Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/03–684
Het was me het weekje wel. Peregrine – de eerste commerciële maanlander – dook de Aardse atmosfeer in en is niet meer (en heeft de Maan ook nooit gezien). Japan liet SLIM zacht landen op diezelfde Maan maar de zonnecellen lieten het afweten. Exit SLIM. In februari is er een nieuwe kans want dan vertrekt een volgende commerciële maanlander, de NOVA C van Intuitive Machines. Ook op Mars was het even spannend. Men verloor immers contact met Ingenuity maar ondertussen is het contact met het helikoptertje weer ok. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.
Bij de foto: Axiom 3 met een Europese bemanning vertrok deze week naar het ruimtestation en kwam er ongedeerd aan. Foto: NASA/Chris Swanson
Een beetje Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Aerospacelab en zijn vier satellieten.
Aerospacelab (via Twitter): Three SIGINTs left the factory.
Aerospacelab (via Twitter): Very High-resolution satellite left the factory.
De lanceringen van afgelopen week.
14.01.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink satellieten – Group 7-10 (VSFB).
SpaceCom: SpaceX to launch 22 Starlink satellites from California early Jan. 10.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX delays Starlink satellite launch from West Coast.
SpaceX via Twitter (a.k.a. X): De lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 132 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 14 January 2024.
15.01.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink satellieten – Group 6-37 (CCSFS).
NSF: SCRUB: SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Starlink 6-37.
SpaceX via Twitter (a.k.a. X): De lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 133 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 15 January 2024.
17.01.2024 – Chinese LM7 lanceert Tianzhou 7 naar het Chinese ruimtestation CSS.
ECNS: China to launch Tianzhou-7 cargo craft in Hainan (foto’s).
SpaceCom: China launches Tianzhou 7 cargo craft to Tiangong space station (video).
CGTN: Live: Latest on Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft scheduled for launch to China Space Station.
CCTV: Tianzhou-7 Cargo Spacecraft, Carrier Rocket Combination Being Transfered to Launching Area.
CCTV+: Tiangong TV | China’s Shenzhou-17 crew prepared to take on new tasks.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-7 Cargo Spacecraft Ready for Launch.
CCTV+: Improved Technologies Make Space Station Resupply Mission Less Frequent: Experts.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-7 with Increased Freight Capacity to Deliver More Parcels to Astronauts.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-7 to Deliver Supplies, Surprises to Astronauts.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-7 to Carry out Three Major Missions in Space.
CCTV+: Launching Site Completes Site-Wide Rehearsal Before Sending Tianzhou-7 Cargo Craft into Space.
CCTV+: Rocket Control Engineers Working Meticulously for Launch of Tianzhou-7.
CCTV+: Digital Communications Key for Tianzhou-7 Launch.
CCTV: Meteorological Conditions for Tianzhou-7 Cargo Craft Launch Satisfactory: Expert.
CCTV+: LIVE: Launch of Tianzhou-7 Cargo Spacecraft.
CCTV+: China Launches Tianzhou-7 Cargo Craft to Send Space Station Supplies.
SciNews: Long March-7 Y8 ready to launch Tianzhou-7.
SciNews: Tianzhou-7 launch.
CCTV+: Tianzhou Mini Lectures | 01 Why does China adjust the launch frequency of Tianzhou cargo craft?
17.01.2024 – Tianzhou 7 koppelde drie uur later met het Chinese ruimtestation.
Space News: Tianzhou-7 reaches Tiangong in China’s first space station mission of 2024.
Space Voyaging: Tianzhou-7: A Milestone in China’s Space Station Program.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-7 Cargo Craft Docks with China's Space Station.
CCTV+: Three-Hour Docking Process to Become Routine in Future Space Missions: Engineer.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-7’s three-hour docking.
SciNews: Tianzhou-7 docking.
18.01.2024 – Lancering Axiom 3 – ISS.
SpaceCom: Meet the 4 astronauts of SpaceX's Ax-3 launch for Axiom Space.
Space News: Third Axiom Space private astronaut mission ready for launch.
Spaceflight Now: Replay: SpaceX test fires Falcon 9 rocket for commercial space station crew mission.
SpaceCom: SpaceX delays launch of private Ax-3 astronaut mission to Jan. 18.
NASA: NASA, Partners to Welcome Private Crew Aboard Space Station.
