Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/04–685
SLIM ondersteboven en de laatste vlucht van Ingenuity, twee belangrijke nieuwsfeiten uit de afgelopen week. Maar ook een week met massa’s nieuws uit België, deels te wijten aan het feit dat België momenteel de voorzitter is van de Raad van de EU, en omdat in Brussel afgelopen week de 16de European Space Conference plaats had. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.
Bij de foto: SLIM landde zacht op de Maan maar rolde verder en kwam uiteindelijk ondersteboven te staan. De zonnecellen bevinden zich op deze foto aan de rechterkant. Aan de schaduw te zien is dat duidelijk de verkeerde kant. Foto: JAXA.
Een beetje Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws – En nieuws uit Europa.
België tekent de Artemis Accords.
NASA: NASA Welcomes Belgium as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory.
Space News: Belgium signs Artemis Accords.
De Tijd: België schaart zich met ondertekening ruimteverdragen achter VS in nieuwe maanrace.
rtbf: Missions européennes dans l’espace : "Aujourd’hui, toute société moderne dépend des applications spatiales".
StarFab – Space Applications Services en Sonaca gaan prototype ruimtefabriek ontwerpen.
Data News: Belgische bedrijven gaan eerste prototype voor een ruimtefabriek ontwerpen.
De Standaard (betaalmuur): Belgische bedrijven bouwen allereerste ruimtefabriek: “Dit is geen sciencefiction”.
rtbf: Sonaca un peu plus près des étoiles, le groupe aérospatial wallon va concevoir le premier prototype d'usine spatiale.
Le Soir: C’est en Belgique que se conçoit la première usine de l’espace.
ESA interviewt astronaut-in-spé Raphaël Liégeois.
ESA: ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Raphaël Liégeois.
AstroCardia – Belgisch hartonderzoek in de ruimte.
De website vind je hier.
Twee artikel uit 2023, met een lancering in 2025.
AstroCardia: Belgians send miniature heart into space for ageing research.
SCK-CEN: Belgen sturen miniatuurhart naar de ruimte voor verouderingsonderzoek.
Zie ook volgend recent artikel waar AstroCardia vermeld wordt:
Pharmaceutical Technology: NSCF embarks on fifth flight to investigate neurodegenerative disorders in space.
Spacebel werkt mee aan ESA’s Comet Interceptor.
Spacebel: SPACEBEL Kicks off 2024 on a High Note with a Major Comet Interceptor Contract.
Pauwels Consulting en de ruimtevaart.
DataNews: Overname lanceert Pauwels Consulting in de ruimte.
Flanders Space breidt uit.
Tusk IC: Tusk joins Flanders Space.
De Europese Commissie, de ruimte en het Belgische voorzitterschap.
EC: #EUSpace and Defence industry to support the Belgian Presidency priorities.
EC – Thierry Breton (European Commissioner for Internal Market): EU Space: the Top 5 Priorities for 2024 and beyond.
EC: Towards a single market for space and more robust systems.
Euractiv: EU looks towards future space law, launcher alliance and threat awareness strategy.
EC – Defence Industry and Space: Launch of the European Flight Ticket Initiative.
Space News: ESA and EU collaborate on launch initiative – Flight Ticket Initiative.
Het gaat om de firma’s: Isar Aerospace, Orbex, PLD Space en Rocket Factory Augsburg. De vijfde is Arianespace.
EuroNews: EU Policy. New space launcher policy pledge after Ariane failure.
Zie ook dit filmpje.
EC: Developing reconnaissance capabilities at an EU level.
EC: An EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence to ensure a stronger and more resilient EU.
EUSPA: The new EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report is out, time to know more!
Een filmpje – EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report 2024 – vind je hier.
EC: The European Commission unveils the 2023 European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP).
EC: The European Radionavigation Plan and the future of navigation.
Space News: Europe weeks away from finalizing sovereign broadband proposal – IRIS2.
Space News: EU space law proposal due in March.
EIB: European institutions join forces to boost the European space sector.
Space News: Europe sets up space finance taskforce.
