De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/07–688

Met Odysseus werd een nieuwe maansonde gelanceerd, de tweede voor NASA’s CLPS. De vlucht loopt nog niet helemaal volgens plan en we zien volgende week wel of het met de landing gaat lukken. En verder was het weer al SpaceX dat de klok sloeg. Niet alleen met de lancering van Odysseus maar ook 3 lanceringen vanop 3 lanceerplatformen op een dag tijd, terwijl op een vierde platform Starship wordt voorbereid voor diens derde lancering. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.

Bij de foto: Met twee tot drie SpaceX-lanceringen per week zijn dit soort van beelden wellicht geen zeldzaamheid meer in Florida. In de achtergrond vertrekt een Falcon 9 die voor de militairen een reeks satellieteni in de ruimte bracht. In de voorgrond staat een andere Falcon 9 klaar om de NOVA C (Odysseus) richting Maan te sturen. Foto: SpaceX


Een beetje Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws 


Nieuws over PROBA 3.
ESA: Proba-3 gereed: formatievliegende satellieten volledig geïntegreerd.
ESA: Proba-3 voor veiligere dubbele satellietbesturing.
ESA: Oog in oog met de zonsverduistering van Proba-3.


België werkt mee aan NASA’s NEO Surveyor.
Thales: Thales Alenia Space will provide communication equipment to NASA’s NEO Surveyor mission.


Nieuws van Aerospacelab.
VEEAM: Aerospacelab partners with Veeam for rapid data restoration and enhanced security in satellite manufacturing.


Meer nieuws uit België.
OIP en zijn Cloud Imager Spectrometer voor ESA’s Copernicus Anthropogenic Cardon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M).
OIP: CLIM - CLoud IMager Spectrometer.

Een toepassing van aerogel.
De Tijd: Changemakers: Jonge Genkenaar wil met Aerobel superisolator van ruimtevaart naar bouw brengen.

(via linkedin): STEM Workshop – Astronautentraining.



De lanceringen van afgelopen week. Alsook (ont)koppelingen met het ISS. 


14.02.2024 – SpaceX lanceert USSF-124.
US DoD: MDA, SDA Announce Upcoming Launch of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor and Tranche 0 Satellites.
Air & Space Forces: SDA Launches Missile Tracking Satellites; All of ‘Tranche 0’ Now in Orbit.

Space News
: SpaceX launches U.S. missile-defense satellites.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launching secret national security mission for US Space Force today.
SatTrackCam Leiden: USSF-124, launching the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor.
Ars Technica: SpaceX launches military satellites tuned to track hypersonic missiles.
NSF: SpaceX launches missile tracking satellites for MDA and SDA.

SpaceX: Lancering USSF 124.
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches USSF-124 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.


ISS – Progress verlaat het ruimtestation (13.02.2024).

SciNews: Progress MS-24 undocking.


15.02.2024 – Soyuz 2.1a lanceert Progress MS-26 naar het ISS.
TASS: State commission approves fuelling, launch of Soyuz rocket with Progress MS-26.

NASA: Expedition 70 Progress 87 Cargo Ship Launch from Baikonur Cosmodrome - Feb. 14, 2024.
Roscosmos: Lancering Progress MS-26.
Roscosmos: Technische uitzending lancering Progress MS-26.
SciNews: Progress MS-26 launch.


15.02.2024 – SpaceX lanceert met een dag vertraging NOVA C naar de Maan.
Space News: Intuitive Machines ready for launch of its first lunar lander.

Space News
: Fueling issue delays Intuitive Machines lunar lander launch.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX, Intuitive Machines stand down from Valentines’ Day launch.
Ars Technica: Fueling a spacecraft while it’s on a rocket? “Not trivial,” SpaceX official says.

NASA Artemis Blog
: NASA Science Aboard Intuitive Machines Mission for Moon, Watch Now.
NASA Artemis Blog: Liftoff! Intuitive Machines Lander Carrying NASA Science Begins Journey to the Moon.
NASA Artemis Blog: Intuitive Machines Moon Lander Successfully Deploys.
NASA Artemis Blog: Intuitive Machines Lander On Its Way To the Moon.

