts at the lunar poles.
Starship – IFT 7 in januari.
Lab Padre: SpaceX Static Fires Block 2 Starship for the First Time! - SpaceX Weekly #146.
NSF: Starship READY for 2025: Flight 7 Updates, Pad B Progress, and a Festive Farewell |Starbase Update.
WAI: SpaceX's shows new Starship Heat Tiles! And they're red!
Marcus House: Starship Flight 7 Date Revealed: Why This Mission Is Unlike Any Other.
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
Nooit dichter bij de zon – Parker Solar Probe.
Space News: Parker Solar Probe to make closest approach yet to the sun.
Sky & Telescope: Parker Solar Probe swings by sun in closest approach yet.
SpaceCom: Scientists hope NASA's Parker Solar Probe gets hit by a storm during historic Christmas Eve sun flyby.
NASA: NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Reports Successful Closest Approach to Sun.
NASA: NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Makes History With Closest Pass to Sun.
Space Policy Online: Parker Solar Probe makes history as scientists urge future investments in heliophysics research.
NASA: Parker Solar Probe: Humanity’s Closest Encounter with the Sun.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
NASA (filmpje): SunRISE: Monitoring Solar Radiation Storms From Space (Mission Overview).
Inside Outer Space: China Moon Lander to Include Multi-tasking Robot – Chang’e 8.
CCTV (filmpje): Exhibition of Chang'e-5 Lunar Sampling Opens to Public.
SpaceCom: Mars orbiters witness a 'winter wonderland' on the Red Planet.
Spaceflight Now: Nelson: Decision on Mars Sample Return expected before new administration takes office – MSR
SpaceCom: New thunderstorms wider than Earth are spewing out green lightning on Jupiter — and could make one of the gas giant's massive bands disappear.
NASA (filmpje): NASA’s Juno Mission Uncovers Heart of Jovian Moon’s Volcanic Rage.
Universe Today: A Mission to Dive Titan’s Lakes – and Soar Between Them.
Om af te ronden:
Maan en Planeten Podcast: Recente ontwikkelingen in het zonnestelsel - december 2024.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
Chinees ruimteafval zorgt voor spektakel.
SpaceCom: See a dead Chinese satellite burn up as a brilliant fireball in the night sky.
LiveScience: Watch Chinese satellite burn up over US in spectacular 'fireball'.
Forbes: Chinese Satellite Burns Up, Drops Debris Over US.
Video From Space: Fireball! Chinese satellite burns up over several US states.
Trump, Elon en Isaacman.
Voorlopig blijven we doorgaan met het vermelden van berichtjes over deze drie, zolang het een beetje met ruimtevaart te maken heeft.
Miles O’Brien (filmpje): Miles to Go | Episode 39: Jared Isaacman: From Entrepreneur to Space Pioneer and NASA's Next Leader?
TASS: Roscosmos CEO says he has not yet spoken to NASA Administrator nominee.
NASA Watch: Here Comes TrumpSpace 2.0.
SpaceCom: What does the NASA administrator do?
ScienceOrg: Trump names OSTP director as part of White House tech team.
NASA en nieuwe heliofysische missies.
07.11 – Space News: NASA defends selection of astrophysics probe mission proposals.
07.12 – Space News: Heliophysics decadal survey recommends two flagship missions for NASA.
11.12 – Space News: NASA sees progress in funding key heliophysics mission.
Deed UK een slechte zaak met de redding van OneWeb?
The Spectator: Will taxpayers get their satellite bailout money back?
Hubble Space Telescope.
Universe Today: Hubble and Webb are the Dream Team. Don't Break Them Up.
NASA: Hubble Captures a Galaxy with Many Lights.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Sees Aftermath of Galaxy’s Scrape with Milky Way.
NASA: NASA’s Chandra, Hubble Tune Into ‘Flame-Throwing’ Guitar Nebula.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Finds Sizzling Details About Young Star FU Orionis.
NASA: Hubble Captures an Edge-On Spiral with Curve Appeal.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Takes the Closest-Ever Look at a Quasar.
NASA: Hubble Spots a Spiral in the Celestial River.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Celebrates Decade of Tracking Outer Planets.
ESA (foto): Hubble celebrates a decade of tracking the outer planets.
NASA: Hubble Captures an Edge-On Spiral with Curve Appeal.
NASA: Hubble Images a Grand Spiral.
SpaceCom: Hubble trouble or Superbubble? Astronomers need to escape the 'supervoid' to solve cosmology crisis.
SpaceCom: NASA, Astronomical League team up for 2025 Hubble night sky challenge.
NASA: Hubble Spies a Cosmic Eye.
STScI: Zoom into the Virgo Cluster - Hubble Space Telescope #shorts.
STScI: Spiral Galaxy UGC 10043 - Hubble Space Telescope #shorts.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: MCG+05-31-045.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 1672.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: UGC 10043.
HubbleWebbESA: Jupiter over time (December 2023 to March 2024).
HubbleWebbESA: Time-lapse of Jupiter (December 2023 to March 2024).