Via Satellite: EIB, ESA, EC Strengthen European Space Financing.
En ook:
European Spaceflight: Expansion Raises €100M to Invest in European New Space Startups.
Extra steun voor Europese lanceerders.
Er is niet alleen het hierboven vermelde Europese Flight Ticket Initiative, maar ook:
European Spaceflight: French Launch Startup Latitude Closes $30M Series B.
European Spaceflight: Exolaunch Wins €18M DLR Launch Contract.
European Spaceflight: Spanish Government Awards €40.5M Loan to PLD Space for Miura 5.
ESA kiest twee nieuwe sondes – LISA en EnVision. Beide met Belgische inbreng.
ESA: Capturing the ripples of spacetime: LISA gets go-ahead.
NASA: NASA Collaborating on European-led Gravitational Wave Observatory in Space;
KU Leuven: Groen licht voor LISA, de eerste ruimtetelescoop voor zwaartekrachtgolven.
De Tijd: Europa bouwt eerste ruimtetelescoop voor zwaartekrachtgolven: 'Begin van revolutie in kosmologie'.
ESA: We're heading for Venus: ESA approves EnVision.
BIRA: We gaan naar Venus: ESA keurt EnVision goed.
European Spaceflight: ESA Green Light Venus Probe and Gravitational Wave Observatory.
De lanceringen van afgelopen week.
23.01.2024 – Chinese Kinetica 1 lanceert 5 satellieten in derde lancering.
ECNS: CAS Space launches five satellites with Kinetica 1 Y3 rocket.
ECNS: China sends five satellites into space (foto’s).
CGTN: China launches commercial carrier rocket Lijian-1 Y3.
CCTV: Lijian-1 Rocket Series Proves Reliability After Successful Launch in Freezing Temperatures.
CCTV: Expert on Five Satellites Launched on Lijian-1 Y3 Carrier Rocket.
SciNews: Lijian-1 launches 5 satellites.
24.01.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink satellieten – Group 7-11 (VSFB).
SpaceCom: SpaceX scrubs launch of Starlink satellites from California.
SpaceX via Twitter (a.k.a. X): Watch Falcon 9 launch 22 Starlink satellites to orbit (abort).
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch, 20 January 2024.
SpaceX via Twitter (a.k.a. X): Watch Falcon 9 launch 22 Starlink satellites to orbit
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 134 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 24 January 2024.
26.01.2024 – SpaceShipTwo – Galactic-06.
SpaceCom: Virgin Galactic may launch 6th commercial spaceflight this week.
SpaceCom: Virgin Galactic launches 1st Ukrainian woman to space — and 3 others — on Galactic 06 suborbital flight (video).
Space News: Virgin Galactic launches four private astronauts as it prepares to end Unity flights.
Space News: New effort seeks to study health issues for private astronauts.
SciNews: Galactic 06 spaceflight.
Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.
20.01.2024 – Iran lanceert Soraya.
CNA: Iran dismisses European condemnation of satellite launch.
Meer detail in de vorige NUDR.
Nog even de ZQ 3 VTVL test.
ECNS: Homegrown reusable rocket one step closer.
Meer detail in de vorige NUDR.
New Glenn begint vorm te krijgen.
SpaceCom: Blue Origin joins 2 stages of New Glenn rocket for the 1st time (photo).
Space News: Blue Origin gets U.S. Space Force funding for New Glenn ‘integration studies’.
ISS – Op komst – Starliner en Dreamchaser.
NASA: NASA, Sierra Space Invite Media to See Spaceplane for Cargo Missions.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Boeing Move into Next Phases of Flight Test Prep.
ExecutiveGov: NASA, Boeing Prepare for Starliner Spacecraft’s First Crew Flight Test.
ISS – Over Crew 8 en Soyuz MS-25.
NASA: What You Need to Know about NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 Mission.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's Crew-8 astronaut launch date in late February hinges on private moon shot.
NASA: NASA Briefing: Upcoming Crew Missions to the International Space Station (Jan. 25, 2024).