: NASA Artemis Science, First Intuitive Machines Flight Head to Moon.
Collect Space: Odysseus' odyssey: Intuitive Machines lander launches to the moon.
Collect Space: Lunar lining: Columbia coat tech insulates Intuitive Machines lander;

Space News
: Falcon 9 launches first Intuitive Machines lunar lander.
NSF: SpaceX launches Intuitive Machines IM-1 mission from Florida.

: Six NASA Instruments Will Fly to Moon on Intuitive Machines Lander.
Business AM: Commerciële maanlander Nova-C is op weg naar de maan.
De Standaard: Jeff Koons wenst zijn kunst naar de maan.

: How NASA's moon landing with Intuitive Machines will help pave the way for Artemis astronaut missions.
The Space Review: Lunar science is entering a new active phase with commercial launches of landers.

Intuitive Machines had in het begin enkele problemen, eerst met de standregeling daarna met de communicatie. Dat lijkt ondertussen opgelost te zijn. Nu heeft men ook de motor een eerste keer getest en dat leek geen problemen op te leveren. Alles lijkt dus in orde voor een landing op 22 februari. Meer detail op de Intuitive Machines website.

NASA: NASA Science Onboard First Intuitive Machines Moon Flight (Feb. 12, 2024).
NASA: Lunar Delivery Readiness for First Intuitive Machines Moon Flight (Feb. 13, 2024).
NASA: Intuitive Machines-1 Launch to the Moon (Official NASA Broadcast).
SciNews: Odysseus Nova-C IM-1 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
SciNews: Odysseus Nova-C IM-1 deployment.

Dit stond ooit ook gepland gelanceerd te worden tijdens deze vlucht. Maar wat de status van het project momenteel is lijkt nogal onduidelijk te zijn.
The Street: DOGE-1's Galactic Mission to the Moon: Will Dogecoin Make History Too?


15.02.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten Group 7-14 (VSFB).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launching 22 Starlink satellites from California tonight.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX scrubs Falcon 9 launch of Starlink satellites from Vandenberg Space Force Base.

: SpaceX launches 300th Falcon 9 rocket with successful Starlink mission

SpaceX: Lancering Starlink-satellieten.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 139 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 15 February 2024.


17.02.2024 – Progress MS-26 koppelt met het ISS.
TASS: Progress MS-26 with candies, scientific equipment, other cargo docks to ISS.

SciNews: Progress MS-26 docking.


17.02.2024 – Na het falen vorig jaar is de tweede lancering van de Japanse H3 is een succes.
The Register: Japan's space program seeks reboot with Wednesday launch.
Gizmodo: After an Explosive First Attempt, Japan Will Try Again to Launch the H3 Rocket.
The Japan Times: Japan’s space agency set to retry H3 rocket launch.

: Launch Postponement of the second H3 Launch Vehicle.
JAXA: Launch Schedule of the second H3 Launch Vehicle (H3TF2) [Rescheduled].
JAXA: Launch Time and Launch window of the second H3 Launch Vehicle (H3TF2).
JAXA: Launch Result of the second H3 Launch Vehicle (H3TF2).

Voor de liefhebbers van de Japanse taal en/of de fans van vertalingstools bij de de H3 TF2 Press Kit (PDF) alsook een aparte PDF met het lanceringsplan.
De JAXA-webpagina’s voor deze lancering vind je hier.

Space News
: H3 reaches orbit on second launch.
NSF: JAXA reaches orbit on the second launch of H3.
Space Policy Online: Japan scores success on second H3 launch.
AP News: Japan’s new flagship H3 rocket achieves planned trajectory in key test after failed debut last year.
Nikkei Asia: Japan eyes commercial space market after H3 rocket launch success.

De Standaard
: Jaar na mislukte lancering, vliegt Japanse H3-raket met succes de ruimte in.

JAXA: Pre-launch briefing (in het Japans).
JAXA: Launch of the Second H3 Launch Vehicle.
JAXA: H-III lancering (samenvatting).
JAXA: Post-flight press conference (in het Japans).
SciNews: The second launch of the H3 Launch Vehicle (H3TF2)





Eerste Ariane VI op weg naar zijn lancering.
ESA: First Ariane 6 flight model ships to Europe’s Spaceport.
ESA: Goodbye, Ariane 6 test model.


New Glenn op het pad.
Universe Today: New Glenn rocket was first installed on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral.