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 4694.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: IC 1954.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 1559.
HubbleWebbESA: The Hubble Space Telescope: Three Decades of Discovery.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 2090.
STScI: Cosmic Reef Visualization - Hubble Space Telescope #shorts.
STScI: Evolution of Saturn's Ring Tilt (2018-2024) - Hubble Space Telescope.
NASA: Hubble’s Inside the Image: Protoplanetary Disks.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 1637.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 5643.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan: NGC 2566.
STScI: Visualization of the Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light - Part 1 #shorts.
STScI: Visualization of the Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light - Part 2 #shorts.
STScI: Visualization of the Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light - Part 3 #shorts.
James Webb Space Telescope.
Universe Today: Webb Confirms a Longstanding Galaxy Model.
Universe Today: Hubble and Webb are the Dream Team. Don't Break Them Up.
NASA: Monitoring Webb’s Mirrors for Optimal Optics.
Universe Today: James Webb Confirms Hubble’s Calculation of Hubble’s Constant.
SpaceCom: James Webb Space Telescope spots 1st 'Einstein zig-zag' — here's why scientists are thrilled.
NASA: Hats Off to NASA’s Webb: Sombrero Galaxy Dazzles in New Image.
ESA: Webb traces swirling spiral arms in infrared.
ESA: Webb finds surprises in Spiderweb protocluster field.
Live Science: James Webb telescope confirms we have no idea why the universe is growing the way it is.
Ars Technica: Latest James Webb data hints at new physics in Universe’s expansion.
ESA: Webb finds primeval star-forming galaxy that is lightweight.
NASA: NASA’s Webb Finds Planet-Forming Disks Lived Longer in Early Universe.
NASA: NASA Missions Spot Cosmic ‘Wreath’ Displaying Stellar Circle of Life.
NASA: Chandra and Webb Spy a Cosmic Wreath.
SpaceCom: James Webb Space Telescope catches monster black hole napping after 'overeating' in the early universe.
Universe Today: The JWST Looked Over the Hubble’s Shoulder and Confirmed that the Universe is Expanding Faster.
NASA: NASA’s Webb Reveals Smallest Asteroids Yet Found in Main Asteroid Belt.
Universe Today: Webb Observes Protoplanetary Disks that Contradict Models of Planet Formation.
Live Science: 5 times the James Webb telescope rewrote physics in 2024.
STScI: NGC 2207 — James Webb Space Telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) #shorts.
HubbleWebbESA: potm2409a.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan video: Arp 107.
STScI: Watch as the Sombrero Galaxy fades through Spitzer, Webb and Hubble Observations.
HubbleWebbESA: Zoom video: Sombrero Galaxy.
HubbleWebbESA: Transition video: Hubble and Webb’s views of the Sombrero Galaxy.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan Video: NGC 2090.
ESA: Spiderweb Protocluster (NIRCam).
STScI: The Phantom Galaxy: Comparing the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam and MIRI/NIRCam Images #shorts.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan of galaxy cluster MACS J1423 (NIRCam image).
New Scientist: Stunning JWST images that reveal the beauty of space.
New Scientist: James Webb Space Telescope: Stunning images that show the beauty of space – from galaxies to nebulae.
HubbleWebbESA: Pan video: NGC 2566 (MIRI).
HubbleWebbESA: Pan video: NGC 2566 (NIRCam and MIRI image).
HubbleWebbESA: Transition video: Hubble and Webb's views of NGC 2566.
Chandra X-ray Telescope.
SpaceCom: NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope sees 'knots' blasting from nearby black hole jets.
NASA: NASA’s Chandra, Hubble Tune Into ‘Flame-Throwing’ Guitar Nebula.
NASA: NASA Finds ‘Sideways’ Black Hole Using Legacy Data, New Techniques.
NASA: Chandra and Webb Spy a Cosmic Wreath.
Neil Gehrels Swift Telescope.
NASA: NASA’s Swift Studies Gas-Churning Monster Black Holes.
NASA: NASA’s Swift Reaches 20th Anniversary in Improved Pointing Mode.
PhysOrg: NASA's IXPE details shapes of structures at a newly discovered black hole.
ESA: XMM-Newton celebrates 25 years of breakthroughs.
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
SpaceCom: NASA's Roman space telescope gets ready to stare at distant suns to find alien planets.
Space News: Roman Space Telescope reaches assembly milestone.
NASA: Telescope for NASA’s Roman Mission Complete, Delivered to Goddard.
NASA: NASA Successfully Integrates Roman Mission’s Telescope, Instruments.
STScI: 2023: Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's Instrument Carrier arrives at NASA's Goddard.
NASA: NASA, JAXA XRISM Mission Looks Deeply Into ‘Hidden’ Stellar System.
Einstein Probe.
SpaceCom: Sharp 'lobster vision:' China's Einstein Probe space telescope already making discoveries during commissioning phase.
Om af te ronden – NASA’s geschiedenis over Commercial Space.
NASA: New Report Analyzes Long History of NASA Support for Commercial Space.
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