NASA: Expedition 70 NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 Astronauts, Tracy Dyson Answer Media Questions - Jan. 25, 2024.
ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Expedition 70 and Ax-3 Crews Working Together on Station
NASA ISS Blog: Station Crew Assists Ax-3 on Advanced Space Research
NASA ISS Blog: Ax-3 Research on Station Advancing Health and Space Tech
NASA ISS Blog: Crews Study Eyes, Physics and Prep for Cygnus Cargo Mission
NASA ISS Blog: Station Wraps Busy Week Before Cygnus Cargo Mission Launches
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 20/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 22/01/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 23/01/2024.
ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Time: What Spending a Record 371 Days in Space Taught Astronaut Frank Rubio.
NPR: After a year in space, NASA astronaut reflects on the unexpectedly long trip.
NPR: NASA astronaut accidentally broke a record.
PhysOrg: Salad in space? New research says it's not a healthy choice.
SpaceCom: Could space salad jeopardize a mission to Mars?
TASS: Kononenko shows how ISS cosmonauts cut their hair in space
Ars Technica: What happens when an astronaut in orbit says he’s not coming back?
European Spaceflight: ESA Astronaut Aboard Space Station Controls Robot on Earth.
NASA: Space to Ground: Stronger Together: Jan. 26, 2024.
NASA: Expedition 70 Astronaut Furukawa Talks with Japanese High School Students - Jan. 26, 2024.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Mission Update #1.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Mission Update #2.
Axiom Space: Ax-3 Broadcast | European Space Agency (ESA).
Commerciële ruimtestations – Sierra Space blaast module op.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space advances its revolutionary commercial space station technology.
Space News: Sierra Space tests full-scale inflatable module.
Ars Technica: Sierra Space is blowing up stuff to prove inflatable habitats are safe.
Sierra Space: Full-Scale LIFE™ Inflatable Space Station Burst Test at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
NASA: The Big Boom: #NASA Conducts Full-Scale Burst Test.
Commerciële ruimtestations – Meer nieuws.
Payload: A Government Roadmap to Support CLDs.
Het Bayond Earth Institute report – A Framework For The Effective Implementation Of Commercial Space Stations – vind je hier in PDF-vorm.
CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Astronauts for next two spaceflights undergoing trainings.
Inside Outer Space: China Readies Next Space Station Crews.
SCMP: China takes its chip war to space as it uses Tiangong space station to test processors and gain a tech edge.
CCTV+: Life-size Replica of China's Space Station Core Module Tianhe on Display.
CCTV+: New Footage of Astronauts Moving Goods in Tianzhou-7 Released.
CCTV+: Safe, Portable Space EEG Testing Platform Established Onboard China's Space Station.
CCTV+: China’s EEG Testing Platform to Help Investigate into Human Brain Development in Space.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-16 Astronauts Share Experience with Press in First Meeting after Return to Earth.
CCTV+: Shenzhou-16 Astronauts Make First Public Appearance Since Return, With Tales of Epic Space Journey.
ROSS – Het Russische ruimtestation.
English.News.CN: Russia to launch 10 manned spacecraft for orbital station in 2028-2033.
Naar de Maan (en Mars).
Artemis – 23.01 & 27.01.2024 – Nieuwe testen voor RS-25 motoren.
SpaceCom: NASA fires up powerful Artemis moon rocket engine in key test.
SciNews: SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 23 January 2024.
SciNews: SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 27 January 2024.
Artemis – Gateway.
Space News: Northrop charges on lunar Gateway module program reach $100 million.
Payload: Lockheed Martin Wants the Government to Pay For Value.
Artemis – Human Landing System – HLS.
Nu ook in een onbemande versie voor het afleveren van vrachten op de Maan.
Space News: Blue Origin and SpaceX start work on cargo versions of crewed lunar landers.
Artemis – Maanpakken.
SpaceCom: Artemis moon spacesuits prepped for tests ahead of delayed 2026 lunar landing.
Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
NASA: Artemis Teams Install Emergency Escape Baskets at NASA Kennedy.
NASA: NASA Shares Newest Results of Moon to Mars Architecture Concept Review.