The Space Bucket: Blue Origin's New Glenn Has Begun Launch Pad Testing!


Over Vulcan en de ULA-verkoop.
Space News: Bruno trumpets transformation of ULA after Vulcan launch.
Spaceflight Now: ‘Cleanest first flight,’ ULA president reflects on inaugural Vulcan launch and future of program.


Over het hergebruik van de Vulcan.

The Space Bucket: ULA Has Begun Testing Vulcan BE-4 Engine Reuse!


Orionespace haalt extra geld op.
CNA: China rocket startup Orienspace raises nearly $84 million.
Reuters: China rocket startup Orienspace raises nearly $84 mln.
Space News: Chinese launch startup Orienspace secures $83.5 million.





ESA en het Europese Commercial Cargo programma.
Space News: ESA sees strong interest in commercial cargo program.
European Spaceflight: ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti to Lead Agency’s LEO Cargo Return Initiative.


ISS – Crew 8 – Uitstel van lancering.
NASA: NASA, SpaceX Target Late February for Crew-8 Launch to Station.
SpaceCom: SpaceX delays Crew-8 astronaut launch for NASA to Feb. 28 to make way for private moon mission.
NASA Commercial Crew: NASA, SpaceX Target March 1 for Crew-8 Launch to Space Station.
SpaceCom: SpaceX and NASA say Crew-8 astronauts won't launch to ISS until March 1 after private moonshot.

Syracuse: NASA astronaut, Jeanette Epps is headed to space to live on the International Space Station


ISS – Nieuwe ruimtepakken.
Zie ook vorige NUDR.

: Collins Aerospace Tests NASA Space Station Suit in Weightlessness.
SpaceCom: This astronaut took 5 spacewalks. Now, he's helping make spacesuits for future ISS crews (exclusive).


ISS – Starliner.

Boeing: Watch NASA and Boeing perform a two-parachute drop test ahead of Starliner's Crew Flight Test.


ISS – Dream Chaser.

Sierra Space: Dream Chaser Spaceplane and Shooting Star Cargo Module Journey.


ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Conducts Stem Cell Research and Training as Cargo Craft Nears Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Tech Installs and Maintenance for Crew Ahead of Cargo Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Replaces Scientific Hardware; Cargo Craft Readies for Launch.
NASA ISS Blog: Cargo Craft Successfully Launches to Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Stem Cell Science and Human Research Studies Ahead of Cargo Arrival.
NASA ISS Blog: Stem Cell Research Continues, Crew Preps for Cargo Arrival.
NASA ISS Blog: Resupply Ship Approaching Station for Docking Live on NASA TV
NASA ISS Blog: Resupply Ship Docks to Station Completing Space Delivery

: ISS Daily Summary Report – 07/02/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/02/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/02/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/02/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 13/02/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 14/02/2024.


ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
PhysOrg: Flame burns out on NASA's long-running spacecraft fire experiment.
Japan Today: Space surgery: Doctors on ground operate robot on ISS for first time.

NASA: Space to Ground: The Bell Lap: Feb.16, 2024.
NASA: NASA Astronauts Aboard Space Station Huddle Up for Super Bowl.
NASA: Expedition 70 Astronaut Loral O’Hara Talks with WCAI (NPR) Radio, Massachusetts - Feb. 14, 2024.


De overgang van ISS naar commerciële ruimtestations.
Space Policy Online: Transitioning from ISS to commercial space stations – Plenty of questions, but few answers.
Space News: Industry seeks more resources, policy changes to support transition from ISS to commercial space stations.
SpaceCom: US space science could fall behind China if private successors to ISS are delayed, Congress warns.
Payload: China Could Fill Potential Post-ISS Gap in LEO, Industry Says.

: What space stations of the future could look like.



Naar de Maan (en Mars).


Artemis 2.
SpaceCom: How will Artemis 2 astronauts exercise on the way to the moon?
NASA: Teams Add Iconic NASA ‘Worm’ Logo to Artemis II Rocket, Spacecraft.


Artemis 3.
NASA: Rocket Propellant Tanks for NASA’s Artemis III Mission Take Shape.


Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
Space News: Greece signs Artemis Accords.
Space News: Uruguay signs Artemis Accords.