ESA: First Europeans take off on commercial flight to Space Station.
Collect Space: Axiom-3 launches on SpaceX to ISS with all-European citizen crew.
Space News: SpaceX launches third Axiom mission to ISS.
Ars Technica: Axiom, SpaceX launch third all-private crew mission to space station.
Space Daily: Turkey's first astronaut brandishes Erdogan's ambitions.
European Spaceflight: Axiom Mission Carrying First ESA Project Astronaut Launched.
Ars Technica: Axiom and SpaceX are disrupting Europe’s traditional pathway to space.
ESA heeft een “launch kit” beschikbaar voor de Muninn missie (PDF).
ESA: A warm welcome from Huginn to Muninn.
ESA: Astro Chat with Marcus Wandt | ESA Explores podcast.
NASA: Axiom Mission 3 Prelaunch News Conference (Jan. 16, 2024).
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Mission | Launch.
Axoim Space: Ax-3 Mission | In-Flight Update.
SciNews: Ax-3 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Research Experiments.
Axiom Space: Axiom Space Operations.
Axiom Space: Expeditionary Training.
Axiom Space: Expeditionary Training Part 2.
Axiom Space: Expeditionary Training Part 3.
Axiom Space: Expeditionary Training Part 4.
19.01.2024 – Tinazhou 6 verbrandt in de atmosfeer.
Tianzhou 6 vertrok vorige week, hier nog een filmpje:
CCTV+: Tiangong TV | China’s Tianzhou-6 Cargo Craft Separates from Space Station Combination.
SpaceCom: China's Tianzhou 6 cargo spacecraft burns up in Earth's atmosphere.
CCTV+: Tianzhou-6 Cargo Craft Re-Enters Atmosphere After Completing Mission.
CGTN: Tianzhou-6 cargo craft re-enters atmosphere after completing mission.
SciNews: Tianzhou-6 deorbited.
20.01.2024 – Iran lanceert Soraya.
EuroNews: Iran launches satellite - part of a Western-criticised programme.
ABC News: Iran launches satellite that is part of a Western-criticized program as regional tensions spike.
Haaretz: Iran Launches Advanced Satellite as Regional Tensions Spike Over Israel's War in Gaza.
EuroNews: Iran launches satellite - part of a Western-criticised programme.
19.01.2024 – Axiom 3 koppelt met het ruimtestation – ISS.
EuroNews: SpaceX flight successfully docks at International Space Station.
ESA: Muninn: First space mission for ESA’s Marcus Wandt begins.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Mission | Approach & Docking.
SciNews: Ax-3 Crew Dragon docking.
SciNews: Ax-3 Crew Dragon hatch opening.
NASA Johnson: Axiom Mission 3 Space Station Arrival & Welcome Remarks.
Te verwachten lanceringen.
Rusland lanceert in maart de eerste Angara A5.
TASS: Vostochny spaceport gears up for historic Angara-A5 launch.
Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.
Vulcan gebruikte nieuwe boosters bij de eerste lancering.
Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Test Fires Full-Scale Sentinel Stage-Two Solid Rocket Motor.
Space News: Vulcan launch demonstrates new solid rocket boosters.
Landspace test herbruikbare rakettrap – Hop tot 350 meter hoogte.
Space News:China’s Landspace conducts first VTVL test for reusable stainless steel rocket.
EnglishNews.CN: Zhuque-3 reusable rocket completes vertical return technology test.
CCTV: Zhuque-3 Reusable Rocket Completes Vertical Return Technology Test.
Nieuws over Europa en zijn raketten.
Europe in Space: Is Ariane 6 the last European launcher.
EuroNews Next: Europe's access to space 'guaranteed' after 'painful' lessons of Ariane 6 crisis, says ESA head.
European Spaceflight: New Orbex CEO Says Larger Vehicle “On The Table”.
European Spaceflight: ArianeGroup to Increase MaiaSpace Investment to €125M.
Impulse Space wil grotere Upper Stage bouwen.
Space News: Impulse Space announces plan to develop high-energy kick stage.
Payload: Impulse Space is Making a Very Big Kick Stage.
ISS – Crew 8.