De betrokken documenten vind je op NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture website.
European Spaceflight: Who should be the first to set foot on the Moon?
SpaceCom: Apollo 17 astronauts saw strange flashes on the moon. Will Artemis crews see them too?
NASA: Shrinking Moon Causing Moonquakes and Faults Near Lunar South Pole.
Open Access Government: Moon’s shrinkage and moonquakes act as a challenge for future artemis missions.
SpaceCom: Our shrinking moon could cause moonquakes near Artemis astronauts' landing site, scientists warn.
Payload: ESA and Hassell Design an Inflatable Lunar Habitat.
New Scientist: Hassell and ESA unveil their concept for a permanent base on the moon.
Starship – Aftellen naar IFT-3.
Universe Today: Now We Know Why Starship’s Second Flight Test Failed.
SpaceCom: SpaceX wants to expand Starship launch site with a Texas land swap.
Texas Public Radio: Texas parks department agrees to delay SpaceX land exchange deal after public says process was rushed
NSF: Wet Dress Rehearsal on the Horizon for Starship Flight 3.
WAI: Big Reveal: SpaceX & NASA Mars Plan!
NSF: Booster 12 Rolled Into Mega Bay 1 for Raptor Installation | SpaceX Boca Chica;
WAI: Why did Starship Blow Up?
WAI: Unveiling SpaceX's Bold Starship Expansion: Full Breakdown!
NSF: Booster 10 Hot Stage Ring Reinstalled | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.
Het einde voor Ingenuity.
Vorige week was er het bericht dat contact met Ingenuity even verloren was. Maar deze week liet men weten dat het helikoptertje zijn laatste vlucht had gemaakt.
NASA Ingenuity: Ingenuity Reestablishes Communications.
SpaceCom: NASA restores contact with Mars helicopter Ingenuity after communications dropout on latest flight.
Ars Technica: NASA loses, and then recovers, contact with its historic Mars helicopter.
En toen werd het einde van Ingenuity aangekondigd.
NASA: After Three Years on Mars, NASA's Ingenuity Helicopter Mission Ends.
SpaceCom: NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity has flown its last flight after suffering rotor damage.
SpaceCom: 'It's sort of been invincible until this moment:' Mars helicopter Ingenuity pilot says 'bland' terrain may have doomed NASA chopper.
Collect Space: NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter mission ends after 72 flights.
Universe Today: Ingenuity Suffers Rotor Damage, Ending the Mission.
Spacepage: Na drie jaar op Mars eindigt NASA de Ingenuity helikoptermissie.
NASA: Administrator Bill Nelson announces the end of Ingenuity Mars Helicopter.
NASA: NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Update (Jan. 25, 2024) – Media Teleconference.
NASA: Legacy of NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter.
NASA: NASA’s Mars Helicopter Team Says Goodbye.
De Maan – SLIM.
Space News: Japan’s moon lander forced to power down but may yet be revived.
BBC: Japan hopes sunlight can save stricken Slim Moon lander.
JAXA: Outcome for the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) 's Moon Landing.
JAXA: Images taken by the Multi-Band Camera (MBC) on board the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM).
JAXA: Result and Achievements of the Lunar Excursion Vehicle (LEV-1) on board Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM).
Space News: Japan’s SLIM achieved pinpoint moon landing with just one working engine.
Spaceflight Now: Despite engine malfunction, powered-down Japanese moon lander achieves major goals.
Ars Technica: A Japanese spacecraft faceplanted on the Moon and lived to tell the tale.
Space Policy Online: JAXA’s SLIM literally lost an engine, and NASA’s LRO spots SLIM on the surface.
NASA: NASA’s LRO Spots Japan’s Moon Lander.
SpaceCom: NASA orbiter spies Japan's struggling SLIM moon lander on lunar surface (photo).
SciNews: SLIM landing on the Moon - Onboard camera view.
Scott Manley: Japan Finally Reveals What Happened To Their Lunar Lander! And It Really Did Surprise me!
De Maan – Peregrine.
Space Kate: Astrobotic – Peregrine Mission 1.