Space News
: Blue Canyon to deliver spacecraft for U.S. Air Force cislunar mission.
Universe Today: Blue Origin founders create a secret startup – Interlune – to extract helium-3 on the Moon.
Universe Today: Engineers Design Habitats for the Moon Inspired by Terminite Mounds.

: Astronauts may accidentally threaten Mars missions with their gut bacteria, scientists warn.
NASA: Martians Wanted: NASA Opens Call for Simulated Yearlong Mars Mission.

Radio 1
: De maan krimpt (en dat zorgt voor kopzorgen bij astronauten).


Starship – Aftellen naar IFT-3.
SpaceCom: SpaceX rolls giant Starship rocket to launch pad ahead of 3rd test flight (photos).
NSF: Starship Flight 3 Fully Stacked for WDR testing.
SpaceCom: SpaceX could launch Starship again 'in about 3 weeks,' Elon Musk says.
SpaceCom: SpaceX stacks giant Starship rocket ahead of 3rd test flight (video, photos).
Universe Today: In three weeks: Elon Musk announces the third flight of Starship.

Space Voyaging
: Now We Know How SpaceX Can Livestream Falcon 9’s Landing.

: SpaceX’s $100M Starbase industrial factory “already well underway:” Elon Musk.

NSF: This Stack Will Fly! Soon!
NSF: Stage Almost Set for Starship WDR | Starbase Update.
NSF: We Launched Our Flight 3 Patch? While Waiting For a Lift!
WAI: SpaceX Starship IFT3: Full Stack! Last Second Fixes! What happened?
NSF: The Full Starship Stack is Back and Ready For Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: SpaceX Performs Wet Dress Rehearsal of Third Starship Flight Stack.
WAI: SpaceX Gives Vital Starship Launch Update: There Are Good Reasons!
NSF: SpaceX Performs Second Attempt of B10/S28 Wet Dress Rehearsal.
NSF: Crucial Starship Pre-Launch Test Aborted Twice | SpaceX Boca Chica



Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.


Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

ESA: Sun's surprising activity surge in Solar Orbiter snapshot.

SpaceCom: China wants to send plants, microbes and lunar resource experiments to the moon in 2028 – Chang'e-8.
Pan Daily: China’s Chang’e-6 Prepares for Lunar Sample Return Mission.
SpaceCom: China eyes May 2024 launch for 1st-ever lunar sample-return mission to moon's far side.
NASA: Into the Belly of the Rover: VIPER’s Final Science Instrument Installed.
ABC News: Are we about to find out the moon's origin? Japan's space agency may now have clues – SLIM.
NPR: Japan's space agency says it may now have clues about the origins of the moon – SLIM.
NASA: 30 Years Ago: Clementine Changes Our View of the Moon.

NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4093-4094: A Feast of Images!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4096-4097: Fun Math and a New Butte.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4098-4099: With Love From Mars.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4100-4103: Moving "Inland" From Gediz Vallis Channel.
SpaceCom: Solar eclipse on Mars! Perseverance rover sees Martian moon Phobos cross the sun in epic video.
NASA: Team Assessing SHERLOC Instrument on NASA's Perseverance Rover.
NASA Perseverance: Beehive Geyser Beckons.
Ars Technica: Before Ingenuity ever landed on Mars, scientists almost managed to kill it.
SETI Institute (filmpje): From Earth to Mars: The Incredible Story of the Ingenuity Helicopter.
The Space Review: MSR at serious risk.
The Planetary Society: The path forward for Mars Sample Return.
SpaceCom: Life on Mars could have thrived near active volcanoes and an ancient mile-deep lake.
CosmosMag: Ancient Mars was volcanic.

NASA: NASA Announces OSIRIS-REx Bulk Sample Mass.
NASA (filmpje): OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Pour.
NASA (filmpje): Why Did NASA Choose Asteroid Bennu?
Universe Today: OSIRIS-REx’s Final Haul: 121.6 Grams from Asteroid Bennu.
SpaceCom: NASA has more than twice the asteroid Bennu samples it could have hoped for from OSIRIS-REx probe.

Cosmos Mag: Dry asteroids are actually wet: water molecules found.

SpaceCom: NASA's interstellar Voyager 1 spacecraft isn't doing so well — here's what we know.
SpaceCom: NASA's Voyager 1 glitch has scientists sad yet hopeful: 'Voyager 2 is still going strong'



Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.