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 Visits Dragon, Tests Equipment Ahead of Launch.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Preps for Private Astronaut Arrival as Ax-3 Mission Nears Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-3 Launch Date Adjusted; Crew Harvests Plants and Conducts Fluid Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-3 Go for Launch; Crew Continues Space Botany and Fluid Research.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Awaits Dragon Carrying Four Ax-3 Astronauts.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-3 Mission Approaching Station Live on NASA TV.
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-3 Docks to Station Aboard Dragon Spacecraft.
NASA ISS Blog: Four Ax-3 Astronauts Board Station and Meet Expedition 70 Crew.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 16/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 17/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 18/01/2024.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: Roscosmos’ Kononenko undergoes hearing tests aboard ISS.
Collect Space: 'I.S.S.' filmmakers recreate ISS to ground thriller in realistic setting.
NASA: Space to Ground: En Route: Jan. 19, 2024.
NASA: Expedition 70 Astronaut Mogensen Talks with WILD Nature Foundation - Jan. 17, 2024.
Commerciële ruimtestations.
Space News: Airbus and Voyager finalize Starlab joint venture.
Axiom Space: Axiom Station.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
CGTN+: Shenzhou-17 Crew Transfer Tianzhou-7 Cargo to Space Station.
CGTN: Shenzhou-17 crew transfers Tianzhou-7 cargo to space station.
CCTV+: Chinese Astronauts Ready for Two Manned Space Missions in 2024.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-16 Astronauts Make First Public Appearance Since Return, With Tales of Epic Space Journey.
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
Nieuwe versie motoren SLS in een nieuwe test.
NASA: NASA Continues Artemis Moon Rocket Engine Tests with 1st Hot Fire of 2024.
SciNews: SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 17 January 2024.
NSF: NASA SLS Exploration Upper Stage moving into qualification phase of development.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
GAO: NASA Artemis Programs: Lunar Landing Plans Are Progressing but Challenges Remain.
Het volledige rapport vind je hier (PDF).
Payoad: Artemis III Could Face Further Delays, Watchdogs Say.
Space News: House committee backs Artemis despite latest delay.
Space Policy Online: Artemis gets strong support from House Committee members, but not Mike Griffin.
Ars Technica: Former NASA administrator hates Artemis, wants to party like it’s 2008.
Space News: New report calls for DoD investments in lunar space infrastructure.
Inside Outer Space: Military Security of Cislunar Space: Report Flags Race to the Moon.
Air & Space Forces: New Report: Space Force Needs to Plus-Up for Cislunar Competition.
Dit rapport vind je hier (PDF).
Live Science: Which animals will be the first to live on the moon and Mars?
CSA: Deep Space Healthcare Challenge finalist: MD Applications.
Starship – Aftellen naar IFT-3.
Space News: SpaceX says propellant venting caused loss of second Starship.
SpaceCom: 'If it had had a payload, it would have made it to orbit.' Elon Musk reveals cause of Starship explosion (video).
Space Policy Online: Musk explaines Starship failure, forecasts humans on Mars in eight years.
NSF: Launch Site Readied for Flight 3 | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship's 3rd Flight Test in February | Inside Starship Propellant Distribution System.
NSF: Elon Musk Updates on Starship | Vulcan Launches for the First Time - NSF Live.
WAI: Is SpaceX Serious? They're Making Starship Even Bigger!
NSF: More Huge Tanks Delivered to the Orbital Tank Farm | SpaceX Boca Chica.
WAI: SpaceX Gives Out More Starship Details! IFT3 in 4 weeks?
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
Het einde voor Peregrine.
NASA: With NASA Science Aboard, Astrobotic’s Mission Continues to Evolve.
NASA: NASA Science, Astrobotic’s Peregrine Lunar Lander Mission to Conclude.
Space News: Peregrine lunar lander on Earth reentry trajectory.
Space News: Astrobotic confirms Peregrine reentry plans.
Space News: Astrobotic to begin formal investigation into failed Peregrine mission.
SpaceCom: Ailing Peregrine moon lander on path to crash into Earth, Astrobotic says.
SpaceCom: Doomed Peregrine moon lander will burn up in Earth's atmosphere — but we don't yet know where.
SpaceCom: Astrobotic loses contact with hobbled Peregrine moon lander.
SpaceCom: As crippled Peregrine moon lander burns up in Earth's atmosphere, Astrobotic 'excited for the next adventure'.
Space Policy Online: Astrobotic “emboldened” despite Peregrine failure.