The Space Review: The phases of lunar lander success.
Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.
Universe Today: Venus’ Clouds Contain Sulfuric Acid. That’s Not a Problem for Life.
Space News: Not Invisible Anymore: Satellites reveal sources of atmospheric methane.
Space News: Video Replay – Not Invisible Anymore: How satellites monitor atmospheric methane.
Space News: International campaign required to map and monitor atmospheric methane.
ESA: Sentinel-1 and AI reveal 75% of fishing vessels not tracked.
The Universe Mag: After Peregrine and SLIM: LRO photographed the landing site of the next lunar mission.
Universe Today: China Reveals How it’s Planning to Search for Water Ice at the Moon’s South Pole.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4073-4075: A Fractured Filled Plan.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4076–4077: Driving Into Springtime.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sol 4078: Polka Dots and Sunbeams.
UCLA: Confirmation of ancient lake on Mars builds excitement for Perseverance rover’s samples.
SpaceCom: NASA's Perseverance rover confirms presence of ancient lake on Mars and it may hold clues to past life.
De Morgen: Marsrover NASA bevestigt: ooit was er water in krater op de rode planeet.
NASA Perseverance: New Year, New images from Mars!
Universe Today: Future Mars Helicopters Could Explore Lava Tubes.
Gizmodo: Lunar Satellite (LRO) Shoots Lasers to a Moon Lander (Vikram) for the First Time.
ESA: Return to the labyrinth.
DLR (filmpje): IDEFIX-Rover vor Reise zum Marsmond Phobos: die MMX-Mission.
Universe Today: Why Mars Died.
SpaceCom: NASA Juno spacecraft picks up hints of activity on Jupiter's icy moon Europa.
Universe Today: Finally, Let’s Look at the Asteroid Treasure Returned to Earth by OSIRIS-Rex.
SpaceCom: NASA finally opens OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample canister after freeing stuck lid.
Physorg: Team discovers evidence of cometary dust hitting the asteroid Ryugu.
SpaceCom: Messenger comets might be why Earth has life, asteroid Ryugu samples suggest.
Universe Mag: NASA will launch a spacecraft to capture space dust in 2025.
Nog dit:
Universe Today: Exploring the Solar System with Swarms of Microprobes.
Space News: Zeno to recycle decades-old radioactive material to fuel its radioisotope power systems (RTG).
Twintig jaar Spirit en Opportunity.
NASA: Celebrating NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Rovers’ Mars Landings.
SpaceCom: Happy 20th, Spirit and Opportunity! How the Mars rovers expanded our horizons.
Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.
In-Orbit Refueling.
ClearSpace: ClearSpace and Orbit Fab Partner to Create In-Space Refueling Service.
Space News: Orbit Fab and ClearSpace to develop in-space refueling service.
Payload: Orbit Fab and ClearSpace Collaborate on In-Orbit Refueling.
Websites: OrbitFab en ClearSpace.
Space News: Astroscale reveals concept of operations for its in-orbit refueling vehicle.
Via Satellite: Astroscale Plans Refueling Mission APS-R With Space Force Funding.
ExecutivGov: Space Force Investigates On-Orbit Refueling in Latest Tabletop Exercise Series.
Space News: Space Force wargames potential satellite refueling plans.
The Space Review: A unified theory of suborbital docking and refueling.
Primeur voor Nederland.
SpaceOfficeNL: Primeur Nederlandse ruimtevaarttechnologie: eerste dataoverdracht via lasersatellietcommunicatie.
Om af te ronden – NASA eert haar “gevallen helden”.
NASA: NASA’s Day of Remembrance: Honoring Fallen Heroes.
Collect Space: NASA honors its fallen astronauts on annual Day of Remembrance.
SpaceCom: NASA honors fallen astronauts with 'Day of Remembrance' ceremony today.
SpaceCom: NASA stresses Artemis 2 moon crew safety as agency remembers fallen astronauts.µ
NASA: NASA Day of Remembrance 2024 – Honoring Our Fallen Heroes.
Veel lees- en kijkplezier,