ViaSat na de overname van Inmarsat.
Payload: Viasat Is Still In Building Mode After Inmarsat Deal.
Via Satellite: Viasat to Initiate Service on ViaSat-3 Satellite, Starts Receiving Insurance Money.


BAE neemt Ball Aerospace over.
GovConWire: BAE Inches Closer to Completing Ball Aerospace Acquisition.
Satellite Pro ME: BAE Systems secures regulatory approvals for acquisition of Ball Aerospace.


Op zoek naar investeerders.
Payload: Private Space Firms Had Their Worst Fundraising in a Decade.
Space Capital (filmpje / algemeen): Space IQ: Space Investment Quarterly.
De Space Investment Quarterly Report kan je hier aanvragen.
Space Capital (filmpje): Space IQ: Q4 2023.
SpaceQ: Rise in space investments in Q4, but 2023 still down.
Space News: Space investors banking on funding uptick in 2024.

: A handful of space companies are running out of cash and time. Here are three at risk: Momentus, Astra en Sidus Space.
Investor Place: Why Is Sidus Space (SIDU) Stock Down 44% Today?
Space Explored: Add Momentus to the list of companies scavenging for cash.

Via Satellite
: Northrop Grumman Posts 14% Space Systems Growth in 2023.
Via Satellite: Boeing Defense, Space & Security Improves Revenue and Narrows Loss in 2023.
EuroNews: Euroviews. Boeing’s tragedy: The fall of an American icon.

Space News
: Venture-backed space companies face “year of reckoning”.

Space News
: French SSA startup Aldoria raises $10.9 million.
Payload: SSA Startup Aldoria Nabs $10.9M Series A.
Space News: Albedo raises $35 million for commercial very low Earth orbit constellation.
Payload: Albedo Raises $35M for its High-Resolution VLEO Imaging.
Space News: AI startup Synthetaic raises $15 million in Series B funding.
Payload: AI Startup Synthetaic Closes $15M Series B.
Space News: LeoLabs raises $29 million.
Payload: LeoLabs Raises $29M for a Global Tracking Network.
CNBC: K2 Space, a startup with SpaceX veterans building monster satellites, raises $50 million.


Varda krijgt (eindelijk) reentry licentie.
Space News: Varda gets reentry license for space manufacturing capsule.
Universe Today: Varda Space receives permission to return the pharmaceutical factory.
Payload: The FAA OKs Varda’s Landing Plans.


Amerika en het Russische nucleaire ruimtewapen.
Payload: Congress Reveals Russia’s Possible Nuclear ASAT Plans.
Ars Technica: Three terms sure to grab attention: Russia, nuclear, anti-satellite weapon.
New Scientist: Russia’s space weapon: Is it nuclear and does it pose a threat?
Space News: White House confirms it has intelligence on Russia’s anti-satellite weapon, but says no immediate threat.
Politico: Why Russia won’t have its anti-satellite weapon in space anytime soon.

: White House claims new security threat related to Russia’s anti-satellite weapon project.
TASS: Biden gives instructions to begin dialogue with Russia over alleged anti-satellite weapon.

SatTrack Leiden
: Nukes in Space?

PBS NewsHour: WATCH: Pentagon holds briefing after White House confirms Russia's anti-satellite capability.


Over de reentry van de Europese ERS-2.
ESA: Saying goodbye to ERS-2
ESA Blog: The ERS 2 reentry in context.


SpaceTechGulf: Space Debris: Impacts on Satellites and Spacecraft.
SWF: SWF & LeoLabs Lead Joint Statement on Debris Remediation in Low Earth Orbit


SSA – Space Situational Awaireness.
Payload: Why Private Companies Provide Better SSA Than The Pentagon.
Satellite Pro ME: Saudi Space Agency and Leo Labs enhance cooperation in space monitoring.

: Satellites Are Getting a Constellation of Traffic Cops.

: Space Surveillance and Tracking: a global challenge.


Constellaties – China.
Vorige berichten in de eerste NUDR van dit jaar.
Business AM: China’s mega-satellietproject: een strategische zet om supersnel internet van Starlink te beconcurreren.
DealStreet Asia: Office of Space Commerce seeks SpaceX’s constellation coordination expertise.
Space News: Shanghai firm behind G60 megaconstellation raises $943 million.