ESA: Peregrine spectrometer, over and out.
The Hill: Astrobiotic’s glitch is a mere bump in the road for commercial moon landings.
Peregrine werd vanop Aarde gefotografeerd door heel wat mensen, waarbij het wegstromende gas te zien was, zoals volgend bericht van s2a Systems en Mickey.
NASA: Astrobotic Peregrine Mission One Update (Jan. 19, 2024).
NSF: Space Is Hard - The Tale of Astrobotic's Peregrine.
Japanse SLIM landt zacht op de Maan – Maar zonder werkend zonnepaneel kwam het einde er snel aan.
JAXA: Transition to the landing preparation phase for the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM).
JAXA: The results of the Moon Landing by the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM).
Space News: Japan’s SLIM spacecraft lowers orbit ahead of Friday moon landing attempt.
Space News: Japan makes history with tense, successful moon landing.
Collect Space: Japan lands on moon, becomes fifth country to reach lunar surface.
Ars Technica: Japan becomes the fifth nation to land a spacecraft on the Moon.
Space Policy Online: Japan’s SLIM successfully lands on Moon, but will have limited lifetime.
Inside Outer Space: Successful Landing of Japan’s SLIM on the Moon – But Suffers Power Supply Issues (Updated).
Spacepage: Japan zet met succes ruimtetuig op het maanoppervlak.
JAXA: SLIM Moon Landing Live & Press Conference.
Scott Manley: Japan Lands On The Moon.... Upside Down? Astrobotic's Moon Lander Lands On Earth?
Europese Mars Express en water op de Martiaanse evenaar.
ESA: Buried water ice at Mars's equator?
ESA: Map of suspected ice at Mars’s equator.
Universe Today: The Ice Sheet on Mars is Even Thicker Than Previously Believed.
NASA verliest (even) contact met Ingenuity, het helicoptertje op Mars.
NASA Ingenuity: Flight 72 Preview – By the Numbers.
NASA Ingenuity: Flight 72 Status Update.
SpaceCom: NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter.
Inside Outer Space: Ups and Downs! What happened to the Mars Helicopter?
Space Daily: Ingenious Flying Robot Phones Home From Mars
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Universe Today: NASA Selects a Sample Return Mission to Venus.
SpaceCom: Moon rock revelations could solve lingering lunar geology puzzle.
NASA: Laser Instrument on NASA’s LRO Successfully ‘Pings’ Indian Moon Lander.
Universe Mag: Strange rocks on the Moon may turn out to be magnetic.
PhysOrg: Discovery changes understanding of water's history on the moon
Inside Outer Space: Next Private Moon Lander Attempt to Fly in February
The Times of India: Nasa’s LRO pings Vikram, opens door to new style of locating targets on Moon.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4062-4063: Ready for Contact Science.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4064-4066: A Bird in the Hand...
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4066-4070: Cracking Up!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4070-4072: So Many Textures, So Little Time.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4073-4075: A Fractured Filled Plan.
SpaceCom: 'Star Trek' on Mars? Curiosity rover spots Starfleet symbol on Red Planet.
European Spaceflight: European Martian Moon Rover on Its Way to Japan – MMX.
ESA (filmpje): POV: Huygens probe landing on Titan.
NASA – Houston we have a podcast: Return of OREx: Part III.
NASA: NASA’S OSIRIS-REx Curation Team Reveals Remaining Asteroid Sample.
NASA: NASA’S OSIRIS-REx Curation Team Reveals Remaining Asteroid Sample.
Twintig jaar Spirit en Opportunity.
NASA: 20 Years After Landing: How NASA's Twin Rovers Changed Mars Science.*
NASA (filmpje): Celebrating NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity’s 20th Anniversary Landing on Mars.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
De ruimtevaartsector op zoek naar geld (bis).
Ook in vorige NUDR stonden er een reeks artikels onder dezelfde titel gegroepeerd.
Momentus: Momentus announces $4,0 million registered direct offering proced at-the-market under Nasdaq rules.
Space News: Momentus, low on cash, delays next mission.
CNBC: Space company Momentus, once valued at more than $1 billion, is running dangerously low on money.
Om af te ronden – Van de Vision for Space Exploration tot Artemis.
The Space Review: Twenty years of chasing the Moon.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,