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De Duistere Dag #15

02-12-2023 10:00u

Agenda 15th DDD.  All presentations will be in English.


Our Special guestspeake will be Konrah Guhl from Archenhold Sternwarte Berlin



10:00-10:30:  Croissants and Coffee at the Urania Bar. 


10:30 - 10:40: Welcome and Agenda (Kris Delcourte).


10:40 - 11:25:  Guestspeaker Konrad Guhl : "The search for the sun's diameter from early times until today".


11:25 - 12:10:  Kris Delcourte:  Total Solar Eclipse of 20-April at Com (Timor-Leste) and Annular Eclipse of 14-Oct at Santa Fe - NM (USA).


12:10 - 12:25:  Wasyl Moszowski: Total Solar Eclipse of 20-April at Com (Timor-Leste).


Lunch break from 12:25 to 13:45.


13:45 - 14:30: Jörg Schoppmeyer:  Partial Solar Eclipse 30-Apr-2022,  Total Solar Eclipse of 20-Apr-2023, Annular Eclipse of 14-Oct-2023, some Lunar Eclipses.


14:30 - 14:50: Werner Hamelinck: Total Solar Eclipse 20-April at Exmouth.


14:50 -15:35: Guestspeaker Konrad Guhl: "Baily’s Beads Observations to measure solar diameter made by IOTA/ES 2003 - 2023 technique and reduction".


Break 15:35 to 16:05.


16:05 - 16:20: Jan Hellemans Annular Solar Eclipse 14-Oct-2023 Albuquerque.


16:20 - 16:40 Xavier Jubier (to be confirmed) : 14-Oct-2023 annular eclipse,  research on the size of the solar diameter.


16:40 - 17:45  Future eclipses:

  • A focus on the 8-April-2024 eclipse (Mexico, USA, Canada).
  • All future eclipses till 2028 included .

Possibility to join for dinner and to continue our discussions. 

The event is free for VVS and Urania members and for active contributors; 5 Euro for all others