Constellaties – Starlink en Rusland.
NewsWeek: Russia Deploying Starlink in Ukraine—Reports.
Defense One: Russia is using SpaceX’s Starlink satellite devices in Ukraine, sources say.
PCMag: SpaceX: We Are Not Selling Starlink Dishes to Russian Merchants or Military.
Universe Mag: Elon Musk denied the sale of Starlink terminals to Russians.
Ars Technica: Russian forces now using Musk’s Starlink on Ukraine front line.

(filmpje): SpaceX denies selling Starlink terminals to Russian army.
De Standaard: Maakt Rusland gebruik van Starlink? Relatie tussen Kiev en Elon Musk verzuurt verder.


Constellaties – 100 Starlink-satellieten worden de dampkring in gestuurd.
Space News: SpaceX to deorbit 100 older Starlink satellites.
Gizmodo: SpaceX to Deorbit 100 Starlink Satellites Due to Detected Flaw.
SpaceCom: SpaceX deorbiting 100 older Starlink satellites to 'keep space safe and sustainable'.
Ars Technica: SpaceX takes a proactive step toward responsible behavior in orbit.

In kader van deze SpaceX-update:
Universe Mag: Fake news from SpaceX: The company was convicted of publishing unreliable satellite images


Constellaties – Starlink.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's new direct-to-cell Starlink satellites relay their 1st text messages.
WAI (filmpje): What is SpaceX's Starlink Direct-To-Cell?

: Starlink close encounters decrease despite ever-growing number of satellites.
Space News: Office of Space Commerce seeks SpaceX’s constellation coordination expertise.


Universe Mag: Starlink satellites reach a data transfer rate of 42 petabytes per day.
Space in Africa: Botswana Denies Approval for Starlink Internet Bid.

Engineering Today
(filmpje): SpaceX's Innovative Solution: Using Starlink For Continuous Spacecraft Communication


Constellaties – OneWeb.
Space News: Ground delays holding back Eutelsat’s global LEO broadband services.
Gizmodo: SpaceX Starlink Competitor Plagued by Ground Problems in Quest for Global Coverage.
Space News: Eutelsat scales back OneWeb Gen 2 upgrade plan.


Constellaties – Direct-To-Device.
Payload: Iridium Launches Project Stardust.
SpaceCom: SpaceX's new direct-to-cell Starlink satellites relay their 1st text messages.
Space News: Skylo raises $37 million to scale up direct-to-device partnerships.
Space News: Satellite operators join forces to chase direct-to-smartphone opportunity.
Via Satellite: New Industry Organization Mobile Satellite Services Association Focuses on Direct-to-Device Services.


Constellaties – Iridium.
Space News: Iridium weighs in on Ligado’s lawsuit against US government
Space News: Iridium adds five years to constellation lifetime estimate


Constellaties – Militair.
Space News: Internet from space: U.S. Air Force bets on commercial networks.


Constellaties – Navigatie.
ESA: Galileo, now fit for aviation.


Constellaties – Meer nieuws.
Vorige updates vind je in NUDR680 (eind 2023).
Space News: Quindar raises $6 million for automation of satellite constellation operations.
SPJ: The Compliance Issues with Regard to the Registration Procedure of Satellite Constellations.
The Conversation: An astronomer’s lament: Satellite megaconstellations are ruining space exploration.

Space News
: Global satellite capacity prices tumble in Starlink’s wake.
Satellite Pro ME: Euroconsult reveals significant shifts in satellite capacity pricing trends

Space News
: Governments worldwide use satellite communication to close a critical gap.


SpaceX verhuist hoofdkwartier van Delaware naar Texas.
BBC News: Elon Musk says SpaceX's legal home moved from Delaware to Texas.
Teslarati: SpaceX makes the incorporation switch from Delaware to Texas.

De Standaard
: Elon Musk slaat deuken in imago Delaware, de thuisstaat van ondernemend Amerika.


Ook dat nog – Boete voor SpaceX omwille van de veiligheid op het werk.
Reuters: Exclusive: Musk's SpaceX fined after 'near amputation' suffered by worker, records show.


Om af te ronden – Ook hiervoor is er een handboek.
OECD Library: OECD Handbook on Measuring the Space Economy, 2nd Edition.
Gratis. En onder andere als PDF te downloaden.

Veel lees- en kijkplezier,


